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Apoptosis news, articles and information:

a long time ago - Apoptosis news, articles and information:

Research suggests chlorella may have apoptotic anticancer effects

Concepts related to Apoptosis

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free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.The Consumer Wellness Center is

a non-profit organization offering nutrition education ...

“Miracle Tree” MORINGA: An ancient natural medicine against chronic diseases

a day ago - apoptosis (cell death).

Another study published in Advances in Cancer Biology-Metastasis revealed that moringa leaf extracts induced apoptosis in lung cancer cell lines, causing cell shrinkage and fragmentation. Moringa also contains niazimicin, a compound that not only inhibits cancer cell growth but also has demonstrated neuroprotective effects. (Related: Moringa shows powerful antiproliferative effects on cancer cells.)Cardiovascular protection

Moringa ...

Sandalwood: Nature’s fragrant shield against cancer

7 days ago - apoptosis, a natural process where damaged cells are systematically eliminated. These findings are promising because they suggest that even non-oil components of sandalwood have potential anticancer effects.

Watch this video showing all you need to know about sandalwood.

This video is from the Daily Videos channel on related stories:

Sandalwood is prized for its health benefits and cosmetic value – that's also why it's on the brink ...

Superfood pomegranate helps fight cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer

17 days ago - apoptosis – essentially causing cancer cells to self-destruct. In one study in Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, extracts from the fruit's peel promoted the production of proteins that encourage cell death, while reducing the levels of proteins that prevent it. This dual action helps to limit cancer cell survival. (Related: Pomegranates are a cancer-fighting superfood: Here are 4 reasons why.)

In addition to promoting apoptosis, pomegranates may help reduce the ...

Why eating apples daily is your best defense against chronic diseases

21 days ago - apoptosis), blocking the formation of new blood vessels (anti-angiogenesis), reducing inflammation and providing antioxidant support.

Another compound found in apples called phloretin has also shown potential as an anticancer agent. Research has indicated that it may be effective against various types of cancer, including blood, breast, cervical, esophageal, gastric lung and prostate cancers.Apple helps prevent cardiovascular diseases

Research has shown that dietary ...

Antioxidants in grapes found to reduce cancer risk

24 days ago - apoptosis). The combination of resveratrol, with grape seed extracts enhances these effects by affecting key proteins involved in cell death and growth.

Head and neck cancer. Grape seed extract causes cell cycle arrest, which means stopping cells from dividing, thus inducing cell death. This is achieved through activating processes that check for DNA damage and increasing harmful reactive oxygen species inside cells, which leads to cell death. Grape seed extract also ...

Traditional Chinese Medicine monomers offer hope for SAFER cervical cancer treatments

a month ago - apoptosis – making them effective in both laboratory (in vitro) and animal (in vivo) models of cancer.Cinnamaldehyde

Extracted from cinnamon, cinnamaldehyde has emerged as a promising anticancer agent. Research showed that in mouse models of cervical cancer, cinnamaldehyde blocked the P13K/Akt signaling pathway, inhibiting tumor growth and improving overall health. Doses of 60 mg/kg and 240 mg/kg administered for 14 days significantly reduced tumor development – highlighting ...

Grape flavonoids are key to longevity and overall wellness

a month ago - apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells and inhibiting tumor growth.

Research shows that flavonoids such as quercetin and resveratrol can interfere with the growth of cancer cells in the breast, colon and prostate. They may also reduce the risk of metastasis – where cancer spreads from one part of the body to another.Skin health and rejuvenation

Beyond their internal benefits, grape flavonoids also have significant effects on skin health. By protecting ...

Sermon 51: Mike Adams discusses the many benefits of the sacred resin known as FRANKINCENSE

a month ago - apoptosis or cell death of cancer cells, and it's known to protect the liver," Adams remarked, adding that frankincense is readily available as an essential oil.

"The bottom line is frankincense is a very powerful natural medicine and it's strongly associated with spiritual purity and spiritual cleanliness."

Follow for more news about natural medicines like frankincense.

Listen to the 51st sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams about the ...

Mulberry tree found to exhibit anti-inflammatory and promising anticancer properties

a month ago - apoptosis or programmed cell death in cancer cell lines. This means morusin can potentially help eliminate cancer cell lines by triggering their self-destruction. While the precise mechanisms behind morusin's anticancer effects are still under investigation, it is believed that it interferes with crucial signaling pathways that tumors rely on for growth and survival.Breast cancer

Research on breast cancer cell lines showed that morusin can induce apoptosis in ...

