Baby news, articles and information:
 | 11/11/2016 - Having a baby after age 35 may increase a woman's cognitive abilities in middle age, according to the newest study to continue unraveling the complex interactions between women's health and reproduction. The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Southern California and published...
 | 11/7/2016 - It's not always easy figuring out the cause of a skin rash. Rashes may develop over time due to systemic toxicity of the blood and inefficiency of the detoxifying organs. Rashes can also be caused by allergic reactions to topical chemicals, injected chemicals or other irritants. Parents can have a hard...
 | 10/24/2016 - Recently, I asked for feedback with a survey that went out in my email newsletter. If you did it, thank you for your feedback. I want to keep health care about health and your feedback helps me do that.
(Article by Dr. Kurt Perkins, republished from
One question I asked was...
 | 10/22/2016 - It's a little-known Finnish tradition that dates back nearly 80 years, and one that's had a tremendous impact in helping to dramatically boost infant mortality rates throughout the Nordic country: baby gift boxes containing all of the essentials that the Finnish government hands out for free to every...
 | 10/5/2016 - Scientists have understood the concept of "passive immunity" for quite some time. In this process, mother's milk helps provide infants with immunity to a number of different diseases through the transference of antibodies. But now, a new discovery has been made.
Researchers from the University of...
 | 9/23/2016 - Shaken baby syndrome is often cited as the cause of infant death, but what if many of these parents aren't really killing their children? Much like sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), shaken baby syndrome (SBS) often follows vaccination. The difference is that parents are not generally imprisoned over...
 | 9/14/2016 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has recently proposed that manufacturers in the infant formula industry conduct research trials on products prior to making health claims. Such claims include a product's ability to increase an infant's intelligence, be "allergy-proof" and reduce colic, according...
 | 8/30/2016 - The baby boomer generation is literally drinking itself to death at a time when medical marijuana should be – and could be – saving their lives.
As reported by the UK's Daily Mail, boomers born in the post-World War II period between 1946 and 1964 are distinct from previous generations...
 | 8/1/2016 - Another family is mourning the loss of their two-month old baby following routine vaccinations. Cash Dewayne Thomas was having apnea episodes following the vitamin K injection and hepatitis B vaccine given to him at birth. When his mother sought help from numerous doctors, they ignored her concerns...
 | 7/12/2016 - A politically-motivated indictment that sought to punish the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) for going undercover and exposing abortion provider Planned Parenthood's illegal organ-trafficking activities, has officially been ruled invalid by a Texas judge, reports The Washington Free Beacon.
 | 5/31/2016 - The recent "rescue" of a baby bison by tourists in Yellowstone National Park – an incident that led to the unfortunate calf being euthanized – has caused an internet furor, while also illustrating just how clueless many people are regarding wild animals and their natural behavior.
 | 5/21/2016 - The mainstream media is reporting that an adverse reaction to a chemical preservative chemical called methylisothiazolinone (MI) in baby wipes is causing a horrific rash due to an "allergic" reaction. MI is used exclusively to extend shelf life and has no other purpose.
Experts have been raising...
 | 4/14/2016 - The lives of 6-month-old Cerenity Garza and her family have forever been changed, since Cerenity was given a series of vaccinations that left her paralyzed and brain damaged. After receiving a whopping eight vaccinations – the DTaP-Hib-IPV (5-in-1 combo vaccine), the hepatitis B vaccine, the pneumococcal...
 | 4/12/2016 - Johnson & Johnson is being sued by more than 1,000 women who developed ovarian cancer after using the company's Baby Powder product. The lawsuit is based on the assertion that the company knew their product was associated with an increased cancer risk but deliberately withheld that information from...
 | 3/22/2016 - One of the heartbreaking aspects of life in an increasingly authoritarian state is the increased incidence of medical kidnappings being perpetrated by so-called child "protective" services.
We see plenty in the media regarding killer cops and the rise in abuses carried out by law enforcement agencies,...
 | 3/4/2016 - When a baby's severed head showed up in a package in Bangkok, workers must have been horrified for life. Just as the parcel was being scanned to be sent to Las Vegas, workers discovered its ghastly contents. A baby's head, preserved in a jar of formaldehyde, was accompanied by several infant feet and...
 | 2/6/2016 - Advances in medicine and scientific understanding over the past 50 years have been groundbreaking. Despite the fact that 50 years is actually not a huge amount of time, if you look back over some of the advice that doctors and scientists used to give to new mothers you will probably be very surprised.
 | 1/26/2016 - The latest horror from science is being hailed by the science journal Nature as a breakthrough for brain research, but it involves genetically engineering baby monkeys to cripple them and make them cognitively stunted and "autistic."
