Farmers news, articles and information:
 | 11/9/2016 - Farmers' markets are growing in popularity worldwide. And now wonder: these markets provide benefits not just for the farmers and the people who buy from them, but for their communities and even the planet as a whole.
Although there is no legal definition of the term "farmers' market" -- thus allowing...
 | 11/2/2016 - Earlier this year, the Dannon Company made a pledge to begin labeling its GMO-containing products before eventually phasing out GMO ingredients in many of them, but some farmers are unhappy and are now voicing their opposition to the plan.
The "Dannon Pledge," announced in April, involves the shift...
 | 10/28/2016 - California, the top farm area of the U.S., is struggling under the pressure of a persistent drought. With no end in sight, farmers see their yields declining and are forced to drill more wells, pumping billions of gallons of water from the ground to irrigate their thirsty crops. Even before the drought,...
 | 10/11/2016 - Our government continues to find new and innovative ways to waste taxpayer money, including buying off key constituencies (donors), all of which helps explain why our country is nearly $20 trillion in debt ($9 trillion of which has occurred during President Obama's term).
Now, the Department of Agriculture...
 | 9/26/2016 - Four big names in the dairy industry reportedly conspired to artificially inflate the cost of dairy products in the United States. The market fraud occurred between 2004 and 2008 when milk prices increased 66 cents per hundredweight.
The increase was made possible through a pact between several major...
 | 9/22/2016 - American researchers from the University of Virginia have conducted a 14-year study on genetically modified (GM) crops and pesticide use. They found that the widespread use of GM seeds has decreased the use of insecticides, but has increased the use of herbicides, as weeds become more resistant.
 | 9/19/2016 - The audacious games Monsanto plays on this planet, manipulating genomes, manufacturing toxins and betting away human health, cause perpetual havoc.
Take for instance the herbicide dicamba. For decades this toxin has been licensed for use on grassy-type crops such as wheat and sod. Its use has been...
 | 9/19/2016 - Thousands of farmers throughout India are reverting to traditional farming methods, as the consequences of Western agriculture have begun to negatively impact the region's food and water supply, as well as the health of its people.
More than 40 years after the "Green Revolution," a period in which...
 | 9/16/2016 - Farmers in 10 states have now reported damage to their crops as result of other farmers illegally spraying dicamba on newly approved genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The new GMO cotton and soybeans are able to withstand application of a chemical cocktail made from dicamba and glyphosate, the ingredient...
 | 8/24/2016 - A wide variety of chemical sprays have been used by the agricultural industry for the last several decades. Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and disinfectants are all things that mainstream farmers have come to rely on to keep their crops "healthy" – or at least that is what they've been led...
 | 8/15/2016 - The dominance of GMOs in agriculture today is not based on their free market success. GMOs are prevalent because governments around the world subsidize these seeds, forcing small holders to introduce them. In this way, governments routinely assist biotech corporations in the takeover of a nations' agriculture...
 | 8/10/2016 - Farmers throughout the Midwest are having to battle a new pest that's not a weed or an insect, but an illegal chemical manufactured by the Monsanto Company as a pairing for "2 Xtend," the next generation of genetically-modified organism (GMO) that requires even more and harsher chemicals than first...
 | 7/24/2016 - Consumer demand for organic foods has surged to such a degree that farmers can't grow enough to keep up with it.
"When you look at the percentage of the marketplace, what consumers are buying versus what farmers are producing, farmers aren't producing as much organic as consumers are consuming,"...
 | 7/21/2016 - Shortly after the U.S. Senate passed the Stabenow-Roberts bill – popularly known as the Denying Americans the Right to Know (DARK) Act 2.0 – the Montana Farmers Union (MFU) contacted the U.S. House of Representatives, urging them to reject the bill.
The law would preempt all state measures...
 | 6/23/2016 - Soon, Nigerian farmers will no longer own their own seed or control the destiny of their own agriculture. Soon, they will have to get permission to use Monsanto's genetically modified seeds, year after year. Carcinogenic herbicide use will be required, because Monsanto's seeds are engineered specifically...
 | 6/15/2016 - One of the most damaging impacts humans are having on the environment is caused by Big Agri food production. According to The Star, the Pesticide Action network Asia and the Pacific (known as Panap) is starting a "multiversity" with the goal of showing farmers how to produce food without relying upon...
 | 6/9/2016 - Genetically modified crops are beginning to lose their appeal in Latin America because of the unstoppable spread of herbicide-resistant superweeds, according to one expert, former DuPont agronomist Alberto Bianchi.
