Alternative news, articles and information:
 | 10/19/2016 - My Personal Introduction to Conventional Cancer Treatment Began in 1995
The surgeon pointed his pen at a large tumor on the CAT scan and began to explain the procedure for removing the colon cancer. He then paused for a moment and said to my wife, "This isn't your biggest problem." He then began to...
 | 8/11/2016 - Mike Adams, known as the "Health Ranger" and the founder of one of the top Alternative Health media outlets in the United States today, was recently awarded the highest standard of international laboratory accreditation for his forensic food lab: ISO 17025. [1]
(Article by Brian Shilhavy, republished...
 | 7/28/2016 - French environmentalists are outraged after the EU Environmental Committee elected to extend the licensing for glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup. Upon hearing news of "probable" carcinogenic effects of glyphosate, the French government motioned to implement a ban outlawing the...
 | 5/15/2016 - The old maxim "There is no such thing as a free lunch" has taken on a whole new level of meaning in the internet age, particularly when applied to so-called "free" services like Facebook and Wikipedia.
Both of these digital era giants would like the public to believe that they are providing free...
 | 3/18/2016 - Whether or not you support presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders as your candidate of choice in the upcoming election, it's worth knowing his stance regarding alternative medicine.
In this regard, he seems to be by far the most open-minded of all the candidates left in the race – including both...
 | 3/15/2016 - Not only are antibiotics commonly over-prescribed, but they can also have a negative impact on your health. Why use them when you can make an inexpensive and powerful natural alternative out of ingredients you probably already have at home?
The pharmaceutical industry encourages doctors to peddle...
 | 12/11/2015 - The hosts of the "Don't Comply Show" (airing Monday and Thursday, 5-7pm eastern on are staging a mock mass shooting event just off the University of Texas campus in Austin this Saturday. (Guadalupe St.)
All mainstream and alternative media are invited to attend and...
 | 11/25/2015 - Chemotherapy is a poison that is responsible for many alleged cancer deaths, claims the website Chemo Kills.
The website – presented as an information portal about the dangers of chemotherapy, the effectiveness of alternative cancer treatments, and the corruption of the U.S. and especially...
 | 9/26/2015 - Dr. Mitchell L. Gaynor, a 59-year-old oncologist and author, was discovered dead at his property in Hillsdale, NY on Tuesday, September 15th. Investigators for the county sheriff ruled his death a suicide, although further information has yet to be released.
Dr. Gaynor lived a life rich in accomplishments....
 | 9/23/2015 - The Atlantic has long been known as a traditional journalism organization that checks its facts and protects the accuracy of its stories. But the publisher has recently found itself embroiled in a scandal involving Kevin Folta, the discredited University of Florida scientist exposed for having secret...
 | 9/19/2015 - Allergies to lactose, casein, and other milk derivatives are on the rise in the industrialized world, and many people are turning to milk alternatives made from soy, rice, and almonds instead. But a large percentage of these products contain added fillers and chemicals that are perhaps more harmful...
 | 9/10/2015 - A mysterious string of alternative health practitioner deaths has culminated with the tragic murder of a Pennsylvania osteopath by the name of Dr. Mary Rene Bovier, D.O., the tenth such suspicious death to occur since late spring. On August 12, Dr. Bovier, 65, was reportedly found stabbed to death in...
 | 8/17/2015 - In an unexpected about-face, the Scarborough campus of the University of Toronto has suddenly decided to scrap a course in homeopathy, as well as fire the professor of the class, after anti-free speech "skeptics" whined and bullied their way into eliminating one of the only alternative voices at the...
 | 7/9/2015 - A resilient and courageous heart will set a template for wellness inside, and the answers will come to them, in faith, from nature, from within. People who have struggled with their own health problems and overcame them through personal study and implementation have found that alternative medicine is...
 | 4/11/2015 - As word continues to spread about the damaging health effects of refined sugar, the number of commercially available sugar alternatives has also increased. Unfortunately, many sugar alternatives can be just as undesirable as sugar itself. Saccharin and acesulfame K, for example, are unnatural products...
 | 4/6/2015 3:25:47 PM - Arriving at a "neutral point of view" is what the editors and top dogs at the free online "fauxpedia" website Wikipedia claim they one day hope to achieve. But the popular information website's extensive track record of ignoring, denying and even blatantly lying about the scientific merits of natural...
