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Abortions drop to ALMOST ZERO in Texas after state’s near-total ban on infanticide

17 days ago -

The report, which covers the period from July 2022 to March 2024, highlights a continuous decrease in the number of abortions – from thousands per month to virtually none. This data has been analyzed and corroborated by the Texas Alliance for Life.

Texas, recognized as one of the most restrictive states regarding abortion laws by the Guttmacher Institute, has seen the effects of the Human Life Protection Act, which bans abortions with very limited exceptions....

“Unmistakable presence” of EVIL causes some doctor to stop performing ABORTIONS

4 days ago -

"I was about to begin an abortion procedure on a teenager when the room darkened and time seemed to slow down. There was an unmistakable presence of evil, and I was the only one who seemed to notice it," Wheeler recounted. "What scared me most was my awareness of pure evil in the operating room, related to the abortion I was performing."

That moment proved crucial in her life as God revealed to her the horror and destruction of abortion. "I thought I was helping women. The ...

Post-Roe infanticide numbers continue to rise, thanks to TELEHEALTH ABORTIONS

5 days ago -

Jonathon Von Maren put forward this argument in an Aug. 14 piece on LifeSiteNews, which featured his interview with pro-life statistician and political scientist Dr. Michael New. He cited numbers released by the U.S. Society of Family Planning (SFP) as part of its #WeCount projects to back up his case. According to the group's estimates, abortion numbers continue to rise.

The SFP found that in the first three months of 2024, the number of abortions increased by 13....

NO CHOICE AND NO LIFE: Study finds mRNA COVID-19 vaccines increase risk of spontaneous abortions

12 days ago -

When it comes to COVID-19 vaccines mandates, the Democrats and their government institutions essentially mandated abortions, taking away CHOICE and LIFE.Study finds startling rate of spontaneous abortion in pregnant women injected with COVID-19 jabs

The study utilized data from the Vaccine Safety Datalink, a collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and nine health systems across the United States, representing 3% of the population....

Tim Walz left EIGHT babies who survived botched abortions to DIE, government data shows

21 days ago -

Before Walz was installed as Minnesota's governor, there was a law on the books that required abortion clinics to report all instances of failed abortions that resulted in the live birth of a baby. Such reporting required abortion "doctors" to reveal what actions were taken to preserve the life of the baby after birth, as well as whether or not the baby survived.

Walz has since abolished that reporting requirement. Under his leadership, abortion clinics in Minnesota ...

Abortions in the U.S. HAVE INCREASED since the overturning of Roe v. Wade

October 31, 2023 -

According to the nationwide first-full-year count of abortions, the increase in legal abortions happened in states where they remained accessible, likely caused by residents and by women traveling from states with bans or restrictions.

Meanwhile, these same states where abortions remain relatively unrestricted expanded the services they are providing for women seeking abortions, including telemedicine options for mail-order abortion ...

Abortions in Illinois surge 54% as neighboring states enact pro-life legislation

June 23, 2023 -

Planned Parenthood reported to news outlets that the rate of women coming for abortions has spiked by 54 percent since last year's repeal of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court. (Related: Abortion giant Planned Parenthood grosses $1.7 billion from murdering over 383,000 unborn babies.)

Following the ruling, many states began banning abortions or passing stricter regulations to significantly lessen the number of legal abortions performed in their ...

Abortions in Texas drop 97% after Roe v. Wade overturn

December 20, 2022 -

Based on induced terminations of pregnancy (ITOP) data from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), 2,533 babies fell victim to infanticide in January 2022. But come July of the same year, this fell to 68. While the number of abortions went beyond the 3,000 mark in March and April, the numbers steadily decreased beginning in May.

The HHSC recorded 2,596 abortions for the month of June, the same month as the Supreme Court overturned the ...

Federal court temporarily blocks Biden’s attempt to force all employers to pay for workers’ abortions

June 25, 2024 - abortions under the PWFA, it would have spoken clearly when enacting the statute, particularly given the enormous social, religious, and political importance of the abortion issue in our nation."

"The EEOC twisted a law protecting expecting mothers and their babies and co-opted the workplaces of over 130 million Americans to support abortion," Becket attorney Laura Wolk Slavis responded. "That is an abuse of power; no one should have to choose between their conscience ...

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee issues directive mandating hospitals to provide “emergency” abortions regardless of upcoming Supreme Court ruling

June 24, 2024 -

Inslee claims this directive will ensure access to life-saving care for women experiencing severe pregnancy complications, such as ectopic pregnancies, incomplete miscarriages and infections in the uterus that could easily lead to sepsis.

Inslee emphasized that the state will continue to offer emergency abortions even as the Supreme Court considers a case from Idaho that could affect federal protections for such procedures. The governor ordered the Washington State ...

