Ice news, articles and information:
 | 11/19/2016 - As ice that has been around for thousands of years melts due to shifts in weather patterns, there is concern among some scientists that viruses and diseases that have been frozen in time may be about to make a deadly comeback.
As reported by Vice News, a recent "zombie" anthrax outbreak was unleashed...
 | 11/5/2016 - Pimples seem to strike at the most unfortunate times. Whether it's the night before that big job interview you've been waiting for or a few days before your wedding, there really is never a good time for your skin to break out.
You might think there is no way you can get rid of pimples quickly, especially...
 | 10/16/2016 - Sugar is an addiction similar to alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. It feels and tastes good while we are consuming it, but it can destroy your body and mind on the long-term. By now, we all know that soda is addictive and wreaking havoc on our system. Therefore we often opt for what we think is a healthier...
 | 10/14/2016 - Nestle is recalling some of its products due to possible listeria contamination and misbranding of allergens.
Two of the company's ice cream products, a Drumstick Club 16 Count Variety Pack and 24 count Vanilla Pack, were recalled after routine testing found Listeria monocytogenes on equipment surfaces...
 | 9/28/2016 - A voluntary recall has just been issued for two flavors of Blue Bell ice cream out of concern about possible contamination with listeria. The recall is being instituted out of an abundance of caution in cooperation with the FDA.
The problem has been traced to a cookie dough ingredient that comes...
 | 9/24/2016 - The potentially deadly Legionella bacteria has been discovered contaminating various medical devices at the University of Washington (UW) Medical Center. The hospital announced that it was responding by cleaning the devices and treating its water system with chlorine.
Legionella bacteria is responsible...
 | 9/17/2016 - For decades, the abandoned nuclear-powered U.S. military base, Camp Century, has been buried below the ice sheet that covers most of Greenland. A U.S. army corps of engineers built the subterranean city that had trucks, tunnels and even a nuclear reactor.
While it was advertised as a polar research...
 | 8/16/2016 - While a significant number of people and world leaders are concerned about global warming, a renowned solar physicist has come up with a theory that is entirely contradictory.
Professor Valentina Zharkova, a solar physicist at the UK's Northumbria University, claims that the earth is in fact not...
 | 6/9/2016 - What if there was something sweet and natural available right in the produce aisle of the grocery store that could eradicate mucus and cough five times faster than nasty cough syrup?
What if this hidden food-medicine could improve the immune system, instead of making you irritable, groggy and unable...
 | 6/7/2016 - It might sound odd or just plain loony to insist that ice cream doesn't melt, but one Cincinnati mom made the rather remarkable discovery that, yes, sometimes ice cream won't melt.
We'll explain.
She made her startling discovery after her son accidentally left his great value ice cream sandwich...
 | 4/29/2016 - The fast-food chain KFC is conducting an investigation into one of its UK restaurants after undercover reporters were served ice that harbored harmful bacteria found in feces.
The reporters who made the discovery were part of an undercover report conducted by BBC's Rip Off Britain, which was investigating...
 | 3/7/2016 - For decades, doctors, coaches and trainers around the world have advised us to put ice on sore, bruised, sprained or torn muscles to reduce pain and swelling. Ever since Dr. Gabe Mirkin came up with the acronym RICE – during the late seventies - Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation (RICE) has...
 | 1/30/2016 - Most people take measures to ensure that the items they use in their homes on a daily basis are not on par with things that are considered unsafe for their bodies or the environment.
However, researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder have discovered that the toxic substances in fracking...
 | 12/8/2015 - It's becoming the modus operandi of the "tolerant" political left: If you can't win the argument, punish the opponent.
Speaking at the annual South by Southwest Festival (SXSW) in Austin, Texas, recently, former Vice President Al Gore made a number of demonstrably false statements about climate change...
 | 8/19/2015 - The Obama administration has overseen the greatest influx of illegal aliens into the country in decades and more are on the way, according to analysts who monitor U.S. border activity.
But even more than that, they say, the administration has been extremely lax with criminal aliens, ensuring that...
 | 7/27/2015 - Hundreds of so-called illegal immigrant "sanctuary cities" have released thousands of criminal aliens over the past several months – some 50 percent more than previously revealed, according to a new report.
