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Cornel West proposes creating a COVID-19 Truth Commission, Vaccine Safety and Utilization Panel to restore public health

2 days ago -

Like many these days, West is concerned about the pharmaceutical industry's control after witnessing the horrors of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic." The events of those three horrific years opened a lot of eyes to the fact that Big Pharma controls the nation's politicians and the policies they implement.

West wants to create a COVID-19 Truth Commission that will get to the bottom of what happened, why it happened, who was behind it happening, and most important ...

Trump warns that America’s ammo stocks are DEPLETED

2 days ago -

During an Aug. 21 campaign rally in Asheboro, North Carolina, Trump claimed Biden bled America's ammunition stockpiles dry to arm Ukraine and other countries. He added that aside from ammunition, billions of dollars worth of weaponry have been donated free of charge.

"They released a report talking about all of the vulnerable areas. We're weak here, we're weak there," Trump addressed the crowd behind bulletproof glass panels. "That's like saying, 'We have no ammunition.' You ...

Colorado, Michigan and Wisconsin refusing to remove RFK Jr. from ballot, all to hurt Trump

2 days ago -

In his campaign suspension speech, Kennedy urged his supporters in the other 40 states to still vote for him, but indicated that he is voluntarily removing his name from the ballot in about 10 battleground states, some of which are refusing to cooperate because they want Trump to lose.

"Our polling consistently showed that by staying on the ballot in the battleground states, I would likely hand the election over to the Democrats, with whom I disagree on the most existential ...

House committee sounds alarm on U.S. drone firm’s links to ChiCom-backed DJI

2 days ago -

U.S. Reps. John Moolenaar (R-MI) and Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) expressed concern over the links between Austin, Texas-based Anzu Robotics and the Beijing-backed military drone firm DJI through an Aug. 20 letter to Anzu CEO Randall Warnas. Moolenaar chairs the HSCC while Krishnamoorthi serves as its ranking member.

"Security researchers have confirmed that Anzu's Raptor T is essentially a DJI Mavic 3 painted green, with its remote control and application all running on DJI ...

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan meets with Xi Jinping as Biden works to normalize relations with China

2 days ago -

This is the first such trip by a high-ranking United States official in China in several months after Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen made similar visits earlier this year.

According to the White House, the trip was intended to be a continuation of President Joe Biden's efforts to maintain open communications with Beijing and manage his deteriorating bilateral relationship with Xi.

In a White House-provided readout, Sullivan ...

The stage is being set for the cataclysmic wars of 2025

2 days ago -

(Article republished from

Most Americans could not even pick out Taiwan on a blank map of the world, but for the Chinese the island of Taiwan is of the utmost importance.

On Thursday, a Chinese general told Jake Sullivan to his face that Taiwan is “the first red line that must not be crossed”…

Gen. Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, told Sullivan that Taiwan “is at the very core of China’s core interests, ...

COVID, monkeypox and now West Nile: The election virus fearmongering continues

2 days ago -

End of August and early September is usually when mosquito populations really start to explode across the more humid areas of country, including in New York City where city officials have begun "spraying" the streets with chemicals as mitigation.

Thanks to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic," some cities and towns are even launching "voluntary" curfews and lockdown orders as a way to try to mitigate the perceived threat of West Nile Virus.

The town of Plymouth ...

Texas PURGES one million ineligible voters from voter rolls, including non-citizens and dead people

2 days ago -

Of the 6,500 probable noncitizens deleted from the voter rolls, about 1,930 have a voter history. Abbott said those records were handed over to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for investigation and probable legal action. (Related: Texas AG announces major election fraud raids after organization accused of registering noncitizens to vote.)

The voter roll cleanup began in 2021 when Abbott signed Senate Bill 1, aimed to support election integrity and security.

"Election ...

Trump warns Zuckerberg and anyone who illegally interferes in election will be jailed for life

2 days ago -

(Article by Paul Joseph Watson republished from

The claim appears in a new book written by Trump called Save America that is due to be published next week.

Trump says that the Facebook founder will “spend the rest of his life in prison” if there is proven meddling.

Zuckerberg’s Facebook played a key role in censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story before the 2020 election based on fake claims that the story was a ‘Russian disinformation’ operation, ...

Trumped-up charges against Telegram CEO Pavel Durov revealed: False accusations of drugs, child porn and more

2 days ago -

Facing up to 20 years in prison, Durov is accused of complicity in enabling illegal transactions in an organized group and refusing to communicate at the request of "competent authorities" to share information and documents about the identities of the accounts that are part of the organized group.

In short, Durov is taking the same approach as Andrew Torba of Gab in refusing to hand over private user data at the government's request, instead choosing to respect privacy rights....