Mulberry: The ancient “tree of life” loaded with health-promoting and therapeutic properties

a month ago - apoptosis (programmed cell death in cancer cells) and inhibit angiogenesis – the process by which tumors develop new blood vessels to sustain their growth. This makes mulberry an exciting natural option for both cancer prevention and complementary cancer treatment.Anti-hyperglycemic (blood sugar control)

Mulberry’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels makes it valuable for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition. The leaves of the white ...

Plant-based radiation protection: Tulsi

a month ago - apoptosis) of damaged cells.

Currently, amifostine is the only approved radio-protectant drug and this is rarely used due to significant side effects. There are however, many natural compounds with radio-protective activity. Such compounds include sulfhydryl-containing compounds and anti-oxidant nutrients such as vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, N-acetyl cysteine and selenium, along with a range of phytochemicals found in plants such as Ginkgo biloba, Vitis vinifera (grape ...

The apoptotic and anticancer effects of cinnamon

2 months ago - apoptosis can lead to dangerous conditions including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, while too little apoptosis can lead to the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells (cancer).[iii]

Cancerous cells are usually able to avoid apoptosis, allowing them to survive and grow rapidly. The pro-apoptotic activity of cinnamon makes it a potential inhibitory measure against cancer cell growth.[iv] Researchers have concluded that there are three ways in which ...

Childhood vaccines are linked to disruption of cellular metabolism, which could cause cancer in kids

2 months ago - apoptosis. When the elimination of old or damaged cells and replacement with new cells are hampered, the mitochondria are damaged. If a cell never dies, it becomes an "immortal cell" or cancer.

Meanwhile, retired physician Dr. Gary G. Kohls revealed that common iatrogenic (drug or doctor-caused) diseases can be caused by commonly prescribed drugs and/or commonly injected vaccine ingredients, which are making many of us highly drugged, malnourished, environmentally toxic ...

Lycopene: Harnessing natural carotenoids for cancer prevention

2 months ago - apoptosis). The research suggests that eating more carotenoids, especially lycopene-rich foods, is linked to a lower risk of developing estrogen receptor (ER)-negative breast cancer but not ER-positive breast cancer. This conclusion comes from an analysis of 18 different studies. (Related: 6 Good reasons to eat more beets.)Colon and colorectal cancers

A study published in The FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) Journal showed that lycopene ...

Cell phone radiation found to damage and kills cheek cells, study shows

August 13, 2024 -

The study published in Environmental Research is the first controlled human intervention trial to investigate the harmful effects of mobile phone radiation on human cells. Researchers discovered strong evidence of acute toxicity, which can result in cell damage or death through processes, like apoptosis (programmed cell death) or necrosis (cell injury leading to death). They also observed disturbances in the cell cycle.

However, the study did not find any signs ...

Ginkgo biloba leaf can help dissolve micro clots, potentially undoing some damage caused by COVID-19 vaccines, reveals new published science

July 15, 2024 - apoptosis.

In another study, ginkgo biloba extract (GBE) influences the renin-angiotensin system and modulates inflammatory responses in cardiac cells via the TLR4/NF-?B pathway.

Most importantly, ginkgo biloba is a plasminogen activator. This process activates the body’s ability to break down clots. Ginkgo enhances endothelial cell function by stimulating the secretion of thrombomodulin and tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), which are pivotal in clot breakdown ...

Durian fruit found to possess cancer-fighting properties

June 24, 2024 - apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells. They attributed this to the presence of flavonoids, which show strong anti-cancer properties, in the extract that induces DNA damage. According to the authors, durian pulp extract causes the caspase-3 and caspase-9 enzymes, and the Bax protein, to be produced at high levels in the leukemia cells – subsequently triggering cancer cell death. (Related: A superfood most people have never heard of: Jujube fruit programs cancer cells to kill ...

FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER – at least 12 anti-cancer mechanisms of action. Not approved by FDA. Cheap. Safe. Kills aggressive cancers. Why no clinical trials? Nine research papers reviewed.

May 12, 2024 - apoptosis and pyroptosis of human glioblastoma cells via arresting cell cycle

2020 Aug – Deok-Soo Son et al – The Antitumor Potentials of Benzimidazole Anthelmintics as Repurposing Drugs

2020 Jun – Yong Han et al – Involvement of reactive oxygen species in the anti-cancer activity of fenbendazole, a benzimidazole ...

Celery: A heart-healthy vegetable with cancer-fighting properties

May 08, 2024 - apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in oral cancer cells; promote cell cycle arrest in colon cancer cells; inhibit IGF-1 receptor signaling in prostate cancer cells (thus preventing cancer growth and metastasis); and slow the spread of breast, colorectal, lung, prostate, liver, skin, pancreatic, oral and stomach cancers.

Meanwhile, the apigenin in celery leaves has been shown to induce apoptosis in human skin, thyroid, gastric, liver, colon, cervical and prostate ...

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