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Barges “dead in the water” in drought-stricken Mississippi River; supply chains collapsing

October 31, 2022 -

Regional drought conditions have made it impossible, in some spots, for barges carrying the fall harvest of soybeans, corn, and other commodities from farm to market, to pass.

In some areas, barges carrying large loads of crops are stuck in the mud, which is fast-becoming dry dirt as water levels continue to drop. (Related: Some sections of the Mississippi River are now completely closed because water levels are too low to allow for safe passage.)

Right ...

Two Pittsburgh bridges closed after 26 barges break loose on Ohio River

April 17, 2024 -

City responders were alerted around 11:30 p.m. to the situation, involving 26 barges drifting downriver. Twenty-three of the barges were carrying cargoes like coal and fertilizer, while the other three were empty, as stated by the Pittsburgh Department of Public Safety and U.S. Coast Guard officials in a news release. (Related: Cargo ship that hit Baltimore Bridge was also involved in Belgium collision in 2016.)

One coal-laden barge is still missing and ...

Massive bean piles appearing along Mississippi River as barges can’t navigate shrinking river

October 16, 2022 - barges are stuck and cannot move at all, barge prices are reportedly hyperinflating. As of this writing, the highest USD per ton price shown is $90.44. Prior to the massive spike, it was under $10 to move a ton of goods.

The vast majority of the now-stranded bean piles and other farm goods were intended for major export terminals in the Gulf of Mexico. While at least some of them appear to be covered and ventilated, how long will they really last before spoiling?...

Minnesota’s Rapidan Dam in “imminent failure condition” after heavy rains, nearby residents told to evacuate

June 26, 2024 - barges break loose on Ohio River.

Historic rains and flooding push California fault lines toward the “Big One.”

Mississippi farmers say heavy flooding caused them to lose crops.

Killer floods in Europe give the world a glimpse of chaotic future.

Biblical flooding devastates mainland China.

Sources include:

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Barge strikes Pelican Island Bridge in Galveston, causing oil spill and bridge’s partial collapse

May 17, 2024 -

On Wednesday, May 15, a tugboat operator leaving the nearby container terminal Texas International Terminals lost control of two barges it was pushing. One of the barges, owned by Martin Petroleum, struck the Pelican Island Bridge at around 10 a.m. Central Time.

"The current was very bad, and the tide was high," said David Flores, a bridge superintended with the Galveston County Navigation District. "He lost it."

The impact caused a portion of the ...

‘Death trap’: UK starts housing illegal migrants in controversial barge ‘Bibby Stockholm’, as it surfaces government spends 7M per day on asylum seekers in hotels

August 09, 2023 -

(Article by Paul Serran republished from

Even after the UK regained the authority over its borders with BREXIT, it has not been able to tackle the constant influx of migrants coming from France, pouring over the English channel in small boats.

After considering sending the illegals awaiting processing of their asylum claims to Rwanda, in Africa, the Home Office is now considering using barges and military installations to house this ...

Heavy skyscrapers causing New York City to sink, geologists warn

May 22, 2023 -

The more than one million buildings in NYC, which include the iconic Empire State Building and Chrysler Building, were found to weigh nearly 1.7 trillion pounds, which is roughly the equivalent of 140 million elephants.

According to lead researcher and geologist Tom Parsons of the United States Geological Survey, the gradual descent makes NYC extremely vulnerable to natural disasters, with lower Manhattan particularly found to be at the highest risk. Brooklyn and Queens ...

U.S. government FORCES railroads to carry extremely toxic chemicals even if they don’t want to

March 03, 2023 - barges do not have this same obligation and may refuse to carry hazmat at their discretion. Union Pacific does not make Toxic Inhalation Hazard materials, own the tank cars that move TIH or decide the origin or destination to which it is shipped. However, the common carrier obligation requires Union Pacific to transport TIH."

Truth be told, UP and NS would more than likely never say no to transporting these chemicals in the first place because to do so would be to ...

EXCLUSIVE: Hot fusion breakthrough only “allowed” because of COLD FUSION (LENR) revolution now under way

December 14, 2022 - barges and many types of vehicles

Hot fusion = Centralized, government controlled, metered, surveiled, can be shut off, very expensive, highly complex, difficult to maintain, tied to the grid, pro-globalism, Big Government and Big (corrupt) Science, cannot power vehicles while driving because it requires a connection to the grid

The future of energy on our planet will be largely transitioned to fusion. That's a certainty. The only real question is whether ...

New islands, sunken ships and lost marine equipment emerge as Mississippi River continues to dry up

November 07, 2022 - barges from becoming stuck. In addition, the authority managing the Tennessee River system said that it would open two dams.The drought already messed up drinking water, economic and recreational activities

According to reports, the water level in some places in lower Mississippi has fallen below records set more than 30 years ago. This condition has crippled one of the most important waterways in the country and has jeopardized the quality of drinking water in ...

