Problems news, articles and information:
 | 11/21/2016 - Many people suffer with skin problems. Dark circles, stubborn acne and dry patches are just some of the ailments that can plague your skin – and your life. There are tons of ointments, pastes, creams and serums available to treat these conditions, but oftentimes the problems come right back as...
 | 10/8/2016 - As increasing numbers of young people turn to so-called "smart drugs" to boost academic performance, the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has issued a warning to students about the dangers of this practice, which include not only dependency, but also heart problems and even...
 | 8/28/2016 - Big Government is nothing more than a grand scam that deliberately creates huge problems in society to convince the sheeple that they need government to solve those problems.
I've just posted a new mini-documentary (17 minutes) that reveals the stunning truth about Big Government: You don't need...
 | 7/20/2016 - A judge with the British Columbia Supreme Court has dismissed a class action lawsuit initiated by a yoga instructor. The lawsuit claims that the smart meters installed by electric company BC Hydro are making residents sick.
Nomi Davis of Salt Spring Island filed the suit in 2013, noting that she...
 | 6/17/2016 - The debate over whether the benefits of marijuana use are worth the risks continues to rage, as more and more states make moves to legalize it. While much remains unknown about its effects, a group of researchers recently made an important discovery that should lay some doubts to rest: Long-term marijuana...
 | 6/12/2016 - The globally bestselling herbicide Roundup can cause heart problems, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Caen, France, and Sapienza University of Rome, and published in the journal Cardiovascular Toxicology in December 2014.
The findings may explain the cases of heart...
 | 4/25/2016 - In recent years there have been increasing reports that "smart meters" – the digitized electric meters that are designed to send usage figures to power companies wirelessly – are causing a range of health issues among a growing portion of the population where such devices are in use.
 | 4/3/2016 - Even relatively low levels of lead exposure can produce emotional disorders in children, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics on June 30.
"Our study is showing that even low levels of lead is associated with...
 | 3/18/2016 - Large-scale fish kills, sulfuric acid leakages, acid mist and two employee deaths are the result of a phosphate fertilizer operation in Pascagoula, Mississippi, that's repeatedly violated state health and environmental regulations dating back to at least 2009.
Mississippi Phosphates, located on the...
 | 1/19/2016 - As 2015 begins, many of us take stock of the year just passed and find that there is much to be grateful for, but the fact that approximately 2,000,000 people in the US have been afflicted with illness from antibiotic-resistant bacteria and 23,000 of those people died this past year is certainly not...
 | 10/10/2015 5:43:35 PM - Millions of Americans today suffer from thyroid dysfunction, and many of them do not even know it. Startling enough, over 80% of people who suffer from poorly functioning thyroids do not show problems on standard thyroid tests. Knowing some common symptoms of thyroid problems can help you get proper...
 | 10/4/2015 - Evidence continues to link endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) to a wide range of illnesses, most notably obesity and diabetes, according to a scientific statement recently issued by the Endocrine Society.
The new statement is a followup to the society's 2009 report, which highlighted the existing...
 | 8/6/2015 - In light of a recent study finding that nearly 200,000 people per year are killed by sugar-sweetened beverages, some people might be tempted to switch to diet soft drinks instead. The information from this study was presented at the 63rd Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology...
 | 7/2/2015 - Whether you have a stomach flu, norovirus or indigestion, natural remedies can relieve many digestive problems. Using herbs, foods and vitamins, many types of digestive complaints can be alleviated, or at least, the symptoms can be reduced. Since ancient times, herbs like ginger, licorice and peppermint...
 | 6/25/2015 - It's somewhat amusing when health-conscious folks try to defend tattoos, all the while ignoring the fact that everything from the needle itself to the ink being injected is a potential health hazard. A recent study found that most tattooed people who develop some kind of acute reaction following the...
 | 6/19/2015 6:09:26 PM - Skull on fire, writhing in pain, one journalist tells his own story about the onset of searing headaches and the feeling of being "hit over the head with a rod of steel." That's how journalist Adam Estes described the mysterious "bolts of pain" that shot from the top of his neck and across his skull.
 | 5/2/2015 - "Water, water everywhere, and all the boards did shrink; water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink." This famous quote from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner speaks of the plenitude of ocean water. It makes up more than 70 percent of the earth's surface, but it is completely undrinkable due to its...
 | 4/6/2015 - The chickens are coming home to roost for Big Ag, as an aging baby-boomer population continues to connect the dots between the advent of biotechnology and the many chronic diseases for which people of this particular generation, and even younger generations, now suffer en masse.