 | 2/8/2015 - The mainstream media can't figure out why it keeps losing readers and viewers. Maybe it's because they keep calling health-conscious consumers "whackos" and "kooks." In their latest example of alienating readers, mainstream media outlets like USA Today, Washington Post, and the New York Times...
 | 1/28/2015 - In order to make plastics pliable and thermal receipt paper printable, certain chemicals have to be added to the mix that a growing body of research shows can damage the human endocrine system and cause other serious health damage. And some of the latest research on this subject warns that a popular...
 | 1/25/2015 - Nobody knows or loves a child like his own parents, who bear the ultimate responsibility of guiding, nurturing and caring for the child both physically and emotionally. When it comes to childhood health and development, parents also have the responsibility of deciding whether or not to vaccinate, a...
 | 12/29/2014 - 2014 was a year in which we watched the mainstream media devolve into a spot-on depiction of George Orwell's Ministry of Truth, engaging in White House-ordered news story blackouts, CDC-inspired anti-health propaganda that endangered the public and corporate-funded disinfo campaigns disguised as news.
 | 10/30/2014 - Increasingly, Facebook is being accused of censoring material that users post on the world's largest social media website, prompting outrage and confusion from many who see hypocrisy in the site's rules.
In one recent instance, as reported by, multiple users of the site have complained...
 | 10/1/2014 - Warts are a non-cancerous growth on the skin caused by the human papillomavirus. It is believed that children and teens are more commonly afflicted than adults due to frequent scrapes and tears in the skin that allow the virus to gain a foothold. People with immunodeficiency such as those suffering...
 | 8/14/2014 - For the past decade, alternative news websites like Natural News, Info Wars, and many others have repeatedly warned about the alarming militarization of domestic police forces across the United States. The response from the mostly liberal mainstream media was raucous laughter and denial....
 | 6/5/2014 - A new online petition has been launched with the goal of forcing the free Internet encyclopedia site Wikipedia to end what critics say is the research site's bias against holistic and alternative medicine.
The petition, which is listed here at, says:
Wikipedia is widely used and trusted....
 | 4/30/2014 - Bet you didn't know that many organic apples and pears have been produced in orchards that spray antibiotics onto their trees. Two pharmaceutical antibiotics, oxytetracycline and streptomycin, have been used by organic apple and pear growers to combat a bacterial infection known as fire blight. But...
 | 4/15/2014 - In the aftermath of round one of the Bundy Ranch armed siege by the U.S. government, I have decided to offer the federal government an intelligent analysis of the new rules of engagement. People like Daniel P. Love, Special Agent in Charge of BLM Region 3, desperately need to review and learn these...
 | 4/13/2014 - One of the most extraordinary stories in the history of American journalism took place this last week, and the mainstream (liberal) media was AWOL the entire time. An historical showdown between heavily armed federal agents (BLM) and armed American citizens unfolded near Bunkerville, Nevada, where the...
 | 3/28/2014 - There have been many gender-bending and adverse health issues associated with BPA (bisphenol-A), an estrogen-mimicking molecule.
It promotes a cascade of unhealthy biochemical activities that may lead to breast cancer, prostate cancer, obesity, diabetes, hyperactivity, neurological issues, low sperm...
 | 3/6/2014 - There are numerous alternative treatments for ADHD - some more effective than others. Chinese herbal medicine has roots that go back thousands of years. Surprisingly enough, when modern studies test many of the traditional Chinese herbs used to treat ADHD and other medical conditions, the studies find...
 | 2/18/2014 - Various researchers and experts have highlighted several issues and limitations with using mammograms as the main method of breast cancer diagnosis. A viable alternative is thermography. Thermograms are safe, nontoxic, highly accurate and inexpensive.
What is thermography? Thermography is carried...
 | 11/11/2013 - The prevalent use of refined white cane sugar as a sweetener in foods and drinks is a serious contributing factor for a wide range of diseases, including cancer. Many alternatives, including aspartame and high-fructose - often GMO - corn syrup, are often even more dangerous to health than sugar. An...
 | 9/1/2013 - There is an electrical device that mimics and amplifies the immune system. It is capable of killing off all pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and parasites. That was the original intent of its designers, to kill off viruses such as hepatitis and HIV.
