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Net zero pledges EVAPORATE: 96% of Big Corporations walking away from climate commitments

2 days ago -

On Sept. 1, a report by Jo Nova revealed that a staggering 96 percent of major corporations are quietly stepping away from their climate commitments. Many of these companies, which once made bold promises to curb carbon emissions, are now backtracking on their goals.

Google and Microsoft, once seen as leaders in the push for carbon neutrality, have seen their emissions skyrocket – Google by 50 percent and Microsoft by 29 percent – over the last few years. Despite their pledges ...

Net Zero means NO FLYING at all by 2050, says British mathematician Norman Fenton

April 21, 2023 - net zero society."

Top scientist says globalist left's 'net zero' emissions agenda will destroy modern civilization

Sources include:

This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under ...

Net Zero policies will leave half the world’s population with nothing to eat, researchers warn

March 08, 2023 -

The United Nations website defined Net Zero as cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with the remaining emissions reabsorbed from the atmosphere by oceans and forests.

According to a paper published by CO2 Coalition, the Net Zero initiatives of governments and private organizations are scienti?cally invalid and will lead to worldwide impoverishment and starvation if implemented.

The paper's authors were Professor William ...

Air New Zealand DROPS absurd Net Zero 2030 climate goal

a month ago -

According to the airline, delivery delays of fuel-efficient aircraft and the affordability of alternative jet fuels prompted it to reexamine its decarbonization goals. In a statement, Air NZ CEO Greg Foran pointed out that potential delays to the airline's fleet renewal plan pose an additional risk to the target's achievability.

"It is possible the airline may need to retain its existing fleet for longer than planned due to global manufacturing and supply chain issues that ...

Yellen: White House needs $78 TRILLION to achieve 2050 Net Zero goal

a month ago -

She gave this estimate during a July 27 speech delivered in the city of Belem in Brazil's northern Para state. Yellen noted that achieving Net Zero carbon emissions will require $3 trillion in annual global financing – amounting to a whopping $78 trillion by 2050.

In line with this goal, she pledged to finance green initiatives toward a low-carbon economy in developing countries through multilateral development banks. She also vowed to help the development of clean ...

Satanic billionaires are funding thousands of “journalists” to promote the global Net Zero depopulation agenda

June 16, 2024 -

This initiative, funded by green billionaires, heavily emphasizes the promotion of Net Zero carbon agendas put forth by the United Nations (UN) and other globalists. The report unveils a concerning trend where journalists are financially incentivized to 'balance' their climate change reporting, and acquiesce to climate change narratives.

The EJN report serves as a global benchmark for climate and environmental journalism, highlighting journalism’s reliance on elite, ...

Analysts warn: Net zero movement to cause SPIKES in food prices and drive farmers out of business

February 20, 2024 -

Farming requires large investments in heavy equipment and operating costs, especially during the time between planting crops or raising animals and selling them in the market. So, some farmers claim that net zero policies could hurt smaller farms more than bigger ones. They argue that smaller farms might struggle with the added costs, which may lead to fewer producers in the food industry.

A recent report by the pro-free market think tank the Buckeye Institute ...

ESG investing in “net zero” climate agenda “must be stopped,” say Republican agriculture commissioners, or food inflation and FAMINE will follow

February 09, 2024 - net zero and mass genocide

By 2050, global food demand is expected to increase dramatically as it is. Coupled with the NSBA's net-zero scheme to basically ban emissions, the end result will be widespread food shortages and famine, followed swiftly by mass starvation and death.

"... these changes will increase food costs and decrease food production at a time when global food demand is expected to rise dramatically," the letter further reads.

"This is compounded ...

Australian Labor Party’s Net Zero plan involves killing koalas that get in the way of wind turbines

November 13, 2023 -

In February 2022, the koala was listed as "endangered" in Queensland, New South Wales (NSW) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) under the federal Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act. (Related: Koalas now officially recognized as an endangered species.)

"This is supposed to be the premier law for protecting Australia’s environment, yet it is powerless." Sadly, "meaningful legislation is the only way to protect the iconic koalas," ...

John Kerry says farmers need to stop growing food in order to achieve “net zero” climate goals

May 25, 2023 -

The illegitimate Joe Biden regime's Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, Kerry told an audience at the Department of Agriculture's (USDA) AIM for Climate Summit the other day that "we can't get to net zero, we won't get this job done, unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution."

According to Kerry, he and other world leaders' "lives depend" on farmers ceasing their operations. This will lower agriculture "emissions," Kerry added, noting that ...

