Scientific news, articles and information:
 | 9/27/2016 - These thirty scientific studies show a link between vaccines and autism, disproving the myth that no official research papers exist to support what alternative doctors have been saying for years.
We have compiled a list of 30 scientific studies that show a link between vaccines and autism, disproving...
 | 9/4/2016 - A recent scientific study has confirmed what dog lovers have suspected all along – that their canine companions actually understand what is being said to them.
A group of researchers at Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest, Hungary, used functional MRI (fMRI) technology to scan the brains of...
 | 8/18/2016 - The world's seed giants would love for you to believe that the movement against genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is based on nothing more than fear, paranoia and ignorance. But the truth is that the growing distaste for GMOs is based on mounting research that illustrates the adverse effects on...
 | 8/11/2016 - Harvard University scientists just published the results of an enormous scientific investigation that finds millions of Americans are exposed to deadly chemicals in the water supply. The study is described in this Harvard University announcement and says that researchers found toxic chemicals in the...
 | 8/9/2016 - Longtime readers are very familiar with our record of focusing on fraud and abuse in the scientific community. But if you're new to Natural News, you may not yet know that we are extremely dedicated not only to promoting legitimate science and research, but also to rooting out and exposing scientific...
 | 8/2/2016 - In 2013, the biotech community responded, declaring there is a
"scientific consensus" that GM foods are safe for human and
environmental health.
However, after reviewing these claims, more than 300 scientists disagree
with the biotech community and say this statement is "misleading" and
 | 6/6/2016 - A study published in 2004 received an award from the British Food Journal (BFJ) as the "most outstanding paper" of the year has been exposed as a total fraud. Authored by biotech hack Shane Morris, the study, entitled Agronomic and consumer considerations for Bt and conventional sweet-corn, used deceptive...
 | 6/2/2016 - As promised, I've now published the first 100 EPA Watch water test results in a scientific paper you can find at the Natural Science Journal.
There, in a science research study I conducted at my analytical laboratory (, you'll find the full details of toxic heavy metals contamination...
 | 5/26/2016 - If you thought the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency appeared seasoned in its efforts to obscure the lead poisoning that maimed thousands in Flint, Michigan, including scores of innocent children, you would be correct, as it wasn't the first the time the so-called "health" agency engaged in such...
 | 5/22/2016 - Today I'm tipping my hat to John Horgan, a blogger who writes for Scientific American, for his extraordinary article entitled Dear "Skeptics," Bash Homeopathy and Bigfoot Less, Mammograms and War More.
In his article, Horgan rightly points out that today's so-called "science skeptics" are little...
 | 5/6/2016 - The alleged gold standard of the double-blind, peer-reviewed scientific study is not looking so gold these days, especially after a recent report in The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) unearthed some of the scandalous secrets hiding in plain sight in modern science. Such secrets, say investigators, include...
 | 5/5/2016 - The world's biggest biotech and Big Pharma companies have a nearly unlimited supply of cash, so they can essentially purchase whatever they desire – and more than anything, they desire the ability to continue to sell their products to the world.
And nothing perpetuates that endless cycle of...
 | 4/29/2016 - It wasn't supposed to happen this way – at least, that's what the vaccine Nazis have always told us in justifying forced ingestion of poisonous, infectious substances into our bodies.
Once we were vaccinated against diseases like measles, mumps and rubella, they said, we were never again at...
 | 4/22/2016 - A former British medical officer who was responsible for deciding if medications were safe for the general public has accused the government he used to serve of "utterly inexplicable complacency" over the triple measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine for children, the UK's Daily Mail Online reported.
 | 4/18/2016 - Sadly, what often passes for "science" today in the world of health is little more than "Scientism" -- a dangerous cult founded on irrational dogma and faith-based beliefs in faulty, fraudulent ideas being paraded as science.
A common trait that weaves its way through every topic of "Scientism" is...
 | 4/14/2016 - Under fire for pulling the VAXXED documentary from the Tribeca Film Festival -- after being pressured by pharma-funded media trolls and the Nazi-linked Sloan Foundation -- Robert De Niro has taken a stand for public debate about vaccines and autism. In a widely cited Today Show interview, De Niro exclaimed...
 | 4/8/2016 - The Berlin Wall of vaccine injury denialism is about to crumble. Although every effort is being made by the vaccine establishment to crush and silence the truth about vaccine injuries -- including heavy-handed censorship of the "VAXXED" documentary -- the truth is that vaccines cause autism in some...
 | 4/8/2016 - The former chief scientific officer for Britain's Department of Health who was responsible for deciding if medicines and vaccines were safe for use among the general public says his former employer is guilty of "utterly inexplicable complacency" regarding the mumps, measles and rubella shot.
 | 4/7/2016 - Wait ... What? The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) really doesn't conduct any scientific studies on the very drugs it approves? No, it doesn't, and the facts surrounding this reality will shock and anger you.
