Estrogen news, articles and information:
 | 7/30/2016 - Going through menopause is generally an unwelcome experience at any age, but new research shows that women who experience "the change" earlier in life have extra reason to be concerned.
A new study from Oregon's Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research shows that women who have their last menstrual...
 | 5/8/2016 - The adverse effects of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup Ready herbicide, continue to mount. According to an alarming study, published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, glyphosate, even in ridiculously low concentrations, can accelerate the growth of human breast cancer...
 | 12/21/2015 - L-Histidine + Injection = Histamine Release + Excess Histamine Excess Inflammation = Histamine Intolerance? (Story by Cynthia A. Janak, republished from
There are times in our lives when it seems like we come full circle in our findings. This is one of those times for me. Early...
 | 7/21/2015 - Testosterone levels in American men are falling at an alarming rate. According to Healio Endocrine Today, we have witnessed a dramatic decline in the hormone over the last two decades. Even more worrying, these decreases are independent of age. In the past, it was normal to see testosterone drop as...
 | 3/27/2015 - The healthy food movement has increasingly gained momentum over the last few years, attracting followers from all over the world who spend a lot of time focusing on which foods to buy and which ones to avoid. Unfortunately, avoiding pesticides and other harmful chemicals is a full-time job, and it's...
 | 3/17/2015 2:23:10 PM - What are lignans and how might they help prevent breast cancer? Lignans are natural plant compounds, or phytochemicals, that are locked in the cell matrix of certain seeds, beans, legumes, fruits and vegetables. They bear a strong resemblance to estrogen in shape, structure and functionality to a certain...
 | 2/24/2015 - Mid-life can bring about a number of changes for a woman's physiology. A growing number of women experience very drastic hormonal issues as they move into peri-menopause and menopause. Often they complain of low libido, hair loss, weight gain, sluggishness, anxiety, hot flashes and insomnia. Natural...
 | 1/10/2015 9:41:59 AM - Estrogen is the name given to an important group of compounds that affect the growth and function of tissues throughout the body, including the tissues responsible for reproduction. It plays a significant role in maintaining cardiovascular function, helps keep our bones healthy and has a strong influence...
 | 8/11/2014 - The prostate gland is a key player in the male reproductive system in that it secretes a good percentage of the makeup of male sperm. The gland is about the size of a walnut and sits just below the bladder in men. A common health problem today is prostate inflammation and cancer. This influx of prostate...
 | 7/26/2014 - Many women suffer from various uncomfortable symptoms during menopause and perimenopause, the period preceding menopause. The common ones include hot flashes, headaches, recurrent urinary tract infections, vaginal dryness and irritation, cold hands and feet, poor memory and difficulty focusing.
 | 7/20/2014 - Estrogen dominance is one of the consequences of excessive synthetic chemicals in modern industrialized nations. This high estrogen count is a leading contributor to many major health issues. Natural compounds help modulate estrogen metabolism in the body and maintain normal hormone balance.
 | 6/24/2014 - Soy is a staple food for vegans and vegetarians. You don't need to be a vegetarian to enjoy soy; however, many people stopped consuming soy because of the negative press it's received in recent years. The manufacture of soy-based food increased significantly in the last decade, but now most people are...
 | 5/12/2014 - Estrogen is an essential hormone for the function and well-being of the female and, at a reduced level, the male body. Estrogen can be broken down into three major subtypes. The ratios of these subtypes give us a lot of critical health information that correlates to the risk of someone developing a...
 | 4/15/2014 - You've probably seen it on milk cartons, yogurt containers and cheese packaging if you live in the U.S. -- that little asterisk followed by a claim that the milk used in the product does not contain rBST, rBGH or other artificial growth hormones. But a series of studies conducted by researchers at Harvard...
 | 3/3/2014 - Mass-produced man-made chemicals that mimic estrogen should be a major concern for humanity, as they can go undetected in water and affect the reproduction and gender identity of various life forms. Lurking in the water, these chemicals can be taken in invisibly by all sorts of life and disrupt the...
 | 10/18/2013 - The journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) has accepted for publication a new study that links exposure to Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, the active ingredient of which is glyphosate, to severe endocrine disruption and breast cancer. And the worst part is that the chemical was found to elicit these...
 | 6/17/2013 - Estrogen is typically considered a female hormone, vital for the reproductive system. Yet with the widespread use of plastics and pesticides, estrogen dominance is now a serious issue for both men and women. Excessive levels not only increase the incidence of breast, colon and prostate cancer, but also...
 | 6/16/2013 - Aging and high levels of physical, chemical and emotional stress are associated with the loss of progesterone in women and testosterone in men. This process of converting androgenic hormones into estrogens is called aromatization. Aromatization leads to a state of estrogen dominance that is a major...
 | 4/18/2013 - Post-menopausal women who are regularly working out are less likely to develop breast cancer due to the fact that they have lower estrogen levels, based on new research.