"The laboratory monkeys run obsessively in circles, largely ignore...
 | 12/1/2015 - The abortion industry is rapidly going down in flames thanks to the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) and its undercover investigation into the dirty workings of Planned Parenthood, America's largest, taxpayer-funded abortion provider. A total of four undercover videos (with more on the way) have already...
 | 11/30/2015 - Now that the eye-opening, undercover Center for Medical Progress (CMP) videos exposing Planned Parenthood for illegally selling aborted baby body parts have had a chance to circulate throughout the world to millions of people, the abortion industry is attempting a new tactic in defense of its baby-murdering...
 | 11/12/2015 - A groundbreaking and controversial documentary exposing the lies and misinformation behind the Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) diagnosis has met fierce opposition from the medical and legal community as the film gains traction in festivals across the U.S.
A collaboration between Los Angeles-based filmmaker...
 | 10/19/2015 6:31:00 PM - In a decision that undoubtedly has the state's liberals in an uproar, Texas officials have informed Planned Parenthood (PP) clinics that it would be cutting off Medicaid funding, following the release of a series of undercover videos showing officials at some of the organization's facilities selling...
 | 10/15/2015 - Four years ago, we rescued two 'Jesus donkeys' from the horrific fires of Bastrop, Texas. And today, those donkeys have a new baby! As the photos show below, we have a new baby Jesus donkey!
These donkeys are nicknamed "Jesus donkeys" because they bear a dark cross on their backs. From the side,...
 | 9/26/2015 - If you haven't yet seen, it's a new parody website created in the style of The Onion.
A sickeningly hilarious new post on the site announces's new plan to partner with Planned Parenthood for one-hour drone delivery of aborted baby parts.
Yeah, it's sick. And yet it's...
 | 9/23/2015 - An impressed Planned Parenthood medical assistant can be heard on camera saying, "Five stars!" looking at a high-quality, newly-harvested fetal heart lying in a Petri dish. This heart is one of several organs and limbs that had just been meticulously extracted from a living fetus. The sight of the extracted...
 | 9/15/2015 11:20:45 AM - U.S. abortion provider Planned Parenthood offers only the freshest baby body parts to its biotech clients in exchange for top-dollar payouts, reveals a top-level official from the controversial women's group in the latest video expose to be released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP).
Dr. Carolyn...
 | 9/14/2015 - Per the standard modus operandi during each election cycle – especially presidential election cycles – the mainstream media is doing its level best to play "gotcha!" with certain candidates, namely, all of those who happen to have an "R" behind their names.
And no "R" candidate is easier...
 | 9/8/2015 - As of this writing, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has released a total of four undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood as a baby chop-shop operation that's illegally selling organs from aborted human babies – and in some cases, fully intact aborted babies – for profit. And...
 | 9/2/2015 - An anti-abortion organization that has released a slew of undercover videos showing a seedy side of Planned Parenthood, including officials who were caught allegedly negotiating the for-profit sale of aborted baby body parts, continues to make headlines with new revelations and allegations against the...
 | 8/29/2015 - Out of the shadows of convenience and ignorance emerges a new form of parental negligence that is starting to look a lot like child abuse. Parents who have no basic understanding of nutrition and hydration are depriving and even harming their children in life-altering ways.
Toddlers as young as 18...
 | 8/22/2015 - Isn't it all supposed to be about LOVE? The corporations who profess to care about love and equality don't extend that kindness towards unborn children. Why do these companies support people's right to love whomever they want while denying infants the right to live?
One of these corporations is Starbucks,...
 | 8/19/2015 - The second undercover video released by pro-life group Center for Medical Progress shows Planned Parenthood officials ghoulishly negotiating prices for the body parts of aborted babies.
In the undercover video, as reported by, Mary Gatter, the medical director at Planned Parenthood Pasadena...
 | 8/18/2015 - When babies develop diaper rashes, the first assumption is that the baby is not being changed often enough or quickly enough after wetting or soiling the diaper. If this is not the case, the diapers are questioned – especially when using cloth diapers. Diapers are boiled and/or hung outside to...
 | 8/16/2015 - It's been several weeks now since news broke that Planned Parenthood officials have allegedly been selling body parts and organs of aborted babies and the Obama Justice Department has yet to announce it would launch an investigation. Federal law, you see, prohibits the sale of human parts, so if true...
 | 8/14/2015 - Now that the truth has finally come out about what Planned Parenthood does with the remains of all those babies it murders in the womb every year, many people are beginning to ask a question that abortion proponents will never be able to answer honestly: If aborted fetuses aren't actually people as...
 | 8/13/2015 - In the aftermath of the ongoing Planned Parenthood saga, in which this pro-abortion eugenics group was exposed for illegally harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts for profit (which is a felony crime), the political left is now drum-beating the message that Planned Parenthood's gross violence...
 | 8/10/2015 - Following the release of two undercover videos showing high-level Planned Parenthood executives negotiating prices with potential clients for aborted baby body parts -- a felonious, criminal operation -- including the illegal sale of vital organs and other tissue, a more thorough listing of private...
 | 8/6/2015 - Resources redistributed through the force of government are finite. They run out. Government social programs appear compassionate, assisting the poor and hungry, but these programs only work by force, taking from people who have already produced. This is how socialism works.
