Oils news, articles and information:
 | 10/7/2016 - Essential oils are mostly used in aromatherapy for their wonderful and healing scent, however, they actually have much more to offer. For centuries, traditional Chinese and Indian medicine have used essential oils to successfully treat a broad range of conditions, which has now sparked the interest...
 | 8/18/2016 - Every year, over 100,000 people across the nation die from reactions to prescription drugs – a truly grim statistic. When you factor in deaths from over-the-counter medications and surgical errors, the modern medical system – intended to preserve and protect life - acquires the distinction...
 | 4/16/2016 - There are many benefits to a vegetarian diet, ranging from lowered heart disease risks to reducing the chances of getting high blood pressure or diabetes. In fact, a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that, when compared a diet that included meat, vegetarian diets were associated with lowered...
 | 3/23/2016 - Food companies don't have to resort to chemistry lab concoctions for food preservation. According to a third-party watchdog group, the Environmental Working Group, there are now 10,000 or more additives allowed in food. While some additives are more dangerous than others, including carcinogenic meat...
 | 2/19/2016 - Antibiotic resistance is rapidly reaching the scale of a global health crisis. More and more people are being treated with "last resort" antibiotics, and the head of the World Health Organization, Margaret Chan, recently warned that the explosion of increasingly virulent drug-resistant microbes may...
 | 2/16/2016 - Vegetables oils have been heralded as a healthy alternative to using normal fat when cooking. However, it turns out that vegetable oils are not all they're cracked up to be when it comes down to it. We've all been told, even by government and medical associations, to use more vegetable seed and bean...
 | 12/25/2015 - Defined as the "skilled and controlled use of essential oils for physical and emotional health," aromatherapy has been around for centuries. Luckily, it's finally gaining popularity in western culture. Hundreds of essential oils exist, meaning there's a lot to learn about them. Valerie Ann Worwood's...
 | 8/11/2015 - As antibiotic-resistant superbugs continue to thrive, it is becoming obvious even to mainstream diehard modern medicine folks that finding natural alternatives is imperative. While Obama's 2016 budget proposal includes $1.2 billion to fight antibiotic resistance, people everywhere are finally waking...
 | 7/30/2015 - Tossing and turning without falling asleep can be more than annoying, as even a few restless nights can wreck havoc on your mind and body.
While it is easy to pop a pill in an attempt to find some relief from occasional insomnia, Mother Nature has provided a number of ways to do so without resorting...
 | 6/3/2015 - Vegetable oil is a product consumed worldwide. Production sky rocketed with advances made in agricultural farming from the industrial revolution. The most common vegetable oils include soybean oil, cottonseed oil, canola (rapeseed) oil, corn oil and safflower oil. Studies reveal that vegetable oil consumption...
 | 5/31/2015 - The average consumer today is spoiled for choice when it comes to cooking oils. Most stores (including health food stores) in the West tend to be packed with oils of various colors, tastes and origins, and it can be difficult to distinguish the healthy ones from the unhealthy ones.
The most important...
 | 2/7/2015 - I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in March 2014. Today, 11 months later , my symptoms are virtually gone. Not only are my MS symptoms gone, but I am no longer taking medications for the other disease symptoms that I suffered with for more than 30 years, like asthma and migraines. I'm 98%...
 | 2/6/2015 - A new study published in the journal Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics suggests that the scent of citronella can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, including cancer of the liver. Researchers from the Ruhr University Bochum, say terpenes, a main component of essential oils, can prevent or slow...
 | 1/14/2015 - How many vegetarians and vegans want the juices from chicken in their french fries? Unfortunately, whether they like it or not, that's what they're getting. Commercial "deep fryers" are used at nearly every restaurant, pub and cinema cafe in America. The hydrogenated oils are contained in ONE large...
 | 11/26/2014 - They've gained considerable notoriety in recent years for their myriad uses in both aromatherapy and integrative medicine. But did you know that essential oils can also be an effective anti-cancer remedy?