As reported by the Washington Examiner, at least 276 sanctuary cities released more...
 | 5/10/2015 - What you're about to read here is a revealing look at the psychological mechanism presently being used by government and media to achieve near-absolute control over the population. I'm calling the concept the "crisis of the NOW," and understanding this is a lot like taking the RED pill.
The "crisis...
 | 12/1/2014 - Story by Daisy Luther, republished from Eat Local Grown with additional editing by Natural News.
What's the most controversial topic at the grocery store these days?
It's GMOs.
Should you consume them? Are they okay in moderation? Should you strictly avoid them at all times? And if so, how...
 | 11/26/2014 - The Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division has put out an invitation for bids (IFB) for a variety of underwear for young boys and girls as well as adult men and women. The invitation, which is listed on, a site that houses a range of federal business...
 | 11/15/2014 - Immigration -- or, more correctly, President Obama's threatened executive action to legalize millions of people who came into the country illegally -- factored in heavily in a number of House and Senate races around the country ahead of the Nov. 4 midterm elections: As in, a majority of Americans hate...
 | 9/18/2014 - Smoothies are popular these days. We drink them as an alternative to unhealthy drinks or as a meal replacement. But are they really healthy? They can be.
The question is: What's in your smoothie?
At some smoothie stands, smoothies are made with 3 basic ingredients: frozen fruit, fruit juice,...
 | 9/6/2014 - Recently, videos of friends, family and celebrities deliberately pouring a bucket of ice water on their heads have been popping up everywhere. The videos are part of an effort that the ALS Association hopes will help raise both awareness and donations concerning the disease. So far, it's worked; between...
 | 9/1/2014 7:46:51 PM - You've heard of the ice bucket challenge, and maybe even the Ferguson Challenge. Here's a new challenge: the one gallon challenge. Drink a gallon of cranberry lemonade a day, sweetened with stevia, and spiced with cayenne. This is one of the best ways to detoxify, lose weight, and clean out your system....
 | 8/13/2014 - Most of us love sugar. Even us health-nuts. People with the strictest diets are still so often unwilling to give up their sugar. Agave nectar, raw honey, brown rice syrup, sugar cane juice, apple juice, and sugar in the raw are just a few of the many examples of sugars being considered healthy. But...
 | 6/17/2014 - Japanese government officials have announced that Tokyo will spend $470 million to build a subterranean ice wall and take additional measures in what appears to be a desperate attempt to stop leaks of radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima Dai'ichi nuclear plant after repeated failures to staunch...
 | 6/16/2014 4:06:30 PM - The restoration of America's food supply powers on. Companies are beginning to hear the chants of consumers, calling out for traditional, unadulterated food ingredients. The call for cleaner food now includes ice cream. Major ice cream manufacturer, Ben & Jerry's, has announced a major shift in how...
 | 4/29/2014 - Anyone up for some tomato-cherry or carrot-orange ice cream?
Haagen-Dazs, normally associated with ice cream flavors such as Black Cherry Amaretto gelato, Mint Chip and Lemon Zest sorbet, is urging folks to get on the healthy eating bandwagon with the introduction of their newest flavors, Tomato-Cherry...
 | 2/14/2014 - It would seem as though they are better suited for filling a lunch plate than being spread all over our roads. But beets, and particularly beet juice, are proving to be a highly effective alternative to pollutive salt rocks for de-icing roads in colder areas, which is why many cities are now considering...
 | 2/8/2014 - So many people make good health a complicated matter by polluting their bodies with processed foods, irradiated foods, genetically modified foods, gluten, bleached foods, hormone-laden meats and milk, and a host of other toxic products that punish the body instead of rewarding it for doing work for...
 | 1/31/2014 - An investigation into Arctic sea ice and how it reacts with the sun to draw in mercury and other toxins from the atmosphere has uncovered some alarming truths about the true accumulation of heavy metals at the earth's poles. Recently published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature, the new research reveals...
 | 11/14/2013 - Scientists have discovered that a humble species of bacteria may play a major role in producing planetary climates by "seeding" clouds with ice-producing proteins.
Scientists have known for decades that bacterial species such as Pseudomonas syringae produce proteins on their outer membranes that...
 | 11/10/2013 - Seasonal changes are often associated with nagging illnesses. The key to staying healthy through seasonal shifts is to transform your diet, lifestyle choices and routines into a potent seasonal medicine. Autumn is the season for condensing, conserving and concentrating the life force.
