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House GOP says Manhattan DA, Judge Merchan violated Trump’s constitutional and legal rights

July 17, 2024 - alligators" when you have local DAs, in this case Bragg, deciding federal law.

"Now something must be done about this miscarriage of justice instead of just talking about it," wrote another.

"That judge should be disbarred and put in jail for his corruption," said someone else, adding that there are probably going to be a whole lot of people who retire before Trump is inevitably reelected back to the White House this fall.

"I want to see that judge sitting ...

GENDER AGENDA: How can Neil Tyson call himself a man of “science” when he says that men can become women?

August 08, 2023 - alligators

Check out the Stephen A Smith podcast for the all-out fake-science science guru who thinks because a man thinks he's a woman it makes him one, able to give birth to a baby and ovulate. Sci-fi-guru deGrasse must also believe that any child who thinks he/she is a bird can fly. Scientifically speaking, nobody should try to prove him wrong.

That also means if a boy thinks the sun is earth, or the earth is the sun, then we all burn up instantly, because imagination, ...

VIRGIN BIRTH: American crocodile isolated in reptile park for 16 years lays clutch of eggs

June 14, 2023 - alligators as well as caimans and gharials.

Facultative parthenogenesis, which usually results in female offspring, is thought to be triggered in several specific situations, including when there aren't any males around. This is why these kinds of virgin births are often reported in captive animals that are typically kept in single-sex enclosures.

But the scientists analyzing the Costa Rican crocodile's parthenogenesis noted that such virgin births may also ...

Top 8 ways childhood health is destroyed by toxic food and medicine, and how psychiatry exploits symptoms of toxicity to push experimental drugs

August 07, 2022 - alligators will come, but in the form of pharma shills who get bonuses for "attacking" your child with experimental drugs (SSRIs) that exacerbate the problems caused by the toxic food, medicine and vaccines the pediatricians and CDC highly recommend (and the FDA approves). Children eat high-fructose-corn-syrup loaded cereals and pop tarts for breakfast, then can't sit still at school or daycare all morning. This is diagnosed by psychiatrists as ADD and ADHD.

Kids ...

Ancient reptilian vegetarians: Scientists discover fossilized teeth of extinct crocs that dined on plants

April 10, 2020 -

Fossil evidence studied by researchers from the Natural History Museum of Utah showed that multiple crocodile ancestors had a purely vegetarian diet. The scientists determined this by analyzing 146 fossilized teeth from 16 different crocodyliforms, the group that includes both extant and extinct crocodiles and alligators.

According to Keegan Melstrom, study author and doctoral student at the University of Utah, the most interesting thing they found was how frequently ...

Civil war RISK, state by state: Is your state likely to be drawn into kinetic conflict as the rule of law disintegrates across America?

December 29, 2019 - alligators to the west.)

Terrain also matters, too. That's why some people like The Ozarks for hiding out. It's hilly and full of forests, sort of like the pot-growing counties of Northern California where outlaws are the law. Idaho is famous as rugged country, too, and parts of rural Colorado make for some really remote getaways.

You need to consider all these factors: Geography, proximity to high density population centers, ease of egress, the ability ...

Football-sized sea bugs devour an alligator carcass on the ocean floor

November 30, 2019 - alligators live in freshwater, saltwater crocodiles get their name for a reason. And storms and hurricanes may blow freshwater crocodilians off course.

“Indeed, alligator and crocodile food falls may be the last remaining refuge of specialized invertebrates that were also in ancient oceans,” the researchers reported.Giant isopods swarmed over alligator carcasses at the bottom of the sea

In the video footage released by LUMCOM, giant isopods gorged ...

“It’s all just a bunch of bull*hit”: CNN manager laments network’s decay on hidden camera

October 18, 2019 - alligators and snakes in a moat and shooting immigrants in the legs) and you can objectively say, you’re out of your mind. You should do it and say you’re out of your mind.”

Christian Sierra, CNN Media Coordinator: “…conflict is what sells, nobody wants to hear one-minute canned statements…Because conflict drives clicks…create clicks, get more money.”

Watch the full video below:

Read more at: and Faked....

It turns out, dinosaurs also had great hearing – which made them even better hunters than previously thought

September 06, 2019 -

Birds are often described as feathery dinosaurs. Crocodilians are also considered to be the closest living relations to the extinct "terrible lizards." All three groups of animals share a common ancestor called archosaurs.

