Education news, articles and information:
 | 10/8/2016 - Left-wing extremist fanatics have long since taken over the nation's institutes of "higher" education and are using them not to advance learning but to impose a new social order and to churn out sheep who are incapable of critical thought.
That's the only way to explain the lunacy that keeps emanating...
 | 8/18/2016 - The first day of school will be remembered for all the wrong reasons by 145 California children in the Folsom Cordova Unified School district, who arrived on the much-anticipated day only to be turned away because they lacked the proper immunization records.
The move is part of a new state law that...
 | 4/6/2016 - The signs that America's primary education system is collapsing are everywhere for anyone who cares to look, and one of the most recent examples ought to appall you.
As noted by The Associated Press (AP), Andrew Hacker, emeritus political science professor at taxpayer-funded Queens College in New...
 | 1/20/2016 - Cannabis, a wonderful food-medicine, has been demonized for decades. No plant has ever been fraught with such extreme controversy. Police raids are conducted to seize and burn this plant and to lock growers away. Innocent people are shot and killed in their own homes because of the war on this plant.
 | 12/4/2015 - It's becoming extremely difficult to find a college student who is a responsible, independent thinker and doer. Higher education is now producing entitlement-minded clones that wander around oblivious to how the world really works. An alarming number of young people coming out of colleges today have...
 | 11/13/2015 - At the time of our nation's founding, not everyone could vote. Women were denied the right, as were African-Americans, Native Americans and anyone else considered a non-citizen.
Most of those who voted at the time of the Constitution's ratification were white male landowners. Contrary to popular...
 | 11/6/2015 - Well, it's official: The Obama Department of Education is being run by a bunch of lunatics who have taken the federal agency into the abyss of insanity.
As reported by The New York Times, a public school district in the state of Illinois has been found guilty of violating anti-discrimination laws...
 | 9/25/2015 7:04:47 PM - Defenders of the Common Core education standards, including GOP presidential contender Jeb Bush and most of the Democratic candidates, are quick to point out that rather than a centralized sneak attack on states' rights, the standards were themselves the product of states.
Born of an initiative stemming...
 | 9/25/2015 7:04:23 PM - It's hard to be a full-time college student. In fact, it's so hard that many universities are spending millions of what are ultimately taxpayer dollars installing luxury amenities that those same taxpayers could never afford for themselves.
As reported by Breitbart News and Yahoo! Finance, major...
 | 9/22/2015 9:12:05 AM - Count North Carolina among the growing number of states terrorizing young students and parents with vaccine violence, while at the same time threatening to deny them the long-established fundamental (and taxpayer-supported) right to an education.
As reported by WSOC-TV, state authorities are preparing...
 | 9/22/2015 - Many Americans are aware that the nation's public education system is bloated, expensive and incompetent, turning out millions of high school graduates who can't read, write or speak well, cannot accurately recite U.S. history, and know very little about civics and government. As a result, more and...
 | 9/17/2015 12:01:21 PM - A stubborn billionaire and a bought-out politician are preventing Texas parents from having a choice in how to best educate their children.
Charles Butt, the H-E-B supermarket mogul and Texas House Speaker Joe Straus are using their combined political influence to make sure the state does not pass...
 | 9/10/2015 3:48:10 PM - An emergency school board meeting was called by a member of the Oakland Unified School District on Tuesday to discuss whether or not they will comply with California's recently passed SB 277 mandatory vaccination law, which eliminates personal and religious belief exemptions for students in public and...
 | 4/23/2015 - A measure to ban parental choice over the vaccination of children in the state of California survived a key vote in the Senate on April 22 and will now advance to the full chamber for consideration.
As reported by The Sacramento Bee, the measure was passed on a second vote by a committee that, just...
 | 4/22/2015 2:16:41 PM - A state senate panel in California has just approved a measure -- SB 277 -- that is essentially another government-sponsored attack on the poor, and by some of the same people who so often claim that they want to help the poor.
Proponents of the bill, passed by a committee that was stacked with supporters,...
 | 4/15/2015 - One of the globe's biggest publishers of textbooks and other educational materials, which also designed the standardized tests for the new Common Core curriculum, has taken to monitoring the social media accounts of students to see if they discuss their exams.
As reported by Fox News, Britain-based...
 | 3/17/2015 - A massive influx of illegal alien children last summer is causing economic problems for some local school districts that were already suffering from scarce funding.
A new report by the Federation for American Immigration Reform, or FAIR -- a think tank that favors stronger immigration laws and increased...
 | 1/23/2015 - It's been said that knowledge is power.
