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Dr. Simone Gold countersues AFLDS board for suing her over claims that she misrepresented herself as group’s head

January 31, 2023 -

AFLDS board member Joseph Gilbert tried to take Dr. Gold to court over these claims, though his suit was dismissed on December 6. Now, Dr. Gold is suing him back, alleging that Gilbert engaged in theft and corruption in the Ultra Vires Hostile Takeover.

On January 25, a preliminary injunction for the case will be held. A few days prior, Dr. Gold held a press conference to address the case and Gilbert's allegations against her, stating that she is innocent. (Related: ...

Drs. Simone Gold and Angie Farella of AFLDS warn against COVID vaccine for kids

December 21, 2021 -

"I know that many of our viewers are parents and grandparents themselves. I personally am a mother of four and I've been extremely concerned about the push to get these vaccines and younger and younger children," Hobbs said.

She mentioned how Canada is extending its COVID-19 vaccination drive to younger children, with proof of vaccination in QR code form being extended to five- to 12-year-olds and babies from six months to four years old being recruited to vaccine clinical ...

Exclusive: Former Pfizer VP to AFLDS: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’

March 31, 2021 -

(Article by Mordechai Sones republished from

At the outset, Dr. Yeadon said "I'm well aware of the global crimes against humanity being perpetrated against a large proportion of the worlds population.

"I feel great fear, but I'm not deterred from giving expert testimony to multiple groups of able lawyers like Rocco Galati in Canada and Reiner Fuellmich in Germany.

"I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil ...

Dr. Simone Gold: Violation of HUMAN RIGHTS of J6 defendants biggest civil rights issue facing America – Brighteon.TV

May 26, 2023 -

She shared this sentiment to Debbie Georgatos during the May 23 episode of the latter's program "America, Can We Talk?" on Brighteon.TV. The AFLDS founder was sentenced back in June 2022 to 60 days behind bars followed by 12 months of supervised release, alongside a $9,500 fine. The sentence followed her guilty plea in March of that year in relation to her role in the Jan. 6, 2021 false-flag riot at the Capitol.

But the board-certified emergency doctor noted that ...

Health Ranger Report: J6 defendant John Strand plans to appeal UNJUST sentence that could sentence him to 20 years behind bars

May 25, 2023 -

Strand's legal team will lodge the appeal at his sentencing hearing scheduled on June 1. Aside from this, Strand's team will file a motion to transfer the hearing of the case from Washington, D.C. to another location so that the law could be equally applied. He expressed hope that their case will eventually reach the Supreme Court.

Strand was convicted by a Washington, D.C. jury back in September 2022, declaring him guilty of all five charges the federal government brought ...

DIRTY SHOTS: Researchers raise concerns about high levels of bacterial DNA found in mRNA COVID vaccines

May 09, 2023 -

Dr. Kevin McKernan, a leading expert in sequencing methods for DNA and RNA, first shined a light on this issue. Canadian physician and medical researcher Dr. Mark Trozzi expounded on McKernan's findings in an interview with the New American.

He told the magazine's senior editor Veronika Kyrylenko that any traces of bacterial plasmids, including that from the Escherichia coli bacteria, should have been filtered out in the final batches of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. However, ...

COVID TWILIGHT ZONE: Woman tells all about being a “medical prisoner” at Lahey Hospital and Medical Center in Massachusetts last year

October 17, 2022 -

Aldrich ended up at Lahey Hospital and Medical Center in Burlington, Mass., where she was diagnosed with double pneumonia. This occurred on Sept. 4, 2021, a day that Aldrich now describes as the time when she entered "the medical twilight zone."

A former health worker herself, Aldrich knew enough about the standard American covid protocol to request that "covid-19" not be written down in her medical records. Unfortunately, the doctor she spoke with did it anyway, stating ...

Doctor reveals COVID-19 vaccines lead to more deaths in both children and adults

September 28, 2022 -

In a recent episode of "The Ben Armstrong Show," the host talked about the possible long-term consequences of the COVID-19 vaccine that people are yet to see happen. Based on Shoemaker's data, around 95 percent of people in intensive care units are fully vaccinated – which makes sense as their immune systems are now damaged.

Shoemaker is a licensed physician with 45 years of experience and has worked in emergency medicine, family practice and on military bases. His ...

Dr. Simone Gold sentenced to PRISON for speaking at U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021

June 20, 2022 -

Dr. Simone Gold, we reported back in January of 2021, was arrested after she entered the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, and delivered a speech via megaphone about the dangers and ineffectiveness of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines."

She further discussed viable remedies such as hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin, urging listeners to protect their natural DNA and immune systems rather than take an experimental injection that could – and likely will in ...

Former Pfizer executive calls forced covid vaccination “crime against humanity”

May 16, 2022 -

The former head of Pfizer's allergy and respiratory research division, where he worked for 16 years, Yeadon remains one of the most vocal critics of all things plandemic, including not just the injections but also masks.