To maintain...
 | 10/27/2013 - DDT, HCB and OPCs. These and numerous other banned pesticides and chemicals are no longer being sold commercially. But does that mean they are no longer a threat to human health? A new study recently released by scientists from Denmark and the U.K. warns that outlawed substances still hiding inside...
 | 10/24/2013 - There are all kinds of casualties of Obamacare, not the least prominent of which is employment.
There are a number of reasons why the job market remains sluggish - cuts in consumer spending, families saving more, government policies and regulatory burdens - but one of the most potent job killers...
 | 9/27/2013 - Ann Cameron, an author of 15 children's books, cured her Stage 4 cancer with carrot juice only. She states, "I believe from personal experience that carrots can cure cancer - and rapidly, without chemotherapy, radiation, or other dietary changes."
On June 6, 2012, Ann had surgery for Stage 3 colon...
 | 9/16/2013 - Hey, don't look now, but former Vice President Al Gore, whose championing of "global warming" and "climate change" has made him fabulously wealthy, has been lying to you all along about just serious the "danger" is from these manufactured global "crises."
Because the process has been co-opted by...
 | 9/10/2013 - For years, we've all heard that global warming is threatening our planet. But now, in a stunning turnaround, world scientists are warning that an era of global cooling seems to be upon us, complete with extraordinary expansions of ocean ice being recorded in just the past year.
Even the latest UN...
 | 8/14/2013 - In what is arguably the most shocking food study conducted since the Seralini "GMO rats" study released last year, researchers at the University of Utah have found that even a small amount of refined sugar consumption resulted in a doubling of the death rate of female mice.
Fed merely the equivalent...
 | 7/18/2013 - Thirsty? Given the circumstances, most people will reach for a bottle or a flip top can of ice-cold soda. Almost 90 percent of people all over the world will, at one time or another, have tasted a sugary, fizzy, carbonated beverage. And the fight isn't particularly fair, either; on average, there are...
 | 7/13/2013 - The political left in America loves to toss about the phrase "civil rights" when stumping for one of their pet political causes. We should agree with them and back their proposals because, hey, "it's a civil rights issue."
Gun rights, however, are anathema to the political left. They have used tortured...
 | 7/11/2013 - China might be in the middle of an incredible economic rebirth, as its thousands of factories churn out all sorts of consumer goods for an increasingly hungry global consumer market. But it is doing so in a manner that is harming its public and destroying its environment. So bad is the contamination...
 | 7/6/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 6/12/2013 - There appears to be no limit to how far the processed food industry will go to maximize its profits, even if it means reprocessing animal meat waste and adding it to completely unrelated foods like ice cream. This is the latest endeavor by industrial food researchers in Italy, Belgium, and elsewhere,...
 | 5/27/2013 12:57:44 PM - You probably know by now that turmeric has been acknowledged as a potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer substance. Turmeric is a rhizome with edible roots that grow underground horizontally. It's actually related to ginger and somewhat resembles it outwardly.
Turmeric's active ingredient,...
 | 5/17/2013 - As we pass through spring and go into summer, health oriented foodies can focus on smoothie delights for refreshingly healthy beverages.
In case you're unfamiliar with making your own smoothies, you'll come to realize how easy it is if you have a decent blender that doesn't have to come apart for...
| 1/28/2013 2:12:41 AM - It's amazing how much we take for granted. We assume that all the food in the supermarkets and natural food stores are safe to eat. What we don't realize is the reality of the sinister plot to reduce the population. That was covered in part in a previous article that I wrote entitled "The Ultimate Conspiracy"....
 | 1/21/2013 - Yes, it is true. Modern psychiatrists stand on the shoulders of the mobile lobotomist, Dr. Walter Freeman (1895 - 1972). Good ole Dr. Walt pioneered the lobotomy, relieving thousands from what he called "the burden of consciousness."
His weapon of choice was an ice pick, which he hammered into the...
 | 12/12/2012 - It's like something ripped right out of a dystopian futuristic sci-fi novel: A U.S. patent has been uncovered that describes electronic handcuffs capable of delivering torturous electroshocks, "gas injections" and injectable "chemical restraints" to prisoners who wear them. The cuffs can be remote-controlled...
 | 11/28/2012 - Federal tyranny has begun to spread to the Internet, where authorities apparently believe that there are no such things as constitutional rights in cyberspace.