The philosophy of socialism...
 | 8/5/2015 - A fifth video released by a group attempting to expose the ghoulish underworld of Planned Parenthood features an official employed by the organization admitting that abortion doctors sometimes provide "intact" babies for organ harvesting and experimentation.
As reported by Lifesite News, the video,...
 | 8/3/2015 - In a new bombshell allegation, the head of the undercover organization currently exposing Planned Parenthood's ghoulish practice of harvesting aborted baby body parts and selling them for profit through a series of videos says a tissue firm trying to block new video releases is only trying to cover...
 | 7/30/2015 9:27:00 AM - Celebrities, the media, and even government officials are up in arms over the recent shooting of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe by 55-year-old dentist Walter Palmer, who allegedly lured the lion out of his natural habitat in order to kill him. But the recent revelation that Planned Parenthood has been luring...
 | 7/24/2015 - The baby-murdering group Planned Parenthood is mired in even deeper controversy after a second video has emerged showing a top-level abortion executive negotiating prices for organs and fetal tissue harvested from unborn babies murdered in the womb.
Dr. Mary Gatter, president of Planned Parenthood's...
 | 7/22/2015 - A gut-wrenching new video (viewer discretion advised) reveals the sinister shadow industry and the evil intent that is hiding behind Planned Parenthood and their temple of abortion dogma. This sinister, shadow industry has nothing to gain by educating women about the precious life developing inside...
 | 7/17/2015 5:23:13 PM - In the wake of a budding new scandal involving the harvesting and sale of aborted baby body parts by taxpayer-subsidized Planned Parenthood, the Obama administration has come out in defense of the organization and, by proxy, it's horrific, gruesome - and illegal - practice.
As reported by Breitbart...
 | 7/15/2015 - The headline of this article is true. This is what passes for "science" in today's twisted world: the harvesting of dead baby parts during partial-birth abortions so that profits can be generated from the biotech industry's "scientific" research.
It has all been caught on undercover video by the...
 | 7/14/2015 6:17:56 PM - Even pro-choice advocates were shocked at the news of Planned Parenthood's alleged collusion with a for-profit biotech firm called StemExpress to sell body parts harvested from aborted fetuses.
Although the practice is technically illegal, loopholes in the law appear to have been exploited by Planned...
 | 7/14/2015 6:17:13 PM - Planned Parenthood is obviously the center of debate between anti and pro-abortion activists, but now the organization is coming under fire for something that simply can't be argued. What they've been engaging in is not only enough to make your stomach churn, but it's illegal. And they continue to do...
 | 6/25/2015 - For people trying to fight the system over the fact that their once-healthy child developed a vaccine injury, it's bad enough that they're often faced with missing medical records and lies. Then there's the fact that they could go to jail. It's absurd, but it's true.
The cycle is as follows: You...
 | 6/3/2015 12:02:04 PM - After receiving a total of 14 vaccines within just a few months -- the first seven after her birth in November 2013, and another seven in April 2014 -- a baby girl in Tennessee died. In fact, her death came just days after the second series of shots -- DTaP, polio, Hib, PCV and the oral rotavirus vaccine.(1)
 | 6/3/2015 - Global health care company Abbott has announced that it will soon be offering a GMO-free version of its popular Similac baby formula after receiving input from parents all over the U.S.
The company said a GMO-free version of its Similac Advance product, a best-seller, would hit the shelves of Target...
 | 5/29/2015 - Newborns are abandoned more often in the USA than many realize, despite the fact that Safe Haven laws exist to protect mothers who wish to surrender their babies to areas such as hospitals or police stations so long as the baby hasn't been harmed.
One of the purposes of some Safe Haven laws is to...
 | 4/2/2015 - Every year, hundreds of U.S. parents are tried and convicted in criminal court for supposedly killing their babies by shaking them. But the nebulous condition known as "shaken baby syndrome," or SBS, appears to be a grand misnomer contrived for the sole purpose of covering up the real causes of SBS...
 | 2/1/2015 - An Indiana couple is facing murder charges after their 22-day-old baby was found dead in their vehicle while they gorged themselves on processed sugar, additives and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) at a Golden Corral buffet restaurant near Tampa, Florida.
The local FOX 13 News station reports...
 | 1/13/2015 3:23:42 PM - A petition is circulating to persuade three of the top infant formula brands in the U.S. -- Abbott Laboratories (Similac), Mead Johnson Nutrition (Enfamil) and Nestle (Gerber Good Start) -- to stop using genetically modified (GM) ingredients in their baby products. Each of these powdered formulas is...
 | 12/22/2014 - When Leo David Hargreaves was born on June 30, 2014, his parents realized that they had a naturally smiling baby. Even after five months, Leo's pleasantly smiling face is still a main feature.