An adjunct boosts the efficacy of any main therapy....
 | 7/18/2013 - Thirsty? Given the circumstances, most people will reach for a bottle or a flip top can of ice-cold soda. Almost 90 percent of people all over the world will, at one time or another, have tasted a sugary, fizzy, carbonated beverage. And the fight isn't particularly fair, either; on average, there are...
 | 5/30/2013 - The Camelot Cancer Care center in Tulsa, Oklahoma has been shut down. The FBI and the FDA showed up in April with a search warrant and seized computers, invoices, bills, cellphones, and important treatment that patients were receiving. Investigators would not speak about why they were there, but patients...
 | 4/23/2013 - Although they often don't let their mainstream medical doctors know it, large numbers of people with multiple sclerosis (MS) use alternative treatments such as dietary supplements, acupuncture and herbal medicine to improve their lives. Thanks to researchers at the University of Copenhagen, for the...
 | 3/21/2013 - With so much uncertainty surrounding the integrity and future of the certified organic label, grassroots alternatives that offer fresh new ways of identifying healthy, chemical-free foods are gradually gaining ground. One new program, known as Certified Naturally Grown (CNG), is proving to be particularly...
 | 3/9/2013 - In a huge victory for the alternative media and grassroots activism, Whole Foods announced on Friday that it would require GMO labels on all products by 2018. (Click here for the press release.) This announcement deals a significant blow to Monsanto, DuPont and all the GMO pushers who openly admit that...
 | 2/12/2013 - Psoriasis is no joke, and neither is the fact that many individuals with this chronic condition suffer from a wide variety of emotional and physical symptoms. Because of the visible nature of this autoimmune condition, many people seek alternative or complementary at-home therapies to calm symptoms...
 | 1/21/2013 - Mesothelioma is a type of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos, a group of minerals used in building insulation and other commercial applications. Long-term exposure to, and inhalation of asbestos fibers leads to the buildup of scar tissue in the lungs. These fibers can cause mesothelioma as well as...
 | 12/22/2012 - Cancer therapy is a controversial subject, both for traditional medicine and alternative therapists, particularly because no universal treatment, one that works equally well for everyone, has yet been found. However, an array of alternative and experimental cancer recovery strategies exist, many of...
 | 12/6/2012 - Hormone-based contraception like the pill, patch or vaginal ring carry hefty health risks such as cancer, heart attack and stroke. An alternative to these dangers is the ancient use of herbs to avoid pregnancy. When an individual takes active responsibility for their sexual health, herbal birth control...
 | 11/6/2012 - Last year I visited the Burzynski Research Institute in Houston Texas, where Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski pioneered a treatment known as "antineoplastons" -- a treatment that causes brain tumors to VANISH in many children. These antineoplastons, which are unique protein chains made from amino acids, also...
 | 10/17/2012 - What Went Wrong is not a question, it's a statement of fact in the raging war between alternative cancer therapies and allopathic medicine's standard of cancer care with drugs, chemo and surgery. I added the word Again, because these battles have happened countless times and have cost countless lives.
 | 10/11/2012 - Today, most people who visit a doctor's office don't give any thought to the type of doctor that they're going to see. The traditionally trained doctor in the U.S. is trained one way whereas holistic doctors, also known as natural medicine practitioners, are trained in a completely different way. Many...
 | 9/13/2012 - First, let's make one thing perfectly clear, conventional (western) medicine does an outstanding job with medical emergencies. When it comes to trauma and (extreme) life-saving intervention techniques or surgical procedures - modern medicine is often times heroic. But, many health experts would agree,...
 | 9/6/2012 - Our knowledge on the Human Microbiome has skyrocketed the last couple of years, and we now know that humans host more than 10,000 different microbial species. Most of these microorganisms are located in the gastrointestinal tract and have a huge impact on human health. However, humans and animals aren't...
 | 8/7/2012 7:45:38 PM - Where once it was rare for courts of law to invade the privacy and purview of parents when it came to raising their children, in today's America the wall between parental rights and the state's Leviathan is increasingly being dismantled by activists disguised as public servants.
