Obesity news, articles and information:
 | 11/6/2016 - By now we all know how important food is to our health and happiness. Eating fresh produce has shown to reduce the risk of a host of health issues such as cardiovascular diseases, cognitive decline, and obesity. Nonetheless, many people struggle to incorporate enough fresh vegetables and fruits into...
 | 10/27/2016 - The growing number of babies born to obese mothers throughout the world face a higher risk of developing serious health problems in adulthood, according to several recent studies.
Children of obese mothers are prone to brain damage, heart disease, stroke and asthma in adulthood, warn health experts.
 | 10/14/2016 - Over the last several years, sugar has been cast as one of the primary causes of our ever-declining health. Given that the amount of sugar we consume each year has been on the rise for decades, it's really no surprise.
According to a 2014 press release from the Obesity Society, average added sugar...
 | 9/20/2016 - The increasing prevalence of obesity and diabetes in our modern society may be at least partly due to flawed governmental dietary recommendations that are based on bogus science, some experts say.
A recent article published by Finnish website Ink Tank explores the evolution of mankind and the changes...
 | 9/16/2016 - Regularly consuming mango has shown to improve gut flora which may help combat obesity and diabetes type 2, new research found. The results add to a growing body of evidence that mango, native to southern Asia, should be part of everyone's diet to maintain overall health.
The researchers from the...
 | 8/31/2016 - A review of more than a thousand studies that was conducted by a working group of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization, has found that obesity is linked to at least 13 different types of cancer. An article published by The New York Times reveals quite...
 | 8/13/2016 - First lady Michelle Obama's healthy school lunch program is putting financially vulnerable children at risk of being overweight, according to new government-funded research.
Every day, millions of kids eat government-funded breakfasts or lunches at public schools. Virginia Tech researchers found...
 | 8/9/2016 - A new study is raising even more concerns about the already questionable flu vaccine, while highlighting yet another reason obesity can be dangerous. The study, which was led by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, found that obese mice did not gain extra influenza protection from vaccines that contain...
 | 7/30/2016 - Obese cancer patients typically fare worse than their leaner counterparts, and a new study may shed light on the reason why.
A team of researchers from the University of Colorado Cancer Center who studied the behavior of leukemia stem cells in mice found that the cells had the ability to "hide" in...
 | 7/28/2016 - Guys, if you're over 50 and a grandfather, you may want to take up an exercise regimen and cut out the lousy food – and ask your sons to do the same thing for the grandchildren they'll have someday. That's because a new study has found that grandfathers who are overweight can pass a host of health...
 | 7/22/2016 - We all know that exercise is good for you and can help you lose weight, but when it comes to cutting your risk of cancer and obesity, exercise alone is simply not enough. While exercise is something that should certainly be encouraged, reducing caloric intake and eating healthy food plays an even bigger...
 | 7/14/2016 - Peaches offer a wide variety of health benefits. Providing relief for diseases like hypokalemia, cancer, obesity, cholesterol, blood stasis and neurodegenerative diseases, peaches are loaded with an abundance of essential nutrients and naturally occurring antioxidants.
Also a rich provider of vitamin...
 | 6/28/2016 - Britain's obesity epidemic is growing worse, according to a new report that predicts that obesity will result in 7.6 million new cases of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and strokes over the next two decades.
The report, released by the Obesity Health Alliance, warns that 40 percent of Brits will...
 | 6/25/2016 - A daily diet of fast food during pregnancy can dramatically increase the risk of obesity in the next three generations of a woman's descendants, even if those descendants eat a healthy diet themselves, according to a shocking new study conducted by researchers from Washington University School of Medicine,...
 | 5/30/2016 - The waistlines of American children have been expanding for more than 20 years, and modern science claims that it doesn't really know why. But new research published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings strongly suggests that a phenomenon known as non-genetic evolution, or the passing down of fat-prone...
 | 5/27/2016 - On April 1, more than half a million Americans lost their food stamp benefits as new government regulations came into effect. According to the new rules, people who want to keep their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for more than three months, must work, volunteer, or else...
 | 5/19/2016 - A recent speech delivered to university students by a self-proclaimed "fat activist," is an illustration of how Americans have been coerced into accommodating the politically-correct extremist views of so-called "social justice warriors," whose tactics involve shaming the rest of us into accepting their...
 | 5/5/2016 12:25:53 PM - Advertisement and convenience pull us into a life of consumption as bad habits take hold. Refined sugar, donuts, tall corn syrup drinks, and preservative-filled snacks become our crutches. We are quick to feed our appetite and cradle our sicknesses, while neglecting the fact that we are starving our...
 | 5/1/2016 - Obesity is now officially linked to 11 types of cancer as a new study adds stomach cancer to the list of illnesses caused by being overweight.
A report released by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) showed that carrying excessive amounts of...
 | 4/27/2016 - Drugs that are used to lower cholesterol and blood pressure will soon become medically useless if obesity levels keep growing at their current rate, according to a World Health Organization study led by scientists from Imperial College London and published in The Lancet.
"This epidemic of severe...
 | 4/23/2016 - It's no secret that the American diet is one of the unhealthiest diets on the planet; loaded with trans fat, refined sugars and an abundance of red meat, it's no wonder that people are getting fatter. Obviously, an unhealthy diet leads to an unhealthy lifestyle, a problem that more and more Americans...
 | 4/22/2016 - A dramatic increase in the proportion of women being diagnosed with womb cancer over the last 20 years is being pinned on rising obesity rates.