A recent letter sent...
 | 3/19/2015 7:09:51 AM - Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and even dark chocolate are without question staples of a healthy diet. But did you know that some of these highly nutritious foods might be poisoning your body and sending your defense mechanisms into chronic overdrive? Nature's weapon of choice in this matter is a compound...
 | 10/27/2014 - Although there's no solid scientific evidence at the moment that cannabinoids or cannabis can cure cancer, it seems like more and more patients are seeing success in cancer reduction by using cannabis. Does it mean that cannabis can cut the risk of cancer and effectively treat cancer? Many health benefits...
 | 9/5/2014 - To better understand mental disorders and neurological problems, scientists are beginning to take a closer look at the study of epigenetics and the endocrine-disrupting chemicals affecting DNA. This kind of study goes beyond just the study of genetics, which looks solely at changes in DNA sequence between...
 | 8/11/2014 - The prostate gland is a key player in the male reproductive system in that it secretes a good percentage of the makeup of male sperm. The gland is about the size of a walnut and sits just below the bladder in men. A common health problem today is prostate inflammation and cancer. This influx of prostate...
 | 7/26/2014 - On Dec. 7, 1982, Texas became the first state to authorize lethal injection to kill convicted murderers. In recent years, some states that recognize the death penalty have come under fire.
Lethal injections by drugs come with their own set of problems. Recent controversies in Ohio and Oklahoma show...
 | 6/24/2014 - Teeth have been treated as tools rather than a living part of our physiology. They have been pulled, drilled, and filled, and as a result, significant damage has been inflicted to the rest of the body. This is why it's vitally important to understand the four reasons dental problems are causing illness...
 | 6/24/2014 - An infertility crisis on Spanish pig farms has been linked to endocrine-disrupting plastic chemicals also found in human food products, in a study conducted by researchers from the University of Zaragoza and published in the journal Scientific Reports in May.
The study marks "the first time that...
 | 4/4/2014 - In the quest for energy and increased production, mankind has sabotaged himself, destroying the very air he breathes. Nature's clean, sustainable, free energy sources have been bypassed, as industry empires rise up, shooting pollution from their stacks and skyscraper pipes.
Air quality is often taken...
 | 2/25/2014 - By now you'd have to either be living in a cave -- or another planet -- to be unaware of the dangers and negative health issues associated with smoking tobacco. Most people know that smoking causes cancer lung disease, and heart problems, just to name a few of the more common illnesses.
But as researchers...
 | 9/22/2013 - Ginger is historically considered one of nature's true wonders. Other than being a very delectable spice, it is known to have a long list of health benefits. It is used to treat conditions ranging from nausea to heart problems. But not a lot of people know that ginger can actually be used as a form...
 | 9/1/2013 - It is safe to say that the link between soda consumption and health conditions like diabetes and weight gain has been clearly established by a plethora of scientific research published in recent years. But what has not necessarily been fully recognized or understood is how consuming soft drinks affects...
 | 6/10/2013 - The usual skin creams, lotions, or salves promoted on TV or on slick magazine ads are not effective for wrinkles, stretch marks, acne, and other skin problems. They often make matters worse, they're expensive, and some even contain carcinogenic components.
Pharmaceutical applications prescribed by...
 | 1/23/2013 - A simple and profound solution to human problems was discovered by a colleague of Sigmund Freud around the time of Freud's death.
The solution was quietly swept under the rug by the mental health establishment, which is why you have never heard of Edmund Bergler.
It is also why second rate psychology,...
 | 11/26/2012 - Below, I present a lengthy case history as an illustration of a medical system no longer serving the public as it ignores the amazing properties of magnesium that could revolutionize health care. It was sent to me as a testimonial to the miracle-working powers of magnesium.
