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Antitrust laws and big tech – this is how we save the 1st amendment

June 03, 2019 -

(Article by Greg Reese republished from

Infowars reporter Greg Reese explains how Trump can stop the tech giants from destroying free speech.

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Court finds Google guilty of breaking antitrust laws by monopolizing online searches

August 12, 2024 - antitrust laws."

The decision also served as a major victory for U.S. antitrust authorities, who have filed several lawsuits against Big Tech firms to strengthen competition in the industry.

Kent Walker, Google's president of global affairs, said the company intends to appeal Mehta's findings. "This decision recognizes that Google offers the best search engine, but concludes that we shouldn't be allowed to make it easily available," Walker said on ...

U.S. plans to file antitrust case against Apple for unfairly rigging iPhone’s market dominance

January 09, 2024 - antitrust division of the Justice Department are currently reviewing the investigation findings. Officials have engaged in multiple discussions with Apple, the latest being in December 2023. But as of now, no final decision has been made regarding whether a lawsuit will be filed or the specific charges it might include.

Apple has yet to present its case to the government in a final meeting, but it has defended its business practices.

The company explained ...

Not just Big Tech: Legacy media slapped with antitrust lawsuit for censoring covid-related content

January 13, 2023 -

First launched in March 2020 at the onset of "covid," the TNI worked alongside social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, as well as numerous legacy media outlets, to silence people's free speech, which is unconstitutional and violates antitrust restrictions, the suit alleges.

The BBC, The Associated Press (AP), Reuters, and The Washington Post, among others, are all members of TNI, and are thus named as defendants in the suit.

Filed in the U.S....

Breaking: Landmark lawsuit slaps legacy media with antitrust, First Amendment claims for censoring COVID-related content

January 12, 2023 - antitrust and First Amendment claims.

Remarking on the lawsuit, Kennedy told The Defender:

“My uncle, President Kennedy, and my father, the attorney general, sought to prosecute antitrust laws that are still on the nation’s books, with vigor.

“As private enforcers of those laws, we are confident that the federal court in Texas will vindicate our bedrock freedom to compete with legacy media in the marketplace of ideas.”

Mary Holland, ...

EU slaps Meta with antitrust charges for allegedly squeezing out classified ad rivals

December 21, 2022 - antitrust laws in June 2021 following complaints from Meta's rivals that the firm unfairly linked Marketplace's online classified ads service to Facebook and was using non-public advertising data obtained from competitors to optimize Marketplace.

This is the first time that the EU has accused Meta of abusing its dominant position in the market. But this is not the first time that the bloc has fined the company. Around five years ago, the EU fined Facebook 110 million ...

Court rejects Google’s attempt to dismiss Rumble’s antitrust lawsuit, ensuring vast discovery

August 04, 2022 -

(Article by Glenn Greenwald republished from

It is rare for antitrust suits against the four Big Tech corporate giants (Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon) to avoid early motions to dismiss. Friday's decision against Google ensures that the suit now proceeds to the discovery stage, where Rumble will have the right to obtain from Google a broad and sweeping range of information about its practices, including internal documents on Google's ...

Amazon quietly funds group fighting antitrust laws in U.S. while offering concessions to EU antitrust regulators

July 25, 2022 - antitrust agencies with greater authority when it comes to enforcing penalties against Amazon and other firms, such as Google owner Alphabet and Facebook owner Meta.

The bill would stop Amazon from promoting its own services in a manner that hurts the ability of rivals, other parties and the platform’s own sellers to compete against them. This has been a longstanding complaint among Amazon sellers. In the past, investigations have shown that the company places products ...

Antitrust news, articles and information:

a long time ago - Antitrust news, articles and information:

Alzheimer's drug maker trying to force patients to switch to maintain their drug monopoly, antitrust suit claims

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FTC files a new antitrust complaint accusing Facebook of illegally crushing its competition

August 30, 2021 - antitrust laws were enacted to prevent precisely this type of illegal activity by monopolists,” she added, before accusing Facebook of suppressing innovation, subjecting users to reduced levels of privacy and data protection, and hitting them with more intrusive ads.

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Big Government vs. Big Tech: Justice Department outlines proposal to break up Google

9 days ago - antitrust authorities.