Chinese researchers learned this after studying the healing properties of 10 of the most popular...
 | 8/3/2014 - Essential oils are a unique branch of herbal medicine that utilizes the medicinal properties found in the essential oils of various plants. Through the different processes of distillation, the volatile constituents of the plant's oil are extracted from its flowers, leaves, branches, or roots. The oils...
 | 7/26/2014 - It's mind-blowing to learn that many farmers and ranchers are reluctant to use natural therapies for their livestock. Granted, their livelihood is completely contingent on the health and well-being of their animals, but taking a non-medical approach should definitely NOT be considered "experimental!"
 | 7/20/2014 - According to Tropical Pesticides Research Institute in Ngaramtoni, Tanzania, "All sibling species of An. gambiae complex have evolved insecticide resistance in wild populations for different approved classes of the insecticides currently in use in the field." Evidently, the increasing status of insecticide-resistant...
 | 6/28/2014 - Do you ever wonder how most vegetable oils are made? What about cottonseed oil and sunflower oil? Are they as bad as corn oil and soybean oil? Does it matter if it's cold pressed if it's GMO? Do you really know much about safflower oil and how most of it is processed? Canola was invented in a lab by...
 | 6/20/2014 - Forget the plastic and chemicals: The best food preservatives may actually be all-natural essential oils. New research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that an edible film coated in the essential oils of clove and oregano kept bread fresher for longer than conventional...
 | 3/21/2014 - What if you bought a brand new car or truck and you immediately filled it with used oil and ethanol-laden gasoline? How soon would you experience major engine malfunctions, and how soon compared to a new car that you gave only the cleanest oil and gas possible? Many people perceive vegetable oils as...
 | 2/6/2014 - Springtime could bring rolling fields of fish-infused flaxseed to Great Britain this year if genetic manipulators are successful in convincing regulators to approve this latest genetically modified (GM) monstrosity. The Telegraph in the U.K. reports that GM flax could end up in outdoor soils in as little...
 | 11/10/2013 - The FDA is on a roll. Barely two week after announcing new quality control standards for pet food manufacturers, the agency has declared that trans fats are no longer safe to consume. A ban of the toxic substance is in the works, and the FDA will spearhead the eventual removal of this disease-promoting...
 | 10/30/2013 - One of the few essential oils most people can identify by smell alone; eucalyptus is very popular because of its effectiveness and range of uses. Originally from Australia, where it was first used by the aborigines, the locals started distilling and using the oil in the 1780s. The eucalyptus is one...
 | 10/12/2013 - There are many citrus essential oils. There's orange (sweet & bitter), lemon, grapefruit, lime, mandarin, tangerine, all of which are made from the peel of the fruit, and less obvious ones like petitgrain (orange leaves) and neroli (orange blossoms). Because they come from the same "happy ones" family,...
 | 9/14/2013 - One of the most powerful forms of ancient medicine, aromatherapy, has been used for millennia to treat all manner of ailments. Use of essential oils, today called aromatherapy, was well documented in ancient Persia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. There are more than 100 references to their use in the Bible...
 | 9/13/2013 - Two of the biggest names in network marketing-based essential oils are duking it out in court following a sordid tale that involves alleged theft of trade secrets, phony lab testing and false advertising. As reported by The Salt Lake Tribune (SLT), Lehi-based Young Living Essential Oils recently filed...
 | 9/12/2013 - The use of plant oils rather than lard, butter and other animal-based fats universally eliminates the saturated fat that we would otherwise consume. The way that the human body processes saturated fats ends up forcing the body to build its own low-density cholesterol, so avoiding these types of fats...
 | 8/19/2013 - A breakthrough study on essential oils, led by Dr. Mahmoud A. Saleh, reveals an elaborate list of herbs that possess powerful antioxidant properties. Using high tech gas chromatography/mass spectrometry technology, Saleh was able to isolate a very powerful group of essential oils that exhibit strong...
 | 7/14/2013 - If you suffer from chronic indigestion, constipation, upset stomach or some other persistent digestive disorder that you are having trouble remedying, essential oils just might be your answer for finding lasting relief. Here are five of the most effective essential oils among many others that can be...
