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Studies show common prescription medications raise DEPRESSION risk

July 31, 2023 -

A recent study published in JAMA found that more than a third of U.S. adults are taking prescription medications that could potentially cause depression or increase suicide risk.

While not a comprehensive list, the following are common types of pharmaceutical drugs that have been found to cause depression symptoms. (Related: 10 Classes of medication that can cause or worsen DEPRESSION.)Medications that influence hormones

Hormonal contraceptives are known to cause ...

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Recommended ResourcesCounterThink Cartoons are

free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.The Consumer Wellness Center is

a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that

help children and ...

China regarded as new global tech leader since it controls 90% of all critical technologies

a day ago -

ASPI's Critical Technology Tracker found that China "effectively switched places" with the U.S. as the world's technology leader in less than 20 years, which is incredibly quick.

"The U.S. led in 60 of 64 technologies in the five years from 2003 to 2007, but in the most recent five years (2019–2023) is leading in seven," ASPI says.

"China led in just three of 64 technologies in 2003 – 20074 [sic] but is now the lead country in 57 of 64 technologies in 2019–2023, increasing ...

Big Pharma’s rap sheet

a day ago - t was one of those conversations you never forget. We were discussing – of all things – the Covid injections, and I was questioning the early ‘safe and effective’ claims put forward by the pharmaceutical industry. I felt suspicious of how quickly we had arrived at that point of seeming consensus despite a lack of long-term safety data. I do not trust the pharmaceutical industry. My colleague did not agree, and I felt my eyes widen as he said, “I don’t think they would do anything dodgy....

Ukraine incursion into Kursk marks the first time a nuclear power like Russia faces an invasion by another country

2 days ago -

Ukraine's raid on Kursk marks the first time that a known nuclear power has faced invasion and occupation by another country.

For many years, nuclear-escalation theory has believed that countries with atomic weapons were mostly exempt from attack because an aggressor could trigger another world war. Even relatively small states like Iran, Israel, Libya and North Korea have pursued nuclear arms to help discourage attacks by their larger and better-armed adversaries.

The ...

7 Types of medications that can damage your kidneys

4 days ago -

As one of the body's detoxification organs, your kidneys play a major role in processing toxic molecules and chemicals that enter your body, including medications. As such, they are just as susceptible as the liver – the body's main detoxification organ – to damage (nephrotoxicity) caused by drug toxicity.

The detoxification process is a series of events that starts in the liver. The liver first breaks down substances present in your blood into their chemical components. While ...

Cambridge University says children as young as 15 should take statins to reduce heart attack risk

6 days ago -

With so many young people developing heart issues due to Operation Warp Speed, medical experts are apparently scrambling for solutions, even going so far as to push dangerous heart medications on young people.

(Related: Did you know that statin drugs are actually mitochondrial toxins that cause heart disease rather than prevent it?)

According to the research team, high or fluctuating cholesterol in childhood can lead to a condition of the heart called atherosclerosis....

Recognizing the early warning signs of stroke and how to prevent it

4 days ago -

There are several different types of stroke, and all of them could be fatal:

Key warning signs of a stroke

To quickly identify a stroke, health care experts are advising people to remember the acronym "F.A.S.T.," which stands for:

There are many other symptoms to look out for, including chronic headaches, involuntary twitching of eyelids or facial muscles, memory lapses and difficulty focusing, numbness in the face or ...

West Virginia to vote on ballot initiative that would constitutionally prohibit assisted suicide in the state

4 days ago -

The constitutional amendment, known as House Joint Resolution 28, was added to the fall ballot during the final hours of the 2024 legislative session. It seeks to prevent any medical professional from performing euthanasia or assisting a patient in committing suicide.

The proposed amendment reads: "No person, physician, or health care provider in the State of West Virginia shall participate in the practice of medically assisted suicide, euthanasia, or mercy killing of a person....

Hungary pushes through with plan to bus illegal immigrants to Brussels

4 days ago -

Hungarian Interior Ministry State Secretary Bence Retvari declared at a recent press conference that if the EU attempts to force Hungary to accept illegal immigrants, then those migrants will be handed one-way bus tickets directly to Brussels.

Backdropped by a line of passenger buses with illuminated signs reading "Roszke-Brussels" – a route that would take immigrants from Hungary's southern border with Serbia to the EU headquarters in Belgium – Retvari stated the transport ...

More horrifying details emerge about the 20,000 Haitian migrants INVADING Springfield, Ohio: Residents are fleeing due to overwhelming VIOLENCE

4 days ago -

Hansen says nearly 400 emails flooded his inbox to tell stories about how lifelong residents of the Midwestern town are having to flee due to all the violence, dwindling resources and dangerous new drivers swerving all over the roadways causing accidents.

