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Study: Minnesota experienced a net loss of 4,000 families in 2021 and 2022 despite “family-friendly” initiatives

a month ago - 2021 and 2022. This caused a 0.3 percent decline in families with children, which ranked as the 13th worst nationwide for family migration.

Stone and Wilcox stated in their study that high housing costs, increasing crime rates and controversial school policies may outweigh the benefits of family subsidies like child tax credits and paid parental leave. They said these family subsidies are insufficient to keep families in a state where safety, education quality and affordable ...

Sen. John Kennedy reminds voters that Biden issued nearly 300 executive orders in 2021 TO ERASE AMERICA’S BORDERS

a month ago -

On Sept. 9, Kennedy brought up on his official account on X that Biden signed a flurry of executive orders to overturn the immigration and border policies of former President Donald Trump.

"Reminder: The Biden-Harris White House wrote nearly 300 executive orders to open our border in just their FIRST YEAR in office," Kennedy wrote.

A 2021 report from CBS News noted that, upon being inaugurated, Biden immediately dismantled major parts of the immigration legacy ...

Documents reveal INFILTRATION by Beijing operatives in Canada’s 2019 and 2021 federal elections

a month ago -

According to the documents, CCP agents have served as poll workers for Elections Canada in 2021.

A sworn affidavit by former Member of Parliament (MP) Leona Alleslev of the Conservative Party of Canada, filed with the Canadian Parliament's Foreign Interference Commission (FIC), said at least half of the Chinese Canadian constituents in the Aurora-Oak Ridges-Richmond Hill riding (electoral district) knew foreign operatives were operating at polling stations. Her Chinese ...

Elections Canada UNABLE TO REFUTE allegations that CCP agents infiltrated the 2021 federal election

2 months ago -

The agency said it could not conclusively refute the allegations by former Conservative Party of Canada Member of Parliament (MP) Leona Alleslev.

On Aug. 26, Alleslev revealed in an affidavit that the Chinese Canadian Community informed her that CCP agents worked as poll workers during the 2021 federal campaign. Alleslev claimed that approximately "half the Chinese Canadian constituents she canvassed" expressed fear of voting due to potential repercussions against ...

Secret Service’s Cheatle and Rowe covered Trump’s Jan. 6, 2021 rally, sought intelligence on Proud Boys before deleting all texts – did they allow the “insurrection?”

August 02, 2024 -

New revelations show that under the control of Kim Cheatle and Ronald Rowe, the Secret Service also failed to perform its proper duties at Trump's Jan. 6, 2021, rally at the U.S. Capitol, also known as the "insurrection."

Cheatle, who recently resigned from her post in disgrace, along with Rowe, the new acting director of Secret Service – Rowe has worked for the Secret Service for many years under other titles – had specific oversight roles on January 6 to protect ...

July 4th BBQ meal cost up $11.72 since Biden bragged about $0.16 price drop in 2021

July 04, 2024 -

A mass email from RNC Research that cites data from the American Farm Bureau Federation claims that the same Fourth of July barbecue meal that the Biden White House bragged was $0.16 cheaper in 2021 compared to 2020 under Donald Trump is now $11.72 more expensive in 2024 thanks to runaway inflation.

In July 2021, the White House uploaded a video for the American public claiming that Joe Biden's economic policies had resulted in a meager decrease in July ...

Australian drug regulator knew since 2021 that mRNA in COVID-19 injections could spread to vital organs

June 27, 2024 -

Newly acquired documents as a consequence of a Freedom of Information Act request revealed this discovery, which was later presented by a British researcher. Among the documents was a January 2021 TGA report admitting that vaccine particles do not remain at the injection site, but disperse throughout the body – including the brain, liver and ovaries.

According to the TGA report, mRNA lipid nanoparticles were found in plasma and various organs such as the liver, ...

Beverage company that promotes “environmental sustainability” found to be among California’s top sprayers of PARAQUAT in 2021

May 02, 2024 - 2021. (Related: EWG study: Economic benefits of paraquat herbicide DO NOT outweigh its health risks.)

TWC – which owns POM pomegranate juice, Fiji Water and other popular brands – has been reportedly recognized for its sustainability initiatives.

According to TWC's website, "environmental sustainability" is at the center of its work. The company, "in all its operations, must be a deeply responsible steward of the environment, and lead by example to create a sustainable ...

State Commission blames Netanyahu and three other high-ranking Israeli officials for 2021 Meron stampede

March 11, 2024 -

After two and a half years of investigation, the committee headed by retired judge Dvora Berliner presented a 320-page report on March 6. The report identified Netanyahu, former public security minister and now Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana, former religious service minister Yaakov Avitan and police chief Kobi Shabtai as responsible for the deadly stampede.

"There is a reasonable basis to conclude that Netanyahu knew that the site of Rashbi's grave was improperly dealt with ...

Jeff Bezos regains title of world’s richest person, overtaking Elon Musk for the first time since 2021

March 07, 2024 - 2021. Late that year, Bezos fell way behind and was unable to regain the position until now.Thanks to your generous support, we are building the infrastructure of human freedom and actively donating our technology to independent publishers, authors and home schooling organizations. Learn about our game-changing non-commercial AI project here. Support our ongoing efforts to preserve and enhance human knowledge by shopping at

Musk's wealth may ...