Without due process and without giving the owners of the websites any opportunity to defend themselves whatsoever, U.S. Immigration and Customs...
 | 11/17/2012 6:35:11 PM - By now, we all know about the Proposition 37 travesty in California. The biotech industry did what they do best - lie and deceive and the major food companies maintained their use of GMOs in their foods. What was alarming is that most of the major food companies bought out organic companies so they...
 | 10/23/2012 - If you've not been impressed by the taste of superfood powders that you mix with milk or water to make a nutrient-dense beverage, you need to know about X-Balance from SGN Nutrition. Of all the superfoods I've tasted and reviewed over the years, this one offers the most inviting taste of them all. It's...
 | 10/3/2012 - Who says you have to use dairy products or eggs to make a delicious "ice cream"? Or sugar? This completely vegan recipe is super easy and fast to make as well as healthy and oh so yummy. The ice cream recipe doesn't call for much of the non-dairy milks. Play around with it and you will soon learn just...
 | 9/29/2012 - In March 2012, the British news source, Daily Mail, ran a story that stated ice cream was as addicting as cocaine. The article quoted the well-respected American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which had published a study performed at the Oregon Research Institute just days before.
The clinical study...
 | 9/28/2012 - The cost of genetically-modified (GM) corn and soy feed for conventional cattle is surging so high, and availability plunging so low, as a result of persistent drought conditions and resultant crop failures that conventional feedlot farmers are having to seek out less expensive and more plentiful alternatives....
 | 8/10/2012 - The ice in Greenland appears to be less vulnerable than earlier believed to uncontrolled melting that some scientists and climatologists said would drive up sea levels and lead to a host of environmental issues, according to a new study that found a spike in loss of ice had declined.
Kurt Kjaer of...
 | 6/28/2012 - Summertime and the living is easy, except it gets hot. Some places get really hot but not so humid, others get hot and humid. Either way, it's a time for refreshing cool or cold drinks. It's possible to boost your health, detoxify, and alkalize while drinking a refreshing beverage.
Here are five...
 | 6/11/2012 - In yet another wave of "truth in advertising" lawsuits, embattled Tropicana is now fending off approximately 20 lawsuits at once because of blatant truth-slanting labeling that misleads consumers to think that they are buying fresh, unadulterated, good-for-you OJ. The FDA oversees packaged food labeling...
 | 5/18/2012 - The only worse thing about an increasing number of police departments collecting DNA evidence from suspects they arrest - before they've ever been actually convicted of any crimes - is that courts are continuing to back this egregious violation of civil liberties. So it was only a matter of time before...
 | 4/19/2012 - In the race to be the most offensive junk food providers in the world, U.S. fast food giants are rolling out disgusting and health-destroying menu concoctions that come close to activating the gag reflex.
Burger King, for example, is now actively testing a bacon sundae, consisting of a (processed,...
 | 4/18/2012 - You can tell a lot about a person by assessing what they purchase. It's called "consumer profiling," and corporations do it all the time. That's how those grocery store loyalty discount programs work, by the way -- they profile your psychology by analyzing what you're buying. From that information,...
 | 2/12/2012 - Man-made climate change theory proponents frequently cite claims that ice caps and glaciers all around the world are melting at an alarming rate because of excess carbon dioxide (CO2). But new research published in the journal Nature reveals that, contrary to popular belief, ice caps in the Himalayan...
 | 12/24/2011 - Just when I thought I had the holidays off, the TSA does something stupid (again) that demands, at the very least, a satirical response. This time it wasn't the TSA checking the diapers of infants for "poop bombs" (, nor molesting your 90-year-old...
 | 12/7/2011 - Your morning cup of joe at Starbucks may have a higher calorie count and fat percentage than a serving of ice cream or a piece of chocolate cake. NaturalNews looked into the nutritional information on Starbucks' website and found that many of the chain's popular latte drinks have the same dietary impact...
| 11/25/2011 - Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for gathering with friends and family and reflecting upon all of the good things in life. Unfortunately, the holiday meal usually involves indulging in unhealthy fat-filled and carbohydrate-loaded foods that leave dinner guests feeling bloated, run-down and guilty. Avoid...
 | 11/22/2011 - When I read a story yesterday about an 89-year-old woman being water-boarded by nursing home staff over an argument about ice cream, I knew something terrible was amiss across the American landscape. Spontaneous acts of tyranny have been cropping up lately like cancer tumors: a food tyrant in Nevada...