Soybeans are one of the most prolific and prominent crops throughout Latin America,...
 | 5/15/2016 - Genetically modified Bt seeds produce plants that create their own pesticides. Independent testing has discovered that Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) proteins adversely affect friendly insects and pollinators as well as endanger animals and humans because the Bt cry protein crystals are not denatured in...
 | 5/11/2016 - Advances in conventional breeding techniques have now rendered genetic engineering obsolete, according to a report authored by independent scientist Benno Vogel and published by Greenpeace. Indeed, the conventional breeding technique known as marker-assisted selection (MAS) allows farmers to rapidly...
 | 5/8/2016 - Previous reports have linked mass suicides among farmers in India to mounting debt and crop failures as a result of GMO crops, particularly cotton, as it was forcibly converted to patented, transgenic varieties owned by large agrochemical companies. But now we're learning that pesticide exposure may...
 | 5/6/2016 - Some goliaths must fall (like Monsanto), for all the suffering they cause, but other giants can be transformed from the inside out, through a change in heart. That's what is happening to the top US yogurt producer Dannon.
The entire company is having a positive change of heart. A company this size...
 | 5/2/2016 - It isn't something that many people talk about or are even aware of, but the day of the robot is coming. And when it finally arrives, hundreds of millions of people will no longer be able to earn a living – at least not in the "old-fashioned way." That's because robots are coming to take them.
 | 4/20/2016 - In news that will be embraced by health-conscious consumers and organic farmers alike, Costco is finding the demand for organic food to be so staggering, that it is lending money to farmers so they can grow enough organic food to keep up.
The Seattle Times reports that Costco came up with this brilliant...
 | 4/14/2016 - It's no secret that more people are becoming health-conscious citizens, concerned about everything from the toxic ingredients in their food supply, to questioning the drugs that Big Pharma continually pushes. As a result, many stores and manufacturers have pledged to provide Americans with healthier...
 | 4/4/2016 - The biotech industry has been under a lot of scrutiny recently for its part in causing the development of herbicide-resistant weeds, which are becoming a huge problem for farmers. This resistance, combined with the toxicity of herbicides, means that it is crucial that we find an alternative way to get...
 | 2/17/2016 - First, the residents of Flint, Michigan, were drinking lead-contaminated water, all while Governor Snyder was well aware of water quality issues that ultimately destroyed people's emotional and physical health. Now, another state is in the throes of a government-versus-the-citizens water-related crisis,...
 | 2/15/2016 - One of India's top agriculture institutions has essentially sold its soul to biotech giant Monsanto, forcing failed genetically modified Bt brinjal saplings on dozens of farmers, a five-fold increase despite the breed's poor track record.
As reported by the Dhaka Tribune, despite the failure of the...
 | 2/3/2016 - Farmers in California's Central Valley are considering an extreme measure to help combat declining groundwater levels, and it may seem counterintuitive – they want to flood their own farms.
The land has become completely parched with drought, and Don Cameron, a farmer in the area who grows...
 | 12/18/2015 - Michael Schmidt is an Ontario, Canada, farmer who, for 21 years, has peacefully run his farm and provided his community with fresh, nourishing food. However, one of his farming operations runs contrary to federal and provincial law. Specifically, Schmidt produces raw dairy products for a group of families...
 | 12/14/2015 - Agri- and biotech giant Syngenta is being sued by hundreds of farmers in at least 20 states for shocking business practices, including using the American people as GMO guinea pigs.
According to Arkansas Business, one of the lawsuits against the Swiss seed manufacturer, which has been filed on behalf...
 | 11/23/2015 - A program to test a variety of genetically modified (GM) eggplant in Bangladesh is in shambles, but continues to be forced through by the government, according to an independent investigation by the development policy research group UBINIG.
UBINIG launched the investigation after hearing the government...
 | 10/13/2015 12:01:40 PM - Agricultural violence is running rampant in India, harming both the physical and financial health of its farmers. As it happens, Monsanto and the government simply sit back and continue to relish in the profit that comes from genetically modified seeds and poisons such as glyphosate.
People are dying?...
 | 10/8/2015 - When it comes to farming, it seems like the government wants to create hurdles for small producers. They already require farmers and market gardeners to jump through hoops when getting their products to eager consumers. Now they're requiring them to jump through hoop houses.
For a small farmer,...
 | 9/9/2015 2:52:16 PM - As news swirls around the internet that Agri-giants like Monsanto pay academics and scientists to be shills for their companies, it is worth recalling that these same firms also engage in other reprehensible and unethical types of corporate behavior.
In 2012, The New American reported that the latest...
 | 9/2/2015 - Following the release of his latest album The Monsanto Years, Neil Young has released a short film documentary entitled Seeding Fear that tells one man's story of beating Monsanto at its own game. Michael White, a fourth-generation farmer from northeast Alabama, tells of how the agricultural giant sued...
 | 8/27/2015 - Once upon a time, people who planted seeds and worked with the land answered only to the laws of nature. Farmers were free. They kept the seeds from each harvest so they could plant them again the next season. No permission was required to plant each year. Chemical herbicides were not needed to grow...
 | 8/20/2015 - As California's drought worsens and the availability of potable water continues to decline quickly, regulators in the state have become increasingly strict in imposing rules and fines in order to conserve what water remains.
