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Why are Michelle and Barack Obama so closely linked to rapists and sex traffickers?

3 days ago -

(Article republished from

Shadow of Ezra:

These departures are allegedly tied to claims that the infamous “freak offs” were actually organized and funded by some of the most powerful CEOs in the music world.

— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) September 19, 2024

The truth is, Diddy was one of them—he was part of the Obama orbit, running in the same circles, befriending all the same people. Everyone knew who he was and what disgusting stuff he was ...

Barack Obama says Trump incited U.S. Capitol violence, but Obama helped foster, nurture and enable the destructive BLM movement

January 13, 2021 -

BLM adherents rioted often in response to the shooting deaths of mostly unarmed, young black men and often by police — despite the fact that in the majority of cases, the shootings were justified (and juries, as well as boards of inquiry, concluded as much).

But rather than fault BLM for destroying property, creating mayhem and committing acts of violence against innocent Americans, Obama — always the political opportunist — exploited the incidents to advance his agenda ...

Barack Obama committed treason against America by approving “Spygate” — is he now the focus of investigations?

December 31, 2019 -

Former FBI James Comey certainly played a role, as did his deputy, Andrew McCabe. We know that CIA Director John Brennan played a part, as did the director of national intelligence, James Clapper. 

FBI counterterrorism official Peter Strzok seems like he was the operation’s point man, aided and abetted by former FBI lawyer Lisa Page. Their efforts were being tracked by Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the No. 4 Justice Department official at the time, Bruce Ohr. His ...

Kamala Harris secures endorsements from top Democrats except Barack Obama

July 24, 2024 -

According to LifeSiteNews, Harris got the nod of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Alex Soros and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

"We are honored to join the president in endorsing Vice President Harris and will do whatever we can to support her," the Clintons said in a joint statement. "Now is the time to support [her] and fight with everything we've got to elect her. America's future depends on it."

"It's ...

Barack Obama makes bizarre claim that climate change will cause a refugee crisis that’s “unprecedented in human history”

May 16, 2017 -

An example of this was seen during Barack Obama’s recent speech at the Global Food Innovation Summit in Milan, Italy. As reported by The Independent, in his speech, the former president claimed that climate change would cause a refugee crisis that is “unprecedented in human history,” and that the inability to grow crops due to rising temperatures was “leading to political instability.”

Barack Obama went on to say that the United States is experiencing “floods ...

Notable Dem donor Ed Buck, who donated to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, sentenced to 30 years for OD deaths of two black men

May 15, 2022 -

According to reports, Ed Buck, 67, was sentenced last week by U.S. District Judge Christina Snyder less than a year after he was found guilty of nine felony counts that involved the overdose deaths of the two men.

"This defendant preyed upon vulnerable victims – men who were drug-dependent and often without homes – to feed an obsession that led to death and misery," said U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California Tracy Wilkison in a statement.

"Mr. Buck ...

Owen Shroyer slams Barack Obama for promoting Big Tech censorship

May 04, 2022 -

In a recent episode of his "War Room" program, Shroyer zeroed in on a speech delivered April 21 by Obama at Stanford University in California.

"[When] I'm talking to people at these [Big Tech] companies, I believe they are sincere in trying to limit content that engages in hate speech, encourages violence or poses a threat to public safety. They genuinely are concerned about it, [and] they want to do something about it," said the former president. "While content moderation ...

Why are Barack and Michelle Obama so closely tied to P. Diddy and many other elite rapists, sex offenders?

a day ago -

P. Diddy is dominating media headlines right now for the wickedness he and his friends perpetrated on Justin Bieber and many others in the music industry who were taken advantage of, often in sexually perverse ways. And the Obamas keep coming up as co-conspirators in the whole mess.

Barack and P. Diddy have been close friends for a long while now. They attended the same parties, appeared in pictures together, and were all-around chummy with one another until P. Diddy's time ...

Former NYC Covid czar admits to secret drug-fueled sex parties during plandemic: “I had to be kind of sneaky about it”

3 days ago -

While NYC's residents were stuck at home staying "safe," Varma was engaged in disease-swapping orgies that he admitted to an undercover reporter would have "pissed" off the general public had they known what was happening behind closed doors.

"I had to be kind of sneaky about it," Varna told Steven Crowder, who shared the undercover video footage to Twitter / X.

"I was running the entire Covid response for the city ... we rented a hotel ... we all took, like, you know, ...