 | 9/25/2011 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
| 8/31/2011 - Research has shown that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is healthy in many ways, including combating and preventing cardiovascular disease and obesity and lowering your risk of cancer. One deliciously refreshing and super healthy way to contribute to your daily fruit servings is to quench...
 | 8/19/2011 - Images of periled polar bears sinking into arctic seas because of melting polar ice caps have become an iconic symbol of the devastating consequences of so-called global warming. But a new government investigation into the supposed science surrounding this now-infamous urban legend has revealed that...
| 7/7/2011 - With summertime comes hot temperatures. This year chill out and take a bite - or several bites - out of the summer heat with these refreshing and healthy recipes:
Refreshing Fruit Salad
Mix up an easy and refreshing summer favorite in the form of fruit salad, made with a bounty of cool and healthy...
 | 5/9/2011 - In just a few short months, we've witnessed people power in action. From the Middle East to the Midwest, movements have risen up to overturn tired dogma and challenge entrenched power. Many of us were inspired by these events. And many of us were surprised. Perhaps we were growing skeptical that people...
 | 11/22/2010 - Although it is illegal under current USDA rules, the agency is still tolerating organic milk producers who bring conventional dairy cattle onto their farms -- pumped full of hormones and antibiotics -- and then call them "organic" cows when they start giving milk. The Cornucopia Institute wants to put...
 | 10/2/2010 - It has now been widely revealed that the United States conducted medical experiments on prisoners and mental health patients in Guatemala in the 1940's. Carried out by a government-employed doctor working in a psychiatric hospital, these experiments involved intentionally infecting Guatemalans with...
| 8/19/2010 - Consumer watchdog group Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is calling out popular ice cream maker Ben & Jerry's for using artificial and chemically-altered ingredients in its "All Natural" premium ice creams. According to CSPI at least 90 percent of the flavors used in "All Natural" Ben...
 | 8/4/2010 - Among all the superfoods available today, some are quite well known such as acai and spirulina, but others are lesser known even though they offer remarkable nutritional density. One of these "little known" superfoods is rice bran solubles -- it's a super delicious and highly nutritious superfood that...
| 6/29/2010 - There are three levels of burns, two of which can usually be handled in your home or apartment.
First degree burns affect the outer part of your skin only. Sunburn and scalding from hot water or steam are a couple of examples of first degree burns.
Second degree burns are more painful and produce...
 | 6/22/2010 - People who really know about health know about virgin coconut oil. It's the oil of choice for health-conscious people, and it's used in everything from smoothies (delicious!) to personal care products. You can use coconut oil both inside and outside your body.
It's even useful for cooking because...
| 5/4/2010 - Constipation is not a very pleasant subject, but for many people it is an even more uncomfortable condition. The most common symptoms of constipation are irregularity or difficulty in elimination of hard fecal matter. With the use of a healthy diet and natural remedies, constipation can usually be beaten...
| 3/17/2010 - Common nosebleeds can be an unpleasant and even alarming surprise. Though they are usually not a reason to be overly concerned they usually can be abated quickly and easily at home. Most often bleeding from the nose comes from trauma caused by injury to the nose, picking the nose and even violent sneezing....
 | 3/4/2010 - Can you really heal yourself by eating more food? It seems counterintuitive, but in this article -- part eleven of our 15-day self-healing series -- I'm going to share with you how eating more food can actually be a powerful tool in accelerating your body's own natural healing potential.
But there's...
 | 11/10/2009 - Until early 2009, Silk brand soy milk was made using organic soybeans. But earlier this year, Dean Foods (owner of the Silk brand) quietly switched to conventional soybeans, which are often grown with pesticides. But they kept the same UPC barcodes on their products, and they kept the product label...
| 10/24/2009 - This article has been removed
| 9/25/2009 - Many South American cultures enjoy traditional healthy foods and culinary treats. If you were to visit Peru, you may be surprised to find that lucuma flavored ice cream is more popular than vanilla or chocolate. Lucuma is a South American fruit that is gaining popularity as a healthy, whole fruit sweetener....
| 6/17/2009 - According to the Corn Refiners Association, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is no worse for you than any other dietary carbohydrate. Many health experts, however, disagree, warning consumers that HFCS is strongly correlated with diabetes and obesity.