To do so, state drought regulators have gone to the extreme in recent days,...
 | 8/12/2015 - An incident that occurred several years ago is worthy of a revisit, especially as the debate over genetically modified organisms heats up and the mainstream "scientific community" has become much more militant and demanding that everyone be compliant and obedient and never challenge conventional wisdom...
 | 8/7/2015 - As Venezuela's economy continues to worsen -- its currency having entered "free fall mode," according to the Financial Times -- the desperate Maduro government has taken the extreme measure of nationalizing the nation's food industry.
Venezuelan farmers and food producers are now required to sell...
 | 8/7/2015 - As California's drought stretches on and more and more wells go dry, demand is higher than ever for "water witches," people who are able to locate underground water using only a rod or stick and their own intuition. Also known as dowsers, water witches have been an essential part of California's farming...
 | 7/19/2015 - The growing epidemic of farmer suicides in India can be directly traced to the introduction of genetically modified (GM) Bt cotton by multinational corporations, reveals a new paper published in the journal Environmental Sciences Europe. A research collaborative spanning multiple continents found that...
 | 7/19/2015 - There has been a debate raging about GMOs for a long time now. On one side of the debate is the idea that genetic engineering is progress for humanity, and it is a natural extension of more traditional breeding techniques. The other side believes genetically modified foods are unsafe for human consumption...
 | 6/16/2015 - For some time, food chain Whole Foods Market and organic farmers have had a cooperative, mutual relationship. The retail grocer has enabled organic farmers to gain a sizable foothold in the food market at a time when Americans' passion for healthier alternatives to the GMO-laden, processed foods market...
 | 6/7/2015 - Thousands of farmers throughout India are reverting back to traditional farming methods as the consequences of Western agriculture have begun to negatively impact the region's food and water supply, and the health of its people.
More than 40 years after the "Green Revolution," a period in which India's...
 | 5/13/2015 - The days of abundant water are a distant memory for farmers in California. For the Central Valley, the wells are about to run dry.
California's Central Valley is now reportedly sinking at a rate never seen during the state's historic drought, and farmers are shouldering part of the blame as they...
 | 4/28/2015 - While GMO shills such as former Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore and Microsoft tycoon Bill Gates continue to applaud the use of chemicals and technology to alter food, farmers in many areas refuse to accept the so-called benefits that these items offer. While GMO advocates are bent on forcing...
 | 4/24/2015 - Monsanto, a corporation known for its genetically modified (GM) seeds, Roundup Ready herbicide and Agent Orange, always seems to be in the run to settle a lawsuit of some kind to keep their business running.
Just recently, we had the Monsanto-Maui case were Maui voted to ban GM crops until they are...
 | 4/2/2015 - A Filipino agricultural organization has soundly rejected a move by a pro-GMO rice group to introduce the genetically modified crop in the Asia Pacific nation.
According to a press release posted on Facebook, the Filipino organization, Masipag, has managed to thwart Allow Golden Rice Now! in its...
 | 3/29/2015 - California farmers are making more money selling water than planting their fields in some cases. The rice industry in the Sacramento Valley has really been struggling with this year's drought. Some farmers are choosing not to plant this year and are cashing in on their water rights instead. This controversial...
 | 3/26/2015 3:52:07 PM - While many people tout the benefits of GM foods (those who profit at the expense of others' health, of course), a majority of individuals are not staying quiet about the fact that such biotechnology methods are quickly destroying their livelihood.
Among those who are standing up for their right to...
 | 3/19/2015 2:31:16 PM - The massive insurrection against the Modi Government and the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) coalition on March 18, 2015 by the major agricultural unions of India has led to a widespread launch of lobbying regarding farmer's rights and farmer cost of living allocations in the capital city.
 | 3/14/2015 - On February 11, the New York State Assembly passed a bill that would protect farmers from being sued by biotechnology companies in the case of genetically engineered (GE) crops accidentally growing in their fields.
In contrast with conventionally bred crops, GE crops are typically held under a patent...
 | 3/9/2015 - Corn growers in the U.S. lost an upwards of $3 billion in revenue last year after the Chinese boycotted shipments of American corn following the discovery of a genetically modified seed that had not yet been approved in the country.
Agrisure Viptera, a seed genetically altered to contain a protein...
 | 3/2/2015 - Armchair activists who insist, often violently, that genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) are "feeding the world" are clearly oblivious to the fact that this ominous crop technology is aggressively destroying biodiversity and leaving farmers and rural-dwellers all around the world with no other option...
 | 2/27/2015 - The solution to widespread environmental destruction and perceived man-made climate change isn't to arbitrarily restrict humans from using the world's natural resources, but rather to alter the way humans use them. And a new program in California is doing just that by rewarding farmers who adopt clean,...
 | 2/21/2015 - Over 8 billion chickens are raised for meat annually in the United States. Some are raised inhumanely in factory farms, providing cheap meat. Other chicken producers pledge to raise chickens in free-range, humane conditions. At the supermarket, the labels on the bags of chicken may read "natural" or...
 | 2/20/2015 - On a Page County farm in southwest Iowa, farmers have adjusted their crop methods to meet the demand of food-conscious consumers, and that demand is for non-GMO crops. A six-generation farm is switching over to non-GMO corn to cater to the more food-conscious markets in a direct-to-consumer way. Could...
 | 2/10/2015 3:07:03 PM - Polish farmers are staging peaceful protests such as blocking highways in order to win agricultural concessions from the government, including a ban on the cultivation and production of genetically modified seeds and foods.
