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Biased debate moderator Linsey Davis was a member of the same sorority as Kamala Harris

a month ago -

Although working for a mainstream media news outlet like ABC and being chosen by them to moderate such a crucial debate should tell you everything you need to know about her views, the fact that Harris and Davis were members of the same exclusive sorority and have met before adds even more fuel to the growing allegations of bias in the debate's moderation.

Harris joined Alpha Kappa Alpha, a prestigious historically black sorority, as an undergraduate at Howard University, ...

BIASED: Mainstream media disproportionately covers cases involving white cops shooting black suspects, study shows

July 19, 2020 - bias. By giving the public such a one-sided and inaccurate picture of what’s really going on, they are only heightening racial tensions and creating even more distrust of the police among the very communities that need their protection the most.

One only needs to look and how quickly gun violence is rising in many of the country’s biggest cities as police are sidelined to see what can happen if society loses trust completely in law enforcement.White officers ...

Affidavit surfaces claiming to show pro-Kamala bias in ABC News Trump debate

a month ago -

Dated Sept. 9, 2024, the day before the debate was aired live, a partially-redacted sworn affidavit from someone in Manhattan who has worked for ABC News for 10 years "in various technical and administrative positions" says "significant transformations" have occurred at the network since 1996 when it was acquired that have changed for the worse the direction of how news gets reported.

"These changes suggest a shift from unbiased reporting to a model influenced by ...

Whistleblower alleges biased ABC News gave Harris sample campaign questions ahead of the debate

a month ago - bias could be seen when it came to fact checking, with Trump being fact-checked repeatedly and Harris not being called out even once for misrepresenting facts.

Penn said that he believes a “full internal investigation” is in order and that an outside law firm should be hired to conduct it.

In comments to Just The News’s John Solomon, he said: “I think the day after, suspicion here is really quite high, and I think a review of all their internal texts and emails ...

Trump campaign fact-checks Kamala Harris point by point after biased moderators fail to call out her lies during debate — here are the details

a month ago -

(Article by Jim Hoft republished from

Last night’s debate featured Kamala Harris dodging responsibility for her failed policies while a complicit moderator allowed her to escape scrutiny in yet another display of blatant media bias.

Despite the stacked odds, President Donald Trump emerged victorious, offering clear solutions while exposing Kamala Harris’s disastrous record and long list of lies.

The debate was a glaring example ...

Dr. Roger Marshall announces full investigation into bias, censorship at Google: “a propaganda wing of the Left”

August 02, 2024 -

On X, Dr. Roger Marshall revealed that he wants to get to the bottom of Google's restrictions on the free flow of information, seeing as how it has become the world's number-one search engine.

"No more hiding behind your algorithm – your time is up," Dr. Marshall wrote, calling Google "a propaganda wing of the Left."

(Related: Google News has somehow become even more biased since 2022: just six percent of the articles displayed lean "right" while a whopping ...

Rumble finds video of Google exec admitting to search engine bias

June 20, 2024 -

(Article by Didi Rankovic republished from

According to what Mayer is heard saying in the video shared by Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski, it’s simple: Google products are always shown on top. That’s regardless of popularity, metrics, or other criteria – it’s based solely on Google’s decision to “make it so.”

?BREAKING NEWS: Our legal team has unearthed a video of Google's former VP of Search Products, Marissa Mayer, laughing to Google recruits about ...

Institutionalized BIAS: Connecticut Bar Association THREATENS lawyers who dare to question the rigged prosecution of Donald Trump

June 19, 2024 -

This is according to attorney and George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, who said several members of the Connecticut Bar Association have shared messages with him from President Maggie Castinado, President-Elect James T. (Tim) Shearin and Vice President Emily A. Gianquinto with the unsettling warning. The message can also be found on the Connecticut Bar Association’s website.

The letter is careful to avoid stating that criticizing the case, judge or ...

Zuckerberg’s META-FAKEBOOK censors anyone opposed to Israel’s mass-murdering of Palestinians – Now Meta faces LAWSUIT over bias and discrimination

June 10, 2024 -

A Palestinian engineer named Ferras Hamad filed a lawsuit against Meta just recently in California for discrimination and wrongful termination, because he complained about Meta deleting internal employee messages by Palestinian-Americans that just so happened to mention their relatives in Gaza. Meta even used AI to flag his emojis. Of course, there's no censorship if you support Israel or Ukraine, because that supports the Communist, forever-war-mentality and narrative that the ...

Breitbart openly promoting genocide, extreme news bias in support of Israel’s ongoing crimes against humanity

May 13, 2024 -

Hamas itself said that it accepted a proposal from Egypt and Qatar, mediated by the U.S., that involves the release of all Israeli captives in exchange for Palestinian prisoners. The Netanyahu regime will not agree to it, however, because it contains "far-reaching" conclusions that Israel cannot accept.

