Cost news, articles and information:
 | 9/3/2016 - A newer and much, much cheaper version of the EpiPen could be available as early as next year, according to Mark Baum, owner of San Diego-based Imprimis Pharmaceuticals, which manufactures medical products such as eye drops and sinus medication at more affordable prices.
Speaking with CNN Money on...
 | 8/23/2016 - One of the most massive political scandals ever perpetuated on the American people was President Barack Obama's healthcare "reform" law – one of the most onerous, under-performing and destructive pieces of legislation ever to be codified in U.S. statutes.
One of the biggest lies of all is that...
 | 8/22/2016 - Americans are donating their bodies to medical schools in record numbers due to the skyrocketing cost of traditional burials, according to a recent Associated Press story featured by Breitbart.
The average cost of a traditional funeral and burial in the United States ranges between $8,000 and $10,000,...
 | 5/30/2016 - Diabetes and the medical costs attached thereto have skyrocketed across the world, according to the largest study ever conducted to measure global diabetes levels. The type 2 diabetes epidemic in the United States is largely fueled by the introduction of processed foods into the food supply. While these...
 | 5/29/2016 - Apologists for open borders regularly refute the fact that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers far more than they contribute to society, but a new study not only proves that but notes that such costs are only going to skyrocket if new "reform" legislation under consideration in the Senate becomes law.
 | 3/7/2016 - When Democrats and President Obama were "selling" the Affordable Care Act to the American people in 2009, they made lots of promises that have never come true and will never come true.
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." Except when your doctor opts out of Obamacare exchanges, as...
 | 1/25/2016 - Due to a "perfect storm" of inflationary factors – not the least of which being the continuing drop in oil prices – Canadians are seeing the effects of a weakening currency reflected in food prices at the supermarket.
$3 cucumbers, $8 for a head of cauliflower, grapes at $10 per bag –...
 | 1/5/2016 - If you've ever doubted the fact that conventional healthcare is an unsustainable financial behemoth, consider the new rules developed for doctors and healthcare practitioners that provision billing schemes for some 70,000 different sicknesses and disease symptoms – practically none of which involve...
 | 12/10/2015 - Why millions of Americans continue to believe that the federal government should be empowered with so much regulatory authority over the private sector and the economy, given Washington's abysmal record of "managing" things, is one of the great wonders of the modern era. But unfortunately, until more...
 | 12/1/2015 - The pharmaceutical industry is generally known to be a greed-driven, profiteering racket. However, the real danger for average Americans isn't just getting ripped off while suffering horrific side effects as a result of taking drugs — it's the threat of going bankrupt simply due to having a chronic...
 | 10/25/2015 - The faults will remain in any system, even after the government redistributes who pays for those faults. In a way, when the government redistributes the costs of a broken system, their programs only legitimize the core faults within that system.
For example, if the government determines that pharmaceutical...
 | 9/23/2015 1:01:28 PM - It's no secret that various industries increase customer pricing so the company can make a profit. That's Economics 101. However, when prices surge so exorbitantly that the average person can barely afford an item while the company walks all the way to the bank, that's Greed 101. Sadly, absurdly elevated...
 | 9/22/2015 - The total greed of Big Pharma is on parade this week as a company called Turing Pharmaceuticals took ownership of a lifesaving medication that treats parasitic infections like malaria. The pill -- mostly purchased by AIDS and cancer patients -- used to cost $1 each. But now, thanks to Turing Pharmaceuticals...
 | 9/16/2015 - In a strange twist, Rand Paul has recently allied with Monsanto and has joined the ranks of academic shill Kevin Folta after coming out against GMO labeling, stating that the labeling requirements would push up the price of food for consumers — particularly poor ones.
To make matters worse,...
 | 6/26/2015 - The UK is facing an unprecedented number of new autism cases, according to new research. Figures in Scotland, which are among the most comprehensive available in the British isles, reveal that the autism rate among students at Scottish schools is up 1,360% percent since 1998, with no perceivable end...
 | 3/17/2015 - A massive influx of illegal alien children last summer is causing economic problems for some local school districts that were already suffering from scarce funding.
A new report by the Federation for American Immigration Reform, or FAIR -- a think tank that favors stronger immigration laws and increased...
 | 3/11/2015 - It doesn't matter whether you are an opponent of Obamacare, as most Americans are, according to numerous surveys since the law's passage by Congress and subsequent rewrite and legitimization by the U.S. Supreme Court. You're going to pay for it anyway, and dearly, according to a new bombshell report...
 | 1/19/2015 - Oh, the irony...