As reported by the Land Workers Alliance, Polish farmers have four primary...
 | 2/6/2015 - Globally, one person dies by suicide roughly every 40 seconds. Around the world, over one million people commit suicide each year -- an increase of 60 percent over the last four and a half decades. Incredibly, farmers have one of the highest rates of self-inflicted death.
Newsweek reports that suicide...
 | 1/29/2015 - Just 15 days before harvest, nearly 24,000 precious acres of farmland was destroyed in Nagapatnam, a coastal district in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, by a devastating and unexpected tsunami.
Massive walls of saltwater came crashing down on the coastal district, killing more than 6,000...
 | 1/3/2015 - Farmers, lured by declining commodity prices and pressures involving weed resistance to glyphosate (the main ingredient in Roundup), have recently expressed a strong interest in growing non-GMO soybeans and corn in early 2015.
Wayne Hoener, vice president of sales for Des Moines-based seed company...
 | 12/28/2014 - (Story by William Engdahl, republished from For the better part of the past century, Western pop culture has systematically denigrated and devalued what should be the most honored profession of all. Those who labor with the land, day-in and day-out, to deliver the food that we eat have...
 | 12/23/2014 - In an attempt to curb vitamin A deficiencies, Mozambican researchers have worked tirelessly to create a non-genetically modified (GM), vitamin-enriched sweet potato that comes in multiple varieties suitable for the climates in which they'll grow, according to a new report by
Dubbed the...
 | 11/26/2014 - The big biotechnology secret that you'll probably never about in the mainstream media is the shocking number of suicides that occur when genetically modified organisms (GMOs) fail to provide the promised yields and cost savings. Some 300,000 farmers just in India have committed suicide within the past...
 | 11/26/2014 - Despite an ever-growing sales volume year after year, Monsanto's genetically-modified (GM) soybeans aren't helping farmers produce greater yields, nor are they helping the planet. The transgenic crop, which is heavily doused in neonicotinoid pesticides, is a leading cause of the bee death phenomenon...
 | 10/14/2014 6:01:20 PM - One of Africa's biggest struggles in regard to farming is the soil's lack of nutrients, a factor that's exacerbated famine across the continent. Together, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation shared a particular interest in "reducing poverty and hunger in Africa" through...
 | 10/6/2014 - Monsanto's business model is falling apart right in front of their own face, because the biotech firm blatantly disrespects the property rights of farmers, contaminating their fields with unauthorized genetically modified seeds. These unapproved GMO seeds inevitably cross-contaminate farmers' fields,...
 | 10/1/2014 12:20:11 PM - Prominent Vietnamese scientists have publicly stated that genetically modified (GM) corn will not solve any of the country's agricultural problems and indeed offers no benefit over varieties already being grown.
These statements fly in the face of the government's policy of aggressively promoting...
 | 9/25/2014 - In the Bicol Region of the Philippines, hundreds of farmers, scientists and consumers are gathering in opposition to the commercialization of Syngenta's GM Golden Rice. Feeling as if their property is being overtaken and their food system hijacked, the farmers are rejecting their government's endorsement...
 | 9/17/2014 - As the biototech industry crows on with their "feeding the world" nonsense, several studies have demonstrated that the best way to feed the world is by smaller, organic, regional farming.
One of the largest studies was even sponsored by the UN. But that doesn't get touched by the mainstream media...
 | 9/9/2014 - Attempts to improve food security -- i.e. knowing that one or one's family can eat next week -- with government aid programs like food stamps -- a.k.a. SNAP (Supplement Nutritional Assistance Program) -- and NGO food banks have limited success.
SNAP recipients tend to not resist their processed and...
 | 9/6/2014 - In India, eggplant is known as brinjal. It's the same fruit. Monsanto, through associates and subsidiaries, offered free Bt brinjal saplings to poor farmers as an open experiment to gain more GMO acceptance in South and Southeast Asia. Seems this field test backfired.
Bt genetic technology claims...
 | 8/29/2014 - Officials with the European Union have implemented "emergency" support measures aimed at providing cash to farmers hit hard by Russia's ban on imports of fruit and vegetables from the continent.
As reported by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and other media, the newly passed measures call for expenditures...
 | 8/12/2014 - Those who promote genetically modified crops are also quick to promote a common myth about them which says that GMO agriculture uses fewer pesticides and is therefore better for the environment.
Proving this myth wrong are Brazilian farmers who work directly with the failing GM crops, on site, at...
 | 7/27/2014 - The Western media is steeped in denial about the true damage being caused by genetically modified (GM) crops, especially in the developing Third World. But despite the lies you may have heard from mainstream news sources, nearly 300,000 Indian farmers have committed suicide since 1995 as a direct result...
 | 7/24/2014 4:26:03 PM - Very often, there is nothing so destructive and harmful as government bureaucracy, in which nameless, faceless automatons make decisions based on inflexible, arcane and inane rules.