Researchers from the University of Maryland (UMD) revealed that alligators use the same auditory-based method as birds. Based on the discovery, their shared archosaur ancestors might have tracked prey and predators alike with their sense ...

Scientific American confirms: Atrazine herbicide is a “sex-changing weed killer” that turns male frogs GAY

July 10, 2018 - alligators, turtles, quail and rats," warns Hayes, implying that humans and many other species of life are being similarly damaged by its ubiquitous presence. Keep in mind that Hayes has conducted similar atrazine research in the past on tadpoles, which arrived at the same disturbing results.

"So this is not just a frog problem," he adds.

For more news on how crop chemicals are damaging both animals and people, be sure to check out

Sources ...

Florida citizens who abandoned their pets could face FELONY charges

September 12, 2017 - alligators, quickly become a threat to pets, too.

While felony charges are a bit extreme in situations like this, there is an apparent need for better preparedness plans for families and pets alike. This starts with communities becoming more aware of the impact of regional threats and understanding what is most important to sustain life during a crisis situation. Stay informed at Preparedness.News.

Sources include:


Health Ranger Store helps with disaster relief efforts as Harvey leaves behind a wake of utter destruction

August 30, 2017 -

As you read this, tens of thousands of people are squeezing into shelters to wait out Harvey because there's little else they can do. They've no choice but to abandon their homes to the onslaught of seemingly never-ending rain and ever-rising floodwaters. The swelling waters also bring with them unwanted surprises in the form of dangerous wildlife such as alligators and snakes, all of which are also seeking higher ground.

Meanwhile, thousands more are waiting ...

Vaccines kill more people than sharks, alligators, bears, snakes and spiders combined

August 23, 2016 -

Natural News reports, "The number of deaths that occur annually following routine vaccination is far greater than the number of people that die from sharks, alligators, bears, snakes and spiders combined, it turns out. . . poison-filled injection are associated with at least 5,000 deaths annually, according to data from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). The International Medical Council on Vaccination (IMCV) estimates that about 3,900 of these 5,000 ...

Mad scientists create a chicken that has a dinosaur face in shocking new experiment

April 19, 2017 - alligators, in order to clone pieces of genetic material to scout out specific gene expressions.

By using small-molecule inhibitors, the researchers found that they were able to turn off the activity of certain proteins related to beak formation in chicken embryos. The result? The bird beaks reverted back to their roots, and became dinosaur-like snouts instead -- and the palatine bone on the roof of the chicken's mouth also reverted back to its ancestral form.

"This ...

Spiders news, articles and information:

a long time ago - Spiders news, articles and information:

Vaccines kill more people than sharks, alligators, bears, snakes and spiders combined

Black widow spiders found in grapes in several states

Scientists say most so-called spider bites are misdiagnosed

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Concepts related to Spiders

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Sharks news, articles and information:

a long time ago - Sharks news, articles and information:

Vaccines kill more people than sharks, alligators, bears, snakes and spiders combined

Great white sharks found to have extreme longevity

Dozens of sharks washing up dead in California

Shark die-off now striking San Francisco Bay

Tens of thousands of sharks mysteriously congregate off Florida coast

Interview with Dr. Boris Worm, Marine Biologist, on Overfishing, Aquatic Ecosystems, Aquaculture Farming and More

Concept-related ... feature article archives

a long time ago - alligators, bears, snakes and spiders combined

Woman too fat to fit in airplane seat decides to get fit, loses 100+ pounds with exercise

Bird flu epidemic expected to raise poultry costs, exacerbating economic burden of food inflation

After children are damaged by vaccines, parents are intimidated and bullied into silence

Are you eating too much 'plant poison'?

Drug manufacturers' data on side effects are of poor quality, lacking information - Report

Bankrupt clueless ...

Death news, articles and information:

a long time ago - alligators, bears, snakes and spiders combined

DHS, FBI refuse to protect free speech advocate from terrorist death threats; Obama regime only concerned with conservatives, Christians

Is the CDC inflating influenza death statistics by ignoring vitamin D deficiencies?

Are vaccines to blame for Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood? (SUDC)

One class of Big Pharma medication kills more people in NYC annually than homicides

Fukushima disaster caused at least 1,232 fatalities ...

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