Supreme Court news, articles and information:
 | 5/14/2016 - An Indiana farmer who became a target of Monsanto after he deviated from the corporate monolith's sketchy seed patent scheme may not get the support of the U.S. Supreme Court as many of his supporters had hoped. As reported by The Register-Guard, the Supreme Court appears as though it will eventually...
 | 3/3/2016 - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is a part of the federal government that is supposed to protect both human health and the environment. According to its own website, the EPA ensures that "all Americans are protected from significant risks to human health" and that "national efforts to reduce...
 | 2/25/2016 - The nation's highest federal court in recent days threw out a request by chocolate giant Nestle SA, the world's largest food maker, and a pair of other companies to reject a lawsuit that seeks to hold all three companies liable for using child slaves to harvest cacao in the African nation of Ivory Coast.
 | 12/17/2015 - The regulatory and judicial systems of some countries (like the USA) are clearly infiltrated with industry insiders and corporate operatives. These operatives work their way into positions of government and academia, and even become judges for the Supreme Court. As they rule in the best interests of...
 | 11/18/2015 - Progressive, socialist-minded ideology permeating the U.S. Supreme Court is destroying constitutional democracy, according to one of the high court's own, Antonin Scalia, who has been called an "originalist" when it comes to interpreting the nation's founding document while deciding cases.
 | 8/19/2015 6:26:30 PM - Four out of five Supreme Court justices in the State of Maine think that parental rights concerning vaccination are moot in the event that the State takes custody of a child. In a landmark ruling that sets a dire precedent for health freedom, the Court decided in a recent case that a mother whose child...
 | 7/15/2015 - The U.S. Supreme Court has either been a bane on the Constitution or a champion of civil rights with rulings handed down in recent days, but one issue in particular that appears to win approval of a large majority of Americans garnered far fewer headlines and attention.
On June 22, in one effort,...
 | 7/12/2015 - A Christian-themed movement that seeks to reaffirm traditional marriage – that between a man and a woman only – recently took off with a campaign ahead of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that recognized a right of gays and lesbians to form a legally protected marriage.
According to an ad...
 | 6/28/2015 - It never ceases to amaze me just how programmed the American people are to think and act like total slaves beholden to the whims of government. A U.S. Supreme Court decision last week granted gay couples the "right" to get married. While the gay community is wildly celebrating what they universally...
 | 12/22/2014 - Police officers are able to use evidence in court that they seized during a traffic stop even if turns out that the cops pulled a car over initially based on their misunderstanding of the law, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled.
In an overwhelmingly lopsided 8-1 decision written by Chief Justice John...
 | 3/25/2014 - A top online news network has obtained and released unauthorized video of what it described as a "historic protest" during a recent proceeding of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Cenk Uyger, a host for The Young Turks, introduced the video in this way:
Well, we have a historic protest at the Supreme Court....
 | 7/11/2013 - Your right to remain silent as expressly acknowledged by the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution has been seriously called into question following a recent rogue ruling by the Supreme Court. Citing an alleged suspect's refusal to speak during informal questioning by law enforcement, the highest...
 | 6/29/2013 - Your constitutional right to not be searched or detained by law enforcement officials without reasonable suspicion or probable cause has been further eroded by a recent Supreme Court ruling, which now allows police officers to freely collect DNA samples from individuals they arrest in connection with...
 | 6/23/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 6/17/2013 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that Arizona's state law requiring potential voters to show proof of citizenship while registering to vote is illegal. The court ruled that Arizona, like every other state, cannot add ID requirements to the federal voter registration form which simply asks the person...
 | 6/13/2013 - In a unanimous ruling, the United States Supreme Court ruled today that human genes cannot be patented. The ruling invalidates the thousands of patents that have already been granted on human genes, including the patent by Myriad Genetics on the BRCA breast cancer genes which the company says no one...
 | 6/11/2013 - The supreme law of the United States has just voted 5-4 in favor of a National DNA database. In Maryland v. King, the court upheld the right of police to arrest and forcibly take DNA samples from individuals, without even issuing a search warrant.
Writing for the majority, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy...
 | 6/11/2013 - "Any analyst at any time can target anyone. Any selector, anywhere... I, sitting at my desk, certainly had the authorities to wiretap anyone, from you or your accountant, to a federal judge, to even the President..." - NSA spy grid whistleblower Edward Snowden.
And so it begins: the power to tap...
 | 5/16/2013 - Editor's note: Because of the U.S. Supreme Court decision that handed the biotech companies a resounding defeat in their effort to try to patent human genes, we are updating this story by removing the original content (which was largely based on factors leading up to the Supreme Court decision) and...
 | 4/19/2013 - While tens of millions of Americans believe President Obama may be the most divisive president since Abraham Lincoln, at least one U.S. senator thinks he may be the most abusive in terms of wielding power.
Granted, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, is a political opponent, to be sure, so some may be prone...
 | 4/5/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 3/11/2013 - When you hear some pundit or historian compare the loss of democratic republican rule currently taking place in the United States with how it happened in ancient Rome, you may be tempted to shrug it off as hyperbole or over dramatization.
When you hear a U.S. Supreme Court Justice and other top government...
 | 11/28/2012 - Ever since ordinary Americans have been able to instantly videotape any given situation, there have been powerful forces working to circumvent the Constitution and prohibit use of such technology.
The most recent example involves a California man who was tossed in jail for four days after he attempted...
 | 10/16/2012 - In a landmark case that could either make or break the biotechnology industry as we currently know it, the U.S. Supreme Court will soon decide whether or not corporate seed giants like Monsanto can legitimately sue farmers who reuse second generation, genetically-modified (GM) seeds to grow future crops...
 | 10/10/2012 - You would think the U.S. Supreme Court might have more important cases to decide when the nine justices reconvene this fall to begin their next session than whether or not you have the right to resell your own stuff, but you'd be wrong.
