Parts news, articles and information:
 | 3/4/2016 - When a baby's severed head showed up in a package in Bangkok, workers must have been horrified for life. Just as the parcel was being scanned to be sent to Las Vegas, workers discovered its ghastly contents. A baby's head, preserved in a jar of formaldehyde, was accompanied by several infant feet and...
 | 1/26/2016 - In a different time in our history, this kind of insanity would not only have been shunned and ignored, but ridiculed and excised from society.
In a stunning – and ironic – turnabout, Planned Parenthood, the nation's biggest danger to unborn children, is suing groups who exposed it for...
 | 12/1/2015 - The abortion industry is rapidly going down in flames thanks to the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) and its undercover investigation into the dirty workings of Planned Parenthood, America's largest, taxpayer-funded abortion provider. A total of four undercover videos (with more on the way) have already...
 | 9/7/2015 - When multiple research institutions that have one purpose in mind receive hundreds of millions of dollars of grant money from the federal government, a very powerful and influential industry is created instantly. The entitlement money swiftly becomes a purchasing force that assists the institutions...
 | 9/6/2015 - For years, Democrats in office and those running for office have attempted to curry favor with their liberal base by opposing any and all research that involved the use and resultant death of any animals, even those that were bred specifically to be used in research.
Way back in 1992, then-Democratic...
 | 9/2/2015 - An anti-abortion organization that has released a slew of undercover videos showing a seedy side of Planned Parenthood, including officials who were caught allegedly negotiating the for-profit sale of aborted baby body parts, continues to make headlines with new revelations and allegations against the...
 | 8/19/2015 - The second undercover video released by pro-life group Center for Medical Progress shows Planned Parenthood officials ghoulishly negotiating prices for the body parts of aborted babies.
In the undercover video, as reported by, Mary Gatter, the medical director at Planned Parenthood Pasadena...
 | 8/14/2015 - Now that the truth has finally come out about what Planned Parenthood does with the remains of all those babies it murders in the womb every year, many people are beginning to ask a question that abortion proponents will never be able to answer honestly: If aborted fetuses aren't actually people as...
 | 8/5/2015 - A fifth video released by a group attempting to expose the ghoulish underworld of Planned Parenthood features an official employed by the organization admitting that abortion doctors sometimes provide "intact" babies for organ harvesting and experimentation.
As reported by Lifesite News, the video,...
 | 7/22/2015 - A gut-wrenching new video (viewer discretion advised) reveals the sinister shadow industry and the evil intent that is hiding behind Planned Parenthood and their temple of abortion dogma. This sinister, shadow industry has nothing to gain by educating women about the precious life developing inside...
 | 7/15/2015 - The headline of this article is true. This is what passes for "science" in today's twisted world: the harvesting of dead baby parts during partial-birth abortions so that profits can be generated from the biotech industry's "scientific" research.
It has all been caught on undercover video by the...
 | 7/14/2015 6:17:56 PM - Even pro-choice advocates were shocked at the news of Planned Parenthood's alleged collusion with a for-profit biotech firm called StemExpress to sell body parts harvested from aborted fetuses.
Although the practice is technically illegal, loopholes in the law appear to have been exploited by Planned...
 | 7/14/2015 6:17:13 PM - Planned Parenthood is obviously the center of debate between anti and pro-abortion activists, but now the organization is coming under fire for something that simply can't be argued. What they've been engaging in is not only enough to make your stomach churn, but it's illegal. And they continue to do...
 | 2/26/2015 - (Natural News) (Press release) Texas inventor and science lab director Mike Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") has publicly launched 3D printable parts and instructions for making your own self-watering float valve, the key component in non-electric hydroponic grow systems.
The automatic float valve...
 | 2/20/2015 - The Food Rising revolution launches in just four days! On Tuesday of next week, we will be publicly launching the revolutionary Food Rising grow systems. SEE PHOTOS BELOW.
Summary of the revolutionary advantages of the Food Rising grow systems:
* A breakthrough in self-reliant food production.
 | 1/23/2015 - It's official! As of today, Natural News has a print farm up and running near Austin, Texas, producing small but steady quantities of the very same 3D printable parts the world will soon be able to download for free from
Photos below show some of the parts we have begun to produce...
 | 12/8/2014 - As Natural News fans and readers know, I'm working hard on a series of inventions to be released in 2015 that will revolutionize preparedness and self-reliance globally. These are all 100% off-grid inventions that require no power to operate and are therefore collapse-proof.