This point was recently brought out – again – by the Alliance for...
 | 3/30/2016 - Despite mounting pressure from many activist groups, Japan continues to slaughter hundreds of whales every year – some of which are endangered – in the name of "science." The nation hides behind the claim that the slaughter is legal according to the 1946 whaling convention, which allows...
 | 3/27/2016 - There has never been an assault against a documentary film in the history of America like the one we've just witnessed over the last 48 hours. The entire mainstream media waged a coordinated, simultaneous attack against the Tribeca Film Festival to censor a film none of them had even seen.
That film,...
 | 3/27/2016 - A much-awaited and explosive documentary film called VAXXED - From Cover-Up to Catastrophe was suddenly pulled from Robert De Niro's Tribeca Film Festival following an intense censorship effort waged by the vaccine-pushing mainstream media and pharma-funded media science trolls.
Watch the explosive...
 | 3/16/2016 - Another skeleton is coming out of Monsanto's closet, and its implication will forever change how we view the relationship between corporations, scientific literature and government regulators. The infamous corporation is now being exposed for hijacking a science journal to suppress the facts that their...
 | 3/1/2016 - An ardent attempt is afoot on Capitol Hill to prevent states from requiring the labeling of genetically engineered foods – made especially urgent by the fact that Vermont's labeling bill is set to take effect July 1st.
Although proponents of these foods scored a major victory in July when they...
 | 2/21/2016 - In the minds of many concerned parents, there is no more toxic, dangerous vaccine in the world than Gardasil. More children and teens have been maimed, hospitalized, injured and even paralyzed by HPV vaccines than any other category of vaccine interventions. And now, the American College of Pediatricians...
 | 2/5/2016 - In what is undoubtedly one of the most astonishing herbal cures story of the decade, a natural molecule from licorice root extract -- "glycyrrhizin" -- has been repeatedly and scientifically shown to block nearly all liver damage from both alcohol consumption and over-the-counter Tylenol pills (acetaminophen).
 | 1/20/2016 - The president of the European Commission, the executive branch of the European Union, has fired a pro-GMO professor as part of plans to permit countries within the EU to ban genetically modified crops, despite some scientific and industry claims that they are safe.
Jean-Claude Juncker, who is also...
 | 12/17/2015 - New strains of GM crops that produce pesticides in their own tissues are being approved without rigorous safety testing, even though they may carry "serious health and environmental risks," according to a research review conducted by scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the...
 | 11/23/2015 - Monsanto-funded scientists are calling for an end to Freedom of Information Act requests after they were ousted for colluding with the biotech industry to push GMOs and their associated pesticides.
Rather than respect the public's right to greater transparency, industry-bought scientists are demanding...
 | 11/4/2015 - A landmark study which concluded that antidepressant drug Paxil (paroxetine) was safe for use among teenagers was fraudulent, suggests a reanalysis of the previously recorded data.
The original study, published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in 2001, claimed that Paxil might help young people...
 | 10/29/2015 - Just how desperate have the global warming hoaxers become? Desperate enough to make sure you agree with their position even if it means enforcement at the barrel of a gun.
The Daily Sheeple reports that a "democratic" panel of the "democratic" United Nations believes that the "science" behind so-called...
 | 9/15/2015 - In the aftermath of the explosive revelations that university scientists across America have been secretly colluding with Monsanto while publicly proclaiming they are "independent" observers, the scientific community is now on the path of committing credibility suicide.
The Freedom of Information...
 | 9/6/2015 - For years, Democrats in office and those running for office have attempted to curry favor with their liberal base by opposing any and all research that involved the use and resultant death of any animals, even those that were bred specifically to be used in research.
Way back in 1992, then-Democratic...
 | 9/1/2015 - Recognizing that scientific fraud has spiraled completely out of control, a group of academic leaders is taking a stand to bolster transparency and improve the level of integrity in fields of research relating to biotechnology, genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), pharmaceuticals, and vaccines.
 | 8/5/2015 - Over the last few weeks, America has experienced shock at the revelation that human babies are being harvested for their organs during live abortion procedures. This is all being carried out by Planned Parenthood in the name of "science."
But what kind of science underlies such seemingly evil activities?...
 | 4/29/2015 - Hilariously, the Washington Post, USA Today, NPR, Fox News and even the Associated Press often get their science talking points from convicted felons, fraudsters and hucksters who claim to have a monopoly on "science."
In one of the most laughable examples of modern-day abandonment of journalistic...
 | 3/30/2015 12:25:08 PM - An anti-corruption public watchdog group has sent letters to the chairmen and ranking members of House and Senate agriculture committees in Washington, as well as the Department of Agriculture's inspector general, requesting an investigation regarding an alleged cover-up by agri- and biotech giant Monsanto.
 | 3/16/2015 - As Michael Snyder points out in a timely article at The Economic Collapse Blog, California is rapidly reverting back to the desert it was once.