Many scientists have often connected working out with low breast cancer risk for older women partially because of the lower levels...
 | 3/31/2013 - For years, Natural News has reported on research from scientists who are sounding the alarm that estrogen-mimicking chemicals in the environment, including bisphenol A (BPA) are ending up in our bodies -- with potentially health-harming results. Specifically, in study after study, researchers have found...
 | 10/29/2012 - There may be more benefits to eating flaxseed than simply its tendency to promote regularity and prevent the onset of Type-2 diabetes. An index of research compiled by Sayer Ji over at reveals that flaxseed is also rich in hormone-modulating factors such as phytoestrogens, which can...
 | 4/28/2012 - In the United States lots of us are over weight, including nearly two-thirds of adults and one-third of children. The Brookings Institution estimates this epidemic costs our economy nearly $215 billion every year, a figure which includes costs of medical care as well as lost productivity. While eating...
 | 3/14/2012 - Not all women experience symptoms of menopause; however, for those that do, natural menopause treatment can help reduce a wide range of symptoms that may bring misery to a woman's senior years. Menopause is the result of changing hormones, specifically estrogen and progesterone. The Mayo Clinic reports...
 | 2/18/2012 - Up to 77 percent of women have fibroids, according to "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibroids." Many women have them and never know, but they can cause symptoms that significantly lower your quality of life. Eating the right foods helps to shrink fibroids by lowering estrogen levels naturally.
 | 10/17/2011 - Researchers from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Calabria in Italy publishing in The FASEB Journal report that resveratrol blocks the effect of estrogen and can help to prevent the malignant growth of breast cancer in women. The grape/red wine derivative has been the subject of numerous...
 | 5/29/2011 - Contrary to widely-held belief, sustained high levels of estrogen in women via hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is not necessarily a good thing, as the hormone can create excess amounts of superoxide compound in the brain. According to new research out of Michigan State University (MSU), buildup of...
 | 11/29/2010 - Could natural compounds in plants hold the key to helping prevent or treat neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and even HIV-related dementia? University of South Carolina (USC) neuroscientist Dr. Rosemarie Booze thinks that's a distinct possibility because a substance...
| 10/27/2010 - Hormonal imbalance, especially from estrogen dominance, is not limited to women. It is also a problem with men these days, thanks to the environmental hazards of environmental estrogen mimicking chemicals, known as xenoestrogens, in many chemically produced commercial products. A myriad of nagging health...
| 10/24/2010 - Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumor growths in or on the muscular wall of the womb. They typically affect about 20% of women over age of 30. Current research has shown that fibroid tumors are a symptom of estrogen dominance and can be prevented or even reversed through healthy lifestyle.
| 9/13/2010 - "As a species, we`re on a fast track to extinction," says Ori Hofmekler, author of The Anti-Estrogenic Diet. "In the past few decades, men have lost 50% of their sperm count and within only one generation, the average man's sperm count and testosterone have dropped by 20%. Women are no better. Staggering...
| 9/2/2010 - Toxins we encounter every day can cause hormone imbalances like estrogen dominance, a condition where estrogen levels are too high (and especially when the ratio of estrogen to progesterone is too high). Certain natural supplements like Diindolylmethane (DIM) can help control and reverse estrogen dominance.
| 8/12/2010 - A large new study from France, published in an American Heart Association journal last spring, shows that bioidentical hormones do not raise the risk of stroke in menopausal women. While it has been well established over the past decade that menopausal women who use synthetic hormone replacement therapy...
| 12/14/2009 - Environmental estrogens are a real problem these days and if you're not familiar with them, you should be. Environmental estrogens are synthetic substances that when absorbed into the body, function similarly to estrogen. They're found just about everywhere and actually, they are difficult to avoid....
| 10/13/2009 - Women are inexorably bound to the hormone Estrogen and the ups and downs that it may bring, but all estrogen is NOT the same. In terms of breast cancer risk, there are actually TWO relevant estrogens. One can INCREASE breast cancer risk; the other can DECREASE it- and the ratio of the two is Vital for...
| 8/23/2009 - What if a substance was found that normalizes out-of-control cell growth? The result could be a way to treat and prevent cancer. And a new study offers hope that discovery may have already been made. Scientists from the University of Chicago have just published groundbreaking research in the journal...