And it isn't just the federal bureaucracy; states can be just as guilty of blindly implementing policies that are clearly...
 | 7/20/2014 - Dozens of native maize varieties are threatened with extinction in Mexico as Big Biotech moves to replace them with commercialized genetically modified (GM) corn. A coalition of Mexican farmers is fighting tooth and nail to stop this aggressive takeover, but the stakes are high to preserve the 59 indigenous...
 | 7/16/2014 - The United States is attempting to pull a fast one on the people of El Salvador with a new Trojan Horse "aid" package that would require the Central American country to purchase genetically-modified (GM) seeds from Monsanto in exchange for taking American taxpayers' hard-earned cash.
The non-profit...
 | 7/12/2014 - In a press release issued on July 4 by the organization Commons for EcoJustice, 19 separate civil society organizations and an organic vegetable farmers group have called on the government of Malawi to reject Monsanto's application to commercially plant genetically modified (GM) cotton.
The list...
 | 7/7/2014 - Livestock with strange white spots covering their skin were put on display at a recent protest in front of Tokyo's agriculture ministry, according to the Associated Press (AP). Two Japanese farmers, disturbed by the unusual markings, are calling on government officials to conduct a real investigation...
 | 5/18/2014 - For years, it was little spoken of within the country's own borders, but India is suffering from an escalating suicide epidemic that is gaining attention both internationally and in a new book by Seattle University journalism professor Sonora Jha. Entitled Foreign, the fiction piece tells the very real...
 | 5/15/2014 - The District of Criminals seems to be in a desperate search for new ways to criminalize free trade, with new proposed amendments that would put vendors at farmers markets and food trucks, as well as ticket "scalpers," at risk of harsh fines and even prison time for violating the district's complicated...
 | 5/14/2014 - Supermarkets all across the country are jumping on the organic bandwagon. Even companies like Walmart, which has a longstanding reputation for selling the cheapest, lowest-quality products available, are joining in to capture this growing market. But many consumers are discovering that some of the best...
 | 4/28/2014 - The biotech industry, including the likes of DuPont and Monsanto, is taking control of agriculture to a whole new level.
Already engaged in controlling farmers' seed and turning crops into genetically modified science experiments, the biotech industry is taking control a step further by installing...
 | 4/18/2014 - The Monsanto corporate lobby travels around the world, looking for new seed markets to control. Through flattery, biotech reps try to convince government officials to create new seed patent laws that could increase a country's agricultural exports and revenue. Biotechnology is marketed as a higher-yield...
 | 4/6/2014 - Those who have lived in America most of their lives know a little something of the Dust Bowl era during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Now, Texans are becoming concerned about yet another Dust Bowl scenario as droughts in various regions within the state are getting worse.
Although there were...
 | 4/1/2014 - For the first time since their initial commercialization in the mid-1990s, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are on the decline in the industrialized world, says a new report by the pro-biotech lobbying group International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications, or ISAAA.
 | 3/19/2014 10:53:00 AM - Opposition to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and demand for cleaner, healthier food is escalating around the globe, and Canada is no exception. Apple farmers in Nova Scotia, Canada, are concerned about a new kind of genetically modified apple being introduced in the nation's food supply, as reported...
 | 3/7/2014 - In today's globally connected economic environment, entire governments can be infiltrated by industry insiders who seek to further their business agenda. It's easy for government safety boards and commissions to be coerced into supporting a corporation's high-dollar demands. It's now very easy for corporations...
 | 3/5/2014 - The provisions guiding the infamous Food Safety Modernization Act are slowly starting to come into effect, and many small-scale farmers across the United States are discovering that they are the primary targets of an oppressive new food safety war being waged by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration...
 | 3/3/2014 - The author of a new expose on the chicken industry chastises corporate giant Tyson Foods while claiming that farmers who supply meat to the company are locked into a sort of "indentured servitude" of which they are unable to free themselves.
The book, The Meat Racket by Christopher Leonard, focuses...
 | 3/3/2014 - The effort to stop Monsanto and its league of corporate monsters from ruining our food supply should focus more on what gets planted than what gets labeled on retail shelves. "GMO seeds should not enter the soil" should be the mantra instead of "we have a right to know."