Awareness of this is only now beginning to spread, but almost no one truly grasps the implications of what losing California's Central Valley agricultural...
 | 3/3/2015 - Every time corporations want to shove their poisons down our throats, they claim to have a monopoly on "science." Anyone who disagrees with the corporate propaganda is then labeled "anti-science."
This tactic didn't originate with the biotech industry, Big Pharma or vaccine pushers: it was also a...
 | 3/1/2015 - In recent months, there have been several cases where supposedly "settled science" has been successfully challenged in the public forum, including so-called "climate change" science as well as research regarding vaccines and genetically modified foods.
This is good news not just for consumers but...
 | 2/18/2015 - What was once considered a rare exception to the norm appears to be evolving into a disturbingly common pattern of abuse. Peer-reviewed science, and the integrity of what makes it into even the most well-respected scientific journals today, may not be all that it seems, as closer scrutiny reveals rampant...
 | 2/6/2015 - Bias in academia and especially scientific research is, unfortunately, not a new occurrence. It has been going on for years and has gotten so bad that now, millions of Americans are so skeptical of "science" in general they don't believe much of anything.
Nowhere is this more evident than in the...
 | 1/14/2015 - One of the worst things you can do to your body is feed it sugar -- not necessarily natural sugar like the kind found in fruit, but refined sugar. A team of scientists from the University of California in San Francisco (UCSF) recently pored through more than 8,000 scientific papers on how sugar affects...
 | 1/13/2015 - Australia's vaccine zealots are the most rabid extremist wing of the vaccine medical mafia, and they've engaged in tactics like issuing death threats to vaccine educators to try to silence them. Now, they're trying to get the Australian government to ban the travel visa of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, a pro-informed-consent...
 | 12/31/2014 - For people who received computerized brain-boosting games over the holidays, or who just enjoy turning to them any time of the year, consider yourselves warned: They're not providing the extensive benefits you may think.
So say experts from Loyola University Health System, who maintain that the claims...
 | 12/5/2014 - The following video from Gary Franchi of NextNewsNetwork reveals the shocking admission by the CDC that this year's flu vaccine doesn't work.
As this story has gone extremely viral, I've also added these additional links to other news stories that report on the CDC's admission that this year's flu...
 | 11/17/2014 - Nearly all genetically modified (GM) crops approved by governments worldwide received that approval in spite of a complete lack of published, peer-reviewed research supporting their safety, according to a new study published in the risk-assessment journal Environment International.
The researchers...
In April, 2014, I had the happenstance of running into you on the streets of Vancouver. I was there to lecture to a group of medical professionals, while you were attending the TED talks. I expressed my appreciation to you for creating Wikipedia....
 | 11/12/2014 - Every household should have at least one gravity water filter that doesn't need electricity to function, but which water filters perform the best when it comes to removing toxic elements and heavy metals?
To help answer the question, Natural News has published detailed results of the scientific testing...
 | 11/7/2014 - Proponents of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are trumpeting the results of a recent massive meta-analysis published in the Journal of Animal Science, claiming that it conclusively proves the safety of GMO foods. Yet, this supposedly conclusive study fails to meet basic scientific standards and...
 | 9/25/2014 - In furtherance of the medical monopoly that dominates western civilization today, the FDA issued warning letters to three companies over what they call fraudulent health claims regarding Ebola treatments.
The warning letters, viewable here, single out the Natural Solutions Foundation (Rima Laibow)...
 | 9/4/2014 - After more than a week of total silence by the mainstream media, CNN has finally admitted that a landmark study recently published in a top scientific journal solidifies a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. But this was only after the journal that first published the study, Translational Neurodegeneration,...
 | 8/27/2014 - BREAKING: CDC whistleblower William Thompson has now gone public with a statement posted on the website of the law firm representing him, Morgan Verkamp LLC. (See the full statement reprinted below.)
The statement opens with a blatant admission of scientific fraud at the CDC:
My name is William...
 | 8/27/2014 - Yet another astonishing development has taken place that demonstrates the extraordinary degree of scientific censorship being pursued to bury the story about scientific fraud at the CDC. The science journal Translational Neurodegeneration has pulled a data analysis study conducted by Brian Hooker, who...
 | 8/25/2014 - The CDC whistleblower story is exploding, and despite the best efforts of the mainstream media to maintain a total media blackout on the story, the truth is spreading like wildfire across the internet and social media.
The essence of the story is that CDC scientist William Thompson has admitted to...
 | 8/21/2014 - News has been rapidly exploding across the "truth media" regarding the CDC whistleblower who is now making shocking revelations: The CDC's own research found that MMR vaccines caused autism in African-American children, and the agency knowingly buried this evidence to hide it from the public.
 | 8/20/2014 - Yesterday I wrote that Natural News is investigating a report of a massive scientific cover-up perpetrated at the very highest levels of the CDC.