 | 6/18/2013 - This is an urgent action alert from Natural News and the Health Ranger. Public comments are due by July 1 to object to new EPA regulations which are already in place, allowing glyphosate contamination of food crops, edible oils and waterways at concentrations which are thousands of times higher than...
 | 5/23/2013 - When used properly, the power of essential oils lies in their ability to deliver the beneficial healing properties of certain plants in a direct and highly concentrated form. Recognized long ago for their therapeutic properties, ancient Egyptians made essential oils by first soaking the flowers, leaves,...
 | 5/21/2013 - The impact of eating nuts has been evident for the past decade as repeated scientific studies confirm that the omega-3 fats in this tasty nut promote cardiovascular health as they improve cholesterol biomarkers. Walnuts provide healthy doses of essential minerals, fiber and vitamins to help promote...
 | 2/21/2013 - The mystery surrounding essential oils and their therapeutic value in both physical and emotional healing is truly astonishing, as these 100 percent natural plant and herb extracts have been shown to be highly effective medicines when taken internally, applied topically, and of course, inhaled aromatically....
 | 2/15/2013 - One of the most widely misunderstood food groups today, oils and fats can be both crucial and detrimental to your health, depending on what type they are and how they are processed. But with so many inconsistencies and mistruths emerging from health authorities and the mainstream media on the issue,...
 | 12/1/2012 - Traditional healers have often used natural scents to calm, soothe and even treat patients. Now comes research from mainstream scientists that shows the aromas from essential oils actually do work to create physical benefits that can be documented.
The study, just published in the European Journal...
 | 11/15/2012 - A University of Pittsburgh research team recently published results in the journal PLOSOne regarding omega-3's ability to improve memory.
A major difference from other memory studies was their subjects were young, 18 to 25, non-smoking men and women from all walks of life with no evidence or background...
 | 10/6/2012 - A new study has found that a special blend of sesame and rice bran oils have the potential to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol naturally, providing healthcare professionals and patients alike with a natural, non-medicinal option for treating conditions that could become life-threatening.
 | 8/27/2012 3:59:02 PM - EFAs are essential fatty acids, which we need to live but our bodies cannot create. So we need take EFAs from outside sources.
Johanna Budwig, the creator of the Budwig Diet for successfully treating cancer, claimed before she died at age 95 in 2003 that she was given as much grief from the burgeoning...
 | 8/27/2012 - Considered by many to be one of the healthiest plant-based fats, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) has gained considerable notoriety in recent years for its ability to lower heart disease risk and cholesterol levels, among other benefits. Unfortunately, much of the so-called olive oil sold in stores today...
 | 8/18/2012 - Contrary to popular belief, not all fat is bad for your health. Many fats, in fact, actually promote healthy weight maintenance and a well-functioning cardiovascular and nervous system, among many other benefits. But with so much misinformation out there about the nature of fats and oils, it can be...
 | 8/7/2012 - With so much conflicting information out there about which foods are healthy and which foods are not, it can be difficult for many people to determine how best to approach a healthy lifestyle that includes eating well. But a good place to start is to avoid these seven toxic foods, beverages, and additives...
 | 6/20/2012 - Women that are on the Breast Cancer journey must be clear about certain dietary restrictions. There is the obvious list of "Foods to Avoid", such as sugar, processed foods, and hormone injected meats. However, there seems to be a lot of confusion about what types of oils are beneficial for Breast Cancer...
 | 3/2/2012 - As much as 50 percent of the olive oil sold in the U.S. is not actually pure olive oil, as some brands claiming to be "extra-virgin" or "100 percent Italian," for instance, have actually been adulterated with toxic rapeseed oil, more popularly known as canola oil, soybean oil, and other low-grade oils....
 | 2/28/2012 - Many health-minded individuals understand that eating fried or overcooked foods is unhealthy due to the chemical transition of normally stable fats to trans fats that have been shown to dramatically increase heart attack risk. Researchers from the University of the Basque in Spain publishing in the...
 | 2/8/2012 - By 2012, most people understand the importance of including omega-3 fatty acids to their diets. Commonly found in fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids have countless benefits to a person's health and complexion. From teens to the elderly, everyone can benefit from the wonders of omega-3 fatty acids, but what...