Observe all the SUVs lined...
 | 2/27/2014 - The industrial model of corporate agriculture that is now a mainstay of modern American food production -- and a major cause of environmental pollution and widespread illness -- is spreading like a deadly virus into eastern Europe, where new draconian regulatory standards in the country of Poland threaten...
 | 2/26/2014 - It has been 10 years since the Philippine government approved the country's first genetically modified (GM) crops for commercial cultivation, and its farmers are now far worse off becauseo f it. In the new documentary film 10 Years of Failure, Farmers Deceived by GM Corn, the farmer advocacy group Farmer-Scientist...
 | 2/26/2014 - It has been 10 years since the Philippine government approved the country's first genetically modified (GM) crops for commercial cultivation, and its farmers are now far worse off becauseo f it. In the new documentary film 10 Years of Failure, Farmers Deceived by GM Corn, the farmer advocacy group Farmer-Scientist...
 | 11/5/2013 - The definition of "grass-fed meat" is expanding in Washington state, where a fresh new source of all-natural animal feed has emerged from the unlikeliest of places: the booming recreational marijuana industry. William von Scheneidau of BB Ranch butcher shop in Seattle is one of the first livestock farmers...
 | 9/21/2013 - During a recent segment of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, the prevailing trend of biotechnology companies such as Monsanto patenting seeds and suing farmers whose crops become contaminated with them was openly ridiculed for its absolute absurdity. Like it typically does with serious issues that go...
 | 9/19/2013 - A lawsuit challenging biotech giant Monsanto's genetically modified (GM) seed patents is heading to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The St. Louis-based chemical company, known for its Round-up glyphosate herbicide and the patented GM crops bred to withstand glyphosate use or to create their own pesticides...
 | 9/16/2013 3:55:31 PM - In a stunning reversal President Santos suspended Resolution 9.70. The implementation of draconian provisions in the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Colombia.
In my article Obama's Secret War on Colombia . I detailed the connection between Monsanto, The Obama Administration and the...
 | 9/3/2013 - Can you hear the jackboots marching in the distance? Some Pennsylvania farmers sure can, as they struggle to maintain their businesses and livelihoods in the face of relentless tyranny being waged against them by the state's Department of Agriculture. A recent newsletter alert explains that Chambersburg,...
 | 8/28/2013 - For nearly 15 years, the state of Michigan has had special laws in place that protect small, family-scale farmers from being driven off their land by local zoning ordinances, nuisance lawsuits, and other legal measures often used to prevent individuals from growing and raising their own food. And even...
 | 7/30/2013 - As chemical companies manufacture their own falsified studies on the safety of their weed killers, herbicides like Roundup are used liberally and without caution. The glyphosate weedkillers like Roundup are now dumped into the Earth at the rate of 900 million pounds annually, creating a toxic, chemical...
 | 7/27/2013 - The British survey was funded by Barclays Bank and done in collaboration with Farmers Weekly.
Only 15% of farmers polled said they would eat GMO food. Talk about a blanket rejection. It can't get much clearer than that.
Obviously, these backward farmers want to protect their own health. Who ever...
 | 7/20/2013 - It's no secret here, Natural News has long reported what the mainstream media generally has not regarding the risks of GM foods and how they are creating a host of dangers to our food supply. Now, it seems, science is making it much more difficult to ignore these facts.
A new study has found that...
 | 6/21/2013 - It has become quite obvious that organic farmers have been taken advantage of by food giant Monsanto for some time now.
In a court case involving organic farmers and seed producers, suits filed against Monsanto didn't play out as planned.
This case was put before the United States court system...
 | 6/17/2013 - American wheat farmers are outraged over the recent discovery of unapproved genetically-modified (GM) wheat growing in Oregon, and one Kansas wheat farmer has decided to go on the offensive by suing the company responsible for this impetuous crime: Monsanto. Farmer Ernest Barnes of Morton County, located...
 | 6/5/2013 - The next wave of farmer backlash against Monsanto has just been unleashed by Ernest Barnes, a wheat farmer in Morton County, Kansas. He filed suit this week in the U.S. District Court in Wichita, Kansas, alleging that Monsanto's genetic pollution has financially damaged himself and other farmers.
 | 6/4/2013 - There is a war being waged against real food - no, not the heavily-processed, chemical-laden garbage that fills the aisles of most major supermarkets today, but actual wholesome food grown on clean, family-scale farms across the U.S. And the upcoming documentary Let Them Eat Grass will expose the aggressors...
| 5/30/2013 - Monsanto lies about everything and will commit any atrocity against the people to ensure profits.
Recently, the Cornucopia Institute reported about the French farmer that was poisoned by one of Monsanto's "safe" pesticides. Read it for your self.
A French farmer who can no longer perform his routine...
 | 5/17/2013 - Just a few days remain before Amish raw milk farmer Vernon Hershberger of Wisconsin faces a corrupt legal system with an ingrown vendetta against the production and distribution of real food. Beginning on May 20, 2013, at 8 a.m., Vernon, who has been falsely accused of committing numerous food distribution...
 | 5/3/2013 - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in hot water following the agency's impetuous release of sensitive information on roughly 80,000 American farmers and cattle ranchers, according to new reports. In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by a trio of environmental...
 | 4/15/2013 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has requested nearly $300 million in additional agency funding from Congress in order to implement the oppressive tenets of the so-called Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which will stifle American farmers and commercial food growers and potentially put...
 | 4/3/2013 - Despite all the claims made by industry-funded hacks that genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and other industrial agricultural methods are necessary for the future of humanity, it is the traditional growing methods that continue to shine through as the real sustainers of life. As reported by Gaia...
 | 3/21/2013 - With so much uncertainty surrounding the integrity and future of the certified organic label, grassroots alternatives that offer fresh new ways of identifying healthy, chemical-free foods are gradually gaining ground. One new program, known as Certified Naturally Grown (CNG), is proving to be particularly...
 | 3/4/2013 - The press and public have fixated on the sticky legal details of the case, and the classic David vs. Goliath nature of the fight. But win or lose, Mr. Bowman's predicament is part of a much bigger problem.
