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Adjuvants found in vaccines have led to an increase of autoimmune disease

October 16, 2018 -

Back in 2011, leading immunologist Yehuda Shoenfeld established the idea of  Autoimmune Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants, or "ASIA" for short. A recently published review of current research has confirmed Shoenfeld's initial hypothesis, and the team of Israeli scientists have pinpointed a key suspect in the onset of vaccine-induced illness: Aluminum.Vaccine adjuvants and autoimmune disease

A team of scientists from Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases ...

Adjuvants news, articles and information:

a long time ago - Adjuvants news, articles and information:

The flu vaccine is totally ineffective in rats with obesity, new research finds

Science links new autoimmune disease to aluminum adjuvants in vaccines

Concepts related to Adjuvants

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Childhood vaccines are linked to disruption of cellular metabolism, which could cause cancer in kids

a month ago - adjuvants and preservatives known to be highly toxic when injected into humans and these toxins are inoculated into kids' immune systems that are not fully developed yet. These toxins directly corrupt the DNA of mitochondria.

One chemical said to be included in the injections is formaldehyde, an embalming fluid used to preserve dead bodies. It is claimed to minimize bacterial infections held by corrupted antigens. But it is a known carcinogen.

Until 2004, most ...

Sermon 013: Mike Adams discusses why having PURE BLOOD is important

a month ago - adjuvants which are neuroinflammatory substances that are deliberately put into the vaccines in order to increase their toxicity. Do not take those substances into your body."

The Health Ranger continued that mRNA is contradictory to the teachings of God in Leviticus and other books of the Bible. This is because the mRNA hijacks the human body's natural cells and causes the cells to produce non-human proteins. These proteins, according to Adams, are not aligned with ...

Science behind the CDC’s childhood vaccines lacks double blind, placebo-controlled studies and conceals adverse events

a month ago - adjuvants or other vaccine ingredients. This means that trial participants were unknowingly injured by so-called placebos that were really just aluminum adjuvants. The equivalent number of adverse events in both research groups made the HPV vaccine appear statistically safe.

Dengue Vaccine: Dengvaxia trials were conducted with a true placebo group. However, the long-term follow-up revealed significant safety concerns, particularly in children not previously ...

Merck misled participants in the HPV vaccine trial – injuring the placebo group with an aluminum adjuvant to make the HPV vaccine appear safer

July 08, 2024 - adjuvants in vaccines and/or the dangers of other ingredients in that vaccine.There are no “gold standard” clinical trials for vaccines when aluminum is used as a placebo

The clinical trials for the HPV vaccines are not “gold standard.” For starters, the participants in the trial were not properly informed about the nature of the study and the risks involved with the fake placebo. Participants were informed that the placebo used in the trial was either saline or an ...

Japanese researchers say urgent action is needed to clean up mRNA “vaccine” tainted blood supplies

June 05, 2024 - adjuvants used in conventional vaccines, and there is also concern about autoimmune diseases resulting from this aspect."

The team concluded that all gene-based "vaccines" need to be suspended immediately, followed by the launch of a rigorous harm-benefit assessment of the shots.

The entire global blood supply is tainted with mRNA "vaccines" for COVID. Learn more at

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CWC Data Science releases AI Large Language Model – Neo-BioMistral-7B-E3 trained on the entire PubMed data set plus millions of pages of text on natural and herbal medicine

May 24, 2024 - adjuvants in vaccines dangerous for human health?

Adjuvants are substances added to vaccines to enhance the immune response. They can be toxic, but their effects on human health are not well understood. Some studies suggest that they may cause inflammation and autoimmune diseases. The safety of adjuvants is a concern for many people, especially those who have experienced adverse reactions after receiving vaccinations.

PROMPT: Which common foods ...

In revealing interview, Dr. Judy Mikovits drops bombshell revelations about the weaponization of science and medicine

April 16, 2024 - adjuvants. You have to use the drugs at very low doses to kill those so that the aneuploidy never happens." Aneuploidy is an abnormality in the number of chromosomes in a cell due to loss or duplication.

Watch the full episode of the "Health Ranger Report" with Mike Adams featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits below.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on related stories:

Plandemic end game: Real agenda behind pandemic ...

BOOK OF THE YEAR – Full transcript: Dr. Michael Nehls, author of The Indoctrinated Brain, interviewed by Mike Adams – ASTONISHING information – your brain is under globalist attack

March 11, 2024 - adjuvants.

Dr. Michael Nehls: Yeah, this is not good.

Mike Adams: it possible then that the aluminum could provoke even more degeneration of neurology in the absence of lithium or vitamin D?

Dr. Michael Nehls: Yeah, I mean, doubt that essentially effects which conduct each other aluminum activates the inflammation lithium blocks it? So, without Lithium and only aluminum, it's really worse than having both. Or actually I use alpha liponic acid to get ...

Dr. Larry Palevsky: Vaccine injuries more WIDESPREAD than people realize

January 15, 2024 - adjuvants in vaccines create something called molecular mimicry.