Pro-life group blasts Trudeau administration for implying that women must use contraception and have abortions to become successful

June 04, 2024 - abortions and birth control to manage indigenous populations.

Violence is at the very heart of Canada's radical abortion movement.

Sources include:

This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing International, LTD. is not responsible ...

Supreme Court hears oral arguments on whether the Biden administration can force doctors in emergency rooms to perform abortions

April 30, 2024 -

The legal battle traces back to August 2022, when the administration of President Joe Biden filed a lawsuit claiming that the Emergency Medical Treatment & Active Labor Act (EMTALA) supersedes the pro-life regulations of Idaho, compelling emergency room physicians in the state to conduct abortions that are prohibited by state law. Initially, a lower court ruled in favor of the administration, which prompted the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene and permit Idaho to enforce ...

Joe Biden wants to force employers to provide abortions for their workers

April 22, 2024 - abortions.

"The EEOC does not typically act in a way that aligns with pro-life or Catholic views. In general, the EEOC has interpreted 'pregnancy-related' discrimination issues to include protecting workers' 'right' to abortion," Ahern said at that time.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) also warned of potential infringements on religious freedom before its enactment. He fears that "the bill could force religious employers to provide accommodations that arise from an abortion, ...

Newsom calls on Florida women to come to California for abortions after passage of six-week abortion ban in Sunshine State

April 08, 2024 - abortions were performed in Florida from January to June 2023 compared to the same period in 2020.

Visit for more stories about abortion bans in the United States.

Watch this clip from Fox Business discussing how Democrats are planning to make abortion a top issue in the November election.

This video is from the NewsClips channel on related stories:

Newsom receives millions in fundraising and ...

REPORT: 63% of all abortions in 2023 were carried out using pills

March 25, 2024 - abortions and made the public heavily rely on medication abortions. (Related: Abortions in the U.S. HAVE INCREASED since the overturning of Roe v. Wade.)

According to the Guttmacher Institute, approximately 642,700 medication abortions took place in the first full calendar year after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. The survey noted that the increase in total abortions was primarily concentrated in states where abortion ...

Missouri AG sues Planned Parenthood for trafficking minors to get abortions in other states

March 08, 2024 - abortions out of state without the consent of their parents.

In a message announcing the suit on X, Bailey wrote: “This is the beginning of the end for Planned Parenthood in the State of Missouri.” He is pursuing an injunction that orders Planned Parenthood to stop helping minors get abortions.

“Violating the ‘deeply rooted’ right of parents and the laws of Missouri, Planned Parenthood is inducing minors into making life-changing — and life-ending ...

Planned Parenthood accused of trafficking minors to carry out more abortions

March 05, 2024 -

The lawsuit by Attorney General Andrew Bailey cites undercover footage released by the conservative Project Veritas that shows a Planned Parenthood Great Plains (PPGP) employee offering to arrange an abortion for a 13-year-old in Kansas.

Missouri law bans nearly all abortions, as well as helping a minor get an abortion out of state without parental consent. (Related: Abortions in Illinois surge 54% as neighboring states enact pro-life legislation.)

Bailey ...

Planned Parenthood caught admitting it performs SECRET ABORTIONS on young teens “so the parents won’t find out”

January 15, 2024 - abortions," Project Veritas told LifeNews about its latest project.

"An investigative journalist met with healthcare workers at various clinics in Texas, as well as Planned Parenthood employees in California and Kansas, to further investigate the elaborate lengths the abortion giant will go to facilitate, and help conceal, abortions for minors."

(Related: In 2022, the Biden regime threatened Christian doctors to perform abortions or else ...

Cosmopolitan magazine encourages women to have “SATANIC abortions” at a Satanic clinic in New Mexico

December 12, 2023 - abortions, insisting that it is a real trend that has "managed to piss off abortion opponents and reproductive free fighters alike."More on Samuel Alito’s Mom's Satanic Abortion Clinic

Samuel Alito's Mom's Satanic Abortion Clinic is allegedly a New Mexico-based telehealth practice. The legitimate medical entity is managed by an accredited clinical team and offers abortion care to patients within state lines.

The staff prescribes abortion pills at $91 per ...

Ohio voters pass amendment to enshrine in state constitution legal abortions up until BIRTH

November 19, 2023 -

The voter-passed Issue 1 initiative, which is now permanently enshrined in Ohio's state constitution, allowing for abortions to occur in the Buckeye State all the way up until birth, which is basically infanticide under another name.

"It's pretty clear that this constitutional amendment just goes farther, much further than what the average Ohioan approves," commented Gov. Mike DeWine, a Republican whose party also argues that Issue 1 goes "too far."

"If ...

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