The real issue is this: Why have we surrendered control over something so basic to human survival...
| 2/25/2013 - You're a farmer. Season after season, you watch your fields being taken over by Monsanto superweeds, which are resistant to the herbicide Roundup.
What are you going to do? You're locked in. You're buying your GMO seeds from Monsanto, and the food crops that grow from those seeds are supposed to...
 | 2/24/2013 - Agri-giant Monsanto, not satisfied with being one of the world's largest agricultural corporations, is dragging hundreds of U.S. farmers into court over alleged copyright violations for repeated usage of the company's patented seeds.
In a case that has surprised a lot of observers, the U.S. Supreme...
 | 2/22/2013 - So, if you're a farmer and your yields are consistently lower each year, it's your fault, right?
If you're using a Monsanto product, then the company would tell you yes, indeed it is your fault.
But what happens when Monsanto-designed Bt cotton in India, which is supposed to be resistant to the...
 | 2/19/2013 - Some farmers across the United States may stop planting genetically modified crops after poor yields are increasing costs beyond what they can absorb.
According to Farmers Weekly, those farmers are considering returning to conventional seed after increased pest resistance and crop failures have meant...
 | 1/29/2013 - In February 2012, OSGATA (Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association) demanded protection from Monsanto in a federal court case. Essentially, the organic farmers asked for a guarantee that they couldn't be sued over patent infringement if and when Monsanto's GE plants contaminate their crops.
 | 1/17/2013 - Labeling GMO foods is a good idea. But on the way to getting that accomplished, what will our food supply and topsoil be like? It's likely by the time enough consumers catch on, it will be too late for a consumer boycott "tipping point" that's supposed to bring the evil giant Monsanto to it's knees.
 | 12/5/2012 - The nation's largest holder of genetically-modified (GM) soybeans, DuPont, is taking the biotechnology industry's mafia-style intimidation tactics to the next level by hiring its own private paramilitary police force to scare American farmers into continuing to purchase its products in accordance with...
 | 12/1/2012 - I have updated the story that originally appeared here with this account after having met Dr. Oz face to face and appeared on his show as a guest for a heavy metals research segment.
This experience drastically altered my opinion of Dr. Oz, and in my view he has become more and more of an "activist"...
 | 11/29/2012 - A U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) committee dominated by representatives from the biotechnology industry, seed companies, and academia has decided to make an official recommendation to the public agency that organic farmers be forced to bear financially responsible for the genetic contamination...
 | 11/28/2012 - Farmers in Maine will have another shot at agri-business giant Monsanto when a federal appeals court agreed to hear a lawsuit they filed after it had been dismissed by a lower court earlier this year.
The suit was filed by the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association, an agricultural group based...
 | 10/18/2012 - As if its costly genetic tampering with the whole natural world weren't brazen enough, Monsanto continues to bully and intimidate farmers across the United States, hoping this time to push its agenda through the highest court in the justice system.
The Supreme Court agreed last week to hear an appeal...
 | 9/28/2012 - The cost of genetically-modified (GM) corn and soy feed for conventional cattle is surging so high, and availability plunging so low, as a result of persistent drought conditions and resultant crop failures that conventional feedlot farmers are having to seek out less expensive and more plentiful alternatives....
 | 8/15/2012 - Dozens of Virginia farmers are up in arms after one of their neighbors was targeted by county officials for holding a birthday party and produce fair on her own property. Martha Boneta, owner of Liberty Farms in the northern Virginia village of Paris, has been threatened with up to $5,000 in fines for...
 | 8/5/2012 - While America's economy is suffering staggering losses in jobs and debt, the Obama administration is creating jobs for Chinese workers by selling hemp scarves on its website -- even while industrialized hemp remains illegal for U.S. farmers to grow!
The "Monique Pean" scarf runs $95 on
 | 7/10/2012 - While many Americans were firing up barbecues and breaking out the sparklers to celebrate Independence Day, biotech industry executives were more likely chilling champagne to celebrate another kind of independence: immunity from federal law.
A so-called "Monsanto rider," quietly slipped into the...
 | 7/6/2012 - If you have ever wondered why junk food is almost always artificially cheap compared to healthy food, you need look no further than federal agriculture policy. Little do most people know that the federal government funnels billions of taxpayer dollars via the "Farm Bill" into large-scale crop systems...
 | 6/25/2012 - As the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) continues to approve scores of drone applications for a range of federal, state and local agencies, concern among Americans and privacy groups is rising about the use of these drones for illegal surveillance.
