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Bill Gates wants AI algorithms to censor vaccine “misinformation” in real time

a day ago -

In a recent interview with CNBC, Gates explained that while he is a vaccine absolutist, he feels much different about free speech and the First Amendment, which he wants to see curtailed through whatever means possible.

Gates feels as though the U.S. Constitution and its free speech protections are no longer applicable, and that "boundaries" and "rules" are needed to stop the spread of "misinformation" online and elsewhere.

The best way to rein in what ...

GLOBAL EMERGENCY UNFOLDING: Japan will unleash Bill Gates-approved, SELF-REPLICATING mRNA vaccines starting next month

13 days ago -

By October 2024, Japan will become the first nation to introduce this controversial new type of COVID-19 vaccine called a self-replicating vaccine. The vaccine, known as Kostaive (ARCT-154), is a self-amplifying mRNA vaccine (saRNA) that replicates within the body, creating copies of foreign proteins and GENES for long-term encoding and long-term manipulation of antibody responses.New saRNA vaccines replicate genes for long term manipulation of the individual's immune response

This ...

Gates and his globalist buddies set to accelerate DIGITAL PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE in 50 countries by 2028

November 14, 2023 - Gates Foundation, Center for Digital Public Infrastructure, Digital Public Goods Alliance and United Nations Development Program are involved with the program.

The 50-in-5 initiative is also supported by GovStack, the Inter-American Development Bank and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). According to sources, one of the proponents, Co-Develop, was founded by the left-wing Rockefeller Foundation.

Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister Dumitru Alaiba gave the ...

Gates, globalist organizations to expand immunization coverage through VMAPs – vaccine microneedles embedded in sticky patches

July 17, 2023 - Gates pushing for peel-and-stick vaccine patches mailed directly to people’s homes.)

Avalere, a healthcare consulting firm, highlighted several potential advantages of VMAPs, including lower healthcare costs, increased compliance due to convenient and pain-free application, suitability for patients with needle phobias or swallowing difficulties and improved ease of use for children, older individuals and patients requiring complex care.

The Coalition for Epidemic ...

Gates foundation donates millions to NGO that seeks to normalize child prostitution and sexualization of children under 10

April 20, 2023 -

(Article by Amber Crawford republished  from

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is made up of 120 independent organizations in over 146 countries and has received over $80 million from Gates.

The World Health Organization has also significantly contributed to the IPPF.

The IPPF claims that they work “to ensure people are free to make choices about their sexuality and wellbeing in a world free from discrimination....

Gates foundation is longtime partner of Chinese communist group which funded military-linked coronavirus research at Wuhan lab

August 02, 2021 - The National Natural Science Foundation of China, which has extensive ties to China’s military and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, has partnered with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on scientific research for over five years.

(Article by Natalie Winters republished from

The unearthed ties between the Gates Foundation and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) follow a National Pulse exposé revealing how the ...

Gates and Soros are teaming up to form a new org to bring more harmful vaccines to the third world for experimentation

July 22, 2021 -

Big Pharma is busy working day and night to manufacture vaccines for the first world -- the globe's richest companies who can afford to pay for them. But the third world doesn't have that kind of capital laying around; it takes tens of billions (in profits) to generate hundreds of millions or even a few billion vaccine doses.

So what's the Global South to do? Never fear: Two of the world's biggest globalists, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and mega-leftist billionaire ...

Gates and Epstein traded advice on Bill’s ‘toxic’ marriage, Jeff’s pedo image rehab during secretive “men’s club” gatherings

May 20, 2021 -

(Article by Tyler Durden republished from

For Gates, "Going to Jeffrey’s was a respite from his marriage. It was a way of getting away from Melinda" according to one of two insiders, who came forward to the Daily Beast to break what we're guessing is the first rule of elite pedo-lair club.

According to the report, Gates and Epstein traded advice over their respective problems, while Gates " met a rotating cast of bold-faced ...

Gates – Buying the press to hide his true nature

May 16, 2021 -

(Article republished from

Gates’ dream of extending his monopoly from the private sector (i.e., Microsoft) and transforming into dictator or puppet master of the world is starting to surface. He wishes to carry out his father’s dream of reducing the population of the unworthy to save the planet from his imaginary climate crisis. Our model still warns that his and Klaus Schwab’s dream of reducing the population will come because of ...

Gates vaccine spreads polio across Africa

October 15, 2020 -

(Article by F. William Engdahl republished from

Vaccines that cause polio

The vaccine industry loves to cite development of vaccines in the 1950s as solely responsible for eradicating what was a severe paralytic illness that reached a peak in the USA after World War II and as well, in England, Germany and other European countries. Now, despite the fact that no new cases of “wild polio” virus have been detected in all Africa since 2016, the Bill ...