Today, we bring you selected quotes about HFCS...
| 4/21/2009 - I bet the big drug companies wish they had invented cherries -- they've proven to be the most powerful medicine in the world for eliminating gout and reducing the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Cherries are such powerful medicine for gout and arthritis, in fact, the FDA went out of its way to try...
 | 1/7/2009 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Water Secrets, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, Mike Adams talks about alkalinizing and mineralizing water.
Renegade Water Secrets with Mike Adams, founder of ( .
 | 11/13/2008 - We have repeatedly heard how we should eat more fruits and vegetables for optimum health and to reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and obesity. Unfortunately although it sounds simple, research data shows the majority of people simply do not consume enough fruits and vegetables....
 | 10/24/2008 - You've seen the labels before. You've heard the buzz in your grocery store aisles. Organic! Grass fed! But what is that anyway? And does it really matter if you buy organic or grass fed products?
Let's start with what makes something "organic". Organic refers to the agricultural process used to produce...
 | 10/8/2008 - Part one of this series on how to take care of your health in the computer era described the essentials of taking care of your physical health with specific exercises and by being mindful of how you use your body throughout the day.
This article takes a close look at how you can best support all...
 | 9/24/2008 - When Ron and Nadine from the Living Libations beauty care and chocolate company ( attempted to fly to the United States in August of this year, they ran into something completely unexpected: Drug-sniffing dogs at the Toronto airport. When their dogs took a special interest in...
 | 8/25/2008 - Living with a food allergy makes living in our fast paced world difficult, especially for a child. It is reported by The UCB Institute of Allergy that 13% of the population in Europe alone suffers from food allergies. The numbers for the United States are strikingly similar.
The food allergy that...
 | 8/13/2008 - On a swelteringly hot summer day, there's nothing that comes to mind better to cool things down than some old-fashioned ice cream. Just some wholesome ingredients like cream, egg yolks, a sweetener, and some vanilla extract, right?
How about propylene glycol, ethyl acetate, and yellow dye #5? Seems...
 | 7/24/2008 - I had the distinct pleasure of reading a paperback book by Dr. Susan E. Brown and Larry Trivieri, Jr. called the Alkaline-Acid Food Guide. It is a short read and quick reference on the extent to which foods affect the pH balance in our bodies. The book is based on compiled research from a number of...
 | 6/21/2008 - I had the distinct pleasure of reading a paperback book by Dr. Susan E. Brown and Larry Trivieri, Jr. called the Alkaline-Acid Food Guide. It is a short read and quick reference on the extent to which foods affect the pH balance in our bodies. The book is based on compiled research from a number of...
 | 5/12/2008 - The ongoing phenomenon of mysterious honeybee deaths is starting to raise alarm in the food industry, which depends heavily on bees to pollinate many critical crops. "Honeybee health and sustainable pollination is a major issue facing American agriculture that is threatening our food supply and endangering...
 | 2/28/2008 - There's increasing awareness today about the health benefits of drinking superfood powders. Anyone who has been reading NaturalNews for very long knows that cruciferous vegetables prevent cancer, berries protect the nervous system and prevent heart disease, chlorella cleanses the liver and blood, curcumin...
 | 1/8/2008 - Chia seed is an ancient superfood that is currently experiencing a glorious renaissance. It is a member of the sage family (Salvia Hispanica). The little black and white seeds were once a staple of the Incan, Mayan and Aztec cultures, along with the Native Americans of the southwest.
"Chia" is actually...
 | 1/4/2008 - Do you ever wonder just to what degree mainstream media (MSM) organizations are influenced by food corporations? On January 2, 2008, CNN Health posted a story that claims pizza, burgers, Canadian bacon and ice cream are diet-friendly and good for your waist line!
Did they mean it's good for watching...
 | 12/14/2007 - Think U.S. health authorities have never conducted outrageous medical experiments on children, women, minorities, homosexuals and inmates? Think again: This timeline, originally put together by Dani Veracity (a NaturalNews reporter), has been edited and updated with recent vaccination experimentation...
 | 10/23/2007 - Antarctic icebergs create miniature marine ecosystems that allow more life than normally exists in an otherwise nutrient-poor region, according to a study published in the journal Science.