The latest federal agency to potentially have...
 | 6/6/2012 - The freedom to grow uncontaminated, non-genetically-modified (non-GMO) food in America today is under continual threat by corporate agriculture and biotechnology companies whose unscrupulous business models include suing farmers whose crops become inadvertently contaminated with patented, GMO technologies....
 | 5/3/2012 - Graphic photos have surfaced of the baby pigs and momma pigs that a Michigan farmer was forced to shoot in cold blood to avoid being arrested as a felon. This is the latest development in the outrageous story of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, which conducted armed raids on multiple farms,...
 | 4/25/2012 - Throughout the last 100-or-so years, rapid urbanization has driven many farmers out of formerly-rural areas that have now become urban and suburban enclaves. And while every state in America now has some type of "right-to-farm" law on the books to protect farmers, who find themselves surrounded by new...
 | 4/17/2012 - There is nothing more pathetic, ugly and insidious than a tyrannical government thug who uses his power to destroy the lives of law-abiding citizens. Today, we have witnessed the outrageous acts carried out by jack-booted scumbags in Michigan's Department of Natural Resources (DNR) who masterminded...
 | 4/17/2012 - A group of Argentinian farmers says corporate biotechnology giant Monsanto, tobacco behemoth Philip Morris, and several other tobacco companies coerced the farmers into using dangerous amounts of Roundup (glyphosate) and other pesticide and herbicide products on their tobacco crops, which eventually...
 | 4/16/2012 - NaturalNews can now confirm that the Michigan Department of Natural Resources has, in total violation of the Fourth Amendment, conducted two armed raids on pig farmers in that state, one in Kalkaska County at Fife Lake and another in Cheboygan County. Staging raids involving six vehicles and ten armed...
 | 4/15/2012 - The plaintiffs in a case seeking protection from Monsanto's predatory patent lawsuits have filed a Notice of Appeal challenging the case's recent dismissal by Judge Naomi Buchwald of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. The Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA)...
 | 3/18/2012 - Did you know that the average conventional dairy farmer today earns only about $1.50 for each gallon of milk he sells to the general pasteurized market, while the average raw milk dairy farmer typically fetches between $4 and $8, or more, per gallon on the health-conscious market? A new report published...
 | 3/11/2012 - Thanks to the extraordinarily cruel and vindictive actions of the LA County and Ventura County District Attorneys' offices, California is rapidly losing its reputation as a state that promotes a healthy lifestyle. Instead, the state is becoming increasingly known as "the torture state" where senior...
 | 3/5/2012 - U.S. District Court Judge Naomi Buchwald's recent dismissal of a massive class-action lawsuit filed by farmers against Monsanto is truly disheartening, but it does not mean that we should now give up the fight for food freedom and justice. And as an expression of unified solidarity for the cause of...
 | 2/22/2012 - It's no secret that biotech giant Monsanto has been hard at work genetically modifying everything on the planet, but now the mega-corporation may have gone too far.
In what is being viewed as a major victory for public health advocates, a French court last week declared Monsanto guilty in the chemical...
 | 11/25/2011 - Maine is one of ten US states that currently recognizes the freedom of individuals to buy and sell raw milk at the farm and retail level ( But raw milk sold at farmers markets technically does not fall under the banner of either "farm" or "retail" sales,...
 | 9/2/2011 - The window of opportunity to submit comments in response to the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) proposed new animal identification requirements is quickly coming to a close, and many small farmers and ranchers say there simply is not enough time to adequately review the proposal and respond to...
 | 8/25/2011 - After weeks of investigation, NaturalNews can now reveal that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is waging a clandestine war on raw milk dairy farmers through a network of government spies who are coached on infiltration and social engineering techniques. Resembling the Stasi East German police or...
 | 8/19/2011 - Most Americans have no idea just how pervasive genetically-modified organisms (GMO) have become throughout the food supply. Predatory marketing practices have lured many farmers into converting over to GMOs, and craftily-designed, proprietary growing systems have kept them there. Meanwhile, multinational...
 | 8/10/2011 - The US Food and Drug Administration has a long history of conducting armed, SWAT-style raids on farmers, cancer treatment pioneers and dietary supplement manufacturers. This list, compiled by the editors of NaturalNews, reveals only some of the hundreds of armed FDA raids that have been conducted in...
 | 8/8/2011 - The mainstream media reports almost nothing about the downside of GMO farming. Only the propaganda of creating more agricultural abundance cheaply is broadcasted. A short video documentary "Farmer to Farmer: The Truth about GM Crops" offers a glimpse into the undisclosed downside reality of GMO farming.
 | 8/3/2011 - Purveyors of conventional and genetically-modified (GM) crops -- and the pesticides and herbicides that accompany them -- are finally getting a taste of their own legal medicine. Minnesota's Star Tribune has reported that the Minnesota Court of Appeals recently ruled that a large organic farm surrounded...
 | 7/29/2011 - When it comes down to pure consumer preference, the majority of Americans prefer organic food over conventional food, according to the results of a new poll released by NPR. Most Americans also prefer to obtain produce from either a farmers market or from a home garden rather than from a supermarket,...
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