Karen Parisian of...
 | 5/22/2012 4:17:21 PM - Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne infectious disease in the US. It's transmitted to humans spending time in woodsy areas and from ticks on dogs. The Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria causes Lyme disease and arthritis, manifesting in a multitude of symptoms ranging from rheumatoid arthritis, to...
 | 5/2/2012 - Vaccination has become a highly controversial subject, those of us who challenge the concept are treated as if we are against apple pie and motherhood. I consider conventional vaccines to be extremely risky.
Many veterinarians agree that vaccination is one of the most harmful things we do to our...
 | 4/30/2012 - Surgery is usually the only option offered by conventional medicine to people with cataracts; however, there are alternative treatments that may dissolve cataracts preventing their return. Cataracts occur when the eye's natural lens becomes cloudy, causing vision loss. They are most common in people...
 | 4/12/2012 - Psychiatric drugs and painkillers are now being routinely used across the U.S. military, where violent suicides have skyrocketed to levels never before seen in history. In the military today, soldiers who suffer TBIs -- Traumatic Brain Injuries -- frequently receive treatment with mind-altering psychiatric...
 | 3/16/2012 - In the age of ever-spiraling gasoline prices and with green technology still in its infancy, a number of scientists are actively searching for clean, renewable sources of energy alternatives to fossil fuel.
Much of the push to create renewable fuel sources has gone toward the production of bioethanol,...
 | 2/29/2012 - Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus), a brown seaweed similar to kelp, gets its name from the air sacs that keep the plant afloat in cold sea water. Bladderwrack is a great plant source of iodine thatis essential for the human body, but the body cannot make on its own. Iodine is needed for the thyroid gland...
 | 2/3/2012 - Self-proclaimed advocates of "science-based" medicine are hard at work trying to eliminate government funding for any form of medical education or treatment that is not conventional in nature. The Sydney Morning Herald reports that a new lobbying group of 400 "doctors, medical researchers, and scientists,"...
 | 10/20/2011 - I just returned from a two-day visit to the Burzynski Research Institute in Houston Texas, where Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski pioneered a treatment known as "antineoplastons" -- a treatment that causes brain tumors to VANISH in many children. These antineoplastons, which are unique protein chains made from...
| 9/23/2011 - The mainstream medical establishment's rejection of alternative healing not only flies in the face of hundreds and even thousands of years of history, but it also flies in the face of good science. History has taught us time and again that the science of today is often found lacking tomorrow. Apparently,...
 | 9/22/2011 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 8/26/2011 - The primary purpose of this article is to encourage a stronger commitment from doctors and parents to consider using safer medical care for infants and children FIRST before resorting to more dangerous treatments. One would hope and assume that doctors and parents would have a natural inclination to...
 | 8/24/2011 - Alternative cancer treatment have grown into a powerful movement that is catching on quickly all over the world. It is a movement which will finally reveal the ignorance of conventional treatments, by showing how cancer is ALREADY curable right now with knowledge.
Marcus Freudenmann and his wife...
| 8/15/2011 - Science can be used to obfuscate reality, especially in medicine. Several disclosures from whistle blowers and investigators have uncovered scandalous false medical journal reports. Most oncologists don't want to know the power of nutrition and detoxification. The extremely low rate of recovery from...
 | 8/3/2011 - Alternative cancer treatment has grown into a powerful movement that is catching on quickly all over the world -- a movement which will finally reveal the ignorance of conventional treatments by showing how cancer is ALREADY curable right now: not with medicine or drugs, but with knowledge.
| 7/19/2011 - Treating cancer through dietary and herbal regimens is efficacious and safe. But there are some exceptions. Statistically, a nutrient based protocol's efficacy is reduced with cancer patients who have received extensive chemotherapy and/or radiation therapies that destroy healthy cells. Now there are...
| 6/22/2011 - Alternative food sources in a world of shrinking resources are those that offer a diverse profile in terms of availability, nutrition and other important uses. Some food plants grow well in marginal soil, offer high nutrition, and have medicinal uses that could make them high priority in years to come....
 | 6/21/2011 - The popular alternative news website Activist Post has compiled its 2011 "10 Most Influential People in the Alternative Media" list, and we are excited to announce that NaturalNews' own Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger," was ranked #2. This list, which includes such notable truth warriors as Lew Rockwell,...
