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No more formaldehyde fumes: researchers create a toxin-free wood adhesive from soy

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free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.The Consumer Wellness Center is

a non-profit organization offering ...

Plastic recycling is a SCAM: Recycled plastics are more TOXIC than new ones

2 months ago - adhesives.

The recycling process itself can also add more chemicals. As plastics break down and are treated, additional stabilizers are often needed to make them as strong as new plastic. This can increase the complexity and variety of chemicals in the recycled materials, according to Birgit Geueke, a senior scientist at the Food Packaging Forum.

Research on recycled plastics is still limited but some studies indicate that recycled plastic can be more contaminated ...

Report: FOREVER CHEMICALS found in bandages used on wounds

April 25, 2024 - adhesives" – including those use on wound bandages.

Forever chemicals are known for their ability to repel water, grease and other liquids – making them ideal for use in various consumer and industrial products. In the case of wound bandages, the adhesives containing PFAS help protect the broken skin from pathogens that can cause wound infection.

However, the use of PFAS in adhesives has raised concerns due to environmental concerns about ...

Common bandages contain alarming levels of cancer-causing PFAS, which leach directly into the blood

April 11, 2024 - adhesives, are byproducts of regular production processes. Mamavation claims that the PFAS in bandages are probably there because of their resistance to grease and water.

After a person consumes food or drinks water contaminated with PFAS chemicals, the toxins can readily enter the bloodstream. Once PFAS enter the bloodstream, they can settle into healthy tissue and start to harm organs such as the kidneys, liver and immune system. Toxicologist and former chief of ...

RFK, Jr. exposes dark secrets of U.S. bioweapons program in new book, “The Wuhan Cover-Up”

December 14, 2023 - adhesives and glues. And also agriculture -- BASF was a huge manufacturer of nitrogen based fertilizer. You know about the Haber-Bosch process where natural gas is turned into nitrogenous fertilizer which is currently used to feed about half the population of the world. Well, BASF is one of the key companies, or at least they used to be in Germany that produced this, but then the United States Navy blew up the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea, cutting off Gazprom, ...

Archaeologists discover earliest example of unique brain surgery procedure done 3,500 years ago

March 01, 2023 - adhesives: Archeologists discover some of the earliest known examples of adhesive use in Italian cave.

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This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing International, LTD. is not responsible for content written by contributing authors....

Cincinnati cuts off drinking water from Ohio River in the wake of train chemical spill

February 23, 2023 - adhesives, flooring, sinks and bathtubs. Meanwhile, a different chemical compound called 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol was found locally while water intake was closed. The compound is commonly used in industrial applications for flavoring and fragrances.

GCWW said it wasn't definitive if that compound came from the East Palestine train derailment.

"Maintaining the safety of our community's drinking water is our highest priority," NKWD President and CEO Lindsey Rechtin ...

Cincinnati cuts off drinking water from Ohio River in the wake of train chemical spill

February 23, 2023 - adhesives, flooring, sinks and bathtubs. Meanwhile, a different chemical compound called 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol was found locally while water intake was closed. The compound is commonly used in industrial applications for flavoring and fragrances.

GCWW said it wasn't definitive if that compound came from the East Palestine train derailment.

"Maintaining the safety of our community's drinking water is our highest priority," NKWD President and CEO Lindsey Rechtin ...

Are you really against fossil fuels? Read this before you answer

January 30, 2023 - adhesives, and thousands of other materials are all made from fossil fuels. It is likely the clothing that you are wearing now was made using fossil fuels. In fact, most carpets, fabrics, coatings, cushions, upholstery, drapes, spandex and other textiles are made with the help of fossil fuels.

Fossil fuels are used as raw materials in the production of many chemicals and plastics. Lightweight, durable and versatile, plastics are used in a wide range of products, ...

Old-school adhesives: Archeologists discover some of the earliest known examples of adhesive use in Italian cave

February 28, 2020 - adhesives. To figure out what it was, lead author Ilaria Degano of the University of Pisa conducted a chemical analysis on several of the artifacts using a process known as gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.

The results of the analysis showed that the stone tools did have traces of adhesive on them. Not only were they coated with resin from pine trees, but in one case the Neanderthals even used beeswax as a glue. Mixing beeswax with resin makes for an even ...

Shortage of feedstock caused by severe drought leading to MILK shortage in France

August 11, 2022 - adhesives, sealants and printing inks.

Drought in France forces authorities to place new restrictions on water usage.

Cost of water in California hits all-time high amid enduring drought that threatens cities, massive agriculture industry.