As Albert Einstein said,...
 | 11/17/2012 - Ron Paul's recent farewell speech is arguably the single most important speech in American history. Dr. Paul lays out the fatal problems facing America while pulling no punches. This speech is a must-read piece by anyone who seeks to understand the real reasons why America remains in a downward spiral...
 | 2/15/2012 - Recent studies conducted by Fushong Li of the Oregon Research Institute in Eugene, Oregon have determined that the ancient Chinese practice of tai chi can a positive impact on those afflicted with Parkinson's disease (PD).
Parkinson's disease is a degenerative neurological condition that usually...
 | 1/20/2012 - Getting quality sleep could be a vitally important piece for solving the puzzle of mental health. Previous studies have linked poor sleep to depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and ADHD. Now for the first time, research also shows a strong link between schizophrenia and sleep disturbances.
 | 6/15/2011 - Doctors are refusing to help sick kids -- or delaying their treatment for weeks to months -- if the children don't have private insurance. That's because private insurance pays docs bigger bucks in reimbursements than the public kind of insurance like Medicaid. What makes this startling finding especially...
| 11/22/2010 - Children who are exposed to organophosphate pesticides in utero are significantly more likely to develop attention problems later in life, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-Berkeley and published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
The researchers...
| 7/25/2010 - Mineral salts found in the earth's rocks and soil are necessary in order for the human body to function as it should. Minerals that are vital for good overall health are generally leached from the soil due to modern agricultural practices in which chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers are commonly used....
| 5/28/2010 - Mainstream medicine has a huge new growth industry underway -- the "medicalization" of the human condition. That's the conclusion of a study headed by Brandeis University sociologist Peter Conrad that was just published in the journal Social Science and Medicine. The report, the first study of its kind,...
| 2/24/2010 - Researchers from Mass General Hospital for Children in Boston gathered data about US children with health problems. They looked at conditions that limited activities and/or schooling, required medication and/or specialized equipment and health services, and that lasted for at least a year. The results...
 | 2/23/2010 - Even as Toyota now finds itself the target of an increasingly hyped-up inquisition about "public safety," skeptical consumers are asking the commonsense question: If public safety is so important, then why isn't Congress asking about the dangers of Big Pharma's deadly drugs?
Toyota's problems with...
| 1/9/2010 - A study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives has revealed that children who are exposed to cigarette smoke prenatally and during the first year of their life are likely to develop behavioral problems by the time they are of school age. Particularly problematic during the gestational...
| 1/7/2010 - Many pets are infested with fleas and ticks or have skin problems that can be difficult to treat. Conventional cures include the use of chemical based shampoos and flea repellents which can be toxic. Coat and skin problems can also be exacerbated by a bad diet. Try wholesome, preservative free food...
| 12/14/2009 - Environmental estrogens are a real problem these days and if you're not familiar with them, you should be. Environmental estrogens are synthetic substances that when absorbed into the body, function similarly to estrogen. They're found just about everywhere and actually, they are difficult to avoid....
| 10/9/2009 - Over half a million kids in the U.S. each year have side effects or bad reactions from common prescription drugs, and five percent of them are hospitalized. Children under five are the most affected and the drugs causing the problems run the gamut, but antibiotics have been found to cause the most problems.
| 9/23/2009 - British researchers recently found that children with levels of lead in their blood that the U.S. Center for Disease Control deems as safe were having problems in school and developing antisocial behavior. In fact, "acceptable" levels of lead were connected with 49 percent lower reading scores and 51...
| 8/27/2009 - This is part four of an article series by Evelyn Pringle. Find previous parts here: Part One (, Part Two ( and Part Three (
| 4/22/2009 - A pilot study conducted by Massachusetts researchers reveals that cleaning fluids used in hospitals may pose health risks to both staff and patients. The study, conducted at the Massachusetts Lowell Sustainable Hospitals Program and published on March 27th in the journal Environmental Health, examined...
| 2/8/2009 - The National Association For Continence (NAFC) reports about 25 million adult Americans experience transient or chronic problems with urinary incontinence -- and the vast majority who struggle with passing urine accidentally, around 75 percent, are women. Symptoms can include leaking urine when you...
| 1/30/2009 - Sexual dysfunction is reaching levels not seen since the Victorian period. But today's difficulties stem not from the inhibiting power of social mores and taboos. Today's sexual dysfunction is an alarming indicator of the hormonal status of women and men. A recent study found that 31 percent of men...
 | 12/13/2008 - Being overweight or obese can be influenced by how we eat as opposed to what we eat. These are the findings of recent research into eating habits.