 | 1/25/2012 11:32:48 AM - A common dietary fallacy among many people, resulting from misinformation in media outlets, is fear of fats. If you still harbor lingering anxieties about consuming any type of oil for fear you will have a heart attack, fear no more. A recent study in Spain found that eating food fried in olive or sunflower...
 | 1/17/2012 - Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for their healing and purifying effects on the body. There are 188 references to these precious oils in the Bible. They have always held extreme value by ancient doctors and medicine men that used them for aromatherapy, consumption, and skin application....
| 9/5/2011 - There are a huge number of food products in supermarkets labeled "natural" for consumers to choose from, including the popular "Wesson" brand cooking oils. However, these products are perhaps not as "natural" as they claim to be -- and this is demonstrated by a recent class action lawsuit against food...
| 9/2/2011 - Essential oils are one of the most effective natural weapons against acne. Topical use of a few specific essential oils can be a first line defense against the bacteria that cause pimples to form. There are also natural skin toning oils that help to close the pores so acne-causing debris are unable...
| 8/29/2011 - Essential oils have been used for centuries in ceremonies and for general health. Today, the use of essential oils for massage and in baths is both pleasurable and soothing. The oils are also widely used to improve health. However, essential oils are highly potent and can cause side effects if used...
| 7/2/2011 - Acute or chronic back problems can make everyday life a misery. Acute pain may be caused by a pulled muscle or problems with tendons, ligaments or bone. Incorrect posture, lack of exercise and/or obesity are factors that can take their toll on the back muscles. Aromatherapy using essential oils can...
| 5/13/2011 - Essential oils are used in the practice of aromatherapy. They are also useful to use at home for psychological and physical well-being. Essential oil is the distilled, pure essence extracted from the fruit, peel, twigs, leaves or flowers of a plant. Caution needs to be exercised when purchasing essential...
| 5/3/2011 - Natural therapies using essential oils treat a wide range of conditions through various applications. The healing properties of plants in essential oils can be harnessed by inhalation, topical application and sometimes via ingestion. Essential oils can be very useful in order to counter the effects...
| 4/20/2011 - A large reduction in weight may result in sagging skin. Conventional treatments such as surgery to remove excess skin are drastic and harsh. A more natural approach combining massage with aromatherapy oils can improve blood flow and help skin elasticity.
The human body is designed to cope with enormous...
| 3/7/2011 - Conventional treatments for acne and/or oily skin include harsh, detergent type cleansers that strip the skin, dry it out and do not get rid of the problem. Acne and/or oily skin problems may persist, leaving the skin looking in dire need of help. Contrary to popular belief, oils such as good quality...
| 1/30/2011 - Medicinal herbs can be used in many ways: dried and decocted as tea, infused in alcohol as a tincture, steeped in vinegar or honey. Herbs can also be steeped in oil and rubbed into the body for healing.
When medicinal herbs are steeped in oil their healing qualities are infused into the oil. They...
| 1/29/2011 - Aromatherapy is an ancient and well-established therapy that has enjoyed a resurgence in recent years. Using scent to promote health and well-being is its primary claim to fame, and there is also some evidence of the therapeutic properties that essential oils can bring to the treatment of medical conditions....
| 1/26/2011 - When a young woman is moody or bursts into tears easily, it's not unusual for someone to joke "oh, it must be near her 'time of the month'." But if you actually suffer from Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS), the truth is there's not much funny about it at all.
In addition to mood swings, PMS can cause...
| 1/21/2011 - Mankind has used essential oils for healing and health for thousands of years, including extensive use by the ancient Egyptians. Today, essential oils are widely used in topical lotions, soothing baths, aromatherapy and in a great variety of herbal remedies.