The department emphasized that effectively addressing the harm caused necessitates “not only ending Google’s control of distribution but also ensuring Google cannot control the distribution of tomorrow.”

Additionally, the Justice Department is considering urging the court to halt Google’s substantial payments to secure its search engine as the pre-installed or default option on new devices. In 2021, Google paid $26.3 billion to various companies, ...

Kamala Harris working with Tim Walz to create federal Department of GROCERIES – food price controls and empty shelves won’t be far behind

2 months ago -

The economic plan involves having the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) use antitrust laws as leverage to control the price of food, which ultimately means controlling private business entirely.

Americans saw something similar back when Barack Obama had the federal government take control of Detroit's automobile industry. Kamala is doing the same kind of thing except instead of cars, she and Walz will decide how much your family's meals cost.

At issue right ...

Lame duck Biden flooding government departments with unvetted hires before high-tailing it out the door

2 months ago -

We have learned that rather than do things the established way, the Biden regime is using a hiring authority called Schedule A to pack the Department of Justice (DOJ), and particularly its Environmental, Antitrust, and Immigration divisions, with unvetted people who are likely to remain in their positions long after whoever ends up winning the election this fall gets installed.

What seems to be happening is that the Biden regime, knowing that these appointees will ...

OBEY OR ELSE: The Guardian calls for world governments to arrest Elon Musk over X “misinformation”

2 months ago - antitrust lawsuit.

"We tried peace for 2 years, now it is war," Musk wrote.

3) Urge regulators to stop Musk by threatening him with arrest

What just happened to Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France is what Reich also wants to happen to Musk for "disseminating lies and hate on X."

4) Have the FTC order Musk to obey under threat of lawsuit

In Reich's opinion, Musk's free speech rights under the First Amendment "don't take precedence over the ...

Biden-Harris busted using secret rule to ‘Trump-proof’ DOJ

2 months ago - antitrust division has also seen an increase in staff members hired through “Schedule A,” likely compromising the non-partisan nature of the federal department.

“Until recently, antitrust enforcement was a relatively technical and non-partisan division. But the Biden-Harris administration’s increasingly aggressive implementation has sparked complaints of politicized enforcement,” PPT warned.

Headline USA could not reach a DOJ spokesperson through its ...

Kamala Harris campaign colluded with Google to manipulate headlines, shadow ban Trump on search results

August 26, 2024 - antitrust laws while its anticompetitive practices also resulted in a multi-million-dollar settlement back in December 2023.Trump warns "Google will pay a big price"

As a reaction to the allegations that the internet giant allowed altered headlines to be used in paid Google ads by the Harris-Walz campaign, Trump has claimed Google will "pay a big price."

In a post on his Truth Social website, the Republican presidential nominee said: "Google is a Crooked, ...

Republican VP pick J.D. Vance calls for Google breakup over CENSORSHIP activities

August 21, 2024 - antitrust laws by monopolizing online searches.

Sources include:

This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing International, LTD. is not responsible for content written by contributing authors. The information on this site is provided for ...

X, Rumble file lawsuit against online advertising cartel for collusion to withhold ad money from pro-speech platforms

August 12, 2024 - antitrust laws."

Members of Congress claim that GARM's actions could be violative of antitrust laws aimed at protecting Americans and their freedoms.

X wants compensatory damages as well as injunctive relief, which would bar advertisers and corporations from ever again boycotting the social media platform. Rumble wants in on the action as well with plans to file a comprehensive antitrust lawsuit against key players in the advertising industry....

Federal judge declares Google a MONOPOLY – is a Big Tech shakeup in the works?

August 12, 2024 - antitrust victory in a generation."

Should Google end up facing more competition in the future, online advertising costs will likely decrease, which Stein says is a major win for consumers.

"We have all suffered degradation of our personal privacy because Google, given its dominance, is able to suck up more and more and more information about everything about us – and then market that information to advertisers – and charge all of us in the economy more money ...

Biden administration gave billions to ad group that targets conservatives for online censorship

August 07, 2024 -

The Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) was established as an initiative of the World Federation of Advertisers, who are responsible for 90 percent of global ad spending, and American taxpayer dollars are making their way to the group though four top ad agencies. The first, Omnicom, boasts $5 billion worth of contracts with the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Air Force and Army, while IPG has more than $1.5 billion worth of contracts with the Department ...

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