Germany halts gas car ban, prompting EU ire and false accusations of “blackmail” against Green Deal and Net Zero agenda

March 09, 2023 -

The plan was to force Europe's economic powerhouse into full compliance with the EU's so-called "Green Deal," which aims to achieve "carbon neutrality" – humans are made of carbon and the globalists consider you a pollutant – by the year 2050. That will apparently no longer happen now that Germany has rejected the plan.

"This block is not at the 11th hour or even at the 12th hour," one EU official complained to Politico about Germany's decision to keep gas cars in production....

Governments deploy “nudge unit” to psychologically brainwash people into embracing “net zero society”

February 07, 2023 - net zero and other climate cult initiatives.)

Net zero means zero freedoms

The report also mentions trying to redirect people's behaviors through their smartphone apps by reminding them, as one example, to order less takeout food because the packaging pollutes the earth.

A "net zero society" also means that people will have to eat far less food – and especially far less meat. So, the nudge unit might inform a user via his or her smartphone ...

The dangerous fantasy of Scotland’s net zero energy transition

January 23, 2023 -

(Article by Richard Lyon republished from

Motivated by the moral necessity and urgency of this goal, the Scottish Government is proposing a novel energy policy – its “Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan”.

This article reviews its major themes and their implications, and considers briefly the probability of success of the Scottish Government implementing it.

In 2022, due to an insufficient quantity of wind and sun, Scotland’s current ...

Top scientist says globalist left’s ‘net zero’ emissions agenda will destroy modern civilization

January 12, 2023 -

In a recently published paper, Dr. Wallace Manheimer, a renowned nuclear physicist, ripped the globalist left's "Net Zero" climate emissions plan as a sure-fire way to reverse more than a hundred years worth of technical accomplishment and progress in terms of creating a better way of life for most humans.

In an abstract of the paper, Manheimer notes that the climate is changing and always has changed, but there is no "climate crisis" and little, if any, of ...

Globalists’ ‘net zero’ crusade will lead to end of modern civilization

January 10, 2023 - net zero world and digital slavery for mankind, a goal they hope to reach by 2030, according to United Nations Agenda 2030 and its 17 goals for “sustainable development.” When implemented to their fullest extent, these goals of the cartel of globalist predators will be able to track, trace and monitor everything, living and non-living, on earth.

Already, you can see how almost everything we do as we go about our daily lives leaves digital footprints. Think about ...

The Highwire with Del Bigtree: Net Zero is a deliberate attack on global food supply

August 09, 2022 - net zero. She cited an example where a person eats a piece of steak.

"That steak's carbon footprint is calculated by every single thing that that cattle consumed up until you ate it. And so the nitrogen in the soil, the feed the transportation of the feed, everything is calculated. And then they do an equation and then they say it's not sustainable," she said.

But she pointed out that these so-called environmentalists that favor the use of electric cars are ...

PREDATORY LENDING is back, like subprime mortgages for illegal immigrants in California, with no skin in the game “zero-down” loans

2 days ago -

In the aftermath, subprime was referred to as predatory lending, because many of the borrowers did not understand exactly what they were getting into, nor did they appreciate homeownership the same as people who really earned the purchase, could truly afford the mortgage payment and still put food on the table, and pay for all the rest of the day-to-day resources needed to upkeep a home, support a family and save for emergency bills, like a mortgage when you lose your job.Introducing ...

Net worth of top Democrat politicians is obscene, so it’s time for them to practice what they preach and “give up a piece of their pie” so unfortunate others can “have more”

8 days ago -

Wife of the infamous ex-President and Communist Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, also loves communism. Her mantra goes like this, “The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more.” Really? So then what are you doing with all of our tax money? What about the trillion dollars you print every 100 days?Here are Barack and Michelle Obama’s ...

Dr. Sabine Hazan reveals that important gut bacteria are ERASED by COVID “vaccines”

5 days ago -

Instead of boosting one's immune system like government authorities and the media are still claiming, COVID jabs destroy the probiotic bacteria that the body relies on to process nutrients, neutralize toxins and promote strong immunity.

"I started noticing a month later, the bifidobacteria, this important microbe, is dropping in patients pre- and post-vaccinations," Dr. Hazan commented. "Only a certain group of microbes are getting killed ... Bifidobacteria is a huge part ...

Federal judge rules Illinois’ ban on carrying firearms in public transit is UNCONSTITUTIONAL

5 days ago -

U.S. District Judge Iain Johnston of the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois made the ruling on Aug. 30. His ruling was based on the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, which said that the ability to carry a pistol in public was a right guaranteed under the Second Amendment. The Bruen ruling also found a similar prohibition in New York state unconstitutional.

"[The] defendants failed to meet their burden to ...

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