Essential oils are derived from the distillation...
| 1/11/2011 - Acne medications on the market often contain acids and chemicals that dry the skin and cause rashes, redness and peeling. Essential oils provide a gentle and inexpensive way of treating acne, clearing infections and healing acne scarring. Known for their antiseptic, antibacterial and calming properties,...
| 12/16/2010 - A walk along the health and beauty aisle of your local grocery store will showcase dozens of popular hair care products. Unfortunately, most of the ingredients in these products are actually toxic chemicals that damage hair follicles and leach into our bloodstream causing further toxicity in our bodies....
| 11/17/2010 - Rosacea is a genetically inherited condition which affects mostly Caucasian men and women between the ages of 30 - 50. Often referred to as "adult acne", the condition can be painful and difficult to treat. Conventionally treated with antibiotics, rosacea can be helped with natural products and treatments.
| 10/25/2010 - Essential oils are highly concentrated aromatic liquids found in flowers, trees, shrubs, roots, bushes, seeds, and even in the rinds of certain fruits. These potent oils have the unique characteristic of being able to penetrate the skin on contact, thus enhancing their ability to be effective. Essential...
| 9/13/2010 - Doctors and nutritionists often cite high fat diets as a risk factor for breast cancer, but more important than the AMOUNT of fat eaten is the TYPE of fat. In particular a component of certain vegetable oils, Linoleic Acid, is a huge risk factor for breast cancer in animals and may be for humans as...
| 7/28/2010 - Aromatherapy is one of the fastest growing fields in alternative medicine. It has been used for centuries around the world but is just recently becoming more popular and accepted in our own country. In Japan essential oils are being pumped into buildings to calm customers and employees. In dental offices...
| 7/14/2010 - For years we've been told to avoid butter and instead use vegetable oils as our primary fat source. Mainstream science claims this will save our hearts. But industrial oils like soybean, corn and canola oil are hiding a dirty little secret: consuming them could very well increase your risk of cancer.
| 6/12/2010 - The healing properties of essential oils are many, varied and extremely effective. The list of plants providing these healing essential oils is almost endless. Here is just a small handful:
- Clove bud or lemongrass for numbing pain
- Chamomile or geranium for anti-inflammatory action
- Cinnamon...
| 6/8/2010 - Essential oils such as clove, catnip and lemon oil prevent mosquito bites. These oils repel mosquitoes, along with citronella and patchouli. Commercial insect repellants contain many harmful ingredients, are irritating to the skin and the eyes, and are potentially damaging to the immune system; therefore,...
| 4/1/2010 - When you buy olive oil labeled Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil, you think you're getting the best of all possible salad oils. If it is what the label says, especially if it's from Italy, you assume that you are getting the healthiest oil possible. But is that really true?
There have been several...
| 3/31/2010 - Interest in the use of essential oils has enjoyed a massive revival in recent decades. Many of the more discerning amongst us have come to realize that our modern, fast and often frenetic pace of life is doing us harm. In addition, we worry about the amount of chemicals and additives being ingested...
| 3/15/2010 - Acne is a skin problem that affects adults and teenagers. Teenagers are often plagued with persistent acne. Many adults, who may have thought skin problems were a thing of the past, are distressed to find themselves affected, sometimes even when middle-aged. The skin care industry caters to sufferers...
| 2/15/2010 - Olive oil is made from crushing and pressing of olives to extract the oil. Studies have shown time and again that people who use olive oil in place of animal fats or unhealthy hydrogenated fats have lower rates of heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer, and asthma. Infusing olive oil...
| 2/8/2010 - There are many categories of fats, and the whole issue can be quite confusing. It`s important to isolate the good, the bad, and the ugly. An important factor is the correct ratio of the main essential fatty acids. They are called essential because they are needed for cellular metabolic function and...
 | 2/2/2010 - An important new study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry reveals that fish oil supplements beat mental illness. The study involved 81 people deemed to be at high risk for psychosis. The randomized, placebo-controlled study provided fish oil supplements to half the study subjects for just...
| 12/26/2009 - When choosing natural essential oils to scent your home for the holidays, think of the smells that conjure your fondest memories of the season. Fresh Christmas trees, gingerbread, spiced cider, and candy canes may all be captured by spice, citrus, peppermint, and evergreen essential oils. You may also...
| 12/18/2009 - This holiday season scent your home naturally with pure essential oils like cinnamon and pine. These highly aromatic plant extracts are a healthier, more beneficial alternative to commercial fragrances, and you may already have the tools you need to disperse them in your home. However, there are certain...
| 12/13/2009 - Lack of regulation within the essential oil industry means consumers should arm themselves with the knowledge of adulteration and take steps to ensure they are buying genuine essential oils, with full therapeutic benefits.
