All posts categorized with Big Pharma
-(Natural News) Proton pump inhibitors or PPIs – a class of drugs commonly used to treat acid reflux and heartburn – may increase the risk of ischemic stroke, according to preliminary research presented at an American Heart Association conference in New Orleans earlier this month. As reported by CNN, these drugs are among the most […]
-(Natural News) You have to hand it to them, the pharmaceutical industry just doesn’t stop trying to force people to purchase their chemicals, but now they’re even trying to convince you to purchase pharma drugs for your dogs! The insanity never ends when it comes to these people because they have the backing of the United […]
-(Natural News) Under the auspices of the United Nation’s Agenda 2030, the relentless move to a global harmonization of all food, medicine, trade, education, security, water, energy, borders and people is still moving forward, says The New American. The creators of Agenda 2030 have goals that include the eradication of all poverty, as well as a mandate to protect our planet from […]
-(Natural News) Long demonized by mainstream media and the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry, the actual medicinal value of marijuana is finally beginning to outweigh 70 year old stigmas based on racism and falsification at the hands of the 1930s textile industry. Modern technology, such as that at CWC Labs, which happens to be an ISO […]
-(Natural News) The antidepressant industry does not want legalized psychedelics. For decades they’ve funneled millions into the pockets of lawmakers, lobbyists and corrupt politicians to keep marijuana illegal. If marijuana were legal it could destroy Big Pharma’s profits. Psychedelics are currently classified as Schedule 1, drugs with no currently accepted medical use. Psychoactive substances can […]
-(Natural News) A healthy developing child named Joshua Hadfield was vaccinated with Glaxo’s Pandermrix influenza vaccine amidst the 2010 H1N1 swine flu frenzy. Within weeks of receiving the vaccination Joshua could barely wake up. He was sleeping up to nineteen hours daily, laughing also triggered seizures in the boy. He was diagnosed with narcolepsy which […]
-(Natural News) If you take a good, close look at many of the problems with corruption in the United States today, you will notice that the pharmaceutical industry is often one of the primary instigators. Their connection with other big businesses and the federal government has made them a major threat to both natural health […]
-(Natural News) Corruption. Bribery. Death. All three are examined in various news reports on a little known “specialty pharmaceutical company” called Insys Theraputics. They are currently under legal fire for Subsys, a controversial sublingual spray that disperses fentanyl, a very fast acting opioid that is “80 times more potent than morphine.” The under the tongue delivery allows the fentanyl to bypass the gastrointestinal system and deliver the […]
-(Natural News) Bernie Sanders held a rally last Friday in Hollywood to explain the importance of California Prop 61. He is fighting to reduce the skyrocketing prices of pharmaceuticals. “The pharmaceutical industry has become a major health hazard to the American people. This is the most significant proposition in the country today to end pharmaceutical […]
-(Natural News) In Flint Michigan, the tap water residents have been regularly consuming was found to be contaminated with lead. If lead poisoning wasn’t enough of a problem for the area, they now find themselves being taken by corporate greed. Lead poisoned water isn’t specific to Flint however, there is a problem nationwide and the […]
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