All posts categorized with Big Pharma
-(Natural News) Studies show that one in five new cancer cases in the United States involve someone who has had the disease before. Moreover, research has further shown that second cancers, which do not include recurrent cancers, but are completely new types of cancer, have increased 300 percent since the 1970s. First-time cancers have also spiked, increasing […]
-(Natural News) The American Medical Association, also known as the AMA, has recently proposed new “ethical and professional” guidelines for physicians. These guidelines would put a stop to doctors who speak out or otherwise rail against convention. The AMA is clearly an agency that has been bought by Big Pharma and is now seeking to […]
-(Natural News) Silencing victims of medical mishaps, is not unusual. In fact, it is almost expected these days, with “corruption” and “corporation” almost being synonymous terms. For one family in the United Kingdom, though, things have gone to a whole new level. This family has received death threats and warnings to keep quiet about the […]
-(Natural News) Let’s just get the truth out about aspartame. Jim Turner is a lawyer who has spent decades educating people about this dangerous and ubiquitous sugar substitute. Mr. Turner was instrumental in keeping aspartame off the market until 1981, when Searle company president Donald Rumsfeld forced its approval via President Reagan’s transition team. Read the sordid […]