For many breast cancer patients in Brazil, such words ring true, as researchers discovered that providing them with nutritional information may play a role in preventing a recurrence of the disease. In Brazil, where the five-year survival rate is only 58.4...
 | 1/12/2015 - Institutional learning is available after high school, in the form of a college education, but it comes with a much higher price tag. Sadly, after 12 years of institutional learning, most college freshmen can't even read past a seventh grade level. This is the most concerning finding from Renaissance...
 | 12/6/2014 - (By Jon Rappoport from Once upon a time, in medieval universities, new students enrolled in the Trivium. It was the foundation curriculum. It was required. Its parts were: grammar, logic, and rhetoric.
Grammar: the interior construction of language.
Logic: the valid and invalid...
 | 10/13/2014 - As the executive director of the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center, I'm thrilled to bring you this announcement today:
The Consumer Wellness Center (CWC), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting nutrition as a way to prevent disease and enhance human health and longevity, announces its...
 | 10/3/2014 - The benefits of breastfeeding are constantly reinforced with studies and clinical observations. The focal points are usually on bonding with the mother to satisfy the baby's emotional needs upon entering our crazy world, developing early immunity, which can be compromised by early vaccinations, and...
 | 9/25/2014 - Scores of polls taken over the past few years have regularly shown that the majority of Americans do not want amnesty for illegal aliens, do not want the federal government to continue conveying taxpayer-supported benefits onto them and do not support legal measures that legitimize them in any way....
 | 6/20/2014 - The federal government has long monopolized public education, and the latest effort to tighten that monopoly is a set of standards called "Common Core." The term "standard" in government parlance is, as you know, synonymous with "control" and the other favorite of authoritarians, "conformity."
 | 6/15/2014 - More and more people are wondering today why systems of American government and corporate enterprise don't seem to be working. The education system fails to educate, the health care system fails to create good health, and the border patrol isn't even allowed to protect the border. Why are these systems...
 | 5/14/2014 - Science illiteracy is rampant across America, so today I'm calling for increased science education so that future adults can have a greater understanding of the world around them.
Click here to watch my video on YouTube where I urge increased science education in America while sharing examples of...
 | 5/9/2014 - One of the very first states to adopt Common Core's education standards, Indiana, has of late April 2014 trashed it and gone back to the drawing board. Originally, there were 45 states that signed on to the Obama administration's "suggested" education program to ensure high school graduates were "college-...
 | 6/15/2013 - There is less faith now in the public education system than there ever has been. Homeschooling has increased by 75 percent in the last 14 years, according to a recent report in Education News. Homeschooling is growing seven times faster than a K-12 public education. Researchers predict that the homeschooling...
 | 5/30/2013 - So far homeschooling is legal in all 50 states. Some states require no monitoring, some moderate oversight, and a few require close supervision by testing. Here's a color-coded-by-state map that indicates those different levels of acceptance (
While the public education...
 | 5/30/2013 - America truly is turning into a 1984-esque police state, and ground zero for this authoritarian onslaught appears to be New York City where government-run public schools are now on a crusade to eliminate butter from school cafeterias. As reported by New York Daily News (NYDN), some kitchen managers...
 | 5/26/2013 - Monsanto, the biotech giant who genetically alters seed, is now using its millions of dollars of excess profit to install education centers in public zoos. In an attempt to appear eco-friendly and environmentally-conscious, Monsanto is funding an education center at the Saint Louis zoo to accompany...
 | 5/3/2013 - A number of Missouri lawmakers are supporting an amendment to the state constitution that essentially formalizes the fundamental right of parents to raise their children as they see fit.
In late April the House gave its approval to a measure, House Joint Resolution 26 (HJR26) that says parents have...
 | 5/3/2013 - Whenever he can, President Obama likes to poke fun at anyone who suggests that he's a closet socialist because that's what socialists do - they ridicule anyone who tries to "out" them. And yet, every policy he pursues takes a page right out of the socialist/Marxist playbook, and one of them is to ensure...
 | 4/5/2013 - Statistics are now showing that only one in three college entrants will complete and utilize a college degree. Education is important, yes, but the statistics are beginning to point out that a formal degree doesn't work for most. Having a college degree is rapidly losing value in America. This is becoming...
 | 11/22/2012 - The viability of public education in the United States appears to be on a continuous downward spiral, as school districts all across the country are becoming so strapped for cash that they are now having to take out loans just to buy books and heat classrooms. A recent report by explains...
 | 12/20/2011 - The Consumer Wellness Center (CWC), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting nutrition as a way to prevent disease and enhance human health and longevity, is pleased to announce the recipients of this year's 2012 Nutritional Education Grant Program.