| 8/5/2009 - A new study with far reaching implications has gone a long way in explaining why women get breast cancer and how they can prevent the disease and its recurrence. Scientists have found evidence that hormonal balance is key in determining whether or not a malignant growth will occur in a woman's breast....
| 7/28/2009 - What if a substance was found that normalizes out-of-control cell growth? The result could be a way to treat and prevent cancer. And a new study offers hope that discovery may have already been made. Scientists from the University of Chicago have just published groundbreaking research in the journal...
| 6/7/2009 - The incidence of fibroids and endometriosis are nearly epidemic in the USA. More than a half million American women have hysterectomies every year due to problems associated with fibroids and endometriosis. It is estimated that around 40% of American women 35 and older have fibroids and 10 to 20 percent...
| 5/7/2009 - Men who have taken the time to get their hormone levels in balance never have to consider popping a Viagra. Even men who still produce plenty of testosterone can find themselves in need of hormone balancing when things start to go wrong in the bedroom. This is because processes are at work that prevent...
| 4/21/2009 - Women receiving the standard of care for breast cancer are often prescribed one of the aromatase inhibiting drugs as follow-up treatment. Patients are told the drug will prevent a recurrence of their disease. Aromatase inhibiting drugs are usually prescribed for the long term, with some women taking...
| 3/10/2009 - An anti-cancer compound found in broccoli and cabbage stops breast cancer by lowering the activity of an enzyme associated with rapidly advancing breast cancer, according to a recent study from the University of California, Berkley. That compound was indole-3-carbinol (I3C). Today, scientists have found...
| 3/10/2009 - Many women are so confused and frightened about hormone replacement that they have decided to forget about it. This reaction is not surprising because almost daily there is a new scare headline blaring at them about how hormone replacement causes cancer or even brain shrinkage. Women who were recently...
| 2/20/2009 - How effective is green tea at preventing, reversing or treating breast cancer? And can green tea help improve the outcome of chemotherapy for patients who choose chemical poisons as their treatment of choice?
I searched through my library of natural health books and found the following quotes on...
| 1/16/2009 - Hormones fill us with the music of life. With proper levels of hormones, there is no end to how good life can feel and what can be accomplished. When hormones are abundant and balanced, we have the full backing of Mother Nature. She is on our side, wanting to keep us alive and healthy enough for reproduction....
| 1/13/2009 - Menopause can cause a number of mild to severe symptoms such as mood disturbances, vaginal dryness, sleep disturbances and hot flashes. Yet many people don`t realize that these symptoms are a result of a physical imbalance. Herbs, along with plenty of exercise and a healthy diet can bring the body into...
| 1/12/2009 - There really is a male version of menopause, often called andropause. It is not as pronounced as the menopause experienced by women, but it is none the less real. Men do not like to think about it or talk about it because it makes them seem less manly. They are reluctant to do anything about it, and...
 | 12/17/2008 - Have you ever wondered if hormones could be in your way of losing weight or just slowing you down in life? Did you know that there is a relatively large group of people, women and men aged between late 20s and 50s, who find it difficult to lose weight because they are hormonally `stressed` or imbalanced?...
| 12/15/2008 - Red clover, that versatile flower little girls use to decorate their hair and string into necklaces, has been shown to be very good for big girls too. Women have a history of using red clover to alleviate the symptoms of estrogen insufficiency and help restore hormonal balance. Red clover has long been...
 | 11/4/2008 - More than 27,000 men will die from prostate cancer this year, yet remarkably little progress has been made in our knowledge of the biochemistry of the prostate over the past decade. We still don't even know for sure which hormones are high or low in men who get prostate cancer -- a pivotal point of...
 | 11/3/2008 - The Supreme Court may rule that pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for dangerous or even deadly side effects from their drugs if those side effects arise from an FDA-approved use.
Under a legal argument known as "pre-emption," the FDA's approval of a drug absolves companies of any responsibility...
 | 10/21/2008 - Research is rapidly identifying the compounds from plants that are most effective against cancer. Among those that are proving to be the front line of defense against an initial diagnosis of cancer and to prevent recurrence are DIM, curcumin, EGCG, genistein, and I3C. Each has its own unique actions,...
 | 10/3/2008 - Estrogen Boosts Risk of Breast Cancer is becoming an all too frequent media hot button story. The steady drumbeat smacks of propaganda and is an affront to basic common sense. Is it really possible that a woman's hormones are out to get her? Would nature have embraced such a design? Would the laws of...
 | 9/30/2008 - Most women who worry about the health of their breasts have a yearly mammogram and hope for the best. That's about all they can do since the traditional medical model offers nothing in the way of preemptive strategy. And it's readily apparent that mammograms were designed to recruit patients into the...
 | 9/12/2008 - For many women, confusion is the only continuity as they search for personal answers to their declining hormones. Between the media, friends, healthcare professionals, and the written word, whom does one believe when the advice conflicts?