Using pure, genuine essential oils means less is needed in order for the oil...
| 12/8/2009 - Looking for an all-natural homemade gift idea for family members or friends? Making a personalized perfume made from base oils and essential oils is not difficult and will surely be appreciated as a wonderful gift. A scent can be made for that aunt who loves the fragrance of roses or the friend who...
| 12/7/2009 - Adulterating an essential oil alters its naturally occurring synergistic components and diminishes its therapeutic benefits.
Aromatherapists believe pure essential oils contain the natural 'life force' or 'essence' of a plant, and there are many unidentified components present which science cannot...
| 12/5/2009 - Adulteration (the `stretching` or `extending`) of genuine essential oils, in order to increase profits or to `standardize` an oil, is apparently common practice within the essential oil industry. It seems `100% essential oil` on a label is NOT a guarantee that the contents are pure and genuine.
| 11/10/2009 - Of all the poisons in the food supply, trans fats are perhaps the most frequently overlooked. They're hidden in all sorts of foods, from crackers and baked goods to breakfast cereals. And thanks to intentionally deceptive FDA-approved labeling laws, food products that contain sizable amounts of trans...
| 10/3/2009 - When people talk about getting "food poisoning", they usually mean they became ill because of bacteria that contaminated something they ate. Some who comes down with this kind of foodborne disease simply has an upset stomach. But in far too many cases serious health problems and even death can occur,...
| 7/12/2009 - New research has some good news for women battling extra pounds. The study, conducted by Ohio State University scientists, found that two natural dietary oil supplements can spark healthy weight loss and lower body fat -- and the oils even worked in obese postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes.
| 6/18/2009 - They sit on the grocery store aisles, appearing rather innocent. They are clear and odorless - mainly because they have been bleached and deodorized with chemicals after high-heat processing has turned them rancid. And, interestingly enough, they are touted as a health food that can save your heart.
| 6/2/2009 - Should you be consuming canola oil? The FDA seems to think so, allowing canola labels to claim it supports heart health and reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. Even Whole Foods Markets is on board with canola oil, and most foods on their hot bar are swimming in it. Proponents point out that...
| 4/20/2009 - Just how good are fish oils, flaxseed oils and other omega-3s at preventing prostate cancer? According to the experts quoted below, they may represent some of the most powerful anti-cancer nutrients available today!
Read this large collection of quotes on omega-3 oils and prostate cancer, and you'll...
| 4/13/2009 - Essential oils are more than just a great addition to a relaxing massage. True essential oils are distilled from the bark, flowers, or leaves of a plant and can provide physical and psychological benefits. Internal ingestion of some oils, inhalation, and application to the skin are all methods of using...
| 2/4/2009 - What do the top authors, doctors and health experts have to say about the realtionship between omega-3 fatty acids and inflammation? I asked my Private Research Library that question recently and was overwhelmed with the remarkable wisdom it revealed.
Below, I share the top quotes from noted authors...
| 2/2/2009 - Contrary to common belief, aromatherapy is not just a matter of fragrance, but of healing. To utilize aromatherapy, one uses aromas for therapeutic purposes. Highly concentrated extracts from herbs, flowers, and other plants are utilized for healing. These extracts are also known as essential oils....
| 1/28/2009 - There are compelling reasons to make your own skin care products. Federal law doesn`t require companies to provide data on product safety nor does it demand full disclosure of ingredients on product labels. Evidence continues to mount that personal care products are brimming with unsafe ingredients....
| 1/22/2009 - Coconut oil is an ancient super food that has been an essential component to many of the earth's healthiest cultures. Cultures that have consumed high amounts of coconut oil generally have not suffered with diabetes, as well as many other diseases. Unfortunately, as many of these people abandon their...
| 12/16/2008 - Aromatherapy can be as enjoyable and beneficial for pets as it can for humans. Not only will the essential oils help to eliminate bad odors and help your pet to smell pleasant, essential oils also can help your pet by improving their immune system. This means your pet will be better able to fight off...
 | 11/6/2008 - Essential oils extracted from oranges can inhibit the activity of salmonella and may be useful as natural antimicrobial agents, according to a study published in the Journal of Food Science.