In a statement he issued to The Epoch Times, Yeadon explained that it was "never appropriate to attempt to 'end the pandemic' with a novel vaccine technology," referring of course to mRNA (messenger RNA) technology.

"In a public health mass intervention, ...

B-Alert News: The Power of Prayer – Brighteon.TV

May 06, 2022 -

"We're talking about the power of influence around our nation. Many times a lot of things have changed because people decided to get involved and they were drawn. And sometimes we don't think prayer is a tool to draw, but that's exactly what it is. Our minds and our consciousness cannot hold sometimes the thoughts that we think, and direct to where they need to go. But when we pray it forms a streamline of influence and attraction," Benjamin said.

"Prayer is influence. It ...

DIE-OFF CONTINUES: Mainstream media censors information about rising COVID vaccine deaths

April 08, 2022 -

According to the Pfizer and AstraZeneca U.K. data, injuries associated with the COVID-19 vaccine include strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, Bell's Palsy, sepsis, paralysis and more. There had also been reports that the COVID-19 vaccines have been causing blood clots.

The European database also verified that there had been over 32,649 fatalities and 3,003,296 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and ...

FETAL DEATHS due to COVID vaccines are almost 2,000% greater than deaths associated with other vaccines

April 05, 2022 -

Pierre made this assertion during a March 28 episode of "Frontline Flash" on the AFLDS website. He showed statistics from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to highlight "the effects that these shots have on the unborn."

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there have been 550 million COVID-19 shots injected into people's arms. Meanwhile, VAERS data showed 3,725 fetal deaths connected to the COVID-19 vaccine. Upon ...

Spike protein in mRNA COVID vaccines: One of the most bioactive and damaging substances known to mankind

March 23, 2022 -

The spike protein appears to reprogram the immune system in a strange way. The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against the COVID-19 virus has been shown to reprogram both adaptive and innate immune responses. When it penetrates the cell nuclei, the free-floating spike protein inhibits DNA repair. (Related: Pfizer vaccine data shows far more damaging side effects than initially expected.)

There had been immune system problems in the vaccinated, and it is becoming apparent that they ...

Military doctor says she was ordered to cover up wave of covid “vaccine” injuries in servicemen

March 21, 2022 -

Long and two other medical professionals observed a spike in cancer cases, neurological disorders and miscarriages immediately after Biden's jab mandate was enacted. They were told, however, to keep this damning information under wraps.

The other two who supported Long in arriving at these findings are Dr. Samuel Sigoloff and Lt. Col. Peter Chambers, who are being represented by Thomas Renz, a member of the America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) legal team.

"I ...

Dr. Zev Zelenko: Anyone with immune deficiency can die from a cold

February 22, 2022 -

"If someone has an immune deficiency, then yeah, they can die from a cold. And they're gonna die in a moment," Zelenko said in a video posted February 17 on

In 2020, Zelenko gained the attention of then-president Donald Trump with his simple protocol against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) using cheap, proven and widely available drugs that include hydroxychloroquine. He was able to successfully treat more than 350 patients with only one requiring hospitalization....

COVID-19 vaccine spike proteins are SHEDDING, giving people heart attacks, strokes and more

January 18, 2022 -

When people take the mRNA vaccines, the mRNA enters the body and tells it to create what is called the spike protein. This supposedly helps the body's immune system to detect the COVID-19 virus and get rid of it as soon as it enters the body.

In reality, the spike proteins being injected into people are at least partially responsible for many of the adverse effects vaccinated people experience. (Related: More young athletes being injured or KILLED by the covid vaccine… ...

Jeff and Shady talk about resisting medical tyranny with Dr. Simone Gold – Brighteon.TV

December 21, 2021 -

"Over the last 20 to 22 months, it has been a very obvious war of the collective versus the individual. Under public health, the collective should matter more than the individual person. And what do we call that? We call it communism," said Gold.

"I think I recognized it earlier than most doctors. I was looking at medical powers, [and I found them] unconstitutional from that perspective. I [also] got very disgusted with the lies that our public health officials are ...

Immunization expert warns that covid VACCINATED people are the real threat to public health

December 16, 2021 -

A specialist in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases, Perronne says that vaccinated people are the ones who "should be put in quarantine" and "isolated from the society" because they are the ones "shedding" illness onto others.

"Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others," Perronne is quoted as saying.

"It's proven in Israel now – I'm in contact with many physicians in Israel – they're having big problems, ...

Cases of vaccine-induced VAIDS on the rise due to mass covid vaccination

December 10, 2021 -

Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome begins immediately following the first round of injections. And experts worry that with each subsequent "booster" shot, this process of "immune erosion," as they call it, only continues to accelerate.

For their research, scientists compared the health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated people in Sweden. Roughly 1.6 million individuals in both groups were studied over the course of nine months.

What was discovered ...

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