His mother, Amy Cregg, and her partner and Leo's father, Leighton Hargreaves, have been approached by modeling...
 | 11/15/2014 - It should be obvious to most Americans by now that we're descended deep into winter thanks to a wicked polar vortex. As this cold swept across Texas, I've had the task of taking care of some baby chicks who hatched late in the year because of a particularly sneaky mother hen who's an expert in reproduction.
 | 11/11/2014 - Ten brands of baby wipes produced by the Pennsylvania-based Nutek Disposables, Inc., were recalled on October 25, 2014, following complaints of foul odor and discoloration.
Upon further testing, the baby wipe and adult washcloth manufacturer discovered that some of their products contained Burkholderia...
 | 10/16/2014 - In the modern, technological world of today, our availability, connectivity and internet accessibility improve with each passing year. While our modern devices and the wireless networks that support them make life easier and more convenient, they unfortunately carry some hidden costs. And these costs...
 | 9/9/2014 - Babies and toddlers do not eat much food because their tummies are tiny. That is why it is important to feed them foods that are packed with nutrients. Superfoods are natural foods that are high in nutrients and antioxidants packed with health giving properties. They are easily digestible and keep the...
 | 8/19/2014 - There's a new device out to allow parents to know what's going on with their newborn baby's vital signs and the environmental status of the room in which the baby is sleeping, and even when the baby is due to awaken. On one hand, with all the SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) cases, it seems like...
 | 7/2/2014 - Awareness about wireless technology continues to grow every day. There are very real health threats presented by the EMFs emitted by our wireless gadgets as well as from smart meters and related technology. Enter the BabySafe Project, a new public awareness initiative developed by an international group...
 | 6/22/2014 - Petroleum jelly can be found in about every other bathroom cabinet in the US, but dermatologists who really know what they're doing, like the holistic ones, warn against it. A byproduct of the oil industry, petroleum can suffocate pores, aggravate acne and even cause a rare form of pneumonia, if inhaled....
 | 6/16/2014 - Baby bottles from AVENT, Born Free, Green to Grow, Evenflo and Weil Baby all emit high or very high levels of hormone-altering chemicals, says new research published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health. (1)
"Many PC-replacement-products made from acrylic, polystyrene, polyethersulfone,...
 | 6/2/2014 - A woman who had no prior history of violence was released from prison in April after serving nearly half of a 20-year sentence for the murder of an infant in her care.
Jennifer Del Prete was a daycare worker who maintained her innocence throughout her entire ordeal. She was convicted of shaking four-month-old...
 | 5/29/2014 - I'd like to share a snapshot with you of life on the ranch. If you're dedicated to protecting life (as I am), you sooner or later end up saving animals of all kinds. Today I was able to save a baby rabbit from a snake (see photos below).
Baby rabbits really do scream for help when they are threatened...
 | 5/23/2014 - Regularly using talc-based baby powders to soothe sensitive skin or eliminate unwanted moisture could eventually lead to cancer, alleges a new class action lawsuit filed against drug giant Johnson & Johnson. Plaintiffs say the company's popular baby powder product increases women's risk of ovarian cancer...
 | 5/6/2014 - All mammals produce milk for their young and have been nurturing babies at the breast for thousands of years. It has only been in the last 6o years or so that babies have been given the highly ineffective and processed food called "formula" at the expense of breast milk, and the consequences are dire.
 | 4/4/2014 1:39:10 PM - The debate over whether or not vaccines cause autism is far from over, with a new study recently presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) in London, England, destroying the popular claim that any link between the two has been thoroughly debunked by science. Research conducted...
 | 2/20/2014 - Impregnated over 44 years ago, a Brazilian woman was shocked when doctors told her that there was a baby still inside her. The 84-year-old woman visited a doctor when she started feeling pains in her pelvic region. When the doctor told her that the pains were coming from a 44-year-old stone fetus, her...
 | 2/5/2014 11:04:08 AM - Three weeks before her due date, expectant mother Jennifer Juarez felt that something was going wrong. Her baby had kicked up to 10 times in a half-hour and then suddenly went still. She consulted her midwife. Their gut instincts led Jennifer to the hospital, where she underwent an early delivery on...
 | 12/3/2013 - In a shocking series events British Social Workers from Essex Social services obtained a Court Order to forcibly remove a baby from its mother by caesarean section against the mothers will.
The mother had travelled to the UK from Italy for a two week training course when she had a panic attack at...
 | 11/22/2013 - Upon discovering that a manufacturing defect could cause spoilage, Plum Organics issued a press release on November 8, 2013, regarding the voluntary recall of its Baby Stage 2, Tots Mish Mash and Kids lines. Approximately 25 products were affected.
In an open letter on the Plum Organics web site,...
 | 11/21/2013 - What would your response be after going to the morgue to collect the body of your pronounced dead baby only to discover that she's alive? This actually happened to someone in the department (Columbian state) of Choco, Columbia.
After only 27 weeks of pregnancy, Jenny Hurtado had a Cesarean section...
 | 10/24/2013 - Congratulations! You did it! You've made it through pregnancy and childbirth, two marathons to be proud of, for sure. Now you may be wondering about what adjustments to make to your diet while you breastfeed.