Wheat prices soar in countries dependent on Eastern Europe for grain.

Drought threatens US wheat harvest, deepening global supply challenge.

Sources include:


Chimpanzee mother treats a wound on her son with an insect, while human mothers are spotted poisoning their babies with GMOs

June 01, 2022 - adhesives. What's in your baby's bottle and band-aids? Melamine is also used to spike dairy cow milk production. While the FDA claims those levels are low, it all adds up over time, and there's a cumulative effect that makes big pharma a fortune. What medical doctor in this country explains THAT to parents?

Then there's soy. Dreaded GMO soy. Once parents figure out all the toxins in conventional milk that cause digestive disorders and allergies for the babies, they ...

FDA rejects petitions to BAN hormone-disrupting phthalates in food packaging

May 25, 2022 - adhesives, sealants and printing inks.

Exposure to phthalates in personal care products may increase risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes.

Health Ranger reminds us that U.S. food safety regulators are running on corruption.

People who eat junk food are exposed to dangerous levels of phthalates.

Phthalates found in plastic food packaging linked to chronic disease.

Sources include:


Increasing soybean oil demand presents new opportunities for American soybean farmers

March 18, 2022 - adhesives, lubricants, coatings. The diversity of applications is a testament to the versatility of the soybean, but also to the sound investments our farmers have made over the years," added Marshall. (Related: Finally, a good use for soybean oil: Goodyear tires are stronger, more durable when made with soy)

Mississippi soybean grower and fifth-year checkoff farmer-leader Philip Good agreed.

"Our soy checkoff has been a huge part of sharing the story of ...

Who needs stitches? Unique “slug glue” could be used to make better medical adhesives

September 30, 2019 - adhesives. Researchers have begun studying the substance to see what they could learn from the slug and apply it to medical glue for wound healing. (Related: Pulling off bandages could become less painful in the future, thanks to light.)The slime of a garden slug may help develop better medical glue

The first such study came from Ithaca College researcher Rebecca Falconer. Then an undergraduate, she explored the possible use of the Dusky Arion's slime as a medical ...

Researchers discover a plant that can counteract arsenic toxicity

September 06, 2021 - adhesives, wood preservatives and ammunition. The chemical is even used in feed additives and pharmaceuticals.

The U.S. Geological Survey reports that dangerously high levels of arsenic have been found in drinking water wells in 25 states in the country. This means that nearly 2.1 million Americans are potentially exposed to arsenic-laced drinking water.

A person exposed to arsenic is at risk of damaging nearly all of his organ systems. Chronic exposure ...

La Porte, Texas orders evacuations after factory chemical leak

July 27, 2021 - adhesives too make them more resistant to scratches, chemicals and outside weather.

Exposure to HEA can cause various health problems. The chemical may trigger an allergic reaction and cause severe burns if the skin is exposed to it. It can also irritate the eyes, nose and throat. Ingestion of HEA can also prove harmful, according to Dow.

Harris County Pollution Control Services Department (PCS) meanwhile said that the leak occurred when the chemical tanker ...

Barbules and velcro: Researchers study birds for inspiration to develop new adhesives and aerospace materials

April 09, 2019 -

It has been 20 years since the last time someone performed a detailed investigation of the overall shape of bird feathers that was not limited to a single species. The new study was conducted by a research team from the University of California San Diego (UC San Diego).

Team leader Tarah Sullivan oversaw efforts to print 3D structures based on the various parts of feathers from multiple species of birds. The printed shapes underwent various tests that helped define their ...

8 Easy ways to improve indoor air quality

April 26, 2021 - adhesives in carpets. Even when undisturbed, carpets can emit VOCs, which have been shown to cause headaches and nausea. So make sure to clean carpets regularly. (Related: What are VOCs and how do they affect your health?)7. Grow indoor plants

Plants are natural air filters, so invest in indoor plants. Place a few pots in cramped rooms or rooms with no windows. Small plants like ferns and larger ones like palm trees are some of the best plants for pulling pollutants ...

Survival essentials: 7 Items you need in your trauma first aid kit

June 22, 2020 - adhesives, so they work well in arid environments.5. Hemostatic gauze

Hemostatic gauze is a recent development in the medical field. The clotting agent, kaolin, helps thicken blood, which effectively stops the bleeding on deep cuts, gashes and puncture wounds, where applying a tourniquet is not necessary.6. Disposable medical face mask

Just as medical gloves reduce the risk of transferring and absorbing germs through the hands, medical face masks reduce the ...

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