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Dr. Robert Malone recounts 30,000-strong rally against replicon injections in Japan: “They call it the third atomic bomb

18 days ago - atomic bomb," Malone told attendees of the Washington, D.C. event. (Related: How Japan plans to destroy the world with new "self-amplifying" RNA "vaccine.")

Malone said the replicon vaccine named ARCT-154, ostensibly for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), was the product of the collaboration between three companies – San Diego-based Arcturus Therapeutics, Melbourne-based CSL and Tokyo-based Meiji Seika Pharma (MSP).

The sa-mRNA COVID-19 injection developed by Arcturus ...

Atomic bombshell: We have proof that Rothschilds patented Covid-19 biometric tests in 2015 and 2017

October 18, 2020 -

(Article by Silviu “Silview” Costinescu republished from

Our newest discoveries further these previous revelations.First Registration: Netherlands, 2015

The method includes using a pulse oximeter to acquire at least pulse and blood oxygen saturation percentage, which is transmitted wirelessly to a smartphone.

To ensure that the data is accurate, an accelerometer within the smartphone is used to measure movement of the smartphone ...

Almost TWICE the total tonnage of the Hiroshima atomic bomb has already been dropped on Gaza by Israel – that’s why the place looks NUKED

December 01, 2023 -

The photo below depicts what appears to be a nuclear holocaust in Gaza, which we now know is the outcome of the more than 25,000 tons of atomic-level power that has thus far been dropped on Gaza by Israel.

Comparatively speaking, the destructive power of the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima by the United States on Aug. 6, 1945, was the equivalent of 15,000 tons of TNT.

Many people also talk about the bombing of Dresden, Germany, by Great ...

America is developing a new nuclear gravity bomb that is 24 times more powerful than Hiroshima’s atomic bomb

November 05, 2023 - The U.S. Department of Defense is developing a new and more powerful version of the B61 nuclear gravity bomb to modernize its nuclear arsenal and deter possible nuclear threats from China and Russia.

Hans Kristensen, a nuclear weapons expert at the Federation of American Scientists, explained that the B61-13 will employ the same warheads from the 1980s- and 1990s-era B61-7s, fitted into the same casing and tail kit as the B61-12.

According to ...

Atomic bomb news, articles and information:

a long time ago - Atomic bomb news, articles and information:

Americans Exposed to Atomic Bomb Levels of Radiation through Medical Imaging, CT Scans, Mammograms

Official U.S. history of atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is more fiction than fact

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Atomic bomb tests news, articles and information:

a long time ago - Atomic bomb tests news, articles and information:

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free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.The Consumer Wellness Center is

a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that

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Atomic bombs news, articles and information:

a long time ago - Atomic bombs news, articles and information:

Concepts related to Atomic bombs

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Recommended ResourcesCounterThink Cartoons are

free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.The Consumer Wellness Center is

a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that

help children and expectant ...

MEDICAL HORROR: Covid vaccines have now killed more people than the ATOMIC BOMB dropped on Hiroshima

August 09, 2021 - atomic bomb was directed at a strategic enemy (Japan) which had carried out its own heinous crimes against humanity -- the murder and rape of innocent Chinese civilians during the war, for example -- today the Pentagon is now "nuking" its own personnel by mandating bioweapons spike protein injections of nearly two million active duty U.S. troops. (That number spans all the branches of active military service.) With a post-vaccine death rate of just 25% -- which seems to ...

German news publication claims Zelensky boasts of being “ready” to launch nuclear weapons in weeks

3 days ago -

"Either Ukraine will have nuclear weapons, and then they will be our defense. Or do we have to enter into a kind of alliance? Apart from NATO, we do not know any effective alliances today," Zelensky allegedly said while in a conversation with Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump a few weeks ago, according to the news outlet's article which was translated from German into English.

Some other reports claimed that the Ukrainian leader even bragged ...

Russia warns Israel: Do not to attack nuclear sites in Iran

4 days ago -

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that Israel’s response would come “soon" and would be “precise and deadly.” It is believed the attack will take place some time before Americans head to the polls on November 5, possibly in a bid to keep the topic of Middle East volatility on voters’ minds as they cast their ballots.

With the U.S. election now just weeks away, Russia is one of a handful of countries sounding alarm bells over a potential strike. This week, Deputy Foreign ...

IDF confirms ethnic cleansing plan currently underway in northern Gaza

4 days ago -

A hard date does not appear to be publicly known, but the reservists warned that after the deadline passes, anyone still in northern Gaza "will be considered an enemy and will be killed" by Israel as part of the Zionist state's ethnic cleansing operation in the region.

Known officially as the "general's plan," the ethnic cleansing operation is said to be the brainchild of retired Israeli general Giora Eiland, who wants all Palestinian civilians north of Gaza's Netzarim Corridor, ...

