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VINDICATION: Study finds Trump “almost certainly” won 2020 election, but mail-in ballot fraud resulted in Biden “winning” instead

February 14, 2024 -

The Heartland Institute put together the report, which gauged the probable impact of voter fraud on the 2020 election results. Based on data collected from a Heartland / Rasmussen survey conducted in December, roughly one-in-five, or 20 percent, of mail-in voters admitted to potentially fraudulent activity in the election.

Further analyses led the research team to determine that mail-in ballot fraud did, in fact, "significantly" impact the 2020 presidential ...

Bridgeport ballot fraud is a dry run for the 2024 presidential election

September 25, 2023 -

(Article by Dr. Joseph Bentivegna republished from

This is the system that will be used in the swing states of the 2024 presidential election with the goal of the Democrats holding the presidency, no matter who the Republicans nominate.

Democratic challenger John Gomes had a significant lead of 3173 to 2644 until the absentee ballots rolled in. These ballots broke overwhelmingly for Ganim 1545 to 779 giving him the victory. Under Connecticut ...

The Achilles heel of mail-in ballot fraud

July 26, 2023 -

(Article by Jay Valentine republished from

Elections are for big stakes.  Pretty much everything is political, and thus, who controls the Legislature gets the goodies.

If you are a government pro, you live or die according to whether your team is in power.  You do what the pros do — you make sure you control your food source.

The laughable RNC "out-ballot-harvest the left" plan is one any sentient adult knows cannot work.  That of course ...

Constitutional sheriffs to hold summit to encourage elected officials to fight ballot fraud ahead of 2022 midterms

July 11, 2022 -

When it became apparent that President Donald Trump would cruise to reelection, noted by the massive rallies and spontaneous vehicle and boat parades that sprang up all over the country (including deep-blue California), the Democratic voter fraud machine kicked into high gear and the party, working with the allied deep state, literally stole the election.

Patriots years from now will question why there wasn't a mass uprising over the blatant theft, but that is a discussion ...

NYC Mayor Adams INDICTED in federal corruption probe

a day ago -

According to a USA Today report, the 57-page indictment against the Big Apple's mayor lists charges of federal bribery, fraud and campaign finance fraud. The indictment unsealed on Sept. 26 accuses Adams of corrupt acts going back 10 years. It also accuses him of being a willing agent for the Turkish government, "trading influence for illegal campaign funds and free trips around the world."

As per the indictment in the Southern District of New York, the mayor is alleged to ...

Mayor Adams delivers statement to New Yorkers about his alleged criminal activity, claiming charges are “completely false and founded on lies”

a day ago -

Adams delivered a statement – watch below – defending himself against allegations that he engaged in bribery, wire fraud, conspiracy, and soliciting campaign contributions from foreign nationals.

"It is now my belief that the federal government intends to charge me with crimes," Adams said in his address to his constituents. "If so, these charges will be entirely false, based on lies, but they would not be surprising. I always knew that if I stood my ground to all of you that ...

Report: Nearly 900K deceased individuals still registered as active voters in Puerto Rico

4 days ago -

The investigators analyzed data from the RGE, interviewed sources from major political parties in the territory, spoke with individuals in the Puerto Rico State Commission on Elections (CEE) and assessed hundreds of other documents.

The CPI discovered widespread irregularities in the electoral process in Puerto Rico. For instance, the CPI found that at least 5,872 deceased individuals who passed away between 2015 and September 2020 were still marked as active voters in the ...

Nevada in 2020 is a prime example of how vote fraud can influence the outcome of an election

5 days ago -

A good place to start is Nevada, where more than 130,000 questionable votes were counted. It was an extremely tight race, with Biden ultimately edging out Trump by 50.06% versus 47.67%. But the most worrying part is that Biden took the state by roughly 33,600 votes. This means things could have turned out far differently if the state had been paying more attention to irregularities.

For example, a Senate hearing on voter irregularities revealed that more than 42,000 individuals ...

Georgia State Election Board approves HAND-COUNTING OF BALLOTS in 2024 presidential election

5 days ago -

During a Sept. 20 meeting, the board voted 3-2 in favor of a motion to require local precincts to hand-count paper ballots. According to InfoWars, the motion seeks to ensure votes cast on paper match the tallies from electronic voting machines.

The requirement in the Peach State, which has been at the heart of several election-related scandals, was lauded by Republicans. It mandates poll workers to open up ballot boxes and count the ballots by hand at the end of the night....

Top 8 NON-RUSSIAN tyranny schemes and destructive weapons used AGAINST U.S. citizens by the current Democrat-Communist Regime in Washington DC

4 days ago -

Make no mistake, Kamala’s KASA extremists are all brainwashed to think that she is a better choice for President than Donald J. Trump, when nothing can be further from the truth. Just in the past four years, Americans have experienced more trauma, hardships and catastrophes than ever before on our own soil, and it’s all been preempted, propagated and perpetuated with fake news from Big Media, Big Pharma and Big Tech.