Researchers used underwater cameras to observe the undersides of two gigantic icebergs in the Wendell Sea. The...
 | 9/21/2007 - Kevin Trudeau, author of the super popular "Natural Cures" books, has once again been sued by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). This time, it's not about coral calcium and cancer; it's about weight loss claims made in the marketing of his book, "The Weight Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About."
 | 7/20/2007 - I've been a proponent of personal preparedness for many years. "Preparedness" simply means having some backup supplies on hand to help you get through unexpected events or hard times, and over the last decade, we've seen numerous examples of why preparedness is so important: Hurricane Katrina, power...
 | 6/22/2007 - Unlike most of our product reviews, this one isn't about your health or nutrition. It's about your personal safety. Better Life Goods (a company I own, see full disclosure below) has just finished a large production run on an new, unique safety and preparedness tool available now at
 | 12/19/2006 - A study published in the Geophysical Research Letters journal this week indicated that the Arctic pole could go from winter wonderland to warm water in a little over 30 years.
Currently, Earth's North Pole is already warmer than the South Pole because it lies at sea-level in the middle of an ocean....
 | 12/17/2006 - Appetite and diet are highly personal matters, and many people struggle with weight problems. Often, people feel harshly judged for their habits and choices. Diet, and the weight that comes and goes, is a lifelong struggle for most. In our upside-down world we are all highly susceptible to the massive...
 | 12/6/2006 - As people become more health-conscious these days, their kitchens are becoming homes to a new standard appliance: The countertop blender. I'm not talking about the lame blenders of old that couldn't chop anything except ice. I'm talking about high-powered blenders like the Vita-Mix 5000 and the Champ...
 | 3/6/2006 - Introduction by the Health Ranger: The United States claims to be the world leader in medicine. But there's a dark side to western medicine that few want to acknowledge: The horrifying medical experiments performed on impoverished people and their children all in the name of scientific progress. Many...
 | 2/7/2006 - Doctor Price was right, as usual. Cod liver oil is very good for you, more than you ever knew. Research studies ranging from 1918-2001 give cod liver oil an A+ rating. This marvelous golden oil contains large amounts of elongated omega-3 fatty acids, preformed vitamin A and the sunlight vitamin D, essential...
 | 1/29/2006 - Mike: A lot of people are familiar with detox, but some are not, and from a nutritional standpoint, they certainly may not be familiar with what it involves. What type of detox do you focus on?
Dr. Haas: Well, detoxification involves getting rid of things from the body as well as stopping toxins...
 | 8/30/2005 - The following interview with Dr. David Graham (senior drug safety researcher at the FDA) was conducted by Manette Loudon, the lead investigator for Dr. Gary Null. This interview contains jaw-dropping insights about the corruption and crimes that take place every day inside the Food and Drug Administration....
 | 7/17/2005 - Everywhere you go, someone asks you for money to help find the cure for some disease. It's the race for the cure! It's the telethon for the cure! It's the walk or run for a cure! At grocery stores, cashiers ask if you want to donate a dollar to help find the cure. Other retailers want to sell you fashion-minded...
 | 7/6/2005 - After sharing health information with people, I'll hear some of them say things like "Okay, I get it, but it's too expensive!" They're meanwhile sipping a Starbuck's coffee and driving a brand new car, and telling me that it's too expensive to buy a $29 bottle of vitamins, or superfood supplements,...
 | 6/27/2005 - In a study exploring DHEA-replacement therapy as a weight loss technique, researchers gave test animals large doses of both DHEA and the drug fenfluramine. According to Dr. Ray Sahelian's DHEA: A Practical Guide, "Even a hot fudge sundae with fresh bananas and dark chocolate syrup couldn't get [the...
 | 6/1/2005 - The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recently announced a three-year, multi-million dollar alliance with Cadbury Schweppes Americas Beverages (CSAB) to help combat obesity and diabetes in America by stressing the importance of making smart nutritional choices.
According to an ADA press release...
 | 12/5/2004 - Scientists conducting ice core drilling in North Greenland were recently shocked to recover a core sample from two miles below the surface that contained blades of grass and pine needles. So what's the big deal about finding grass and pine needles under two miles of ice? Can't we find grass and pine...
 | 12/5/2004 - This is part five of our investigative series on hoodia gordonii, a natural appetite suppressant for weight loss. I spent $1,742 and over a hundred hours investigating the hoodia industry, ordering products, and interviewing hoodia product providers. What I've found is that many companies claiming to...
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a free video website featuring thousands of videos on holistic health, nutrition,
fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more.
CounterThink Cartoons are
free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.
The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
in the food supply. offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
benefits. is
a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.