There's no clearer indictment of the kind of thinking that was responsible for the creation of Obamacare in the first place -- and the problems associated with its implementation in the real world -- than the recent flap that was engendered when Harvard professors realized that they...
 | 12/30/2014 1:08:33 PM - The self-admitted architect behind the onerous Affordable Care Act has admitted that the law was going to be anything but affordable when he was writing it in conjunction with the White House.
MIT prof Jonathan Gruber, Obama's healthcare adviser (despite the president's denials) is continuing to...
 | 12/28/2014 - Hello, smokers around the world. Big question: If half a million dollars in cash was on the table and you had to decide right now to quit smoking cigarettes and never pick up another one, would you pick up the pack of Marlboro Reds or the fat stack of cash?! Every smoker in the world has heard at least...
 | 10/29/2014 - As suspected by many health food advocates who are pushing for GMO labeling laws in various states, the alarm that labeling GMOs would drastically increase food prices is bogus. But it works on the unthinking masses who don't really care enough about what they eat to send them to the polls, voting against...
 | 10/21/2014 - As much as we all love organic foods, there's times when we certainly don't love the price. While many of us make sacrifices in other areas of our lives in order to afford splurging a little more on good food, you may not have to if you're willing to expand the horizon of grocery stores in which you...
 | 6/24/2014 - According to the Los Angeles Times, a recent analysis of cost data projections by the Department of Health and Human Services regarding government expenditures related to Obamacare found that initial costs for the program were billions of dollars higher than projected.
It should be noted that, within...
 | 6/19/2014 - Some of the most popular American corporations are importing shrimp at super-cheap prices from Thailand, where migrant workers are in slavery, like in Nazi Germany, being tortured while they work for no pay 20 hours a day. How much shrimp is being imported that's processed by slaves, including child...
 | 5/15/2014 - The Affordable Care Act is gutting the US economy, inadvertently knifing out chunks of multiple millions of dollars from the private sector, as the unintended consequences of crony government intervention take hold. As the new system is set up, wasted energy and wasted money is funneled into propping...
 | 5/3/2014 - There have been several articles on how people accustomed to their private insurers were shocked to find that under the Affordable Care Act, known commonly as Obamacare, their premiums went up or the coverage wasn't up to par with what they had been accustomed to having.
Then, the system for finding...
 | 5/2/2014 - Following several years of slowdown, use of healthcare services has begun to increase again in the United States, possibly portending large increases in costs and spending.
The findings come from an April 15 report from the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics, which analyzes medical and prescription...
 | 4/25/2014 - The embattled American consumer can't seem to catch a break. Gas prices remain high, electric rates are rising, clothing is becoming more expensive, school debt is piling up, taxes are climbing, healthcare costs have not come down and food prices -- wow. Everything that costs money is rising, while...
 | 4/16/2014 - The head of the Cleveland Clinic said during a recent interview that three-quarters of new Obamacare enrollees are being forced to pay higher health insurance premiums, despite President Obama's long-overdue promise that most Americans would see their premiums fall under the law.
In discussing healthcare...
 | 3/26/2014 - The financial raping of America by Big Pharma has just achieved a new milestone with the impending launch of a Hepatitis C drug that costs $1,000 a pill. If you've ever wondered why U.S. health care is so unaffordable and inaccessible -- and why health insurance costs are bankrupting businesses and...
 | 3/25/2014 - Supporters of Obamacare are pointing to a new study by the Gallup polling firm that purports to show the "success" of the law due to a decrease in the number of previously uninsured people, but a closer look at the data reveals that's bad news for taxpayers.
According to the Gallup findings, which...
 | 2/6/2014 - One of Obamacare's "selling points" - and yes, there were many - was that the cost of healthcare would come down. That is, the cost of actual care that Americans would have to pay out-of-pocket, as well as the prices that people pay for healthcare delivery.
As you are aware, especially if you're...
 | 2/5/2014 11:05:48 AM - Despite the Affordable Care Act's promise of controlling healthcare costs, the prices of many drugs are quietly skyrocketing - doubling, tripling and, in some cases, even quadrupling in price - but for some reason, no one seems to know why.
There has been some speculation as to why Big Pharma is...
 | 1/15/2014 - Unfortunately, because the federal government takes in so much of our money and is so large, it is not uncommon to hear about cases of waste, fraud and abuse. Hell, duplication of services alone costs taxpayers at least $100 billion annually.