"Essential oils from citrus offer the potential for all natural antimicrobials for use in improving the safety...
 | 11/4/2008 - If you're really concerned about getting healthy and staying that way, then you have to be very concerned about what you're putting into your body. This means not only avoiding fast foods and other known junk foods, but it means that you have to be very aware of one of the worst of the more than 6000...
 | 10/28/2008 - The world of omega-3 superfoods just experienced a breakthrough. A new company called "Moxxor" has introduced a marine omega-3 oil supplement derived from green-lipped mussels grown and harvested in the aquaculture farms of New Zealand. This story explains why I'm endorsing this company, its products...
 | 10/27/2008 - There is currently a lot of talk in the press on the subject of antioxidants and how effective they are in preventing excessive free-radical damage - or 'oxidative stress', as it is technically known. That being the case, it would be helpful to understand what Free-Radicals and Antioxidants are and...
 | 10/21/2008 - You know the great scent that fills the air when you peel a fresh orange? How about the whoosh! that fills the air when you open a can of pressurized coffee? The odors are more than appetizing, they're mind boggling. Those scents represent the volatile oil content of their plant source. Volatile oils...
 | 7/29/2008 - The demands on a woman's body during pregnancy often leave her feeling depleted, physically and emotionally. Depression is common among pregnant women. Concerns have been raised about possible harm from antidepressants which might affect both mother and child. Mothers-to-be and their health care providers...
 | 4/23/2008 - Are you worried about the possible outbreak of the Avian Flu among humans? Perhaps you should be! I hope that all of the publicity about the Bird Flu proves to be a false alarm, as well as the theories that it may be a deliberately engineered flu, but I have to tell you that from what I have learned...
 | 3/30/2008 - As Aromatherapy is becoming more widely accepted in the mainstream, more people are using essential oils on their own, at home. Unfortunately, as some people are finding out, this is not always having a positive affect on the animals in their lives.
There have been many reports of animals harmed,...
 | 3/23/2008 - The humble cold is one of the most common illnesses, leading to more doctor visits and absences from school and the workforce than any other illness every year. So what causes you to catch colds? Technically you do not "catch" colds but, rather, become infected with a cold/flu bacteria or virus.
 | 3/3/2008 - Due to the terrible health problems associated with trans fats, the food industry has been busily perfecting another 'man-made' replacement to ensure that company sales and profits are kept at a high level. The new solution is a process called interesterification, a technique for making butter-like...
 | 2/7/2008 - If there is one supplement that we can all benefit from, it would have to be Omega-3 fatty acids. Eskimo people have proven this over the ages with their diet comprising of over 50% of their total calorie intake from fish and fish oil - which is high in Omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamin A. The...
 | 11/30/2007 - There is so much media hype from the mainstream media and leading health authorities, including the naturopathic community, suggesting the many ill effects of consuming Trans Fatty Acids (TFA’s) that the topic of the Great Fat Debate deserves a closer look for the sake of our heath and understanding.
 | 7/19/2007 - Research on omega-3 fish oils keeps looking better and better: new studies have found that omega-3s fish oils can help with three catastrophic diseases -- Alzheimer's, heart failure, and cancer.
Ernst J. Schaefer, MD, of the USDA's nutrition research center at Tufts University, Boston, analyzed levels...
| 10/13/2006 - A bubble bath that improves memory. A kitchen cleaner that wards off nausea and energizes. A scented handkerchief that calms a patient entering the MRI. The benefits of aromatherapy are real. Below, learn the uses, healing properties and how-tos of using aromatherapy to heal and de-stress from The University...
 | 10/11/2006 - Researchers at the University of Extremadura in Spain have found that the essential oils sage and rosemary could slow oxidative spoilage of meat better than synthetic antioxidants butylhydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylhydroxytoluene (BHT).