LAUGHABLE: Hillary Clinton demands CRIMINAL CHARGES for Americans spreading “disinformation”

4 days ago -

She voiced this out during a Sept. 17 appearance on "The Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC. According to the former first lady, holding American individuals accountable through civil or criminal charges could serve as a warning to deter the distribution of "disinformation."

Clinton also acknowledged the importance of indicting foreign actors, namely the Russians, who are responsible for what she dubs as election interference. However, Americans who play a role in amplifying disinformation ...

Tulsi Gabbard: Criticizing Kamala Harris put me on “secret terrorist watchlist”

16 days ago -

The former congresswoman for the Aloha State recounted details of this ordeal in a video posted Sept. 4 on the X platform. According to her, she was placed on the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) Quiet Skies program (QSP) in July. Her inclusion in the QSP came a day after she warned about Harris and the Deep State on the matter of foreign policy during an appearance on "The Ingraham Angle" on Fox News.

"Harris is not knowledgeable or strong enough to stand up ...

21 False claims & hoaxes by Kamala Harris that ABC’s debate moderators did not fact check

16 days ago - Vice President Kamala Harris issued a slew of false claims and hoaxes that ABC debate moderators did not fact check during Tuesday’s debate against former President Donald Trump.

(Article by Alana Mastrangelo republished from

Here are 21 false claims and hoaxes that Harris uttered on live television, in front of millions of Americans:

1. “Very fine people” hoax

Harris claimed Trump called neo-Nazis in Charlottesville “very fine people,” a widely known hoax ...

Kamala Harris working with Tim Walz to create federal Department of GROCERIES – food price controls and empty shelves won’t be far behind

18 days ago -

The economic plan involves having the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) use antitrust laws as leverage to control the price of food, which ultimately means controlling private business entirely.

Americans saw something similar back when Barack Obama had the federal government take control of Detroit's automobile industry. Kamala is doing the same kind of thing except instead of cars, she and Walz will decide how much your family's meals cost.

At issue right now ...

CNN pushing NOTHING BURGER conspiracy theory “Russia, Russia, Russia” again to prepare America for the Left NOT certifying a Trump victory

18 days ago -

Today, the Counterfeit News Network (CNN) is running the script, saying the U.S. government is getting ready to accuse the Russians of sustained meddling in the 2024 election, according to their “sources” that they simply don’t name. It’s another circle jerk of fake sources where the Leftist media quote each other and the shilling presstitutes (pundits and reporters who all read the same Obama script from their teleprompters).

This is all to prepare the American people for ...

Net worth of top Democrat politicians is obscene, so it’s time for them to practice what they preach and “give up a piece of their pie” so unfortunate others can “have more”

24 days ago -

Wife of the infamous ex-President and Communist Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, also loves communism. Her mantra goes like this, “The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more.” Really? So then what are you doing with all of our tax money? What about the trillion dollars you print every 100 days?Here are Barack and Michelle ...

Kamala’s brother-in-law fleeced BILLIONS from U.S. taxpayers to funnel into left-wing groups, lawyers

24 days ago -

Kamala's brother-in-law Tony West, who headed up the Department of Justice's (DOJ) Civil Division back during the Barack Obama years, is poised to "claim the crooked crown" from Kamala in the event her backers are successful in pulling off another election heist.

West, who is married to Kamala's sister Maya, invented what the New York Post described as an "Honest Graft" by manipulating the purse strings of the DOJ's Judgment Fund, which is used to settle civil suits ...

Kamala Harris used fake letter to deceive public into thinking Tucker Carlson praised her push for gun control

24 days ago -

Her response caught people's reaction as controversial and "insinuating." She told the letter sender: "Tucker, thank you for writing to me. While we may not agree on every issue, we both know that every person in our nation should have the freedom to live safe from gun violence. Most Americans stand with us in support of commonsense (sic) gun safety legislation."

Harris apparently tried to imply that she was replying to a letter from former Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson....

Mike Adams and Texas Rep. Cloud discuss how boosting domestic energy production could LOWER FOOD PRICES across America

23 days ago -

"The best way to bring food prices down is to have more domestic energy production," Adams began, noting that farming and transportation are using fuel. He pointed out that Texas, his home state, has abundant energy – but Texans are prohibited from tapping into this natural resource.

Cloud, who represents the Lone Star State's 27th district in the U.S. Congress, agreed with the Health Ranger. He stated that the need for energy has been demonized – something the congressman ...

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