| 4/25/2011 - More people are questioning the validity of mainstream vaccines for their children, themselves and their animals than ever before. And whilst many are choosing not to vaccinate, some are still caught up in the modern day thinking that you need to protect youngsters from disease. A safe alternative could...
 | 4/18/2011 - A new bill to be presented before the Nevada Senate Committee on Commerce, Labor & Energy, on Friday, April 15, is even worse than the recent SB 31 bill that almost passed unamended in North Carolina ( If passed, SB 412 will establish...
| 4/4/2011 1:52:56 PM - Alternative health practitioners in North Carolina (NC) and their patients need your help to defeat a stealth bill that flew under the radar of most everyone in the natural health community. Senate Bill 31, which clarifies the penalties for the "unauthorized practice of medicine," essentially criminalizes...
 | 2/28/2011 - was recently named the fourth largest alternative news website in the world by the DBKP Report ( NaturalNews delivers daily news, commentary and satire on natural health, alternative...
 | 2/9/2011 - The NaturalNews Talk Radio Network (NTRN) launches today, broadcasting 24-hour internet talk radio on issues like natural health, alternative medicine, health freedom, green living, superfoods and more. The network carries 24 hours of radio programming on "alternative" topics, beginning with the Robert...
 | 2/8/2011 - The Huffington Post was sold to AOL for $315 million yesterday, meaning the site, which was once the darling of independent media, is now clearly positioned as institutionalized media. As the editor of NaturalNews, I have, over the last several months, received several concerning emails from credentialed...
 | 1/5/2011 - As a strong proponent of free market economics, I have long wondered why free markets don't seem to be operating in the health care industry. Today, it finally hit me with great clarity, and I'll share that with you here. But first, a primer on free market economics:
As the free market theory says,...
 | 12/28/2010 - The headline emblazoned across a new British Medical Journal (BMJ) press release proclaims this alarming warning: Complementary medicines can be dangerous for children! But when you look at the proof that's supposedly been found documenting life-threatening dangers of complementary and alternative therapies,...
| 10/31/2010 - Where you have your baby can determine how natural the birth is, says a new review in The Cochrane Library. According to an analysis of over 10,000 women from various randomized trials, those who bear children in alternative birthing centers rather than in conventional hospital rooms require less pregnancy...
| 9/30/2010 - In the first half of this series, we had a discussion of how science is corrupted in modern medical science and why the Food and Drug Administration (government) and Big Pharma use this to keep alternatives from seeing the truth-seeker's eye. The reasons why science is important, nevertheless, were...
| 9/30/2010 - There appears to be a disconnect between what is evidence-based medicine and alternative medical options. The problem is with mainstream medicine and its virtual control over what is considered to be "evidence-based." This is due to the corruption of science that has been perpetrated in the name of...
| 9/1/2010 - Despite bearing the brunt of years of mockery from mainstream medicine, alternative remedies continue to gain in popularity among Americans who actually want to cure their ills and improve their health. According to researchers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), about 40 percent of Americans...
| 8/24/2010 - Alternative fertility treatments are becoming increasingly popular among certain segments of the U.S. population, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-San Francisco and published in the journal Fertility and Sterility.
The researchers used interviews and...
| 6/24/2010 - Dr. Oz, from the popular The Dr. Oz Show, is drawing attention from some in the mainstream media and medical establishment who are critical of his acceptance of certain alternative points of view pertaining to health. According to them, Dr. Oz is lending credence to ideas that are "unsupported by science".
| 6/19/2010 - Paints, glues, crayons, markers: many of these things purchased conventionally contain artificial chemical dyes, petrochemicals and other unknown ingredients, despite bearing a non-toxic label. Millions of children use such art supplies every day in preschool, art class and at home, and are unwittingly...
| 6/9/2010 - Sales of alternative medical products are on the rise in spite of -- and perhaps in part because of -- tough economic times.
According to a study reported in The Daily Mail, the British alternative medicines market has grown by 18 percent in the past two years, to a yearly value of £213 million...
| 4/1/2010 - Ninety percent of parents would like to know more about alternative medical approaches for their children, according to a survey conducted by Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota (Children's), a nationwide leader in integrative medical approaches.
