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Amnesty International calls for war crimes probe into Israel’s ‘buffer zone’

2 months ago -

(Article by Dave DeCamp republished from

“Using bulldozers and manually laid explosives, the Israeli military has unlawfully destroyed agricultural land and civilian buildings, razing entire neighborhoods, including homes, schools and mosques,” Amnesty said.

“By analyzing satellite imagery and videos posted by Israeli soldiers on social media between October 2023 and May 2024, Amnesty International’s Crisis Evidence Lab identified ...

Amnesty International caving to Western pressure following scathing report on Ukrainian human rights abuses

August 24, 2022 - amnesty International is such a disgrace. It only amplifies the narratives of the Russian #propaganda targeted against #Ukraine. With this one, AI has hit the bottom,” tweeted the spokesman for the Polish Minister-Coordinator of Special Services, Stanislaw Zaryn.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba was also very quick to rip the AI report.

“I understand that Amnesty will respond to criticism by saying that they criticize both sides of the conflict....

Amnesty ‘Sorry, not sorry’ for revealing Ukraine is violating international law

August 22, 2022 - amnesty) August 4, 2022

President Zelensky reacted to the report in his usual manner, by accusing Amnesty of being an “accomplice of Russia – a terrorist country – and a terrorist themselves and a participant in the killings,” asserting that “Ukraine is a victim.”

After receiving a massive backlash, Amnesty appeared to back pedal, telling the media that it “deeply regrets the distress and anger that our press release on the Ukrainian military’s ...

Amnesty International refuses to apologize to Western leaders for report revealing human rights abuses by Ukrainian forces

August 12, 2022 - amnesty International is such a disgrace. It only amplifies the narratives of the Russian #propaganda targeted against #Ukraine. With this one, AI has hit the bottom,” tweeted the spokesman for the Polish Minister-Coordinator of Special Services, Stanislaw Zaryn.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba was also very quick to rip the AI report: “I understand that Amnesty will respond to criticism by saying that they criticize both sides of the conflict. ...

Amnesty International incites anger from the globalist West for telling truth about Ukrainian war crimes and HUMAN SHIELDS

August 11, 2022 - amnesty International is such a disgrace. It only amplifies the narratives of the Russian #propaganda targeted against #Ukraine. With this one, AI has hit the bottom," tweeted the spokesman for the Polish Minister-Coordinator of Special Services, Stanis?aw ?aryn.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba was also very quick to rip the AI report: "I understand that Amnesty will respond to criticism by saying that they criticize both sides of the conflict. ...

Amnesty International smears peaceful freedom protesters as violent racists

February 14, 2022 -

(Article by James Anthony republished from

The international non-governmental organization focused on human rights joined the mob that's attempting to frame the largely peaceful trucker demonstration as a scene of violence, despite abundant footage of hugging, dancing, and singing.

"Amnesty International Canada is deeply troubled by the reports of violence, harassment, intimidation, and hate speech which have surfaced since ...

Amnesty International urges Italy not to discriminate against the unvaccinated

January 27, 2022 -

At the heart of the controversy is a recent decree by the Italian government requiring everyone aged 50 and older to be vaccinated. Getting the jab is also a requirement for using public transportation and accessing a range of other services. Although many countries have been putting similar measures in place, Italy’s are considered among the most dramatic.

Amnesty International is asking the country to accept alternative measures in lieu of vaccination, such ...

Amnesty International’s Security Lab identifies several dangerous contact tracing apps already in use

June 27, 2020 -

When experts first started talking about using contact tracing apps in order to keep the spread of coronavirus under control, lots of people expressed reservations about just how much such an app might infringe on their privacy. And now that a few countries have already instituted these apps, it would appear that those fears are indeed valid.

Contact tracing apps are normally downloaded onto people’s phones, and when a user comes into contact with a person who tested positive ...

Amnesty International agrees with the Health Ranger: Google, Facebook, tech giants a threat to human rights

November 25, 2019 -

Describing Google and Facebook's advertising-centric business models as "surveillance-based," Amnesty International warns that the "mass harvesting of data – primarily for the purpose of advertising – has meant that surveillance has become the 'business model of the internet.'"

In an official report about Big Tech's many malfeasances, Amnesty International points out that:

• Facebook and Google both run "continuous analysis and accumulation ...

INVASION USA: Report says Biden has granted amnesty to over 350,000 MIGRANTS since 2022

June 11, 2024 - amnesty under the guise of prosecutorial discretion. You're basically allowing people who don't have a right to be in the United States to be here indefinitely," said Andrew Arthur, a former immigration judge who works for the Center for Immigration Studies.

The approximately 350,000 "forgiven" asylum applications represent 77 percent of illegal immigrants who have applied for asylum.