U.S. government now in control of AI models – any AI that doesn’t parrot disinformation propaganda and lies will be BANNED

2 days ago -

Two major AI companies, OpenAI and Anthropic, have agreed to share their AI models with the U.S. government's AI Safety Institute before unleashing them so the nation's overlords can evaluate their "capabilities and risks" before allowing them to be publicly released.

OpenAI and Anthropic are also said to be "collabor[ating] on methods to mitigate potential issues," to quote Bloomberg.

"Safety is essential to fueling breakthrough technological innovation," commented ...

Calling all Democrats and Liberals – your “anything but Trump” stance has you all set to vote for FULL-BLOWN COMMUNISM

2 days ago -

Kamunism on the rise in America, but it’s “anything but Trump” on the Left’s ballot

The mass media propaganda machine has tens of millions of intelligent Democrats ready to vote for full-blown communism. How did it come to this? Who really believes in the medicines advertised on TV, when the side effects are ten times worse than the problem the pharma-pill-makers claim to be trying to “manage?” Who is dumb enough to allow a doctor to prescribe them these laboratory-made nightmares?...

Technofascism: The government pressured tech companies to censor users

2 days ago - (Article republished from

Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, has finally admitted what we knew all along: Facebook conspired with the government to censor individuals expressing “disapproved” views about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Zuckerberg’s confession comes in the wake of a series of court rulings that turn a blind eye to the government’s technofascism.

In a 2-1 decision in Children’s Health Defense v. Meta, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed ...

Zuckerberg admits to censoring Americans, Hunter Biden laptop story under Biden-Harris “pressure”

2 days ago -

Facebook remains under the microscope as part of a lengthy investigation into the social media platform's content moderation policies. So far, Facebook has produced thousands of documents in accordance with the investigation.

With hundreds of millions of users hailing from many different countries around the world, Facebook regularly receives requests from governments and others expressing concerns about the information being spread. The Biden regime was especially concerned ...

RFK Jr. reveals he left the Democratic Party because it had “departed so dramatically from its core values”

2 days ago -

During the press conference at Phoenix, Arizona on Aug. 23, RFK Jr. recalled the first time he attended the Democratic convention in 1960 at the age of six.

"I attended my first Democratic convention at the age of six in 1960. Back then, the Democrats were the champions of the Constitution, of civil rights," he said. "The Democrats stood against authoritarianism, against censorship, against colonialism, imperialism and unjust wars. We were the party of labor, the working class....

Crypto exchange giant Binance accused of seizing crypto funds of Palestinians at the behest of IDF

2 days ago -

This allegation was first raised by Ray Youssef, founder and CEO of peer-to-peer bitcoin marketplace NoOnes, who wrote on X that "Binance has seized all funds from all Palestinians as per the request of the IDF. They refuse to return the funds. All appeals denied." (Related: Armed Israeli settlers attack West Bank village, burning down properties and killing a young Palestinian man.)

Youssef cited a letter allegedly sent by Paul Landes, head of Israel's National Bureau for ...

U.S. to spend record $454M securing ‘mostly Jewish institutions’

2 days ago -

(Article by Chris Menahan republished from

From The Times of Israel, "US to spend record $454 million securing religious institutions as antisemitism spikes":

The Department of Homeland Security announced last week that it had allocated $454.5 million this fiscal year toward the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, which funds security enhancements at houses of worship and religious organizations. It is the largest sum ever allocated toward ...

Democrats trying to censor AI-created memes before election

2 days ago -

(Article by Steve Watson republished from

In other words, they want to eradicate memes they don’t like.

Democratic House Members are now pressuring the FEC to issue new rules to censor @elonmusk's new Grok-2 AI art generator before the election.

Let me be clear: the First Amendment is not optional. I'll never support shutting down political speech online, including your memes.

— Sean Cooksey (@SeanJCooksey) August 27, ...

Report: Kamala Harris LIES about not supporting EV mandates despite backing them for years

2 days ago -

On Aug. 27, Ammar Moussa, the director of rapid response for Harris' campaign, sent a campaign email titled "Lies to look out for ahead of J.D. Vance's Remarks in Michigan."

In the email, Moussa warned the public that former President Donald Trump's running mate, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, would "undoubtedly lie, gaslight and try to run away from the truth" about the Trump-Vance agenda even before the latter delivered his remarks in Michigan. The lie, Moussa specifically pointed ...

Start ’em young: Government climate alarmists brainwashing kids to comply with green tyranny

2 days ago -

The Washington Free Beacon reported on this matter, citing the Climate Kids webpage operated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). While the webpage includes educational materials and activities for children, it also parrots talking points from the climate alarmists. These include claims like "the world is undergoing cataclysmic warming," "sea levels are rising" and "global ice coverage is diminishing."

Just like the green tyrants claim, the Climate ...

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