Today I can report that I now have in my possession CDC documents which prove beyond any doubt that the former head of the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding, actively...
 | 8/15/2014 - We've done a lot of original research here at Natural News, and we've made some extraordinary scientific and humanitarian breakthroughs with the potential to help save millions of lives.
Did you know that Natural News is the only independent media organization in the world with its own ICP-MS atomic...
 | 7/20/2014 - Those of us who have long been describing the pharmaceutical industry as a "criminal racket" over the last few years have been wholly vindicated by recent news. Drug and vaccine manufacturer Merck was caught red-handed by two of its own scientists faking vaccine efficacy data by spiking blood samples...
 | 6/30/2014 - A major victory has been achieved for science with the recent re-publishing of Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini's study on genetically-modified (GM) corn treated with Monsanto's Roundup herbicide. After being forcibly retracted by corporate scientists, Seralini's groundbreaking study will once again appear...
 | 6/3/2014 - Mercury tests conducted on vaccines at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab have revealed a shockingly high level of toxic mercury in an influenza vaccine (flu shot) made by GlaxoSmithKline (lot #9H2GX). Tests conducted via ICP-MS document mercury in the Flulaval vaccine at a shocking 51 parts per million,...
 | 4/27/2014 - In a highly-publicized scientific report (1), the CDC is now making a future-projection claim that immunization programs in the USA will prevent 732,000 deaths over the lifetimes of people born from 1994 - 2013. In analyzing this, I'm going to set aside the fact that the CDC quite literally functions...
 | 4/21/2014 - In the first decade of the 21st century, retractions of papers published by medical journals went up 19 fold, although the number of manuscripts being published only increased 44 percent. The reasons behind this surge in evidence of scientific falsification were examined in a recent editorial in the...
 | 4/21/2014 - Shielding from the public its true allegiances to Big Industry over the people has never been much of a concern at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), where public policy is continually crafted in the interests of chemical and pharmaceutical corporations, with blatant disregard and even contempt...
 | 4/17/2014 - The International Court of Justice has ruled that a Japanese whaling program in the Atlantic is not designed for scientific purposes as Tokyo has claimed, and as such has ordered the program temporarily halted.
The government of Australia had filed suit against Japan in the UN's highest court for...
 | 4/2/2014 - Scores of scientists have condemned a journal editor's retraction of a study that reported a number of serious side effects in lab rats that consumed Monsanto's genetically modified maize and Roundup herbicide.
In all, according to a press release by a group called End Science Censorship, the number...
 | 3/27/2014 - Natural News has exposed dirty dealings with Big Pharma, the FDA and medical journals who publish bogus study reports for years. Bogus study reports included ghost-written papers signed by credentialed physicians and paid for by the drug companies. They also included papers based only on data from trials...
 | 3/16/2014 - As a long-time fan of the sciences, I was thrilled to see the re-launch of the Cosmos series this past week, starring Neil DeGrasse Tyson as the host. I was an enthusiastic fan of the original 1980 Cosmos series starring Carl Sagan, and I grew up steeped in the study of the natural sciences.
 | 3/16/2014 - The International Agency for Research on Cancer has collected updated evidence and data from recent scientific studies (2009-2013) to investigate the link between breast cancer and alcohol consumption. Interestingly, the analyses found a linear correlation between alcohol intake and breast cancer occurrence,...
 | 2/25/2014 - A prominent scientist and biotechnology expert has issued a public indictment of Professor Anne Glover, the Chief Scientific Adviser to European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and a vehement supporter of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In a recent letter, Dr. Brian John from GM-Free...
 | 2/4/2014 - UPDATE: The story which originally appeared here is now irrelevant and has been replaced with this groundbreaking, history-making announcement:
I'm thrilled today to be able to announcing a groundbreaking "industry accord" agreement which will have dramatic, positive ramifications for the future...
 | 12/27/2013 - Yet another vaccine researcher has been caught faking research on a bogus AIDS vaccine, adding to the pattern of scientific fraud and criminality that characterizes the modern-day vaccine industry. Dr. Dong-Pyou Han from Iowa State University has resigned this week after admitting he spiked rabbit blood...
 | 11/5/2013 - Dear Natural News readers,
For the next two months (November and December, 2013), I will be involved in the final phase of intense scientific research which will result in a series of breakthrough announcements beginning on January 7, 2014. I'm letting you know this because my schedule of posting...
 | 10/20/2013 - The research website has now achieved 12 million studies posted on topics covering over 20 categories, including vitamins, minerals, medicinal herbs, phytonutrients, toxic chemicals, drug side effects and more.
Visit the site now at:
 | 10/13/2013 - Online academic journals are losing integrity. It has now been proven that many open access journals trade truthful scientific information for a mere profit, as they accept flawed scientific studies just to earn publishing fees. This is generating a lot of poisoned, misleading scientific articles that...
 | 10/12/2013 - There are two types of scientific plagiarism. The most obvious is when one scientist rips off another person's work and calls it his or her own. An example of this is the relationship between Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison.