The individuals affected by the "mass amnesty" can reapply for asylum ...

Biden secretly planning to grant amnesty, green cards to millions of illegals in deceptive ploy to rig elections and give Democrats permanent control

March 31, 2024 -

Similar to President Obama's DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program, the Biden regime is quietly, and some say secretly, cooking up a tall order that will allow millions of illegal aliens in America to be granted amnesty and green cards to stay here forever as if they were legal citizens.

As Democrats continue to lose the black and Latino vote, it would appear as though this newfound plan is part of a large-scale effort to secure more left-wing ...

Biden gives game plan away: Senate bill precursor to amnesty for illegals

February 09, 2024 - President Joe Biden says a bill from Sens. James Lankford (R-OK), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) is merely a precursor to ramming amnesty for millions of illegal aliens through Congress.

(Article by John Binder republished from

During an address at the White House on Tuesday, Biden praised the Senate bill that would expand overall immigration to the United States by codifying his parole pipeline that has freed hundreds of thousands ...

On the Frontlines: Biden administration plans to give amnesty to up to 18M illegal aliens – Brighteon.TV

April 06, 2023 - amnesty," Vandersteel said.

Hutcherson concurred, adding that the influx of illegals is straining the school systems, welfare systems, hospital services, law enforcement, housing and even the supply chain.

"Everything that we need as Americans to thrive, they are actually raping from us. Where do you think they're getting all of this housing and clothing? They're coming from taxpayer dollars. And we are already way underwater. This is not sustainable," Hutcherson ...

After pushing covid depopulation jabs, Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer demands AMNESTY for millions of illegals as REPLACEMENTS for Americans that are dying off

November 17, 2022 - amnesty for those who are already here.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) issued a press release this week containing the results of midterm elections exit polling. By a wide margin 62 percent to 32 percent, voters favor strong action to secure the border and remove all illegal aliens who are occupying the land outside of the law.

"The polling also found that Congress has a clear mandate to secure our borders and ensure that immigration ...

No amnesty for COVID narrative pushers

November 08, 2022 - amnesty plea

The reasons we must reject Oster’s amnesty plea are manifold. First and foremost, while some now want to argue ignorance as their defense, there was no lack of facts and data, right from the start, proving their positions were wrong, dangerous, destructive and deadly.

Since data were readily available, the real question they need to ask themselves is:

“Why did I believe all the lies and propaganda?” Self-reflection is needed ...

Harrison Smith: Emily Oster’s “pandemic amnesty” suggestion deserves a big NO

November 07, 2022 -

The aforementioned amnesty was put forward by Brown University professor Emily Oster, an aggressive proponent of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdowns. In an article for the Atlantic magazine, she suggested a "truce" in the form of putting away all the terrible pandemic decisions.

Oster urged people to forgive and forget all the COVID-19 public health mandates – such as lockdowns, school closures and mask mandates – and their resulting damage to people's lives....

NO AMNESTY: Covid forgiveness comes AFTER the tyrants are fully brought to justice and good governance is restored

November 08, 2022 - amnesty for covid criminals who committed "crimes against children.")

Oster and others would have us believe that they all just made an innocent mistake and were confused – that it was all just a big misunderstanding. Mask mandates that suffocated children all day; "vaccine" mandates that cost people their jobs – these things were just a little oopsie that should now be forgotten about, we are told.There can be NO AMNESTY for the covid criminals

If ...

Moms for Liberty says NO AMNESTY for covid tyrants who committed “crimes against children”

November 04, 2022 -

In a statement to the independent media, Descovich and Justice explained that Weingarten endorsed the Atlantic piece because she knows that she herself is one of the criminals who deserves to be punished for her crimes against children.

"No amnesty for the people that committed crimes against children," Justice is quoted as saying to Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow on SiriusXM Patriot's Breitbart News Daily. (Related: Remember when Weingarten decided ...

“Let’s declare a pandemic amnesty” — Not

November 02, 2022 -

(Article by Michael P Senger republished from

My latest in @TheAtlantic

— ProfEmilyOster (@ProfEmilyOster) October 31, 2022

The article is about as pathetically transparent as it is self-serving. Gee, I wonder what Oster did and said during Covid for which she might want amnesty


There’s a lot wrong here. First, no, you don’t get to advocate policies that do extraordinary ...

Nolte: COVID tyrants at left-wing Atlantic beg for amnesty

November 01, 2022 - amnesty before there is accountability for the savages who forced our loved ones to die alone.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="640"] David Perruzza, owner of Pitchers bar, stands for a portrait behind signs requiring proof of Covid-19 vaccination in Washington, DC, on January 23, 2022. (STEFANI REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty)[/caption]

There will be no forgiveness before there’s a reckoning for the mercenary liars who abused our elderly and children.

There ...

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