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Right Now with Ann Vandersteel: Christian believers must have a “warrior mindset” and exercise “spiritual authority,” says John Dyslin – Brighteon.TV

November 09, 2023 -

Dyslin, the author of "Nehemiah Strong: Life-Sustaining Essentials for a Season of Trial," told program host Ann Vandersteel that his work has a chapter on spiritual authority. It talks about believers having God-given authority as His ambassadors, he explained.

"As Christians, we are little Christs; we are His adopted children. We are His ambassadors, and we have astounding spiritual authority living on this earth, as we are sojourners here for the short season....

Fauci now using CULT language to describe his “believers

January 23, 2022 -

Lacqua read a question to Fauci from someone who wanted to know if we should all be worried about future Fauci Flu "variants" emerging, and what Fauci's views are about Big Pharma companies taking advantage of this whole situation for profit.

Fauci responded with:

"Because there are some inherent non-believers that no matter what you say, they give you a real problem."

In other words, not everyone belongs to Fauci's virus cult. And these unbelievers ...

Sermon 23: Correcting the WICKEDNESS inside the church

8 days ago - believers, and that people who commit big sins should be given big rebukes. "He's saying, for those who are really carrying out deep sins, you should rebuke them and call them out publicly," Adams explained.

But this condemnation of sin has a deeper meaning, according to the Health Ranger. When human beings, especially groups of humans, are left to their own devices – they become evil. Thus, the main message of the Holy Bible is for people to stop being wicked.

Follow Awakening....

Sermon 7: Being FREED by Christ and WALKING IN THE SPIRIT

22 days ago - believers free to enjoy liberty, so they would no longer live in bondage. Given that people now have freedom, Adams said they can choose health and abundance.

The Health Ranger explained: "You can choose financial freedom versus financial enslavement. You can choose freedom of speech versus self-censorship. You can choose to live a life of disease prevention through natural herbs, superfoods, nutrition, supplements, sprouts, home gardening and many other things. Or you ...

Sermon 10: What qualifies people to share the Word of God?

23 days ago - believers must have a “warrior mindset” and exercise “spiritual authority,” says John Dyslin – Brighteon.TV.

Nutrition Bible sermon: Mike Adams talks about the importance of putting on the molecular ARMOR OF GOD.

Jonathan Cahn issues prophetic warning to Biden and America: REPENT and stop waging war against the Word of God.

Sources include:

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Sermon 8: Treat your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit, Mike Adams says

a month ago - believers could enjoy their life without having to carry the burden of sin upon themselves," Adams said.

The founder stressed that a believer has a responsibility to act according to the requirements or guidance of the Lord. He added that believers who continue to commit sins against their bodies are not just snubbing or insulting Christ, but are also ignoring the price that Christ paid for them. (Related: The Sondra Heartstone Show: God desires ...

Grapes in the Bible: Symbolism and significance

a month ago - believers cannot lead spiritually fruitful lives unless they remain connected to Christ.

This metaphor highlights the essential, life-giving relationship between Christ and His followers, emphasizing that spiritual growth and vitality stem solely from Him. Without that connection, spiritual "fruit" cannot flourish.

Throughout the Bible, grapes carry a profound significance – symbolizing everything from divine judgment to joy, responsibility and spiritual vitality....

Exhausted Joe hands over reins of first Cabinet meeting in 11 months to First Lady Jill

a month ago - believers."

At the time of this event, Biden had already left the White House for the Biden family home in Delaware.

Jill is widely regarded as the most powerful first lady to enter the White House in a century, with her unofficial authority over the White House only rivaled by former First Lady Edith Wilson, who tightly controlled access to her husband, former President Woodrow Wilson, during the last year of his presidency after he suffered a debilitating stroke ...

BRAINWASHED: Researchers develop AI “mind-sucking machine” to change brains of “conspiracy theorists”

a month ago - believers cannot be convinced to abandon these unfounded and implausible beliefs using facts and counterevidence. Here, we question this conventional wisdom and ask whether it may be possible to talk people out of the conspiratorial 'rabbit hole' with sufficiently compelling evidence."

In order for the scheme to work, these advanced AI systems have to be more personable and believable than your average "news" anchor or mainstream media pundit. Right now, the human herd ...

Poll: Majority of Israelis want to CENSOR social media posts sympathetic to Palestinians in Gaza

a month ago - believers of censorship – in any platform.

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Watch Dan Bongino discussing the role of the media as gatekeepers, and whether censorship is the only way to hide the truth.