Edison got all the credit for electrical advances, such as alternating current...
 | 9/20/2013 - What the public doesn't know won't hurt them.
At least, that's the thinking behind the Scientific American's recent editorial, "Labels for GMO Food Are a Bad Idea." It argues, "Instead of providing people with useful information, mandatory GMO labels would only intensify the misconception that so-called...
 | 9/18/2013 - Allow me to be the first to announce that TED is dead. Why? Because the group that organizes so-called "TED talks" has been thoroughly hijacked by corporate junk science and now openly rejects any talks about GMOs, food as medicine, or even the subject of how food can help prevent behavioral disorders...
 | 9/17/2013 - An increasing number of published scientific papers are being retracted these days, and a cohort of scientists from some of the most prominent research universities in the country wants to know why. To accomplish this goal, they recently published a paper of their own in the open-access, peer-reviewed...
 | 9/5/2013 - The "TED talks" organization, once founded on the idea of spreading good ideas, has become the new priesthood of status quo dogma. The TED organization doesn't want you to hear the really important, breakthrough advancements in scientific thinking, and to enforce that intellectual ignorance, it has...
 | 9/1/2013 - The world's largest science research website on foods, food ingredients, nutrients, chemicals, drug side effects and much more has just expanded yet again. now features 7 million published scientific studies and papers, all indexed, related and categorized so that you can easily...
 | 8/12/2013 - Researchers say it's still rare, but fraud in scientific research is climbing at an alarming rate nonetheless. What's more, according to a new study which has documented the trend, researchers can't say why it's happening.
An examination of retractions in medical and biological peer-reviewed publications...
 | 8/2/2013 - In a recent message to subscribers, American Psychiatric Association President Jeffrey Lieberman urged members to support big pharma.
He did this while openly admitting that the pharmaceutical industry makes a practice of advertising unethically, paying off doctors, and suppressing critical scientific...
 | 7/31/2013 - We've just added a new category to called "Earth Sciences & Environment."
Indexing nearly 200 concepts from carbon sequestration to species migration, the new section is available at:
 | 7/24/2013 - A statistical analysis of millions of scientific studies reveals that curcumin -- one of the active chemical constituents in turmeric -- is the most widely-studied phytochemical in modern science. The analysis was conducted by medical science researcher Mike Adams, editor of
 | 7/22/2013 - Today I'm pleased to announce the launch of, a powerful new portal into the wealth of scientific literature that documents nutritional cures, toxic chemicals (including heavy metals), benefits of holistic therapies, the dangers of prescription medications and much more.
 | 4/21/2013 - A recent scientific paper that concluded imported rice was heavily contaminated with lead has been suddenly withdrawn by its author. Natural News has confirmed from the author, Monmouth University Chemistry Professor Tsanangurayi Tongesayi, that the paper is "recalled until further notice."
The paper,...
 | 3/1/2013 - There is definitely no shortage of scientific evidence these days to show that curcumin, the believed-to-be primary active ingredient in the spice turmeric, holds incredible therapeutic value, and just might be the most advisable medicinal spice of our day. And a prominent medical oncologist from Johns...
 | 10/15/2012 - There is a battle being waged for your mind. To the victor comes influence over your beliefs, you purchase decisions, and even your values. On one side of the battlefield are the so-called 'scientific' poisoners, who are really just proxy scientists and propagandists promoting corporate interests. These...
 | 10/1/2012 - Yes indeed, readers, we have secured the world's first interview with a top Monsanto scientist named Alex Blaine Layder. (Read the name out loud, quickly.) He provides some real answers about GMOs and why Monsanto's technology can help save the world.
Adams: So, to begin, why are you saying that...
 | 9/13/2012 - Genetically engineered wheat contains an enzyme suppressor that, when consumed by humans, could cause permanent liver failure (and death). That's the warning issued today by molecular biologist Jack Heinemann of the University of Canterbury in Australia.
Heinemann has published an eye-opening report...
 | 9/10/2012 - Through Wednesday, September 12, "The Greater Good" is available for purchase through the NaturalNews Programs store, which allows unlimited streaming views of the full video, with no expiration. (It stays in your NaturalNews library forever.) Watch the astonishing movie trailer now by clicking here.
 | 7/12/2012 - Many commonplace procedures that are practiced during routine, low risk, deliveries have no scientific evidence to back them up. These unnecessary medical processes can actually increase many risks in the mother and child. Many women are following the Midwife of Modern Midwifery, Ina May Gaskin, in...
 | 7/10/2012 - The recent discovery of the Higgs particle -- the "God" particle -- will go down in the history of science as one of the greatest discoveries ever made. But what was discovered, exactly? Was it a discovery of a "particle" that grants mass to other elements of matter, or was it the discovery that thousands...
 | 5/30/2012 - The cover of Time Magazine last week had a picture of a woman nursing her three-year-old child to raise awareness of breastfeeding and get people talking about it. It worked, perhaps better than they anticipated. The tactic was employed and completely justified because breastfeeding rates in America...
 | 5/11/2012 - The human race is gravely threatened by out-of-control science that has already begun to reveal alarming unintended consequences across our planet. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility, for example, still contains massive quantities of stored nuclear fuel rods -- 85 times the radiation of the...
 | 5/7/2012 - This is, without question, the most important article I've ever penned, because it discusses the idea that the human race is being destroyed in the name of science.