The dilemma can be resolved by empowering yourself with reliable...
 | 6/5/2008 - A wealth of recent studies have documented diindolylmethane (DIM) as one of the most effective phytonutrients in the prevention and treatment of breast, prostate, colon and pancreatic cancers. DIM is the compound found in cruciferous vegetables that regulates hormone balance and cell behavior. If the...
 | 4/10/2008 - Melatonin is nature's sleeping pill. It is secreted by the light sensitive pineal gland which regulates our biological clock and synchronizes our hormonal-immune network. Our level of melatonin rises with darkness and falls with light. According to Dr. Uzzi Reiss, in his book Natural Hormone Balance,...
 | 3/28/2008 - Testosterone is known as the personality hormone. It gives us motivation, assertiveness, a sense of power, feeling of well being and enhanced sex drive. When we have an adequate level of testosterone we are able to take risks and live our lives with zest. Without testosterone we exist as if in black...
 | 3/10/2008 - Many conventional media sources, known collectively as "Mainstream Media," or MSM, repeat the conventional wisdom of obesity's causes: sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition. These factors are irrefutable contributors to the worldwide, growing obesity epidemic. Yet lifestyle and nutrition factors do...
 | 2/11/2008 - Among the many stressors in the lives of women today is the question of breast health. We want to be proactive in the care of our bodies. Yet we feel torn between the traditional medical approach which offers us Tamoxifen, and the natural or holistic approach. Recent research points to lignans as a...
 | 9/13/2007 - A nested, case-controled, study conducted by the Women's Health Initiative found that biomarkers could not accurately predict the occurrence of stroke in women undergoing hormone therapy. The study concluded that the 20 chosen biomarkers could not predict stroke, but could help in determining the mechanism...
| 9/6/2006 - The chemical bisphenol A (BPA), widely used in products such as food cans, milk container linings, water pipes and even dental sealants, has now been found to disrupt important effects of estrogen in the developing brain.
A University of Cincinnati (UC) research team, headed by Scott Belcher,...
 | 9/5/2006 - Mike: Hello, everyone. Thanks for joining us. I'm Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, here with Holly Lucille, an ND -- naturopathic physician -- who is here to talk with us today about women's health issues. Thank you for joining me today, Holly.
Lucille: Thanks for having me. It's my pleasure.
 | 8/28/2006 - Mike:Hello, everyone. Thanks for joining us. This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, with Christine Horner, M.D. She is a breast cancer expert, book author and nutritional supplement formulator. Thanks for joining us today. You have a book called "Waking the Warrior Goddess: Dr. Christine Horner's Program...
| 8/28/2006 - Research in monkeys suggests that the natural plant estrogens found in soy do not increase markers of breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women. In fact, they may provide a protective effect in some women. The research is reported today in Cancer Research.
| 7/25/2006 - Estrogen therapy may increase the risk of venous thrombosis, the formation of blood clots in the veins, among postmenopausal women who have had their uterus removed, according to a study in the April 10 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.
Venous thromboembolism...
| 7/12/2006 - A study in the June 1 issue of Cancer Research presents the first evidence that exposure to low doses of environmental estrogens during development of the prostate gland in the male fetus may result in a predisposition to prostate cancer later in life.
 | 7/3/2006 - Millions of American women suffer from hot flashes during menopause, but not many realize that diet can have a lot to do with it. Fortunately, hot flashes do not have to be an inevitable part of menopause. In fact, women in some cultures -- namely in Asia -- rarely experience discomfort from hot flashes...
 | 6/14/2006 - Headaches, bloating, irritability, depression and fatigue are just a few of the unpleasant symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, which affects millions of women every month. But fortunately, PMS -- though widely believed to be a result of changes in hormone levels during a woman's menstrual cycle -- is...
 | 6/7/2006 - Millions of American women suffer from hot flashes during menopause, but not many realize that diet can have a lot to do with it. Fortunately, hot flashes do not have to be an inevitable part of menopause. In fact, women in some cultures -- namely in Asia -- rarely experience discomfort from hot flashes...
| See all 133 estrogen feature articles.Concept-related articles:Black cohosh:Hot flashes:Herb:Body:Medicinal:Herbal:Cancer:Women:Skin:Toxic:Therapy:Liver:Drug:Pill:Nutrition:Breast cancer:Soy milk:
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