The short answer is: eat a well-balanced diet for your health. Healthy mom = healthy baby....
 | 10/20/2013 - Now that almost every baby bottle manufacturer in the country has already voluntarily stopped using toxic bisphenol A (BPA) in its product formulations, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finally gotten around to issuing a formal ban on the chemical from baby bottles and children's drinking...
 | 9/1/2013 - Every living mammal instinctively eats their placenta after giving birth to replenish nutrients. The placenta is a really remarkable organ. It is this amazingly designed organ that replaces multiple other human organs for the period of time the baby is in the womb. The number of functions it does is...
 | 8/31/2013 - The parents of young Rahul Perumal from India's Tamil Nadu state say it happened for the first time just nine days after their only son was born. But since that time, the young boy from Nedimoliyur has inexplicably burst into flames, suddenly and for no apparent reason, at least three more times, baffling...
 | 8/25/2013 - Parents in South Africa could face life in prison if convicted of murdering their baby girl, who died just days after being given what reports say were routine vaccinations.
According to a report at, the child, known as "Baby A," had been given all of her vaccinations on time. On Sept....
 | 8/21/2013 - It is increasingly common for parents of children with one or more of the triad of symptoms associated with so-called "Shaken Baby Syndrome" (SBS) to be automatically accused of committing child abuse. But often missing from this causal equation is any investigation into the vaccinations that children...
 | 8/15/2013 - Research now indicates that 8 percent of children have some kind of food allergy. Common childhood food allergies include reactions to peanuts, nuts, seafood, soy, wheat, and eggs. Medical professionals try to help parents avoid specific foods that seem to be the root of childhood allergies.
 | 7/29/2013 - Today Natural News denounces Melissa Harris-Perry, the latest talking head "death worshipper" to publicly imply that she supports the murder of living, breathing newborn children. According to Harris-Perry, life begins when the parents feel like life begins. And together with some twisted new "ethics"...
 | 7/10/2013 - Soon, it's going to be a little more difficult to figure out just exactly what is contained in baby foods.
In an era where American consumers seem to be shifting towards more wholesome, healthy diets - the push for labeling of GM foods, fewer chemicals, more fruits and veggies - an organization that...
 | 6/1/2013 - Hospital workers have provisionally named him "Baby 59" after the incubator in which he was successfully rehabilitated and brought back to stable condition. But adding the word "miracle" somewhere in his title would seem more appropriate, seeing as how this underweight, Chinese newborn somehow survived...
 | 5/31/2013 - It has been established that infant formula increases the risk of severe, debilitating and even fatal childhood diseases through a wide range of epidemiological studies. Is it really any wonder when we allow chemicals such as Cupric sulfate a known pesticide, herbicide and fungicide in baby and infant...
 | 5/24/2013 - For generations doctors have implored their patients to "get a second opinion" to ensure that a diagnosis for a medical condition is accurate. Child Protective Custody bureaucrats in Sacramento, Calif., have either never heard of that - which would be extremely difficult to believe if true - or they...
 | 5/12/2013 - They are supposed to be in the "Golden Years" of their lives, enjoying the fruits of their lifelong labors and living out their remaining years in relaxing happiness. But sadly, for an increasing number of baby boomers, chronic illness capped with depression have led many to suicide.
Take the case...
 | 5/9/2013 - After controversially taking a five-month old baby out of the custody of his parents at gun-point for seeking a second medical opinion on flu-like symptoms, Child Protective Services (CPS) sent a letter to a State Assemblyman of California, Tim Donnelly (R). In the letter, dated May 1, 2013, Sherri...
 | 4/17/2013 - Many parents are already well aware of the fact that consumer products made in China, and particularly those marketed for children, have a not-so-hot track record of safety. But a recent investigation conducted by the Oakland, California-based Environmental Law Foundation (ELF) has revealed that many...
 | 3/24/2013 - Yet another innocent child has fallen victim to the global vaccine scam, this time in India where it is common for young children to be injected literally dozens of times just for polio before they are old enough to attend school. As reported by Christina England over at, one-month-old...
 | 2/14/2013 - Child abuse comes in many forms, and can result in serious and permanent health conditions such as Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), a type of brain damage that typically afflicts children younger than one-year-old. But the cause of such abuse is not always physical trauma as many experts claim -- pediatricians,...
 | 2/12/2013 - Contrary to the assumption that quality of life increases with each generation, baby boomers are actually significantly less healthy and more disabled than their parents were at the same age, according to a study conducted by researchers from the West Virginia University School of Medicine and published...
 | 1/29/2013 - An Indiana couple saved a wounded baby deer and nursed it back to life, saving its life and giving it a home. They named it "Little Orphan Dani." When Indiana state officials got word of this courageous act of compassion, they ordered the deer euthanized. (Because government wants to kill everything...
 | 11/2/2012 - Oral thrush is a condition in which the yeast-like fungus Candida albicans accumulates on the lining of the mouth. The white 'cottage cheese-like' lumps are actually present on the inside of the lips, cheeks and/or tongue. This fungus is normally present in our bodies, but certain circumstances such...