Integrative medicine combines traditional...
| 3/31/2010 - The FDA boosts Big Pharma sales and eliminates natural remedy competition. A current example is the FDA`s ban on ear candle production while allowing osteoporosis drugs with dangerous side effects to continue in the market place leading to - more easily broken bones! A recent ABC expose` showed how...
| 3/23/2010 - Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) is non-invasive alternative therapy that involves passing very small electrical impulses (micro-currents) across the base of the skull. This is done by placing electrodes or clips on or near both ears. Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation alters the electrical...
| 3/14/2010 - Fibromyalgia is a misunderstood and frequently misdiagnosed condition. It is characterized by widespread chronic pain involving multiple "tender points" in the upper neck, back, shoulders, and hips. Treatments, such as painkillers, antidepressants, muscle relaxants, and the injections of anesthetics...
| 1/26/2010 - Are up-and-coming young doctors going to practice the same kind of mainstream medicine as their predecessors? Will the next generation of docs turn up their noses at alternative therapies such as acupuncture, yoga, herbs and vitamins -- just like the majority of the current crop of docs? In what may...
 | 11/12/2009 - The Associated Press continues its assault on alternative medicine, led by writer Marilynn Marchione who writes attack pieces on everything under the sun (including the sun itself) related to alternative medicine and natural therapies. The Associated Press continues to publish stories carrying this...
 | 11/7/2009 - The Associated Press has declared war on alternative medicine, publishing a series of stories attacking everything from nutritional therapies to bioidentical hormones. These stories, which are syndicated across thousands of websites around the world, are prefaced with the following highly-opinionated...
| 10/21/2009 - Acupuncture, biofeedback, herbs, meditation, yoga, massage therapy and other forms of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) are not routinely used by conventional Western medicine. In fact, they are often dismissed as worthless and unproven or attacked as downright quackery. But an increasing...
| 9/17/2009 - For those not familiar with the term, integrative medicine signifies the joining of conventional medical practice with alternative methods utilizing a complementary approach. Due to rapidly growing interest among the general population in treatments other than conventional drugs and surgery, many in...
| 9/6/2009 - A new report by the American Heart Association recently turned up that Americans are swallowing 22 teaspoons of sugar each day. That's an awful lot of sugar, and as it also turns out, it only takes 2 soft drinks and 8 ounces of fruit-flavored yogurt to consume that much.
They're not even counting...
| 7/18/2009 - Research shows that more people are using alternative forms of medicine including hypnosis, herbs, massage, self-help groups, acupuncture, and energy healing. Other forms of alternative medicine include mind-body medicine and mindfulness-based stress reduction. Both are based on hypnosis, meditation,...
| 4/21/2009 - It's no secret that Americans are turning to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in droves. In fact, last December the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) and the National Center for Health Statistics (part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) released...
| 4/12/2009 - Alternative and complementary therapies are no longer written off as useless quackery or unproven folklore by a growing number of mainstream physicians. A case in point: Dolores Mendelow, M.D., clinical assistant professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases at the University of Michigan Medical...
| 4/1/2009 - Anyone looking for effective alternatives to the treatments offered by traditional cancer specialists might want to look at inositol hexophosphate (IP6). It is a very simple and inexpensive treatment that may easily get written off by people, who have been led to believe the cure for cancer can only...
| 2/11/2009 - Energy solutions getting the most attention from politicians and the press are 25 to 1,000 times more polluting than the best available choices according to studies by Stanford professor Mark Jacobson. The findings were published in a recent issue of Energy and Environmental Science. Jacobson also testified...
| 2/4/2009 - What do the top authors, doctors and health experts have to say about the realtionship between omega-3 fatty acids and inflammation? I asked my Private Research Library that question recently and was overwhelmed with the remarkable wisdom it revealed.