Many physical parts of...
 | 11/26/2014 - When I announced yesterday that the release of an important new invention in 2015 would be accompanied by posting downloadable 3D printer files for parts used in the invention, I was surprised to see some of the reader questions. (See that article here.) Many readers were wondering how they were going...
 | 1/10/2014 - The F-35 is easily the most expensive fighter plane - in fact, the most expensive weapon system - ever designed and built by the United States.
It is also one of the most problematic. Years behind schedule, the problem-plagued plane's costs have doubled since 2001 to nearly $400 billion, and the...
 | 10/18/2013 - The journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) has accepted for publication a new study that links exposure to Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, the active ingredient of which is glyphosate, to severe endocrine disruption and breast cancer. And the worst part is that the chemical was found to elicit these...
 | 6/11/2013 - Mother Jones Magazine is well-known for its far-left viewpoints, so you wouldn't expect the publication to have much positive influence on the subject of firearms and gun ownership. And yet, in a recent video one of its reporters inadvertently teaches viewers how to build an AK-47 military look-alike...
 | 3/25/2013 - It seems that nutrition is the LAST thing many people consider correcting in order to help stave off possible devastating or debilitating diseases. The brainwashing given to the American public by the mainstream medical establishment would have everyone believe that "nutrition is not related to one's...
 | 5/19/2012 - My colleague Jake Eagle of Green Psychology, author of the popular free e-book Why Smart People Struggle to be Happy, once related the following:
In the world of mental health and psychotherapy -- as well as many other places -- we often talk about ourselves as if we're made up of a bunch of different...
| 11/16/2009 - (Natural News) PSA, the French manufacturer for Peugeot and Citroen, has recently initiated its Green Materials Plan. This plan intends to increase car parts made from natural materials 600 percent by 2015. They are making a few parts now that are based on flax and hemp.
PSA's Green Materials Plan...
 | 2/16/2009 - Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, is a fan of simple, innovative solutions for sustainable living. In a new video recorded in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, Adams demonstrates the Brumby Pump (, an amazing water pump that has no moving parts and uses no electricity. The video is available at...
 | 10/27/2008 - An investigation by the Associated Press (AP) has uncovered evidence of widespread quality control problems in pills produced in Puerto Rico, a region that manufactures many of the prescription medications sold in America. Puerto Rico has one of the highest concentrations of pharmaceutical factories...
 | 6/11/2008 - Nine of the 11 people charged with taking part in an illegal ring that stole organs from corpses and resold them for transplant have pleaded guilty, including accused ringleader and former dentist Michael Mastromarino.
According to a federal indictment, Mastromarino and his accomplices took body...
 | 6/11/2007 - The World Health Organization (WHO) held its second Global Consultation on Transplantation recently in Rotterdam. The WHO addressed the global shortage of human organs available for transplantation as well as a trend toward "transplant tourism" -- the buying and selling of body parts in the global marketplace...
 | 10/20/2006 - Seven funeral home directors in the New York area who have been linked to a scheme to steal parts from corpses and sell them for transplants have pleaded guilty to undisclosed charges in the case.
In Brooklyn, New York, District Attorney Charles Hynes announced that a grand jury voted to bring new...
| 10/18/2006 - If you are scheduled for reconstructive orthopaedic surgery, or need a new heart valve, you might want to check where the tissue you are given has come from. For the second time this year, a firm supplying body parts for surgery has been shut down by the US Food and Drug Administration, and more safety...
| 9/28/2006 - An undercover investigation by BBC reporters recently revealed that the business of selling organs for transplant taken from executed prisoners in China is thriving.
The BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes went undercover in China posing as a son seeking a liver for his sick father. Hospital officials at...
| 8/23/2006 - The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordered a North Carolina company that harvests human body parts for transplant to close last week after finding serious violations in the company's donor-screening and record-keeping practices.
The company -- Donor Referral Services -- was ordered to stop its...
 | 4/20/2006 - I was talking to a physical therapist today, and he was trying to convince me that the human body wears out with use, sort of like car parts. He said to me, "Bone is bone." He explained that people who do a lot of running or punching have a lot of joint problems when they get older because the joints...
 | 10/21/2005 - If you check the labels on grocery store foods, you've probably already begun to see that the list of ingredients doesn't always tell the whole truth about what's in your food. The same goes for your pets' food. Behind innocent-sounding words like "meat byproducts" and "meat meal" are horrific manufacturing...
| See all 106 parts feature articles.Concept-related articles:Body:Bone:Implants:Researchers:Artificial:Cattle ranchers:Cattle:Beef:Cows:Raising:Ranchers:Slaughtering:Mad cow disease:Mad cow:Nature:Disease:
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