 | 10/7/2012 6:58:34 PM - First and foremost I need to rectify something. In my previous article about reversing acne I presented some information on how to make drinking water safe from chlorine and fluoride. I was half right and half wrong. What I said works for chlorine but not for fluoride and I humbly apologize. For fluoride...
 | 9/3/2012 - Prescription drug abuse is currently on the rise among all age groups, but particularly among the aging "baby boomer" generation born between 1946 and 1964. Millions of people from this generation who are now in their 50s and 60s are beginning to suffer the health consequences of their "party years,"...
 | 8/24/2012 - When considering what foods to feed their infants, most people are made fully aware of which baby foods their child dislikes by the terrible contortions their unpracticed face goes through. Almost universally, babies prefer the sweet fruits to any other combination of meats, vegetables, or other flavorings....
 | 6/14/2012 - The combination measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, which both the U.S. government and health authorities insist is completely safe for young children, has killed yet another child in the European nation of Belgium. Christina England over at reports that Xandro Sanspuer, an 18-month-old...
 | 5/30/2012 - The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is predicting an epidemic of hepatitis C (Hep-C) among baby boomers. So in order to preempt this epidemic, they have drafted a proposition to have everyone born between 1945 and 1965 tested for Hep-C in order to receive treatments and vaccinations (after diagnosis)...
 | 5/10/2012 - Customs officials in South Korea were horrified to discover recently that there is an active, underground drug trade involving powdered, dead babies. Numerous sources confirm that thousands of capsules containing dead baby remains in powdered form were confiscated in recent months in South Korea after...
 | 5/3/2012 - Graphic photos have surfaced of the baby pigs and momma pigs that a Michigan farmer was forced to shoot in cold blood to avoid being arrested as a felon. This is the latest development in the outrageous story of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, which conducted armed raids on multiple farms,...
 | 4/17/2012 - There is nothing more pathetic, ugly and insidious than a tyrannical government thug who uses his power to destroy the lives of law-abiding citizens. Today, we have witnessed the outrageous acts carried out by jack-booted scumbags in Michigan's Department of Natural Resources (DNR) who masterminded...
 | 3/31/2012 10:32:39 AM - Baby Irene's dad agreed with his homeopathic practitioner, Hannah Eagle, about the dangers of vaccines. He certainly did not plan on vaccinating his 4-month old daughter. On December 4, 2011, however, under a tremendous amount of pressure from the family pediatrician, he and his wife acquiesced and...
 | 3/29/2012 - Another shocking case of tyrannical, overzealous social workers and hospital staff has unfolded in Pennsylvania, where a mom who just gave birth in an ambulance to a healthy baby girl was threatened by a government social worker and accused of not allowing her child to receive "medical treatment." (A...
 | 2/19/2012 - Think baby formula with brown rice syrup is the healthier choice? Think again: infant formula made with brown rice syrup may contain 30 times more arsenic than other formulas, according to a new study from Dartmouth College.
Environmental chemist Brian P. Jackson led the team of researchers in their...
 | 2/2/2012 - More quality control issues at Johnson & Johnson (J&J) have spurred yet another consumer product recall. At least 2,200 bottles of Aveeno Baby Calming Comfort Lotion from lot number 0161LK have been found to be contaminated with coagulase-negative staphylococci, a highly-contagious, antibiotic-resistant...
 | 12/8/2011 - The disastrous effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe are still emerging nearly a year after the fact, as a popular Japanese baby formula company has now announced a massive recall of baby food tainted with radiation. Meiji Holdings Co., maker of Meiji Step infant powder (Meiji Step is...
 | 11/24/2011 - As a parent, you certainly only want what is best for your child. Unfortunately, today's highly technological society may be providing you with ways to safeguard your children that can actually harm them. When shopping for products to help keep your baby safe, it may be difficult to differentiate between...
 | 11/2/2011 - A new report put together by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics (CSC) reveals that, despite numerous petitions from consumers and consumer advocacy groups, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) continues to produce baby shampoos that contain two known cancer-causing chemicals. And perhaps the worst part about the whole...
 | 10/20/2011 - Top baby formula brands sold in stores contain alarmingly high levels of corn syrup and sugar. In light of rising rates of childhood obesity and diabetes, parents need to read labels carefully to protect their children's health.