U.K. data reveal PANDEMIC of the VACCINATED from 2021 to 2023

February 16, 2024 -

According to data from the U.K. Health Security Agency, (UKHSA) there have been approximately 61,000 unvaccinated deaths and approximately one million vaccinated deaths from 2021 to 2023. During this time, populations have been deceived. While everyone has been harmed in some way, we have collectively suffered through a pandemic of the vaccinated. The mortality data out of the UK screams of crimes against humanity.Analyzing the excess mortality of vaccinated ...

FDA says RECALLED sleep apnea machines are linked to 561 deaths since 2021

February 07, 2024 -

The regulator made this revelation in a Jan. 31 notice, saying that there have been more than 116,000 medical device reports – including 561 deaths – over the now-recalled devices. The reports stemmed from foam breaking down in certain Philips Respironics ventilators, bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP) sleep therapy devices, and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines that were included in a major recall announced in June 2021. (Related: A majority ...

Report: More than 70% of embalmers found strange BLOOD CLOTS in corpses beginning in mid-2021, months after COVID vaccines were rolled out

February 02, 2024 -

This was the finding of a recent survey that polled 269 embalmers across four countries and three continents. A similar survey conducted in late 2022 revealed that 66 percent of embalmers began finding the unusual clots in mid-2021. This result suggested a connection to the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, which started in December 2020.

Former Air Force Maj. Thomas Haviland, the creator of the 2022 and 2023 embalmer surveys, told the Defender that he conceived ...

Do they know something we don’t? New York Times predicted “massive POPULATION DECLINE over the next few decades” in 2021

January 31, 2024 -

Writing for Global Research, geopolitical analyst Peter Koenig referenced a May 2021 article published by the NYT. The article stated: "All over the world, countries are confronting population stagnation and a fertility bust – a dizzying reversal unmatched in recorded history that will make first-birthday parties a rarer sight than funerals, and empty homes a common eyesore."

The NYT piece cited the closure of maternity wards in Italy and the failure of South ...

True story: 2021 Report reveals growing cases of “gender detransitioners” receiving minimal to zero support from “healthcare practitioners”

January 30, 2024 - 2021 report on detransitioners from the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine (SEGM), the first large-sample, peer-reviewed study of the experiences of individuals who identify as detransitioners, most participants reported significant?difficulties finding the help that they needed during their detransition process from medical, mental health, or LGBT communities.

The study indicated that only 13 percent of the respondents received help from LGBT?organizations ...

Big Pharma manufacturing medications to “cure” injuries caused by the very COVID-19 vaccines they hastily rolled out in 2021

January 29, 2024 - 2021 and 2022 from rapidly metastasizing and terminal cancers, according to data from the U.K.'s Office for National Statistics. Also, Pfizer's mRNA vaccine was found to be contaminated with cancer-causing DNA fragments. (Related: Dr. Robert Malone warns Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine may cause CANCER.)

McCollough, an internist and cardiologist, chimed in saying that following the roll-out of the mRNA vaccines, "I've never prescribed so many blood thinners in my career....

Republican actor’s house raided, and now he’s been arrested for being at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021

December 10, 2023 -

On Nov. 30, Siaka Massaquoi was reportedly returning with his wife from Nashville, where the couple attended the premiere of the Daily Wire's new film "Lady Ballers," a controversial comedy about transgender athletes. He was arrested, without a warrant, by agents at Hollywood Burbank Airport, Red State, a conservative news media outlet for which Massaquoi is a columnist, reported.

At the time, he was with his pregnant wife, Charlotte Massaquoi. He was taken into custody ...

Americans need to make $11,400 more today to maintain the same standard of living they had in 2021

December 06, 2023 -

According to a CBS News poll, the economic ripples from the inflation surge and ongoing inflation crisis that began in 2021 are still affecting American households. More Americans are facing financial challenges now than before the pandemic.

Despite a slowly receding inflation rate, a two-decade low joblessness rate and what may look like an improving economy, many families still find themselves financially squeezed and struggling to bridge the gap between ...

Afghanistan has received $11B in aid since U.S. withdrew troops in August 2021, gov’t watchdog reveals

November 10, 2023 -

A report issued by John Sopko, the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction (SIGAR), disclosed this finding. According to the Oct. 30 report, the U.S. and its allies have been sending "cash shipments" of about $80 million to Afghanistan "every 10 to 14 days" since the Taliban took over the country, shortly before all U.S. forces withdrew.

Sopko added in his report that the United Nations has assured him that all of the money has been "placed in designated ...

SIGAR: Biden admin has given over $11 billion to Afghanistan since Taliban took over and U.S. withdrew its troops in 2021

November 09, 2023 -

According to the report released by John Sopko, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), the U.S. and its allies have been sending approximately $80 million of "cash shipments" every 10 to 14 days to support the Afghan population.

The report quoted that the United Nations (UN) assured Sopko that the financial aid is "placed in designated UN accounts in a private bank" rather than being "deposited in the central bank or provided to the Taliban....

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