"The results of my research support the idea that new food ingredients...
| 9/21/2006 - In the event that warning labels about the health dangers of hydrogenated oils do not cause significant reductions in its usage, the World Health Organization has proposed that world governments should gradually terminate the availability of the harmful ingredient in foods.
The recommendations are...
| 9/21/2006 - Women can reduce their risk of kidney cancer by frequently consuming certain kinds of fatty fish, according to new research published in Tuesday's issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Swedish researchers examined data on more than 61,000 women who participated in the Swedish...
 | 8/7/2006 - Can some foods make you smarter? Research shows that nuts and seeds just might boost your brainpower and balance your moods. That's right, everything from the most common nuts -- such as walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews and almonds -- to the more exotic seeds and nuts can clear up that "brain fog" and enable...
 | 6/6/2006 - With new trans fat labeling laws now going into effect, which require food manufacturers to list the trans fat content right on the nutrition facts label, it's time to be brutally honest about the continued use of trans fat and hydrogenated oils in the food manufacturing industry.
For decades, food...
 | 5/25/2006 - Mike: Hello everyone, this is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. I'm here with Ben Kage, and we're going to have a discussion and Q&A session about the Honest Food Guide. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, it is available for free downloading at HonestFoodGuide.org. You can download it, and take...
 | 1/2/2006 - It's no secret that long-term diet and nutrition choices have an effect on the way we look and feel; but new studies show that nutrition can also affect the way we think. As it turns out, there really is such a thing as “food for thought.”
It may seem strange that what we put in our stomachs can have...
 | 10/26/2005 - Most people with acne attempt to treat their irritated skin with external face washes, soaps, lotions and treatments. Yet, according to a number of natural health authors, the best way to treat acne is by changing your diet and getting rid of acne-causing ingredients such as fried foods.
"A healthful...
 | 10/13/2005 - The next time you buy soft-gel vitamins, you'd better take a look at what's inside them. Would you be surprised if I told you that vitamin companies are taking one of the most toxic food ingredients known to mankind and putting it in soft gels as a filler? It's absolutely true. You can find it in vitamins...
 | 7/27/2005 - How shocked would be you be to learn that the U.S. population is being slowly poisoned by a single ingredient deliberately added to the human food supply?
At first, it sounds like nonsense. But then you realize, after learning more, that the World Health Organization tried to outlaw this ingredient...
 | 12/5/2004 - A reader asks, "How can I unclog my arteries or clean my arteries without surgery?" And, "What are some good heart foods?"
First, stop doing the things that gave you atherosclerosis in the first place. In other words, your arteries didn't become clogged just by luck or chance, and hopefully you are...
 | 11/14/2004 - Interesting new research has been conducted on the health effects of fish oils and omega-3 fatty acids as alternative replacements for anti-inflammatory prescription drugs such as Vioxx and Bextra. Many people don't realize that anti-inflammatory drugs harm more than 100,000 people in the United States...
| 10/13/2004 - A reader asks: "Can you please tell me if the use of honey and cinnamon powder can help reduce cholesterol in the blood? If so, how to use it and for how long?"
To answer this question, let me rephrase it into another question: Can you tell me if honey and cinnamon powder can reduce my cholesterol...
| 7/28/2004 - Recent cholesterol guidelines are recommending that most people aim for an LDL cholesterol level of 70 or lower. That's down from the previous suggestion of 100. And of course, the number one recommended way to lower your cholesterol, according to the popular press and pharmaceutical companies, is to...
| See all 305 oils feature articles.Concept-related articles:Trans fats:Trans fatty acids:Hydrogen:Heart attacks:Fatty acids:Food:Fats:Foods:Labels:Ingredients:Oil:Fat:Heart:Avoid:Attacks:Heart disease:
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TV.NaturalNews.com is
a free video website featuring thousands of videos on holistic health, nutrition,
fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more.
CounterThink Cartoons are
free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.
The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
in the food supply.
Webseed.com offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating.
HealingFoodReference.com offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions.
HerbReference.com is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
NutrientReference.com is
a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.