Each year, CWC chooses recipients from...
| 9/17/2010 - In order to keep their medical licenses, doctors are required to participate in periodic continuing education programs to stay abreast of current medical knowledge. But most of these programs are funded by pharmaceutical companies, which means the curriculum is often little more than disguised marketing...
 | 10/8/2009 - Many of the most important health problems affecting people world-wide -- including an epidemic of obesity in children, an unprecedented rise in type 2 diabetes in youngsters, and a high preterm birth rate that is the leading cause of death in the first month of life in the U.S. -- can be prevented...
| 4/7/2009 - The Consumer Wellness Center, led by Executive Director Mike Adams (editor of NaturalNews), has announced its seventh grant in its Nutrition Grant Program. The Consumer Wellness Center (CWC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to promoting nutrition education. The Executive Director position is a non-paid...
| 2/5/2009 - The Consumer Wellness Center, led by Executive Director Mike Adams (editor of NaturalNews), has announced a fifth grant in its Nutrition Grant Program. The Consumer Wellness Center (CWC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to promoting nutrition education. The Executive Director position is a non-paid...
| 1/27/2009 - For over 6000 years, man looked first to nature to heal illness and maintain wellness. As a result of a deliberate and often sinister plan, the past century and a half has seen curing illness with nature replaced with managing sickness and treating the symptoms of illness in a system that places profits...
 | 6/15/2008 - New research reveals that death rate differences between the highly educated and poorly educated sectors of the population are growing wider and more pronounced. Americans who have less than a high school education have a greater risk of dying early than comparative college graduates. This risk has...
 | 5/11/2008 - As Mike Adams' wonderful analysis of the current state of the world shows in "The Biofuels Scam, Food Shortages and the Coming Collapse of the Human Population" ( , something is deeply wrong in America and the world. It's as if the vast majority of people have...
 | 3/26/2008 - Since the No Child Left Behind Act came along, schools have been preoccupied with testing children. You may have received standardized test results for your child. You may have had some difficulty making heads and tails of these results, and if you were able to understand them, you probably realized...
 | 3/7/2008 - Members of the Minnesota National Guard returning from the longest tour of any ground combat unit in Iraq were surprised to learn that they were not eligible for the education benefits that they expected to receive under the G.I. Bill.
The Minnesota National Guard's First Brigade Combat Team of the...
 | 10/24/2007 - This is the second annual publication of NaturalNews's "Education, Not Medication" program designed to teach women the truth about how to prevent and even cure breast cancer. This disease is 90 percent preventable, mostly using completely free therapies. The breast cancer industry does not want women...
 | 2/27/2007 - The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has released the results of a national survey to determine US prevalence of heart disease. The 2005 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) study (published in 2007) is the first to collect data by state, allowing a regional analysis of heart disease...
 | 10/24/2006 - Mike: This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and today I am joined by Joshua Rosenthal, founder and director of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, talking about this unique school where students can learn to transform their health from the inside out and at the same time be trained to help others....
 | 10/23/2006 - The breast cancer industry is now run by corporations that profit from women with disease. With nearly all breast cancer nonprofits being subjugated by drug companies, the FDA censoring alternative cancer solutions, and the mainstream media wildly exaggerating the benefits of near-useless cancer drugs...
| 8/24/2006 - There is a big hole in the National Smart Grant list where evolutionary biology used to be. While spokespersons for the Department of Education say that it was a clerical error, some members of the scientific community fear that pressure from religious groups may have been the real cause for the omission...
 | 8/2/2006 - One of the most important things parents can give to their children is a physical education or involvement in organized sports activity. Physical education has slipped in priority over the last few years, especially in our public schools. Some schools don't even have recess anymore. They're producing...
 | 3/17/2006 - Major news networks have now resorted to FICTIONAL images of buildings being blown up by terrorists to scare Americans into supporting the Bush war empire. A few weeks ago, Bush played the terrorist card and declared that domestic spying had stopped a 2002 terrorist attack against the Library Tower...
 | 3/7/2005 - Believe it or not, until recently, it has been perfectly legal for schools to force schoolchildren to be put on psychoactive mind-altering drugs as a condition of attending that school. That is, the school administrator or counselor could insist that a certain child be dosed with mind-altering drugs....
 | 12/5/2004 - Want a real solution to skyrocketing health care costs? Forget about all the so-called "cost saving" schemes dreamed up by politicians, drug companies and HMOs. All they do is create new levels of bureaucracy that don't address the real problems of why health care costs are so high in the first place....
| 8/6/2004 - NASA is developing new technology known as the wearable augmentable reality prototype, or WARP. It's a wearable personal computer very similar to the concept I have described in the report called The Ten Most Important Emerging Technologies For Humanity. These augmented reality wearable computers would...
| 7/14/2004 - One of the great failures of modern society is public education. In the United States, the public education system has been denied adequate funding for so long that teachers frequently resort to buying textbooks for their students with their own money. Many schools lack even fundamental instructional...
| 7/14/2004 - One of the greatest problems now facing humanity is the worrisome lack of quality education for each new generation. In industrialized nations, a quality education is attainable by very few people, and public schools -- especially in the United States -- suffer from a chronic lack of funding and education...
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