The corporate media claims that everything is fine in Springfield, just like they claimed about the apartment complex in Aurora, Colo., that was invaded by illegal migrant gangs from Venezuela. In Springfield's case, the ...

Follow the money: Most young doctors are financially enslaved by the drug industry, and it’s destroying American healthcare

4 days ago -

A new study published in the British Medical Journal – Protecting early career physicians from commercial influence – finds a disturbing trend of young doctors being wined and dined and used as pawns to promote new drugs. This influence is pervasive, especially in the field of pain management and cardiology – two medical fields where underlying health issues are not properly diagnosed or treated.Study warns that drug companies are dictating healthcare through bribery

The study ...

Congressional report: Biden-Harris admin DECEIVED Americans on Afghanistan withdrawal

4 days ago -

The report released by the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC) on Sept. 9 alleges that the decision to withdraw from Kabul led to disorganized conditions and disregarded military warnings, eventually causing the loss of 13 U.S. military personnel in a Kabul suicide bombing. It also implies that political plans were prioritized over national security concerns.

"Our investigation reveals the Biden-Harris administration had the information and opportunity to take necessary ...

Plant-based radiation protection: Tulsi

4 days ago -

Radioactivity is a natural part of our environment and everyone is continually exposed to ionizing radiation from a vast array of natural sources such as the sun and radioactive elements within the earth. However, since Henri Becquerel and Madame Curie first described radioactivity at the turn of last century, humans have continued to concentrate natural radiation sources and use them for medical diagnosis and therapy, food preservation, power generation and the production of nuclear ...

Australia and New Zealand propose new law scrapping GMO labeling requirements on food

5 days ago -

Researcher Kate Mason is warning that Australia and New Zealand’s food authority, FSANZ, has proposed amendments to its current Food Standards Code that would see gene-edited foods being deregulated and labels disappearing altogether, leaving consumers who seek real food in the dark about the true origins of the products being sold in supermarkets there.

Under the proposal, any foods that do not contain novel DNA won’t be considered genetically modified – even if they were ...

Moderna admits in patent filings that its mRNA COVID-19 injections can cause CANCER

5 days ago -

The company made this admission in patent filings disclosed by Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, during a hearing led by U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). According to Malone, Moderna's patent shows that its vaccine contains billions of DNA fragments and other contaminants linked to birth defects and cancer.

The expert also mentioned that Moderna's patent acknowledges that RNA is preferable to DNA in vaccines. However, the vaccine maker also ...

The CONNECTION between AUTISM and COVID JABS could boil down to destruction of good gut bacteria

5 days ago -

Big Pharma and the Vaccine Industrial Complex (VIC) do not want anyone studying this, reading about it, or talking about it. Autism is one of the biggest cash cows for the VIC, and now it’s come to light that the Covid-19 mRNA jabs are contributing to the further spike in autism cases. Surprised?Big Pharma’s cash cow autism now “injected” with new major cause ­– Fauci Flu mRNA “vaccines”

One of the most insidious ways Big Pharma bankrolls off human health detriment is via ...

How your body tells you that you’re on the verge of BURNOUT

7 days ago -

According to Burretts, burnout symptoms typically fall into three main categories: physical, emotional and behavioral. Burnout is a condition where a person feels emotionally, mentally and often physically drained due to long-term or recurring stress.

Burnout can stem from various aspects of one's life, notably work, personality and lifestyle. A lack of awareness about the root cause of a person's burnout, combined with societal pressures and stereotypes, can make individuals ...

Boosting your flexibility can help you live longer, study finds

6 days ago -

Although it is well-established that physical fitness is essential for optimal health and longevity, most studies have focused primarily on cardiovascular endurance and muscle strength. This new research, however, shifts the spotlight to flexibility – a frequently neglected aspect of fitness – and explores its potential impact on how long people live.

The researchers conducted a detailed flexibility assessment using a tool called the "Flexitest," which measures the range of ...

Oxford’s new COVID jab aimed to sterilize 60% – 70% of recipients, developer admits

6 days ago -

In a recent interview about the new shot, Sir John, who teaches medicine at Oxford, seemed to suggest that one of the goals behind these injections is to mass sterilize the planet under the guise of protecting public health against the "COVID virus."

"These vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population," Sir John said with seeming disappointment during the interview.

"They're very likely to have an effect which works in a percentage, say 60 or 70 percent....

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