Many of us eat with other things going on at the same time, for example, working or playing on the computer, or watching TV. This typically means we are...
 | 11/30/2008 - The stress caused by debt is a major health risk linked to a variety of health problems, according to a recent survey conducted by Associated Press-AOL Health.
Scientists have known for a long time that stress can be hard on the body, due to the effects of stress hormones designed to prime the body...
 | 10/2/2008 - The first large-scale study to look at the connection between mobile phone use in pregnancy and later behavioral problems in children has overwhelmingly come back with a finding that such phone use places undeveloped babies at risk.
Researchers from the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA)...
 | 9/22/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, Dr. J.E. Williams talks about the smallest enemy that causes the biggest problems, viruses.
Renegade Water Secrets with Dr. J.E. Williams, a pioneer in...
 | 9/16/2008 - Blood sugar issues lead to problems with every system of the body. Everyone knows about these problems and most people are mildly to moderately worried about them. Blood sugar that is too high can exhaust the pancreas, damage all tissues, including neurological and cardiovascular tissues, throws the...
 | 3/4/2008 - A new study brings to light a potentially dangerous link between chemicals used in ordinary products, such as baby shampoos and lotions, to reproductive problems in children. The chemicals, called phthalates, have been under attack by some environmental advocacy groups, according to a Feb. 4, 2008 AP...
 | 10/26/2007 - ADHD has been a hot topic in the media for a few years due to raising diagnoses, medication concerns, and debates to whether it is even a real health condition. New research has found that a few food additives can cause the symptoms that can lead to a diagnosis of ADHD. Once we establish the symptoms...
 | 10/24/2007 - Oprah has done an immense favor to millions of American women by helping them understand that a malfunctioning thyroid gland may indeed be part of their weight and health problems. After writing openly about her thyroid problem in the October 2007 Oprah Magazine, she then went into the nature of thyroid...
| 11/13/2006 - Older patients need greater support, fewer interruptions and more sensitive care at mealtimes, according to research published in the October issue of the UK-based Journal of Clinical Nursing.
Researchers from the University of Adelaide, Australia, spent two weeks studying 48 hospital patients and...
| 9/21/2006 - Expectant mothers may be able to prevent potentially serious medical problems in themselves and their babies simply by boosting their daily calcium intake, says a new systematic review. Not only that, but pregnant women at greatest risk for these problems may benefit most from the extra calcium.
| 9/20/2006 - Scientists know that children of women who smoke during pregnancy can develop hearing-related cognitive deficits. For the first time, researchers believe they have evidence that not only implicates nicotine as the culprit, but also shows what the substance does to the brain to cause these deficits.
| 8/24/2006 - Adverse drug reactions in the liver are the most common reason for drugs to be taken off the market, and the federal Food and Drug Administration now wants better ways to detect these problem drugs before they reach the market and injure users.
In an article published this week in the influential...
 | 9/20/2005 - Imagine a woman who went to medical school at age 39 to save her daughter from drugs wrongly prescribed for bladder infections. Imagine a woman who, armed with her new medical degree, decided to challenge decades of mainstream medical views on attention deficit disorder, autism and ear and respiratory...
 | 8/27/2005 - The following is a Street Spirit interview with Robert Whitaker, author of Mad In America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill. It is reprinted here with permission from the Street Spirit in Oakland, California. The interview is conducted by Terry Messman, editor...
| 10/19/2004 - A reader asks, "Are there any foods, vitamins, herbs, etc, that can help with insomnia? I've had sleeping problems for years, and I would really appreciate any kind of useful information."
With insomnia, it all basically boils down to endocrine system imbalances. Sleep is a physiological function...
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
in the food supply. offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
benefits. is
a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.