Children’s Health Defense demonstrates shocking scientific illiteracy, conflating “elements” with “chemicals” and misleading the public with scary-sounding headlines rooted in junk science

7 days ago -

ELEMENTS are combined to make MOLECULES. Those molecules are often called "chemicals." The same elements can be used to make very different "chemicals" which are either toxic or nutritive, based entirely on their configuration.

If I combine Hydrogen, Carbon and Oxygen in a certain way, I can create lifesaving vitamin C. (C6H8O6) If I take the exact SAME elements and combine them in a different way, I can create a deadly, neurotoxic, cancer-causing chemical known as formaldehyde ...

The CHD-touted science paper claiming “55 undeclared chemical elements” were found in COVID vaccines is a HOAX … and must be retracted … here’s why (UPDATED)

9 days ago -

The alternative media / alternative health is abuzz today with claims that "55 undeclared chemical elements" were found in COVID vaccines, according to a pre-print research paper that claims to have conducted ICP-MS analysis of vaccines.

Children's Health Defense covered this paper in this article on their website.

The paper is a hoax.

ICP-MS instruments don't detect chemicals. I own two of these instruments and have run them for over a decade, testing over 10,000 ...

Japanese scientists find ABORTION DRUGS in the VACCINES pushed on them by Bill Gates, now warn they may charge him with crimes against humanity

10 days ago - atomic bomb.”

The Japanese VIC is threatening to have anyone JAILED who exposes the new self-replicating mRNA death jabs for what they are, calling it “misinformation.” Even though these new mRNA stabs have NOT been rigorously tested for safety in humans, anyone who questions their use will be deemed a criminal by the high courts and face life in prison. Get ready USA, because you are next.

The fear narratives are coming down the pipe, from Monkeypox to Bird Flu, ...

Departing Russian ambassador to Washington warns of escalating U.S.-Russian tensions and rising risk of nuclear conflict over Ukraine

10 days ago -

Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov has been relieved after seven years of serving as Moscow's top diplomat in the country. In an exclusive interview with Newsweek, Antonov shared his concerns before stepping down after seven years of service.

During his tenure, Antonov became a prominent voice for the Kremlin's stance on U.S.-Russia relations, which have steadily worsened amid the conflict in Ukraine and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's ...

Regime insiders reveal Biden-Harris administration is considering directly joining Israel in attacking Iran

10 days ago -

The system to be sent is the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), which usually requires about 100 troops to operate. It would include six truck-mounted launchers, with eight interceptors on each launcher, as well as a powerful radar. It is capable of intercepting ballistic missiles at ranges of 100 to 125.

On "Liberty Report" with former Texas Rep. Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams, it was also brought up how the current regime is seriously considering directly participating ...

“We f—-d it up:” Biden admits Obama failed when he didn’t prevent Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014

11 days ago -

Woodward wrote about this and other experiences in his upcoming book "War," which media outlets are hyping up as "an intimate and sweeping account of one of the most tumultuous periods in presidential politics and American history."

Among the details unveiled before the book's release is that Biden has been extremely critical of Obama's handling of the 2014 Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea, claiming that the former president never took Russian President Vladimir ...

Sermon 56: Mike Adams discusses the biblical COSMIC IMPACTS prophesied to reset Earth

14 days ago -

Adams based his sermon on the final book of the New Testament penned by St. John of Patmos. According to the Bible nutrition educator, the "seven trumpets" mentioned in the book describe cosmic impacts or giant meteor impacts on the planet. These seven impacts spanning three and a half years would bring devastation upon the land, the sea and other bodies of water, the heavenly bodies and mankind.

Dr. Jeffrey Goodman's book "The Comets of God" touched on these impacts. He ...

At least 20 people KILLED in an Israeli airstrike targeting a café packed with civilians

15 days ago -

The airstrike killed two prominent Palestinian militants: Ghaith Radwan, a commander in the Quds Brigades, and Zahi al-Aoufi, a member of Hamas' Qassam Brigades.

Al-Aoufi was reportedly the head of Hamas' organizational structure in Tulkarem and was accused of supplying weapons to terrorist operatives and planning attacks on Israeli settlements, according to Israeli media outlet Yedioth Ahronoth. The Israeli army and the Shin Bet security service claimed in a joint statement ...

Iran calls ballistic missile attack response on Israel “legal, rational and legitimate”

18 days ago - atomic bomb," said a former conservative Iranian MP to the media, adding that Israel is a "rabid dog" that "must be controlled."

"If Iran and Israel wish to ignite the region, then Iran should work towards developing nuclear capabilities."

Tensions in the Middle East are rising. Learn more at

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