Now, according to Politico, Uncle Sam has wasted $38 billion...
 | 1/10/2014 - A man who took his shocking $55,000 appendectomy bill to Reddit has stirred significant controversy about the outrageous costs of medical care in the present-day United States. Questions about the affordability of not only healthcare but also emergency care, loom large during the age of Obamacare, which...
 | 12/26/2013 - Obamacare's minimal coverage requirements, which are substantially raising the cost of premiums, aren't just hurting the private sector, but they are hitting corporations and the public sector as well.
In Missouri, for instance, officials at a public school district have learned recently that the...
 | 11/13/2013 - All the hoopla still coming from the White House about affordable healthcare for everyone is turning out to be a bad joke for the millions of middle-class Americans who will lose their existing coverage under the new law. Average people from all walks of life, according to The Washington Post (WP),...
 | 10/13/2013 - Only a few weeks remain until voters in Washington state have the opportunity to make history by electing to mandate that GMOs (genetically modified organisms) be labeled at the retail level throughout their state. But just like it did in California with Proposition 37, the pro-GMO lobby is busy spreading...
 | 7/1/2013 - Progressives claim to be the most sensitive to women's issues, yet they are the first ones to back policies that either harm or otherwise suppress women. Case in point: Obamacare.
Back in the day when the president and his congressional allies were selling this turkey to the American people, one...
 | 5/31/2013 - To the casual onlooker, it is a glamorous line of work typified by fame, fortune, and of course the myriad sounds of tens of thousands of screaming, exuberant fans at every game. But playing professional sports for a living is not quite as appealing when the long-term physical costs of repeatedly hauling...
 | 5/26/2013 - American businesses are all about efficiency but the nation's rising incidence of chronic disease is costing them billions every year.
According to a recent Gallup report, $84 billion to be exact:
The annual cost to the U.S. in lost productivity due to absenteeism tied to poor health ranges from...
 | 3/20/2013 - When he was selling the Affordable Care Act during his first term, President Obama claimed that the government's near-complete takeover of the nation's healthcare industry would be, well, affordable.
Everyone from the president on down in his administration and in the Democratic leadership insisted...
 | 3/15/2013 - "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy." As more and more Obamacare rules and regulations go into effect, former House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi's now-infamous quote comes readily to mind.
Most Americans are finally realizing that the...
 | 3/15/2013 - Emergency room charges vary so dramatically that it's impossible for consumers to know what kind of bill they're going to be stuck with, according to a study led by researchers from the University of California, San Francisco and published in the journal PLOS ONE.
For example, the out-of-pocket patient...
 | 2/1/2013 - Under Obamacare, American families are forced to buy conventional health insurance that primarily benefits the pharmaceutical industry. By 2016 -- just three years from now -- the cheapest health insurance plan available will cost a typical American family $20,000 a year, the IRS has now announced.
 | 10/21/2012 - One of the primary issues being addressed during this 2012 political cycle involves the rising cost of gasoline, which has surged by more than 158 percent since 2002, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) figures, and with no end in sight. But did you know that many other major food and...
 | 10/12/2012 - The world's largest casual dining company is starting to trim hours from its labor force in response to healthcare changes being implemented as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare. Darden Restaurants, which owns Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Longhorn Steakhouse, and a number...
 | 9/1/2012 - Laser-powered bionic eyes? Seriously? Restore sight to the completely blind? Can this headline be correct?
Absolutely, according to, a Web site published by Ziff Davis, an all-digital media company specializing in the technology market.
After years of theorizing, delays and non-human...
 | 6/11/2012 - With a shaky economy and the unknown future of healthcare in the US, consumers need better options in relieving pain and promoting health. A visit to a medical office for neck or low back pain can quickly progress to medication dependence and thousands of dollars in medical expenses. Chiropractic care...
 | 5/6/2012 - Forget the budget battles in Washington, D.C., although those are important. Want to know what one of the biggest issues is - literally - behind the bankrupting of our country?
Obesity. No, we're not kidding.
