Posts by Michael Bundrant:


    Vitamin C an Effective Treatment for Cancer,

    It is common knowledge that you should be taking your vitamin C every day to ensure that you remain in good health, and to load up on it if you are sick with the flu or a cold. But did you know that vitamin C — especially liposomal vitamin C — has been shown to Read More


    Which Dietary Supplements Work Best for Chronic Fatigue?,

    Chronic fatigue is a health condition that more people experience as they get older. It is a condition where they constantly feel sleepy throughout the day, even if they get eight hours of sleep each night. Some of the causes of chronic fatigue have been linked to poor eating habits, viral infections, and psychological conditions Read More


    Rheumatoid Arthritis: Traditional and Integrative Approaches for Treatment,

    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory arthritis that primarily targets the synovium of joints. The synovium is a specialized connective tissue that lines the inner surface of joint capsules and tendon sheaths. Its main function is to make and maintain the synovial fluid, a lubricant for the joint. In rheumatoid arthritis the synovium becomes inflamed (synovitis) and Read More

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    What Are the Benefits of Taking Hemp Seed Oil?,

    Until recently, hemp has been widely discredited for its multitude of uses. But it is now being recognized as one of the most beneficial plants on the planet. Now, this is not to be confused with Cannabis, which has the active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which gives a psychedelic effect when consumed. Hemp has no THC, Read More

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    The Soothing Benefits of Witch Hazel,

    Before going through childbirth, I had never heard of Witch Hazel. If you’d asked me back then what I thought it was, I would have said “Don’t witches use it in their brew, along with eye of newt?” But after experiencing the intense pain of a healing episiotomy, and the cool, soothing relief of witch Read More


    Three Natural Supplements to Improve Skin Health,

    When it comes to skin health, many of us turn to drug-store remedies, thinking that whatever cream or gel that’s popular at the moment will fix the problem. Unfortunately that’s almost never the case. Growing up I had an oily complexion and some acne, and my regular routine consisted of scrubs, gels, astringents, creams… You Read More


    Which Ingredients Secretly Contain Gluten?,

    So, you’ve done your research and believe you may have gluten sensitivity. A particular symptom made you curious, you did your research, and are willing to give it a shot. Now what?! Personally, after doing a small amount of research about what foods contain gluten, I became overwhelmed. There are so many ingredients that contain Read More


    Three Natural Ways to Get Rid of a Migraine,

    I have suffered from mild tension headaches since I can remember, and I experienced my first optical migraine when I was in fourth grade. I was completely blinded in my right eye, and had very limited vision in my left. The pain was intense, and nauseating. The ruthless headaches persisted, as a result of hormones Read More


    Top Three Ways to Get Better Sleep, Naturally,

    I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that sleep is important, this is common knowledge. Still, there are so many of us who are struggling with our sleep. Personally, I am a very light sleeper, and have even joked that a pin dropping in my kitchen would wake me. This makes staying asleep a Read More


    DHA: Heals the Brain After Effects of Unhealthy Diet,

    I have recently made it a habit to check every label before consuming a product, which has led me to some significant research and conclusions about the way we eat here in America. If I had a penny for every time I asked myself “What the heck is that?” after reading a list of indecipherable Read More

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