Consumption of large quantities of sugar and high fructose corn syrup...
| 10/5/2011 - Many parents these days are aware that spotlighting nutrition early in a baby's life can set the stage for lifelong health. A wide array of jarred baby foods at stores now come in organic options, and the word "natural" has been added to the packaging on many child products to stifle parental suspicions...
 | 8/8/2011 - Last September, Abbott Laboratories recalled more than five million containers of its Similac baby formula because they may have been contaminated with beetles or beetle larvae (, which prompted at least one individual to file a lawsuit against the...
| 6/2/2011 - Are efforts to protect babies from fire exposing them to chemicals that could harm their health? A study published in the Environmental Science and Technology Journal, examined flame retardant chemicals found in dozens of baby products containing polyurethane foam: such as car seats, nursing pillows...
 | 5/15/2011 - With our exposure to chemicals in everything from our air and water to our food and cleaning products, it's no wonder that parents are often on the lookout for safe products that will keep their kids healthy. Baby bottles are one product that parents need to be able to rely on. And, with instances such...
 | 3/29/2011 - In the latest outrage of the global "vegan police" striking out against those who follow a healthy diet, a couple in France is now facing up to 30 years in prison because they refused to feed their baby junk infant formula and instead breastfed her. The baby died at 11 months of age, and when ambulance...
| 3/5/2011 - Dozens of dead baby and adult dolphins have washed ashore on Gulf beaches since the beginning of the year, according to new reports. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says the rising death count is exceptionally high, especially because the normal birthing season for dolphins...
| 2/16/2011 - A new study reveals an association between low vitamin D levels and respiratory problems in infants.
A groundbreaking study has now revealed how important vitamin D is for the immune system of the fetus and newborn. In a study published in the January 2011 issue of Pediatrics, the umbilical cord-blood...
| 11/29/2010 - Beginning in March 2011, the European Union (EU) will outlaw the manufacture and sale of baby bottles and containers made with bisphenol-A (BPA), a plastics chemical linked to endocrine disruption, developmental disorders, and other illnesses. The decision came after a series of new studies were released...
 | 11/28/2010 - We've been covering the soft drink industry lately, publishing articles on soda pop marketing to children that seem so bizarre, many people are simply unable to believe them. So for this article, I've quoted numerous sources to allow everyone to verify the "unbelievable" facts of this story for themselves.
| 11/16/2010 - Research published recently in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has delivered another blow to the reputation of baby milk formula. It shows how consumption of the synthetic product as a baby can cause increased obesity later in childhood.
The British scientists found how body fat mass in...
| 11/15/2010 - Breastmilk is the best form of nutrition for a baby but many women struggle to breastfeed and have problems in the early days after birth: including difficulties with latch, problems with milk supply or baby being sleepy. Many of these problems can be caused by birth interventions which can decrease...
| 11/4/2010 - A multi-million dollar campaign, launched last month by carrot farmers, is aimed at reinventing the image of baby carrots. The unassuming vegetable's extreme makeover will include new "junk food" packaging and flashy ads targeting a younger demographic. Unfortunately, these so-called carrots are covered...
| 10/20/2010 - When it comes to giving baby the best start in life, probiotics isn`t usually the first word to come to mind. However, the gut of babies is the center of their immune system and will affect their health every day for the rest of their lives. Nourishing the delicate ecosystem in your baby`s gastrointestinal...
| 10/5/2010 - Any parent with an eco-conscious mind has already considered the benefits of cloth diapers over disposables for the environment. What about those who aren`t swayed by these arguments and are convinced that they really need the convenience of disposables over the "hassle" of cloth? Well, economics might...
| 9/20/2010 - The phrase "you are what you eat" really is true, according to a new study published in the online journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Researchers have determined that baby boys who are breastfed during the first six months of their lives--who also gain the most weight during this...
 | 7/1/2010 - If you get your information about assisted reproduction technologies (ART) such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) from the mainstream media, you may think these are simply wonderful ways to help infertile couples have healthy babies. In fact, women like Nadya...
| 6/12/2010 - Finding safe, natural personal care products is something for which every parent should be conscious. But in a world full of products claiming to be safe and natural, how does one figure out which brands deliver on their claims and which ones are merely peddling marketing hype?
One company, Nature's...
| 6/7/2010 - Nearly one in 20 U.S. residents above the age of 50 regularly abuses illegal or prescription drugs, according to a report issued by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
"This new data has profound implications for the health and well being of older adults who continue...
| 5/12/2010 - Seven leading scientists have sent a letter to the United Kingdom's Health Secretary, Andy Burnham, urging him to ban the use of the endocrine-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) in products intended for use in feeding infants.
"We urge you now to adopt a standpoint consistent with the approach...
| 3/15/2010 - A British baby is fighting for his life after being given a massive overdose of a tuberculosis vaccine. It is reported that he received 0.5mg of the BCG injection, 10 times the standard 0.05mg dose, at a hospital in the UK just days after his birth. The incident marks another case of iatrogenic disease...
| 12/21/2009 - Research is now showing that today's "baby boomers", the generation currently eclipsing age 60, is the first generation to be less healthy than the generation before them. Those in this age group are more susceptible to debilitating diseases than in years past, stemming primarily from poor diet and...
 | 11/17/2009 - In a bombshell finding that has far-reaching implications for society and culture, scientists at the University of Rochester have found that phthalates -- the chemical found in many vinyl and plastic products -- tends to "feminize" boys, altering their brains to express more feminine characteristics....