In fact, new analyses of data surrounding obesity reveal that it is costing the nation...
 | 4/29/2012 - In a story akin to "the mouse that roared," a major report from the Swiss government has determined that the very small doses commonly used in homeopathic medicine are both effective and cost-effective. Despite the impressive technological prowess of conventional medicine today, the Swiss government...
 | 3/22/2012 - According to new spending projections issued by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the costs associated with implementing Obamacare over the next ten years are more than double what the Obama Administration claimed when first pushing for its passage. Through 2022, the gross spending requirements...
 | 3/7/2012 - The Obama Administration's 2013 national budget proposal includes an unconstitutional mandate that insurance companies provide full coverage for birth control drugs and treatments, including sterilizations and drugs that induce abortions. And in defense of the proposed plan, U.S. Department of Health...
 | 9/22/2011 - Between now and 2030, the aggregate global cost of treating the five most common, non-infectious diseases -- cancer, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, and mental health disorders -- will top $47 trillion, according to a new report released by the World Economic Forum (WEF). And experts warn that...
 | 9/4/2011 - When the US federal government begins to unlawfully rip away Americans' freedom to purchase the light bulbs of their choice beginning on January 1, 2012, the only available choices will be poisonous compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs, which are loaded with toxic mercury, or expensive light-emitting diode...
| 7/16/2011 - Many people delight when they go to the meat department of their local grocery store and find that the ground beef they plan to buy is under $3.00 a pound, and if their premium-cut steaks are less than $10.00 a pound, they are also thrilled. That's why those same people might be surprised to find that...
 | 7/8/2011 - There is a reason why libertarian economists want the government to stay out of the business of business - it's because government is not good at it.
On that premise, then, it should come as little surprise that the Obama administration's attempt to "create jobs" didn't turn out so well. In fact,...
 | 6/24/2011 - The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), which owns the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility struck by the massive earthquake and tsunami on March 11, has made it abundantly clear that protecting people and the environment from the radioactive fallout of its three massive reactor "melt-throughs"...
 | 5/18/2011 - President Barack Obama's signature health care law was supposed to accomplish a couple of things. First, it was supposed to ensure that all Americans had access to quality healthcare; and second, it was supposed to reduce overall healthcare expenditures.
In a word, the law - while admittedly not...
 | 4/28/2011 - Health care is expensive. Costs continue to mount despite recent efforts at health care "reform."
Sally C. Pipes, the president, CEO and Taube Fellow in Health Care Studies at the Pacific Research Institute, argues in Forbes Magazine this week that the best way to lower costs is through expensive...
 | 3/16/2011 - Those looking for potassium iodide to help offset the health-devastating effects of a potentially widespread nuclear fallout may be shocked to discover that many vendors of the product have significantly raised their prices since March 11, the day of the massive 9.0+ Japanese earthquake and tsunami....
| 3/15/2011 - When interviewed, documentary filmmaker Michael Moore responded to a question about whether every American was entitled to healthcare. His reply was, "We have to decide what kind of people we are." He was referring to our national character. Who are we? What kind of society do we want to become? Are...
 | 3/13/2011 - Still think the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has your best interests in mind? According to new reports, the agency has arbitrarily decided to grant exclusive approval to KV Pharmaceutical to produce the one-and-only FDA-approved premature birth prevention drug -- which is really just a modified,...
 | 3/10/2011 - If you listen purely to the industry side of the story, you might think that drug companies are more than vindicated in selling brand-name drugs for sometimes thousands of times more than they cost to produce, and raking in billions of dollars in profits every year. After all, much of that profit covers...
 | 11/6/2010 - Within a decade, a loaf of wheat bread may cost $23 in a grocery store in the United States, and a 32-oz package of sugar might run $62. A 64-oz container of Minute Maid Orange Juice, meanwhile, could set you back $45.71. This is all according to a new report released Friday by the National Inflation...
| 10/16/2010 - If you are like many others, you may be bemoaning the fact that as your commitment to healthy eating increases, the size of your wallet decreases. Several studies have shown that it costs less to subsist on processed foods as opposed to whole foods. However, Dr. Adam M. Bernstein and his colleagues...
| 10/5/2010 - Any parent with an eco-conscious mind has already considered the benefits of cloth diapers over disposables for the environment. What about those who aren`t swayed by these arguments and are convinced that they really need the convenience of disposables over the "hassle" of cloth? Well, economics might...
| 7/22/2010 - The NaturalNews Store warehouse is getting full! We've ordered huge quantities of new products in order to get ridiculously good volume pricing that we can pass on to our readers. As a result, we've literally run out of room! My store manager says, "Blow 'em out, Mike!" to which I answered, "At what...
| 5/1/2010 - Scientists from the California Institute of Technology (CIT) have developed a new solar cell technology that they say absorbs up to 96 percent of "incident" light. Experimental tests revealed that the new cells operate at around a 90 percent quantum efficiency rate. Because they are made of plastic,...
| 1/4/2010 - An analysis of projected health care costs has revealed that by the year 2018, obesity-related medical expenses will top $344 billion. Current estimates suggest that in just ten years 43 percent of Americans will be obese if obesity continues to rise at the current rate.
