Three Natural Supplements to Improve Skin Health

May 26th, 2016, by

When it comes to skin health, many of us turn to drug-store remedies, thinking that whatever cream or gel that’s popular at the moment will fix the problem. Unfortunately that’s almost never the case. Growing up I had an oily complexion and some acne, and my regular routine consisted of scrubs, gels, astringents, creams… You name it, I tried it.

Not only did my acne problem remain, I caused more damage to my skin by dousing it in chemicals and scrubs. This caused my skin to be dry and cracking in spots, while remaining oily because my skin’s natural oil production was being thrown off by all of the scrubbing, causing it to produce more. It was a mess.

What I was unaware of in my teenage years is how detrimental all of those chemicals are to your skin, and overall health. So, here are three natural ways to improve your skins appearance without any negative side-effects:

1. Omega rich fatty acids

These can be found in liposomal hemp oil or coconut oil, which is my absolutely favorite natural skincare product, and I incorporate into my routine multiple times per day, for multiple different reasons.

According to an article titled “The Dry Skin Diet” published by Everyday Health, “Polyunsaturated fatty acids are necessary for the production of intercellular lipids — the “glue” between the “twigs” in the stratum corneum, or surface of the skin. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect on irritated skin. Two types of fatty acids that are “essential” — that is, they must be obtained through the diet — are omega-3s, and omega-6s.”

2. Sulfur

I bet you weren’t expecting this one. It’s not often that people talk about how important sulfur is to our diets, but it really is crucial to our health! The best source of sulfur is minimally processed organic sulfur flakes. Follow the directions when you take them!

It is also great for our skin, according to an article titled “Nutrition for Healthy Skin: Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Biotin, and Sulfur” published by Chris Kesser on his personal blog, “Sulfur is necessary for collagen synthesis, which gives the skin its structure and strength. The breakdown of collagen or insufficient production of collagen as we age is one of the major contributors to the development of wrinkles, and dietary sulfur significantly affects the production of collagen in our skin.”

3. Vitamin C

It is common knowledge that you should tale Vitamin C for everyday health, because it helps your body fight off common viruses and heal itself. But did you know it has major benefits for your skin?

According to an article titled “For Healthy Skin, Feed Your Body Right” by Dr. Mercola, “Collagen breakdown can leave your skin saggy, and vitamin C can help tighten it back up. Again, liposomal vitamin c is the best.

It also helps with skin healing, if you’re struggling with any kind of skin problems. Evidence also suggests that, in addition to ‘mopping up’ free radicals, vitamin C can help remove the DNA damage they form if they get past a cell’s defenses.”

So, next time you consider running to the drug store to pick up your acne gel or night cream, perhaps you should take a look in your kitchen pantry, and consider the things you’re eating and putting on your skin, first!

Removing the toxic, synthetic chemicals in your life and turning to nature might just give you the answer to your problems!



Diet for Healthy Skin – Skin and Beauty Center – Everyday Health. (n.d.). Retrieved from

The Miracle That Saved My Skin – Courtney, Living. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Recommended Foods to Achieve Healthy Skin. (n.d.). Retrieved from

?Nutrition for Healthy Skin: Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Biotin, and Sulfur. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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