Below, I share the top quotes from noted authors...
| 12/30/2008 - The herbal supplement St. John's Wort has long been promoted as an effective alternative for treating depression. Unfortunately, St. John's Wort has proven ineffective for people suffering severe clinical depression. In fact, the results of a recent study revealed that St. John's Wort is completely...
| 12/26/2008 - After a lifetime of mind indoctrination and brainwashing by the disease establishment, it is often next to impossible to break away. We have been taught throughout our lives that the answer to our physical problems resides in our doctor's office. We've been made to believe that science reveals all answers...
 | 11/26/2008 - With the holidays starting to bear down on you, you are probably making plans for your holiday celebrations. For those of you who are entering into your first holiday season on a restricted diet of some sort (vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan) there could be some difficult decisions ahead of you. You may...
 | 10/29/2008 - The anticancer effects of IP6 are turning out to be nothing short of astounding. Research is showing that besides reducing cell proliferation and increasing the differentiation of malignant cells, IP6 can often restore cancerous cells to normality.
What is IP6?
IP6, also known as inositol hexophosphate...
 | 10/15/2008 - At the close of the White Rose Symposium on contemporary health issues, leading psychologist, health advocate and life coach Crescence Allen agreed to be interviewed about her bout with breast cancer and her decision to forgo the "standard of care" in favor of pursuing alternative treatments. Crescence's...
 | 8/28/2008 - With the current call for a ban of all cough medicines for children age 6 and under by an expert panel of the FDA, it's helpful to understand why these cough medicines are being reevaluated and to explore alternative remedies.
The cough medicines are being recalled because they don't work well and...
 | 4/28/2008 - In an article included in the latest edition of Cancer Monthly's free newsletter CancerWire, researchers analyzed statistics obtained through the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in order to gain a clearer perspective on what type of cancer research is being undertaken in the country.
Cancer Monthly...
 | 3/28/2008 - Members of the U.S. military use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) at approximately the same rate and in the same demographic patterns as the wider U.S. population, according to a study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Researchers surveyed 5,000 enrolled...
 | 11/6/2007 - The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) has added three new Centers of Excellence for Research on Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) to its centers program. These centers will explore the biological...
 | 10/24/2007 - Did you know the exciting thing about breast cancer is that your chances of getting it are only one in twelve women? And that's directly from the Breast Cancer Institute. The other good news is that it is preventable and 90% of women diagnosed in the early stages go on to lead normal, healthy lives.
 | 4/26/2007 - It is widely known that an increasing number of consumers are turning to alternative medicine for treatment for diseases like cancer, depression, diabetes, heart disease and so on. What are generally not known are the circumstances under which many consumers make this switch from conventional to alternative...
 | 2/12/2007 - A majority of Americans age 50 and older use alternative medicines, but don't tell their doctors. That's what a survey by the AARP and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine found.
Health experts say that informing your doctor is important to prevent any conflicts between...
 | 2/8/2007 - Researchers from two branches of the University of California as well as a former FDA commissioner assert that direct-to-consumer television ads for prescription drugs often fail to identify risk factors or alternative, drug-free treatments for the conditions the drugs are designed to treat.
In the...
| 11/7/2006 - More than 1.6 million U.S. adults are estimated to use complementary and alternative therapies to treat insomnia or trouble sleeping, according to the results of a national survey published in the September 18 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, a theme issue on sleep.
Approximately 10 to 34...
| 9/25/2006 - Cleveland Clinic's Center for Integrative Medicine in Broadview Heights, Ohio only attracted a few patients when it opened in 2004, but now the center -- which offers acupuncture, yoga therapy, and other alternatives to conventional medicine -- attracts dozens of patients every week.
Dr. Tanya Edwards...
 | 9/7/2006 - If you have a long, drawn-out, incurable but treatable disease, it's unfortunate for you but great for pharmaceutical companies. While you're suffering indefinitely, you're also buying expensive pharmaceutical drugs to make the disease "manageable."
"Managing" diseases is the trend in mainstream...
| 9/5/2006 - People over 65 who are depressed or anxious turn to complementary or alternative medicine more often than older people who are not anxious or depressed – but not to treat their mental symptoms.
Joseph. G. Grzywacz, Ph.D., and colleagues from Wake Forest University School of Medicine reported in...
| 8/10/2006 - Alternative and complementary medicine is gaining public acceptance and popularity among people, and now some Britons have decided that what is good for people is good for their pets, according to a Direct Line Pet Insurance study.