| 11/9/2009 - For years, baby formula manufacturers have been fortifying and reformulating their blends in an effort to poise their products as equal or superior to natural breast milk. Beginning in 2002, many producers began supplementing their mixtures with synthetic forms of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic...
| 11/7/2009 - It is commonplace among modern mothers to begin introducing solid food to their babies as early as 4 months of age, yet babies in more primitive societies were mostly exclusively breastfed until 2 years of age. Given the archeological studies, babies` immature and developing digestive enzyme production,...
| 8/17/2009 - What do Octomom, Nadya Suleman, and her brood of 14 children (eight born at one time) have in common with the soon-to-be divorced Jon and Kate Gosselin, parents of twins plus sextuplets? Besides reality shows (Suleman has one in the works), all these children were conceived with the help of the booming...
| 7/17/2009 - Both newborn babies and breast milk are said to be deficient in vitamin K1, and injection of this vitamin into newborns is standard practice in US hospitals. The diagnosis of vitamin K deficiency for newborns, however, is in comparison with adult levels and that of breast milk by comparison of human...
| 6/17/2009 - There's nothing more precious than a new baby. Nine months pass so quickly, as you excitedly look forward to the day when you are finally holding that sweet little bundle in your arms. In the first few months of life, your baby communicates by crying to let you know when he has a need such as being...
| 6/2/2009 - Deciding between a home and hospital birth is a difficult decision for some couples. Although a general perception exists that hospital births are safer than homebirths, this is actually not the case. An additional factor to consider is the general philosophical framework in which birth is placed in...
| 5/2/2009 - Baby shampoos, lotions and other toiletries advertised as safe may actually contain known carcinogens, according to a study conducted by the nonprofit organization Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.
"Our intention is not to alarm parents, but to inform parents that products that claim to be gentle and...
| 4/27/2009 - A report released on March 12, the first of its kind, shows that numerous baby and child-care products contain the chemicals 1,4-dioxane and formaldehyde - despite that those substances do not appear on the product labels. Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and the Environmental Working Group assigned an independent...
| 3/9/2009 - After years of insisting Bisphenol-A (BPA) posed no threat to the health of babies, six larger manufacturers of baby bottles have announced they will stop shipping new baby bottles made with the chemical. No existing baby bottles are being recalled, however. Nor are they being taken off the shelves...
| 2/19/2009 - This is part one of a three-part interview with Myra Goodman, co-founder, along with her husband Drew, of Earthbound Farm, which is perhaps the most well-known name in organic produce in America. With this article, we kick off an exciting, ongoing "Know the Growers" series, in which we will be interviewing...
| 2/19/2009 - Chiropractic during pregnancy is an important part of prenatal care. Unfortunately, not enough women know of the benefits of chiropractic care both for themselves and their unborn baby. A woman's body undergoes an amazing amount of changes during pregnancy. As her baby grows her musculoskeletal system...
| 2/16/2009 - Both newborn babies and breast milk are said to be deficient in vitamin K1, and injection of this vitamin into newborns is standard practice in US hospitals. The diagnosis of vitamin K deficiency for newborns, however, is in comparison with adult levels and that of breast milk by comparison of human...
| 2/9/2009 - If you have made the choice to center your and your baby's diet around plant based whole foods, then congratulations. You have chosen an educational and life transforming path. It has been shown that an optimal diet for people is one that is centered on this. If you do it right you can expect many benefits....
| 1/11/2009 - The era of pre-birth genetic screening of babies has commenced. Doctors at University College in London have produced what they called the "world's first breast cancer gene-free baby" by screening a baby for the BRCA1 gene, which they claim causes breast cancer. (
 | 11/30/2008 - Have you noticed that your baby gets completely absorbed when looking at bright colors? Vibrant colors stimulate learning and development. Research shows that making your baby's plate of food as colorful as the mobile hung above his/her bed is the best way to ensure your child is getting all the nutrients...
 | 11/27/2008 - Baby care products such as shampoos, lotions and powders fall under cosmetics` regulations and the FDA is not required to test their safety. The only way to be assured a product will not contain harmful compounds is that it be certified organic, and better yet, certified organic to food standards. Infants...
 | 10/13/2008 - Just like human infants, baby birds also babble before mastering complex verbal communication, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and published in the journal Science. The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Herz...
 | 9/24/2008 - Major retailers and manufacturers have begun pledging to stop using the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) following a ruling by the U.S. government's National Toxicology Program and a decision by the Canadian government to ban the chemical in baby bottles.
BPA is an industrial chemical commonly used to...
 | 9/20/2008 - Melamine is raising its ugly head again, this time reports are saying traces of melamine were found in a Chinese brand of baby formula. The Canadian Broadcasting Company is reporting (September 11, 2008)that 14 babies developed kidney stones and were all from the northwestern Gansu province of China....
 | 9/17/2008 - Plastic water bottles release the toxic chemical bisphenol A at a rate 55 times greater when filled with boiling water than when filled with room temperature water, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and published in the journal Toxicology...
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