Stopping these "scientists" from destroying our world and our civilization must become our top priority if we hope to survive.
 | 3/22/2012 - In yet another stunning example of scientific research fraud, the University of Connecticut leveled charges of widespread scientific fraud against a prolific researcher earlier this year. The university identified the researcher as Dr. Dipak K. Das, a director of the university's Cardiovascular Research...
 | 11/9/2011 - Homeopathic medicine is at present one of the leading alternative therapies practiced by physicians in Europe (particularly France, Germany, UK, and Italy) and Asia (especially on the Indian subcontinent)(EU Commission, 1997; Prasad, 2007). Since homeopathy's development as a medical specialty in the...
 | 10/27/2011 - A new scientific study published in The Lancet reveals that influenza vaccines only prevent influenza in 1.5 out of every 100 adults who are injected with the flu vaccine. Yet, predictably, this report is being touted by the quack science community, the vaccine-pushing CDC and the scientifically-inept...
 | 10/5/2011 - A new paper reviewing data from 19 animal studies shows that consuming genetically modified (GM) corn or soybeans leads to significant organ disruptions in rats and mice, particularly in livers and kidneys ( "Other organs may be affected too, such as the heart...
| 9/23/2011 - The mainstream medical establishment's rejection of alternative healing not only flies in the face of hundreds and even thousands of years of history, but it also flies in the face of good science. History has taught us time and again that the science of today is often found lacking tomorrow. Apparently,...
 | 9/13/2011 - Most scientists would state categorically that homeopathy is a scientific impossibility. Who would disagree, as the explanation that is currently provided to support homeopathy makes very little sense. How is it possible that a solution that contains no chemical atoms causes a biological reaction? All...
 | 5/31/2011 - As the radioactive fallout from Japan has officially reached the level of Chernobyl's catastrophe and encroached onto the U.S. and Canada, the EPA, for the lack of a drug to recommend, has been playing the role of psychotherapist - "you are OK, we are OK, don't worry." Even better, the psychotherapeutic...
 | 5/17/2011 - It can now be revealed by NaturalNews that the TSA faked its safety data on its X-ray airport scanners in order to deceive the public about the safety of such devices.
As evidenced by recent events in Washington, we now live in an age where the federal government simply fakes whatever documents,...
 | 5/12/2011 - The response to the release of our new mini-documentary, The God Within, has been extraordinary. In just the first 16 hours after its release, we have received an inflow of positive comments from people who are elated that we have helped pull back the veil of secrecy and expose the mindless, soulless...
| 3/20/2011 - While many mainstream doctors still scoff at the idea that traditional, natural healing modalities -- including therapies with plants -- could actually work, hard scientific evidence is accumulating which proves the medicinal properties of plants. For example, NaturalNews recently reported on a study...
 | 2/22/2011 - A new study in Science Translational Medicine has cast doubt over the scientific validity of nearly all randomized, double-blind placebo controlled studies involving pharmaceuticals used on human beings. It turns out that many pharmaceuticals only work because people expect them to, not because they...
| 2/16/2011 - Fibromyalgia is a chronic ailment without a known cause and without a safe, effective conventional medical treatment. However, the three to six million Americans who suffer with fibromyalgia will be pleased to know that several studies published in leading medical journals have found outstanding results...
 | 2/9/2011 - Dr Andrew Wakefield discusses the structure of scientific revolutions with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, in a video interview available now on NaturalNews.TV:
In this interview, Dr Wakefield speaks at length about the interaction between...
 | 2/4/2011 - In a video interview with NaturalNews, Dr Andrew Wakefield, the doctor accused by the British Medical Journal of falsifying the data in a study questioning the safety of MMR vaccines, asserts that the BMJ has been "hijacked" by a politically-motivated journalist making utterly false allegations.
 | 1/24/2011 - Watch out for the word "unscientific" in propaganda that's pushing GMOs, pesticides or other dangerous chemicals onto our world. In a joint letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, three Republican members of Congress (Rep. Frank Lucas, Sen. Saxby Chambliss, Sen. Pat Roberts) attempted to spin GMOs as...
 | 1/21/2011 - The very reputation of so-called "science" has been irreparably damaged by the invocation of the term "science" by GMO lackeys, pesticide pushers, mercury advocates and fluoride poisoners who all claim to have science on their side. It seems that every toxin, contamination and chemical disaster that...