The number one excuse for all this ill will that’s originated ...

Illegal immigrant pleads guilty to stealing identity of a U.S. citizen, fraudulently obtaining a passport and voting in multiple elections

3 days ago -

The investigation was conducted by the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) of the Department of State, with support from the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, the East Metro Area Crime Center of Oxford, Alabama and the Alabama Secretary of State's Office.

The suspect, Angelica Marie Francisco, a resident of Russellville, Alabama, assumed the identity of a U.S. citizen in 2011. That same year, she used the false identity to secure an American passport for international travel to ...

Hydroxychloroquine did NOT kill thousands of people: Fraudulent study RETRACTED

3 days ago -

The blacklisting of efficacious treatments caused numerous deaths, and the curse continues today

In order to legally achieve Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for experimental use COVID-19 vaccines, the Department of Defense (DoD) and its shell companies — Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson — had to convince the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that there were NO known treatments for COVID-19. Government lockdowns, widespread propaganda, the politicization of propaganda and the ...

Trump warns ILLEGAL VOTERS in 2024 elections – you will GO TO JAIL

4 days ago -

The real estate mogul took to his Truth Social platform to issue a stern warning for those planning to engage in election fraud come November, vowing that they would face severe consequences. "If you vote illegally, you're going to jail," Trump wrote in a brief but direct message on Sept. 20.

"The warning comes as part of Trump's recent focus on ensuring election integrity," YourNews remarked. The warning followed an earlier post of Trump three days prior. The Sept. 17 post ...

DOJ releases new guidelines for election officials dictating who can and can’t be removed from voter rolls

4 days ago -

This move has sparked an intense wave of criticism, with one former DOJ attorney comparing the move to political intimidation that is meant to discourage election officials from successfully guaranteeing that only eligible citizens can cast ballots.

"This is what I perceive as an attempt by the Department of Justice and Civil Rights Division to intimidate state and local jurisdictions and state and local election officials from doing their jobs," said Gene Hamilton, a former ...

Wisconsin judge: RFK Jr.’s name STAYS on the Badger State ballot

10 days ago -

Dane County Circuit Court Judge Stephen Ehlke issued his ruling on Sept. 16, rejecting Kennedy's request to have his name struck off the ballot. According to his decision, Wisconsin law only permits presidential candidates to be removed if they die after submitting valid nomination papers. Ehlke added that state law prohibits candidates from withdrawing after they file nomination papers, and that Kennedy was asking the court to make an exception to the law only for him.

"The ...

Experts: Over 2M illegal aliens could vote in 2024 elections

5 days ago -

Kerri Toloczko, executive director of Election Integrity Network and senior advisor to the Only Citizens Vote Coalition, told conservative media outlet Washington Stand that a 2014 academic journal found that 6.4 percent of noncitizens voted in 2008.

"There are about 24 million noncitizens in the U.S. right now. If they voted only at the same rate of 6.4 percent this year as they did in 2008, they would account for 1.5 million votes." Toloczko said. "Based on the increased ...

Mayor of Muslim-majority city in Michigan endorses DONALD TRUMP for president

4 days ago -

Hamtramck, Michigan Mayor Ameer Ghalib issued his endorsement of Trump on Sept. 22 through a Facebook post. According to 100 Percent Fed Up, the Arab-American mayor was elected in 2021 with 68 percent of the votes cast for him.

"Trump and I may not agree on everything, but I know he is a man of principles. I believe he is the right choice for this critical time. I'll not regret my decision no matter what the outcome would be, and I'm ready to face the consequences," Ghalib ...

Ukraine to get “secret” permission to launch Storm Shadow missiles against Russia

4 days ago -

Storm Shadow cruise missiles are a joint creation of the U.K. and France, which calls its variant the SCALP-EG. Both British and French variants have a range of about 155 miles and have been supplied to Ukraine.

The Times reported that Western diplomats are prepared to renounce Ukraine's use of Storm Shadows in attacks on Russian territory but will refrain from making an official declaration to avoid publicizing the move since it would provide Russia a warning.

Previous ...

Trump says he WON’T RUN for president a fourth time if he loses November elections

5 days ago -

He made this remark during an interview with Sharyl Attkisson on her "Full Measure" program. The 78-year-old Trump's remarks served as an answer to the former CBS News correspondent as to whether the American people will see him run a fourth time.

"No, I don't. I think that will be – that will be it," Trump told her. "I don't see that at all. Hopefully, we will be successful."

According to Reuters, "Trump launched his first reelection bid for the 2020 election the same ...

Sermon 3: Mike Adams explains the difference between MAN’S ECONOMY and GOD’S ECONOMY

5 days ago -

He based this sermon on the Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament, which is often attributed to the wise King Solomon and other authors. A verse in the book states: "The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it." (Proverbs 10:22)

According to Adams, God's economy is very different from man's economy. The worldly economy belongs to the synthetic world created by mankind that often contradicts His principles. Assets defined in the economy of man as ...

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