"This would appear to be a ruse intended to make Israel look like the side refusing a deal," an Israeli official is quoted as saying about the proposed deal and all the confusion ...

Report finds overwhelming PRO-ISRAEL BIAS in British media outlets when it comes to Gaza reporting

March 18, 2024 -

According to the Daily Expose, the report was "the result of months of qualitative and quantitative analysis" done by researchers from the Center for Media Monitoring (CMM). The said report highlights "the U.K. media's systematic bias in favor of Israel in its reporting on the Gaza situation."

The Expose cited a separate piece by British-Palestinian journalist Hamza Ali Shah, who expounded on  the CMM report for Declassified UK. The report analyzed 176,627 television ...

Google News has become MORE biased since 2022: 63% of articles lean “left,” just 6% lean “right”

February 29, 2024 - bias)

• The New York Times (lean left bias)

• Reuters (center bias)

• Fox News (right bias)

• Yahoo! News (lean left bias)

"All of the top 10 sources curated were rated Lean Left or Left, other than Reuters and Fox News," AllSides notes.

Out of all the search terms evaluated in the analysis, media outlets on the right never accounted for more than 12 percent of the results, except when searching for the term ...

Google’s Gemini AI accused of generating FAKE REVIEWS to smear a book about Big Tech’s political biases

February 29, 2024 -

Peter Hasson, senior politics editor at Fox News, expounded on this accusation in a Feb. 27 op-ed. The work in question was his 2020 book titled "The Manipulators: Facebook, Google, Twitter and Big Tech's War on Conservatives." According to Hasson, the book "was a multi-year project on Big Tech's political biases that drew on inside sources, leaked documents and more."

"I was curious to see if Google's AI program could be trusted to accurately describe an investigative ...

Alex Jones: Biased MSM highlights anti-White violence and prejudice

February 05, 2024 - biased against Blacks

It appears that Jones' remarks not only apply to the mainstream media, but also to the academe. Even if a study is color-blind, i.e. it has no bias toward one race, there must always still be a racial issue to foment.

Back in 2020, Michigan State University (MSU) professor Stephen Hsu was forced to step down from his position after noting in a study that police shootings aren't biased against Blacks. Prior to his resignation, ...

Slow collapse of the MSM shows the majority of Americans waking up to the reality that biased national media is indeed the enemy of the American people

January 08, 2024 - bias, a lies to get the political result they want.

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Doctors sue California for forced “implicit bias” DEI indoctrination in medicine

August 10, 2023 - bias" training for all perinatal health care providers in hospitals and birthing centers.

There is also AB 1407, which requires implicit bias training as a graduation requirement for all nursing students in California.

SB 263 tacks on the same implicit bias indoctrination for all real estate brokers and salespeople, while AB 242 mandates implicit bias indoctrination for all judges, court personnel, and attorneys.

In essence, ...

Institutionalizing bias: MSM, tech companies to strike landmark deal on the use of “FAKE NEWS” content to train AI chatbots

July 07, 2023 -

Now, something huge is about to be embarked on by the mainstream media and the world's largest technological companies. According to the Financial Times (FT), renowned publishers, including News Corp, Axel Springer, the New York Times and the Guardian, are negotiating with tech companies to strike landmark deals for using news content – which most likely is FAKE, or at least biased – to train their artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots.

FT reported that those involved ...

APUSH textbooks are covering the Trump presidency; the bias is worse than you think

April 28, 2023 -

(Article republished from

Used every day by high school students in college-level history classes, the books all contain anti-Trump editorializing, false narratives, and employ selective editing to leave out significant stories that occurred during the Trump presidency.

The books all appear on the College Board’s list of textbooks that meet the AP Course Audit curricular requirements.

Nearly all of the textbooks claim “Russian meddling” ...

Gross corruption and bias: Twitter employees frequented an internal group chat dubbed the “Fauci Fan Club”

January 01, 2023 -

Twitter employees worshiped “The Science” - Dr. Anthony Fauci

Elon Musk has only begun to expose bias and censorship at the “neutral platform” called Twitter. Most recently, Musk uncovered an internal Twitter group chat dubbed the “Fauci Fan Club.” The group chat was discovered in Twitter’s Slack channel. This group chat was used by Twitter employees to praise the corrupt and dishonest Anthony Fauci throughout the covid-19 scandal.

Most notably, Fauci lied to ...

Media Research Center exposes Google’s BIAS: Tech giant rigging search results to favor Dems in midterms

November 01, 2022 -

Conservative watchdog Media Research Center (MRC) put forward this claim in an Oct. 25 piece published on its website. It searched for the campaign websites of Republican and Democratic candidates for 12 key Senate races using Google, Microsoft-owned Bing and DuckDuckGo and looked at the search results. MRC then looked at the organic search results on the first page, where it discovered the Big Tech firm's clear bias against GOP candidates.

The group found ...

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