 | 12/20/2010 - In an independent review published in a peer-reviewed medical journal (see below), a popular herbal immune supplement called "ImmunoFlu Remedy" was found to fraudulently marketed as a "flu prevention supplement." Its makers claim that if you take the supplement, you won't get the flu and won't miss...
 | 12/11/2010 - Mention the word "astrology" and skeptics go into an epileptic fit. The idea that someone's personality could be imprinted at birth according to the position of the sun, moon and planets has long been derided as "quackery" by the so-called "scientific" community which resists any notion based on holistic...
 | 10/28/2010 - You know all those thousands of clinical trials conducted over the last few decades comparing pharmaceuticals to placebo pills? Well, it turns out all those studies must now be completely thrown out as utterly non-scientific. And why? Because the placebos used in the studies weren't really placebos...
| 10/5/2010 - At a time when the British Medical Association is calling for an end to national funding for homeopathy and detractors are describing it as "nonsense on stilts", a Nobel prize-winning scientist has made a discovery that suggests that homeopathy does have a scientific basis after all. In July, Nobel...
 | 9/9/2010 - Concerned about breast cancer? There are three nutrients that virtually eliminate your risk of the disease, even if you carry "breast cancer genes." Wondering how to cure arthritis? A combination of four different nutrients virtually eliminates arthritis symptoms. Afraid of diabetes? Five different...
 | 9/2/2010 - As someone with a good deal of education in scientific thinking and the scientific method, I have put considerable effort into attempting to find any real scientific evidence backing the widespread use of influenza vaccines (flu season shots). Before learning about nutrition and holistic health, I was...
| 8/10/2010 - A lot of people today are confused about what homeopathy is (and isn`t). This situation is not helped by the skeptics of homeopathy who go to incredible extents to exaggerate and misconstrue what homeopathic medicine is. It is more than a tad ironic that these "skeptics" hold themselves out as "defenders...
 | 5/27/2010 - The Alliance for Natural Health, a nonprofit organization committed to protecting access to natural and integrative medicine, has recently come up with a Congressional bill designed to stop government censorship of truthful, scientific health claims about natural foods and herbs, and restore free speech...
| 3/30/2010 - Recently, most of the scientific fraud accusations have been aimed at China, but they rarely (if ever) point towards the medical establishment or the pharmaceutical industry. Here on NaturalNews, of course, exposing the transgressions of Big Med and Big Pharma are commonplace. Scientific fraud, however,...
| 3/21/2010 - Media headlines are full of stories about the fraudulent hucksters who lie at the edges of the natural remedies and anti-vaccine cultures, but when scientists in accepted fields of study are caught faking results and cooking the books, the stories go largely unreported. Andrew Wakefield gets censured...
| 2/25/2010 - According to none other than the esteemed health experts of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) web site, "... people 65 and older should get their regular, or 'seasonal', flu vaccine as soon as possible...People age 65 and older are at increased risk for complications from seasonal influenza compared...
| 2/18/2010 - It's being called the largest research fraud in medical history. Dr. Scott Reuben, a former member of Pfizer's speakers' bureau, has agreed to plead guilty to faking dozens of research studies that were published in medical journals.
Now being reported across the mainstream media is the fact that...
 | 2/6/2010 - When it comes to vaccines, Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey get it. They see how the pharma industry is engineering a campaign to silence Dr. Andrew Wakefield in order to suppress the publication of startling new evidence linking vaccines to severe neurological damage.
At great risk to their professional...
 | 1/20/2010 - In conjunction with NaturalNews, the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center ( has publicly offered a $10,000 reward for any person, company or institution who can provide trusted, scientific evidence proving that any of the FDA-approved H1N1 vaccines being offered to Americans...
| 1/7/2010 - Brent Leung's myth-shattering AIDS documentary, House of Numbers continues to roil conventional AIDS propagandists who cannot tolerate anyone questioning their "scientific" theories. (They're not exactly "scientific" if they can't stand up to a little questioning, are they?)
Adding to the searing-hot...
 | 12/14/2009 - When it comes to selling chemicals that claim to treat H1N1 swine flu, the pharmaceutical industry's options are limited to two: Vaccines and anti-virals. The most popular anti-viral, by far, is Tamiflu, a drug that's actually derived from a Traditional Chinese Medicine herb called star anise.
| 11/30/2009 - The inconvenient release of private email conversations among climate change scientists has been a boon for climate change skeptics. What emerges from the leaked emails is a depiction of a group of scientists who practice "intellectual protectionism" -- meaning they know they're right and they'll do...
| 10/11/2009 - Following the recent death of a UK teen after receiving the HPV vaccine (, and serious brain damage in another teen vaccine recipient (, the Alliance...
| 2/11/2009 - Conventional medical doctors around the world (and the drug companies that support them) want all children to be vaccinated against measles, mumps, HPV, chicken pox and literally over a hundred other diseases. Bill Gates even supports the effort to "eradicate" disease from our planet by vaccinating...
| 1/12/2009 - FDA scientists have become so fed up with the criminal behavior of their own administration that they've filed a strongly-worded complaint with President-elect Obama, alleging the FDA has been deeply "corrupted and distorted."