"Britain is a nation of dog lovers," said Chris Price, spokesperson...
 | 8/3/2006 - The idea of health freedom is one Americans likely never consider. Certain freedoms in this country are taken for granted -- like the freedoms of speech and religion -- so freedom to choose a method of health care seems a given. Unfortunately, recent cases have brought to the public's attention the...
 | 7/25/2006 - Before you reach for the antacids to deal with troublesome heartburn, you might want to consider simply changing your eating habits. Most people are aware that eating too quickly or eating certain foods can trigger heartburn, yet few people are willing to change how and what they eat. Instead, they...
| 7/7/2006 - Israeli researchers have found that slightly more than half of children admitted to a major treatment facility for acute otitis media have received alternative and complementary therapy. The most common therapy received was various immune boosting national preparations containing Echinacea Purpurea,...
 | 5/1/2006 - What's the deal with all the different systems of medicine? And what's the difference between "Western medicine" and "conventional medicine?" Here, you'll find some honest answers.
"Conventional medicine" refers to the classic medical training offered through mainstream medical schools. This is a...
 | 4/24/2006 - Mike: Hello. This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. Ben Kage and I are joined by Jon Barron. He's the director of the Baseline of Health Foundation. He's on the medical advisory board of the Health Sciences Institute, one of my favorite publications. He's top man at and the author of Lessons...
 | 4/17/2006 - A study published in April 2005 revealed that more than 70 percent of adults aged 50 or older are now using some form of alternative therapy. This includes medicinal herbs, meditation and chiropractic care. The fact that these people are adopting alternative medicine and using it in their own lives...
 | 4/11/2006 - Although gasoline prices have slowed their meteoric rise in the past few months, they still show no sign of stopping or reversing. Diesel prices are especially high, so it is no surprise that the scramble for cheap and clean fuel alternatives is still on, and the word "biodiesel" is on many people's...
 | 2/4/2006 - The mainstream press seems downright giddy over reports that Coretta Scott King (widow of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.) recently died of cancer while exploring an alternative cancer treatment clinic in Mexico. What the press didn't report is that conventional medicine had already given up on her...
 | 12/29/2005 - Pregnant women plagued by cravings for pickles and ice cream must remember to include plenty of folic acid in their diets. Shown to reduce the risk of miscarriage and birth defects, folic acid – found primarily in leafy green vegetables – is an absolute necessity for any woman who is pregnant or is...
 | 10/24/2005 - It happens to everyone, sometimes multiple times a year. That's why it's called the common cold, right? But while we're all familiar with the common cold, we may only know of one or two ways to fight it, which usually involve some sort of over-the-counter medication, or the folk remedy, a bowl of chicken...
 | 7/31/2005 - A cute, animated ball bounces around very sadly until he takes a magic potion; suddenly, it becomes happier than ever. No, that isn't the plot of a new children's movie. On the contrary, it's the storyline of a Zoloft commercial – yes, Zoloft, a powerful antidepressant drug. In the 1990s, direct-to-consumer...
 | 6/25/2005 - Mike: We're here talking with Frank Cousineau of the Cancer Control Society. What's the web address of your organization?
Frank: The web address is very simple, it's
Mike: There’s a very unique combination of products, services and information you offer here. Can you...
 | 3/7/2005 - You may be surprised to learn that as much as prescription drugs are now being shown to be dangerous for human health, there's also a big problem in the way people turn to alternative medicines such as Chinese herbs, Western herbs, nutritional supplements and superfood supplements. And that problem...
| 8/6/2004 - The public was recently warned about getting information from the internet on cancer prevention and curing cancer. New headlines blared that cancer sites posed a health risk. This has been propagated around the world in newspapers and news sites, and it's based on nothing more than a tiny sample of...
| 6/4/2004 11:57:26 PM - Modern organized medicine is so ineffective at preventing disease and
improving peoples' health that the public is increasingly turning to
alternative and complementary medicine. In the largest study of its kind
ever conducted, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has determined
that nearly...
| See all 354 alternative feature articles.Concept-related articles:Technology:Ayurvedic medicine:Ayurveda:Healing:India:Medicine:Ayurvedic:Power:Experts:Medical:Rates:Researchers:Alternative medicine:Autism:Hospital:Children:
Concepts related to Alternative
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Recommended Resources is
a free video website featuring thousands of videos on holistic health, nutrition,
fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more.
CounterThink Cartoons are
free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.
The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
in the food supply. offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
benefits. is
a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.