Tell-all book reveals how Bill Gates’ rampant infidelity and repeated advances toward employees caused his marriage to break down

a month ago -

The book titled "Billionaire, Nerd, Savior, King: Bill Gates and His Quest to Shape Our World," authored by New York Times journalist Anupreeta Das, contains intimate details on how the tech mogul acted like a "kid in a candy store" whenever he was around young female interns at Microsoft. He was even banned from being alone with the girls.

"It was not unusual for Gates to flirt with women and pursue them, making unwanted advances such as asking a Microsoft ...

Bill Gates partners with Pentagon to engineer GMO INSECTS for human consumption

a month ago - Gates and major food companies, like Tyson Foods, have started backing so-called "alternative protein" projects and startups.

Door to Freedom founder and internist Dr. Meryl Nass told The Defender that the lenient Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations allow many insect-based foods to be classified as "Generally Regarded as Safe." This classification means they do not require further testing, enabling the FDA to overlook potential safety concerns. Nass said it ...

Pediatrician warns against plan by Gates-backed entity to INJECT 500M children

2 months ago -

Pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas warned against the efforts of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). The Gates Foundation reportedly allocated $11.9 billion to GAVI for its plan to vaccinate 500 million children by 2030.

But for Thomas, the plan to inject 500 million children with deadly vaccines is both dangerous and unnecessary. Instead, the pediatrician advocates for a focus on nutrition and overall health.

GAVI justified its plan by citing ...

Bill Gates launches “maggot milk” to replace dairy products

July 07, 2024 -

Gates announced a new food-like liquid product called "EntoMilk" that he says can replace milk from animals. EntoMilk, by the way, is made from crushed up maggots.

This "dairy alternative" is made from either maggots or "black soldier fly larvae." Once blended and processed, the result is a "rich and creamy liquid which looks and acts just like dairy."

"It's got a very creamy mouthfeel," said someone in the promotional video for EntoMilk below.

According ...

Dr. Peter McCullough: Bill Gates donated $9.5 million to create H5N1 mutations that could infect humans

June 25, 2024 - Gates-funded study. Back in 2006, Kawaoka and colleague Taisuke Horimoto published a study aimed at developing new "vaccines" for H5N1 influenza A viruses. Poultry and people reportedly contracted H5N1 at the time, raising concerns "that a new influenza pandemic might occur soon" as per the study authors.

"Effective vaccines against H5N1 virus are, therefore, urgently needed," they added. However, the bird flu pandemic did not materialize, so they may be trying it ...

BIOTERRORISM: Gates Foundation awarded $9.5 million to UW-Madison to make H5N1 bird flu transmissible to humans

June 17, 2024 -

The McCullough Foundation, a project of Dr. Peter McCullough, tweeted that the Gates Foundation gave the $9.5 million to UW-Madison and principal investigator Yoshihiro Kawaoka to modify, possibly through gain-of-function tampering, H5N1 so it will "preferentially recognize human-type receptors and transmit efficiently in mammals."

Much like bat coronaviruses, which we now know were modified in a lab to jump from bats to humans, H5N1 infects birds in its natural ...

Melinda Gates shells out $1 BILLION to promote abortion and feminism

June 07, 2024 - Gates Foundation (BMGF) undergoing a massive reshuffle as a result of the couple's divorce, which arose from Bill's extramarital affairs and his friendship with the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. She recently announced her resignation from the BMGF, which will soon be known as the Gates Foundation, dropping the first names of its founders. (Related: Melinda Gates to resign from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.)

"Bill and Melinda ...

Melinda Gates to resign from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

May 20, 2024 -

Her decision comes as she reportedly redirects her focus toward her extensive work advocating for the rights and empowerment of women and girls – a cause that has been central to her recent philanthropic endeavors.

In a statement released Monday, May 13, on X, the 59-year-old French Gates expressed her intention to step down from her role as co-chair of the foundation on June 7 – citing a desire to transition into the next phase of her philanthropic journey.

With ...

Bill Gates wants to use AI for genetically modifying beef cows to “save the planet”

April 23, 2024 - Gates is also quite familiar with as he has invested in multiple companies that produce fake meats, such as Impossible Foods, Upside Foods and Beyond Meat.

He has said in the past that “all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef” and that he is optimistic fake meats products will be a “very good” alternative for consumers as many people are reluctant to cut meat out of their diets.

Last November, Beyond Meat cut nearly 20 percent of its non-production ...

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