This video is from the Son of the Republic channel on related stories:

Former British diplomat: Benjamin Netanyahu is the enemy of peace in Israel.

U.S. State Department leading charge to abolish free speech ...

More Christians were murdered in Soviet gulags than Jews in Nazi concentration camps – why is the anti-Christian holocaust never taught in history books?

2 months ago - believers in Christ.

2) They must have lost their lives.

3) They must have prematurely departed their earthly bodies.

4) They must have died early in situations of witness, meaning because of their faith in Christ.

5) They must die prematurely as a result of human hostility as opposed to natural or accidental deaths, i.e., a car crash, natural disaster, or other "act of God."

The reason why this full definition is important to understand is because it will ...

Orthodox Church blasts Ukraine for passing legislation suppressing any religion with historical links to Russia

2 months ago - believers in Ukraine will find themselves outlawed and will lose their property and place of prayer."

It said that the centralized nature of the law is related to "sad historical precedents such as the persecutions in the Roman Empire during the time of Nero and Diocletian, the so-called de-Christianization of France during the French Revolution of the 18th century, the atheistic repressions in the Soviet Union and the destruction of the Albanian Orthodox Church in ...

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev describes crackdown on Ukrainian Orthodox Church as SATANIC

2 months ago - believers and the world's independent Orthodox churches." He added that any attempt to ban it will only tarnish the reputation of the people endorsing the prohibition.

Medvedev was also optimistic that good will triumph over evil, citing an example from the Bible. He warned that Ukraine "will be destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah were, and the demons will inevitably fall."

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Watch this footage of UOC members ...

Ukrainian parliament approves law BANNING the country’s biggest Orthodox church

August 21, 2024 - believers for the alleged actions of its leaders, he continued.

"It's rare in law to find a bill so contemptuous of legal standards as this bill," the lawyer remarked. "We will go to every court we can. We will go to the United Nations."

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Watch this video about Volodymyr Zelensky and Ukraine's Chief Rabbi Yaakov Bleich planning to ban the UOC.

This video is from the Cynthia's Pursuit ...

Prophecy preacher and genocide apologist Amir Tsarfati says the mass killing of Palestinians is not genocide because God told them to do it

August 18, 2024 - believers in Christ Jesus of "further[ing] the disaster of the ages in their marginalization and demonizing of Israel and the Jews."

Using the same types of buzzwords as the corporate media whenever it talks about "misinformation" and the need to stop it through censorship, Tsarfati, Markell and the others frame Christians as the enemy in all this for not wholeheartedly and unquestioningly supporting Israel no matter what.

"The church must wake and support ...

Britain is proof: Globalists plan to use migrants as a mercenary army against the West

August 15, 2024 - believers. From the Quran:

Quran [9:29] Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

Third world migrants are hired muscle for the political elites. They can terrorize the populace, and if the native population ...

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti calls on the Christian Church in America to WAKE UP

August 13, 2024 - believers must have a "warrior mindset" and exercise "spiritual authority," says John Dyslin – Brighteon.TV.

Sources include:

This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing International, LTD. is not responsible for content written by contributing authors. ...

NBC faces FCC complaint for airing OBSCENE Paris Olympics opening ceremony

August 02, 2024 - believers who felt disrespected. (Related: Paris Olympics officials issue half-hearted apology after worldwide outrage over woke Last Supper parody)

"There was clearly never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. On the contrary, I think we tried to celebrate community. We believe this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offense, we're of course really sorry," Descamps said during a news conference on Sunday, July 28.

The ceremony's ...

BREAKING: 2025 NDAA authorizes mandatory military draft of WOMEN across America… as Pentagon pursues global NUCLEAR war with both Russia and China at the same time

June 15, 2024 - believers increased, interference in church affairs, which ultimately led to a split. No one seems to notice this interference, as if it is normal. Try to do something different elsewhere, and there will be so much artistic whistling that your ears will fall off. But there it’s allowed, because it’s against Russia.

Millions of residents of Ukraine, primarily from its eastern regions, opposed the coup, as is known. They were threatened with reprisals and terror. And ...

Leftists want to deprogram MAGA supporters and send them to “re-education camps”

June 12, 2024 - believers.

Twenty-seven percent of registered voters who support Trump believe the legacy of slavery affects the position of Black people in the U.S. today, while 73 percent say it has little to no impact, as per the polling.

As for Biden’s supporters, 79 percent said the legacy of slavery is still making an impact on the standing of Black people, compared to 20 percent who said it doesn’t have much of an effect.

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