According to Reed Tuckson...
| 9/19/2009 - Hypnosis research covers a vast number of topics from treating medical conditions such as asthma and irritable bowel syndrome to researching pain control from headaches and surgery. Research on hypnotherapy has also included brain images to discover what areas of the brain are affected by hypnosis and...
 | 7/28/2009 - This has been in the works for a long time, and you'll love this news: Boku Superfood, makers of my top-recommended superfood powder product, has announced an exclusive Boku Super Food giveaway that gets you a 10-day supply of this remarkable superfood at (virtually) no cost.
It's exclusive to NaturalNews,...
| 7/17/2009 - If you want to know why U.S. businesses increasingly outsource jobs to other countries, just add up the cost of doing business in America: As an employer, you have to pay not only higher wages than most other countries, but you also have to pay for the lost productivity and missed days due to the astonishingly...
| 6/11/2009 - It would cost between $1.5 trillion and $1.7 trillion over the next 10 years to provide health insurance to everyone in the United States, according to an estimate by the consulting and policy analysis company the Lewin Group.
This is significantly greater than the $1.2 trillion that the group estimates...
| 4/23/2009 - I'm a big free market proponent. I love the "freedom" in it... the individual decisions of hundreds of millions of people coalescing into an "invisible hand" of efficiency improvements, quality of life enhancements and unlimited abundance. That's the Alice-in-Wonderland version of the free market economy,...
| 2/24/2009 - Home made bread saves money both at its production and in the long run. Using fresh ingredients will cost less than a store-bought loaf. The bread which results will be nutritious and tasty, with endless variety. Many people fear that making bread is a long and complicated process. Instead you will...
| 2/17/2009 - The use of alternative, renewable energy is becoming increasingly important given rising energy costs and need to slow the effects of climate change on our earth. These solutions may seem far off from everyday use by homeowners but the truth is that they are in our reach now. There are many options...
| 2/10/2009 - Organic food is now the fastest growing segment of U.S. agriculture. In 2007, the value of retail sales from organic food was estimated at more than $20 billion. According to the Food Marketing Institute, more than half of Americans now buy some organic food product at least once a month. The industry...
 | 1/8/2009 - The economy is stuttering and healthcare costs are on the rise. Now, according to a study which was recently published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, we discover that the annual costs of diabetes treatment in the United States has nearly doubled in a mere 6-year period, from 2001 to 2007.
| 1/5/2009 - Recently in a Dear Heloise article, a pet owner wrote she buys treats at a Dollar store for $1 that are "almost the same as $5 treats from the pet store." Unfortunately for this pet owner, discounted dog treats might cost her far more in the long run.
The old adage 'you get what you pay for' usually...
 | 11/27/2008 - Governor Schwarzenegger of California has proposed a new tax on veterinary services; specifically on veterinary services and treatments. If the California bill gets passed, or if other states plan the same taxation, will the proceeds benefit pets and/or pet owners?
A new proposal in the California...
 | 11/3/2008 - Obesity causes poorer health, which in turn translates into higher medical and health care costs. For example, the obese are more likely to suffer from ailments such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. On top of that, there are also other ways in which obese people have to, quite literally,...
 | 9/27/2008 - It's almost overwhelming when you visit a pet store and wander down the mile long aisles of pet food. Thousands of pet food brands all seem to say the very same thing -- 100% Complete Nutrition and 'Premium' and 'Choice'. The brand your vet sells costs around $30.00 for a 20 pound bag, the brand your...
 | 8/26/2008 - I have written many articles about studies that have been performed using hypnosis. Most studies focus on the success of the hypnosis and how it helped participants in a different way compared to more traditional approaches and treatments. Many studies mention that hypnosis is more cost effective in...
 | 7/3/2008 - The following is a transcript of Health Ranger Report #16, entitled The Politics of National Health Care Reform, which is available free of charge as an MP3 download at:
Have you ever wondered who is going to win the presidency in the United States and...
 | 2/22/2008 - There is a minimum amount of protein needed by all humans to replace the nitrogen excreted each day via urine, feces, and the skin. Protein also provides essential amino acids among other things. When the minimum is met for nitrogen, the other essential nutrient requirements will normally also be met....
 | 10/26/2007 - The incandescent light bulb was downright amazing when it was invented in 1809 by Humphry Davy. Nope, it wasn't invented by Thomas Edison -- that's just another American history lie, much like the stories about Christopher Columbus "discovering" America and being some sort of upstanding hero. In truth,...
 | 6/25/2007 - While large-scale marketing efforts tout cost savings of compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), few are explaining the real cost -- to the environment and to individuals -- of broken or discarded CFLs.