In molecular mimicry, the body detects the viruses and initially deems them foreign. However, it finds pieces of these pathogens that match pieces of healthy cells. Because of this, the body doesn't differentiate between what it's been told to reject – leading it to turn the immune system against itself.

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Watch this video that features ...

Vaccine injury, from all vaccines, is far more widespread than people realise

January 12, 2024 - adjuvants, create something called molecular mimicry which means the body sees those viruses, thinking that it’s foreign but finds pieces of those viruses that match pieces of the cell and the immune system doesn’t differentiate between what it’s been told to reject and itself. So, it will turn the immune system on itself leading to an autoimmune condition.

We know this about Hepatitis B, we know it about the Gardasil vaccine and we know it about the flu vaccine, and ...

RNA, DNA contamination in food supply MUCH WORSE than you probably think

December 04, 2023 - adjuvants in stimulating or directing the immune response."

This is a terrifying revelation in that it shows how DNA vaccines as defined by official public health sources are a Trojan Horse that delivers foreign lab-made DNA into cell nuclei, possibly permanently.

A research paper discussing all this explains that there are several bacterial species in existence that are capable of transferring vaccine plasmids to mammalian host cells. These bacterial species ...

Propaganda from the 1950s shows how the polio vaccine was made – and it’s not pretty

October 05, 2023 - adjuvants, chemicals, and other ingredients allowing for mass production and "preservation" – and the mass distribution of the chemical solution all around the world.

From the very beginning, the polio jab was shown to be harmful to humans. One million children were given the shot in 1954 as part of a large-scale study, which led to a declaration of the shot being "safe and effective." The only problem is that many of these children became paralyzed in the limb ...

Thousands of children were injured by DTP vaccine lots that were 14 times more toxic and contained cholera antigens

August 18, 2023 - adjuvants that were not designed for their body weight and blood volume.

When doctors began reporting more cases of brain damaged infants, the UK Department of Health commissioned Professor Gordon Stewart to analyze suspect DTP vaccine batches. According to the manufacturer's records, there were two suspect DTP vaccine lots that turned out to contain cholera antigens. These infamous lots – 84998 and 83607 – contained thousands of doses of cholera that were injected ...

“Serious adverse event” in AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine trial revealed as spinal inflammation disorder caused by toxic adjuvants

September 10, 2020 - adjuvants that embed into muscle tissue and cause systemic damage. This damage typically manifests neurologically, leading to long-term and often permanent health problems.

AstraZeneca is not concerned about this, however, and is still planning to continue distributing the vaccine en masse for warp speed release potentially by Nov. 1, which is the goal of the Trump administration's Operation Warp Speed program.

This phase-three trial just began in August, ...

PURE EVIL: Notorious vaccine company covered up SIDS clusters by strategically distributing suspect vaccine lots around the country

August 09, 2023 - adjuvants in the vaccines cross the blood-brain barrier only to induce “neuronal molecular alteration in DNA, RNA, and proteins of brain stem neurons regulating vital functions, with consequent fatal disorganization of respiratory control in particularly predisposed infants.” The research of Miller and Goldman hypothesized that there are biochemical and synergistic toxicity when multiple vaccines are administered concurrently.

In the U.S., the DTP vaccine was eventually ...

VACCINES COST LIVES: Child mortality is HIGHER in developed nations that require more vaccines – new study

August 07, 2023 - adjuvants, antibiotics, and other toxins in the vaccines.Increase in childhood vaccines right after birth increases infant mortality rates

In Miller and Goldman’s latest study, which includes expanded data analyses on specific vaccines, those same results were replicated. One part of the study measured the effect of the hepatitis B and tuberculosis vaccines on mortality rates for babies up to 28 days post-birth. The study also calculated the effect these shots have ...

FDA approves ANTHRAX vaccine despite its TOXIC INGREDIENTS

August 01, 2023 - adjuvants, one with aluminum and the new synthetic adjuvant CPG7909. It also contains a saline solution containing formaldehyde and benzethonium chloride as preservatives.

Commonly used as an adjuvant in vaccines, aluminum is a known cytotoxin and neurotoxin. Formaldehyde has been branded as "carcinogenic to humans" by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) based on sufficient evidence it can cause nasopharyngeal cancer ...

There are “NO REPURCUSSIONS IF THEY’RE WRONG” says actor and rapper ICE CUBE about the vaccine industry that tried to force him to get the deadly Covid jab

July 30, 2023 - adjuvants" and genetically modified viruses and bacteria. That's one reason actor and rapper Ice Cube rejected Hollywood's shilling for the vaccine industry, as they tried to coerce Ice Cube into getting the Wuhan Virus jab just to be able to be on the set for a movie. He said, emphatically, "No!"

Tucker Carlson and Ice Cube took a ride through Los Angeles and discuss forced vaccination that Ice Cube refused to comply with. Ice Cube explains how the vaccine industry ...

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