Three Natural Ways to Get Rid of a Migraine

May 25th, 2016, by

I have suffered from mild tension headaches since I can remember, and I experienced my first optical migraine when I was in fourth grade.

I was completely blinded in my right eye, and had very limited vision in my left. The pain was intense, and nauseating. The ruthless headaches persisted, as a result of hormones and genetics (everyone on my mom’s side gets severe migraines), and has been something I have just learned to live with.

Naturally, I’ve had to get creative with how I handle these headaches. More often than not I just lock myself in my room with the lights off until my headache dissipates, but having an almost one year old makes that solution an impossible one.

Turning to a pill every time this happens is not something that I am into, which has me turning to nature.

Here are my top 3 natural migraine solutions:

1. My first “go-to” when I feel like I might be getting even a mild headache, is a combination of lavender and peppermint oil mixed with coconut oil. I apply it topically to my forehead, temples, behind the ears, and along the nape of the neck. Basically, I just soak my entire head in it.

This idea was given to me by a friend who swears by it, and nine times out of ten it takes care of the problem.

2. Another natural remedy for a headache or migraine is the herb Feverfew. According to an article titled “Four fast and effective natural remedies for headaches and migraines” published by Natural News, “When you begin to get a migraine, your brain releases the neurotransmitter serotonin, and your blood vessels contract. Feverfew; however, seems to counteract your brain’s function by causing dilatation of blood vessels.”

3. Butterbur is another very useful herb which combats headaches, migraines, and many other ailments such as “headaches, asthma, allergies, cough, fever, gastrointestinal problems, and general pain,” according to an article titled “Migraine Herbal Home Remedies From Around the World” published by Health Line. It is taken in pill form, and can be found at your local supplement or health shop.



Four fast and effective natural remedies for headaches and migraines – (n.d.). Retrieved from

Migraine Herbal Home Remedies From Around the World. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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