One consumer has learned that accidentally breaking a CFL could cost her more than $2,000. According...
 | 5/10/2007 - The launch of our new LED lights from EcoLEDs ( is already proven to be a huge success. Thank you to all the customers who have purchased our new LED light bulbs from BetterLifeGoods ( In the first 24 hours, the sales of these lights greatly exceeded our expectations.
 | 11/17/2006 - Malnutrition shaves as much as three percent off the production of some of the poorest countries in the world, but obesity could soon affect economic output as severely as malnutrition, according to findings from the World Bank as of this week.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that obesity...
 | 11/6/2006 - About 500,000 Americans traveled overseas last year to undergo surgeries that cost two to three times more in the United States, according to the National Coalition on Health Care.
Medical tourism has taken off in the last few years, with American employer-sponsored health insurance premiums skyrocketing...
 | 10/27/2006 - Americans are growing increasingly dissatisfied with the health insurance costs of the employer-sponsored health care system, according to the annual Health Confidence Survey.
The survey found that overall dissatisfaction with health insurance costs increased from 33 percent last year to 52 percent,...
| 9/13/2006 - Medical and pharmacy costs rise steadily for employees with above normal body weight, reports a study in the July Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, official publication of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM).
Led by Feifei Wang, Ph.D., of the...
 | 9/7/2006 - If you have a long, drawn-out, incurable but treatable disease, it's unfortunate for you but great for pharmaceutical companies. While you're suffering indefinitely, you're also buying expensive pharmaceutical drugs to make the disease "manageable."
"Managing" diseases is the trend in mainstream...
| 8/14/2006 - Obesity is a major contributor to employee health costs, responsible for two to three percent of all medical claims dollars, reports a study in the March Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, official publication of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM).
| 7/13/2006 - The "super-size" deals at fast-food restaurants aren't such a bargain once the costs of weight gain are considered, according to a new study.
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that while the average "upsized" fast-food meal costs a mere 67 cents more than a regular meal, those...
 | 2/27/2006 - What's wrong in America? Interestingly enough, many of our nation's problems can be summed up in one unlucky number: $100 billion. Sure, sometimes the government's $100 billion expenses signify a positive, worthwhile expense, such as the $100 billion that the federal and local governments spend on elementary...
 | 2/19/2006 - President Bush marketed his Medicare drug benefit program as a popular handout that would put more prescription drugs in seniors' pockets and more money in State coffers. But as it turns out, the drug benefit promises were completely fabricated, just like "weapons of mass destruction."
In reality,...
 | 10/7/2005 - Every year millions of Americans go under the knife, but many of them are enduring great pain and shelling out thousands of dollars for surgeries they don't really need. In fact, the only people who seem to really benefit from these unnecessary medical procedures are the medical professionals who stand...
 | 4/17/2005 - Used cars versus new cars: which is cheaper to drive? Here's a financial reality that may surprise you: it's actually far cheaper to drive a well-built new car than to drive an old car that requires ongoing maintenance.
One of the things I've noticed in looking at the vehicles people drive is that...
 | 3/6/2005 - Is it time to ban cigarettes yet? In this essay, I'm going to give you three different perspectives on the issue. From one perspective, the public health view that says cigarettes are a deadly product that causes untold pain, suffering and death in the American population. From another view, I'll talk...
 | 12/5/2004 - Want a real solution to skyrocketing health care costs? Forget about all the so-called "cost saving" schemes dreamed up by politicians, drug companies and HMOs. All they do is create new levels of bureaucracy that don't address the real problems of why health care costs are so high in the first place....
| 8/8/2004 - Skyrocketing health insurance costs are heavily impacting employers in the United States. Now, for the first time, medical benefits to employees has become the most expensive benefit paid by employers, according to a new report issued by the Employment Policy Foundation. The cost of health care for...
| 10/1/2003 3:30:12 PM - The solar power question has always been an economic one: how much will it cost to "go solar?" The answer for many years has been a simple one: investing in solar equipment has a twenty-year payoff, give or take a few years.
This breakthrough could change all that, bringing the solar payoff into...
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