FDA managers, the letter explains, are "placing the American people at...
| 12/28/2008 - The science "skeptics" are at it again, attacking the credibility of celebrities who they say demonstrate astonishing levels of scientific illiteracy. Barack Obama, Oprah, Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, Kate Moss and Julianne Moore have all been labeled scientifically illiterate by the UK non-profit Sense...
 | 9/19/2008 - Acupuncture is a medical procedure in which the function of bodily systems is influenced by stimulating connective and muscular tissue at specific points on the body. The practice, once thought to be something akin to folklore in the West, has gained widespread acceptance and popularity. The reasons...
 | 5/5/2008 - In many states, citizens and scientists are accusing the CDC's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of failing to make the connection between public health problems and industrial sources of pollution -- even in the face of scientific evidence.
National coverage of the toxic trailers...
 | 4/21/2008 - The discovery that drug companies have been ghostwriting scientific studies using in-house writers, then paying (bribing) doctors and high-level academics to pretend they were the author of the article is making shockwaves across conventional medicine. This latest revelation of scientific fraud exposes...
 | 4/18/2008 - Drug giant Merck has been caught red-handed in a scheme to deceive the FDA and the public over the integrity of its scientific studies, say top medical authorities. According to reports that were (amazingly!) published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and detailed in the Washington...
 | 2/26/2008 - Milk Thistle has been used in the treatment of liver diseases including liver cancer for years. It heals the liver by lowering enzyme levels and assisting the liver in its process of detoxifying the body. Herbalists and Chinese Physicians have prescribed milk thistle for all types of liver disorders...
 | 1/18/2008 - Wrapping up the important health news stories this week, the FDA announced that cloned meat and milk could now be sold to consumers without any labeling indicating its cloned status. Now factory cattle farms -- which already operate with a disturbing lack of ethical behavior or compassion for animals...
 | 1/16/2008 - (NaturalNews opinion) The latest round of scientific fraud from Big Pharma arrives in the form of yet more junk science conducted by Merck on its blockbuster cholesterol drug Vytorin. Results of a clinical trial involving the drug were finally released this week, nearly two years after they were known...
 | 1/11/2008 - (NaturalNews Editorial) It's no surprise these days to hear about a pharmaceutical company committing scientific fraud and distorting clinical trials to get the results they want, but it's unusual to see it done as blatantly and arrogantly as what you're about to see here.
In June, 2002, Merck and...
 | 1/9/2008 - While the mainstream press is widely reporting a new study "disproving" any link between autism and mercury-containing thimerosal in vaccines, no one has bothered to point out that the study was published in a medical journal stacked full of ads from the very same drug companies that manufacture and...
 | 7/2/2007 - Promoters of conventional medicine claim that all the drug marketing, FDA approvals, surgical procedures, chemotherapy and all other treatments are based on "hard science." The term "science" is invoked with hilarious frequency: Science journals, science-based medicine, proven medical science and so...
 | 12/22/2006 - The U.S. Geological Survey is the latest government agency that is feeling the heat from the Bush administration, which appears to be clamping down on research that may go against official policy.
New government rules now require screening of all facts and interpretations by agency scientists. The...
| 9/28/2006 - The Bush administration has blocked the release of a report suggesting that global warming is likely contributing to the formation, frequency and strength of hurricanes.
NOAA scientists drafted the report linking human activity with hurricane activity in February 2006. It was scheduled to be released...
 | 8/30/2006 - Mike: Hello everyone, this is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and I'm talking about the mythical disease known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and the overmedication of the population, with Dr. Fred Baughman. I want to give you a little background about why I'm so interested in interviewing...
 | 8/25/2006 - One of the healthiest exercises you can engage in is walking. Walking may not sound like much exercise, but do it for 10,000 or 20,000 steps, and it is really a great way to boost your metabolism, enhance your bone density and lose weight. Because walking is so beneficial to health, I like to review...
 | 8/15/2006 - When scientific research appears in a peer-reviewed journal, readers are supposed to be able to trust that the research is honest, unbiased and accurate -- especially when it concerns prescription drug safety. Thus, when journalists at mainstream news publications in turn relay that scientific research...
 | 7/21/2006 - In a truly astonishing survey just released by the Union of Concerned Scientists, the Food and Drug Administration's own scientists describe the agency as an environment of intimidation, censorship and scientific fraud. A survey of 997 FDA scientists revealed that forty percent feared "retaliation"...
| 6/29/2006 - WASHINGTON (June 27, 2006) -- Standard laboratory housing thwarts the basic behavioral needs of rats, mice, and other rodents, inflicting physiological and psychological harm and raising serious scientific and ethical questions about using these animals in experiments, according to a scientific review...
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