Billions news, articles and information:
 | 6/30/2016 - George Naylor, a farmer and board member of the Center for Food Safety and the Non-GMO Project, has cultivated corn and soybeans on his family farm near Churdan, Iowa, since 1976. Like many others, George made the decision never to raise genetically modified (GM) crops, and has been encouraging other...
 | 3/9/2016 - There is now yet another reason to be disgusted by the ongoing fiasco known as Obamacare: A new report from the Government Accountability Office has concluded that the federal government's failure to properly monitor the eligibility of enrollees may have cost taxpayers billions in fraudulent payments.
 | 1/3/2016 - If the founding fathers were to return to their progeny somehow, they would find an unrecognizable country.
Some of the changes implemented since they fought a successful rebellion against the world's preeminent military power of the day would likely be applauded by them: Women's suffrage and legal...
 | 4/26/2015 - Corporate lobbying is big business in the U.S., where the highest bribing multinational corporations are allowed to freely siphon billions of dollars every year from the federal coffers. But few people realize just how much these monolithic corporate entities are effectively stealing from American taxpayers...
 | 1/25/2015 - Corporations are under assault in the court of public opinion in the United States, brought on, in large part, by politicians who seek to use class warfare as a means to maintain their own power and influence.
But that said, some of the activities undertaken by many American multinational corporations...
 | 7/1/2014 2:08:58 PM - Scores of Americans are discovering that natural, alternative treatments for many of their most common ailments is preferable to ingesting gene-altering medications, but through taxes they are nonetheless helping to fund hundreds of billions of dollars in government medication spending each year, through...
 | 8/19/2013 - The average American supermarket has become little more than a hotbed of processed junk food, thanks to federal agriculture policies that for decades have used taxpayer dollars to subsidize the overproduction of junk food crops. Since 1995, in fact, the federal government has spent nearly $20 billion...
 | 5/16/2013 - Editor's note: Because of the U.S. Supreme Court decision that handed the biotech companies a resounding defeat in their effort to try to patent human genes, we are updating this story by removing the original content (which was largely based on factors leading up to the Supreme Court decision) and...
 | 5/7/2013 - The U.S. government is broke and $16 trillion-plus in the hole, spending hundreds of billions of dollars more per year than it collects in revenue, because Washington, collectively, is addicted to spending.
One thing lawmakers and President Obama love to spend money on is the cultivation of constituencies....
 | 4/3/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 11/1/2012 - Well, it didn't take long after Hurricane Sandy passed into history as the largest storm of its kind in several generations for someone in Washington to call for billions in new federal spending to compensate for its damage - billions that will, of course, be added to the trillions of dollars in debt...
 | 8/6/2012 - The agencies and bureaucracies of our Leviathan government were created for our own good, we are constantly told, which is also the excuse we're given anytime a group of lawmakers or citizens calls for any of them to be dismantled.
That excuse may no longer hold water for the Food and Drug Administration...
| 9/19/2011 - The federal government has a little cash flow problem, which has led to somewhat of a national debt in the neighborhood of $14 trillion. A big part of that problem has to do with a government addicted to spending and a large portion of the workforce unable to find employment (and thus pay income taxes)...
 | 7/5/2011 - The US economy is rapidly unraveling, vital services are being cut, and millions of Americans are losing their jobs and struggling just to survive. Meanwhile, the federal government continues to spend billions of taxpayer dollars every year to fight its endless "War on Drugs," which includes spending...
 | 4/17/2010 - Did you ever wonder how health insurance companies drum up future business? It's easy: Just invest in companies whose products cause chronic degenerative disease, driving people towards more health care needs and therefore more health insurance.
And that's exactly what the health insurance industry...
| 9/2/2009 - For the last several years, I've referred to drug companies as "criminal" operations. They have engaged in price fixing, marketing fraud, science fraud and many other criminal activities that we've written about here on NaturalNews. And yet, until today, they always managed to avoid the criminal charges...
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