Tucked amid high-profile cases including alleged breaches of...
 | 6/28/2012 - Regardless of whether you agree with the fundamentals of Obamacare, the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court has now ruled the federal government has the power to tax Americans into mandatory purchases of private industry products means an end to economic freedom in America. Why? Because it hands the federal...
 | 5/13/2012 - Tom Woods guest stars on the Robert Scott Bell Show to discuss the possible overturning of the famous individual Obamacare mandate by the Supreme Court. The men also discuss the the Nullify Now event in Philadelphia and important topics varying from the primal diet and nullification to the Michigan...
 | 4/11/2012 - The constitutional indignities Americans continue to suffer at what can only be called soft tyranny continue to mount, the most recent of which is a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that says police can now strip search for any reason - or no reason at all - when they're booking you into custody.
 | 3/27/2012 - The pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries are known for trying to hijack nature and claim it as their own personal property via the patent process. But a recent Supreme Court ruling has set a new precedent against this fraudulent practice, as Associate Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has...
 | 1/24/2012 12:11:10 PM - Most of us agree that cops have a tough job. They deal with bad people who do bad things to good people, and were it not for them, civil society in America as we know it would cease to exist. Still, there comes a time when even police officers, in the course of trying to protect us, bend the rules too...
 | 11/16/2011 - There's an old saying used by serial conspiracy theorists who get a little tired of being told they're crazy: "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean someone's not out to get you!" That said, it's no secret among politicos and administration watchers that political nemeses of President Barack Obama...
| 7/8/2011 - President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law, dubbed "Obamacare," has been in litigation since it was passed last year. A number of federal courts have already issued rulings on whether or not the provision contained within the law that requires Americans to purchase health insurance is constitutional.
 | 4/26/2011 - A petition made by officials in Virginia to expedite a lawsuit against the Obama health care overhaul has been ordered to run its normal course through the courts, according to recent reports. USA Today explains that rather than be heard now by the judges, the case will instead be handed off to the...
| 3/27/2011 - Beneath the words "Equal Justice Under Law" a press conference was held Thursday, March 3, 2011 on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to denounce the decision in the matter of Bruesewitz v. Wyeth. In a blow to thousands of families damaged by vaccines, the High Court struck down the right to sue for...
 | 2/24/2011 - In a 6-2 decision, the Supreme Court voted to protect pharmaceutical companies from liability when their vaccines cause debilitating injuries and death. The high court majority considers vaccines "unavoidably unsafe" and was worried about drug makers being sued and obligated to compensate their vaccine...
 | 2/22/2011 - In 6-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has handed down a decision that bars parents of vaccine-damaged children from seeking justice against vaccine manufacturers. The parents, Robalee and Russell Bruesewitz of Pittsburgh, saw their healthy child damaged by a diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine...
| 2/22/2011 - The Supreme Court showed the world today that there is nothing supreme or noble about it and that it is as corrupt and cruel as most other governmental institutions. In a 6-3 vote, the high court ruled for Wyeth, saying they could not be sued for vaccine damages. Wyeth is now owned by Pfizer Inc. The...
| 8/8/2010 - The battle continues as agri-giant Monsanto pushes to have its genetically-modified (GM) alfalfa approved for use in the U.S. Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court sided with Monsanto by ruling against a lower court's nationwide ban on the GM alfalfa; however, the court is requiring the U.S. Department of...
| 6/9/2009 - In virtually all the discussions about Judge Sotomayor's health and her ability to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, there is a strange disconnect that remains pervasive in the minds of seemingly intelligent people: That the mind is separate from the body.
A U.S. Supreme Court Judge, we're told, can...
| 3/18/2009 - Following surgery for pancreatic cancer, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is scheduled to undergo a round of so-called "precautionary chemotherapy" just to be sure her cancer is gone. No one has apparently told her that neither surgery nor chemotherapy are cures for cancer, and such cancers will inevitably...
| 3/5/2009 - In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against Wyeth in the Diana Levine case, setting a crucial precedent in the battle against Big Pharma. The ruling ends an important part of the Big Pharma / FDA conspiracy racket that sought to market extremely dangerous (and even deadly) drugs while...
 | 11/6/2008 - This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger reporting for . This article is a transcript of the audio from Health Ranger Report #11, available here:
Today, I'm bringing you some rather disturbing news about the Supreme Court's decision...
 | 2/25/2008 - In arguments and discussion for Warner-Lambert Co. v. Kent heard today, Justices are proposing that consumers should not be able to sue pharmaceutical companies for damages from side effects because some people might be helped by those same drugs. Forget all the technical legalities -- this argument...
 | 2/24/2008 - The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that medical device manufacturers cannot be sued for injuries caused by their products if those products were pre-approved for use by the FDA.
The court ruled that Charles Riegel, who was injured in 1996 when a balloon catheter made by Medtronic Inc. burst while being...
 | 11/29/2006 - The "obviousness" of patents is about to be confronted by the nation's most Supreme Court of law, in a case that could have broad implications for the tech industry.
In recent times, software and hardware makers have long complained that a glut of so-called junk patents threatens to disrupt the way...
| See all 75 Supreme Court feature articles.Concept-related articles:Military:Government:Constitution:Rights:Mind:Feds:Consumers:The internet:Internet:Direct:Drugs:WHO:Tax:Power:Ban:Prices:
Concepts related to Supreme Court
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