ANALYSIS: Biden regime to wage WAR OF TERROR against America as punishment for voting red

November 07, 2022 - barges, boats, long haul trucks, construction equipment and much more. Without diesel, America's economy grinds to a halt virtually overnight. It is astonishing that as America faces a diesel scarcity emergency, Buck Foe Jiden is promising to halt new drilling and shut down coal plants as well.

These are, by any rational analysis, acts of terrorism against America's civilian infrastructure.The Obiden regime relentlessly attacks civilian infrastructure when ...

Food supply woes persist: Grain shippers delay deliveries amid barge quagmire

November 01, 2022 -

Still, the spot rate is up 130 percent from last year and up 260 percent from the three-year average as the limited rains across the South and the Midwest dropped the water level on the Mississippi River to levels that have become too shallow for many barges to navigate effectively.

The water levels on the Lower Mississippi River also continue to be an issue, with the river gauging at Memphis dropping to a new record low of -10.76 feet, slowing the delivery ...

Diesel fuel supplier issues “code red” alert for Southeast U.S. as diesel supplies plummet, threatening transportation

October 28, 2022 - barges.

"There is no diesel for trucks to relieve the barges either."

Want a front-row seat to the unraveling of the global economy? Visit

Sources for this article include:

This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing International, ...

Americans are SKIPPING MEALS because they can’t afford food as Biden’s food inflation fiasco gets even worse

October 27, 2022 - barges to become stuck in the river. Large hills of beans -- yes, literally -- are appearing alongside the banks of the Mississippi due to a lack of barge transport capacity.

Now, a diesel fuel crisis is emerging in the southeast, with some diesel distribution hubs already running dry, warns Mansfield Energy Corp in an alarming "code red" announcement:

Poor pipeline shipping economics and historically low diesel inventories are combining to cause shortages ...

Parts of Mississippi River forced to CLOSE due to worsening drought crisis

October 20, 2022 -

A stretch of the river about 125 miles northeast of Memphis near Hickman, Ky., closed on Monday, after which dredging operations commenced to clear debris from the waterway.

The United States Coast Guard announced that three vessels and 51 barges are still waiting in line at Hickman to get through, though it is unclear when that might be possible. (Related: Barges carrying food crops are unable to pass through certain parts of the Mississippi River, ...

Alaska’s snow crab season CANCELED due to population crash; lying media blames “climate change”

October 21, 2022 -

Alaskan officials say an unprecedented decline in crab numbers has rendered the region unfit for the normal catch, delivering another blow to the food supply chain. (Related: Mississippi River barges are having a difficult time transporting food due to drought-induced water level drops.)

"We're still trying to figure it out, but certainly there's very clear signs of the role of climate change in the collapse," alleges Michael Litzow, a shellfish assessment program ...

Mississippi River drought wreaks havoc across America’s supply chains

October 18, 2022 - barges can't navigate shrinking river.)

Around 500 million tons of supplies are delivered along the Mississippi River every year. The trade value of these products is estimated to be worth more than $130 billion, according to the Port of New Orleans. Most of these products are agricultural in nature, like corn and soybeans.

"America is going to shut down if we shut down," said Mike Ellis, chief executive officer of American Commercial Barge Line LLC. He said ...

Global food, commodities supply chain crisis set to explode as falling river levels crush barge traffic in US

October 18, 2022 - barges to be 'grounded,' so to speak. That's because, as Premack notes, it is harvest season for America's farmers, and they are needing to move their crops to processing plants and to various other markets. Besides a severe reduction in barge traffic, there are ongoing labor problems in the rail industry, and as such, that backup system is also in jeopardy.

"Halted or slowed barge traffic is worrisome for the world at large too. American exports of coal are key ...

Eight critical PREDICTIONS that will reshape the rest of 2022 and all of 2023: Food, finance, war, layoffs, pandemic bioweapons and more

October 19, 2022 - barges

- FOOD WILL ROT on the farms across the USA, with no means of transportation

- GPS signals jammed / blinded in Texas - is it China's test run?

- Russia takes out NATO / Ukraine satellite comms station, blinding Ukraine

- NIAID director admits Boston University bioweapons research was NOT authorized

- Gain-of-Function bioweapon may be "accidentally" released in Boston

- EcoHealth Alliance bragged about huge grant funding to work with Boston University

- ...

BARGE-POCALYPSE unfolding as rivers DRY UP, leaving farmers and coal producers with no transportation

October 14, 2022 -

As explains, barges are far more important to the world economy than you might imagine:

In other words, barges are by far the most fuel-efficient and cost effective way to move goods. This is why, of course, many of the world's largest cities are located on rivers. It's all about trade and transportation.

But when geoengineering is being actively pursued (see White House geoengineering programs, below) ...

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