According to Cancer Research UK, obesity is a major factor in the increase in the number of women being diagnosed with womb cancer, which is also known as...
 | 4/5/2016 - There are many reasons why antibiotics should not be over-prescribed, the most important being that doing so has led to the evolution of drug-resistant superbugs that don't respond to traditional treatment.
Now, however, researchers have discovered another phenomenon related to prescription antibiotics:...
 | 3/23/2016 - Seems a strange way to approach the topic of obesity. But this is based on an article by the UK online newspaper The Telegraph, and there is more of a welfare state concern there than here in the USA. The welfare system carries the load of medical costs for everyone in England.
Each country within...
 | 3/22/2016 - Obesity is associated with a wide – and growing – range of health issues and problems, and now, it seems, we can add memory loss to that list.
As reported by the BBC, people who are obese have a worse memory than thinner friends, according to the findings of a small, recent study. Tests...
 | 3/21/2016 - Females exposed to DDT in the womb may be more likely to suffer from obesity and diabetes in middle age, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-Davis and Mount Sinai School of Medicine, funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and published...
 | 3/17/2016 - From an early age, we are inundated with the helpless belief that our genes are set in stone – a fixed code – a destiny that we cannot control. The study of epigenetics debunks this mythical mindset, revealing how external factors change our gene expression throughout our lifetime.
 | 3/12/2016 - To be able to explain this research, it is best to get a few things out in the open for the global community of health enthusiasts to appreciate. The "artificial sweetener" conversation and research is changing, so there must be a new definition of what artificial sweetener means and the platform upon...
 | 2/24/2016 - Hormone changes caused by artificial light at night (ALAN) may be partially responsible for rising global rates of obesity and cancer, according to recent studies conducted by researchers from the University of Haifa, Israel, and published in the journals Chronobiology International and the International...
 | 2/18/2016 - For a generation of people who weren't used to take-out for their dinners, McMuffins for their breakfast and a lot of sugary snacks in between, obesity doesn't seem like a legitimate concern. After all, when most of what you eat is home-cooked, the chances of developing health issues due to your diet...
 | 2/3/2016 - The aisles weave throughout the grocery store like arteries. The people pass through the aisles as if they are plaque, sometimes reaching for junk food on the shelves -as they cling to the artery walls. Clogging the aisles, the people fill their carts with processed ingredients that only feed their...
 | 1/25/2016 - Forget back and forth shifts in political decisions, terror threats and changing policies; the latest threat to national security may be the fact that many Americans are too obese to serve in the military.
"I am very concerned about the reduced number of men and women who can meet all the qualifications...
 | 1/18/2016 - Obese people who are physically fit are still significantly more likely to die young than people of normal weight who are in poor shape, according to new study in the International Journal of Epidemiology.
"In recent years, the concept of 'fat but fit' has emerged, implying that high fitness can...
 | 12/20/2015 - Mistletoe is commonly known as the Christmas holiday's "kissing plant," and if two people are caught underneath where a mistletoe plant is hanging, they are traditionally obligated to share a kiss. Silly stuff, but the mistletoe plant has an interesting history of suppressed curative powers.
 | 11/21/2015 - Many children grow into adolescence hating their bodies and despising their figures. Ashamed of the way they look and feel, they may turn to self-destructive behaviors that exacerbate their negative view of self and the world around them.
Children growing up in consumerist, Western societies are...
 | 11/12/2015 - Sugar causes even more health damage than has been previously believed, suggests a study conducted by researchers from Touro University and the University of California-San Francisco Benioff Children's Hospital that was published in the journal Obesity.
The researchers found that when they replaced...
 | 10/22/2015 - Americans are finally waking up to the fact that drinking soda is an unhealthy practice. Sales of sugary, carbonated drinks have fallen dramatically in recent years, sending the soda industry into a panic.
It may be bad news for Big Soda, but it's good news for the rest of the populace. Sodas have...
 | 10/4/2015 - Evidence continues to link endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) to a wide range of illnesses, most notably obesity and diabetes, according to a scientific statement recently issued by the Endocrine Society.
The new statement is a followup to the society's 2009 report, which highlighted the existing...
 | 9/9/2015 2:49:18 PM - According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), about half of the adult population in the U.S. has either pre-diabetes or diabetes. Interestingly, reaction to the findings seems to suggest this is a good thing. In an editorial responding to the findings, William...
 | 8/27/2015 - Soybean oil is more likely to induce diabetes and metabolic syndrome than pure fructose, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-Riverside and published in the journal PLOS ONE.
"That was a surprise, given that most people think that unsaturated fatty acids...
 | 8/20/2015 2:56:00 PM - Researchers from Harvard and MIT claim to have discovered the mechanism by which a specific gene variant increases the risk of obesity in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Shockingly, the researchers claim that this discovery could pave the path for a way to "cure" obesity by...
 | 4/16/2015 - Some are calling the initiative a failure, and others say it's definitely a step in the right direction. Taking any action that will begin sending a better message about the food we eat is a good idea. The obesity rates in South Los Angeles grew by 12 percent over three years despite an innovative ban...
 | 4/5/2015 - Of all the seed oil produced in the US, 90 percent comes from soybeans. The shelf life and temperature stability of soybean oil is increased through the process of hydrogenation, which also generates unhealthy trans fats in the oil.
DuPont developed genetically modified soybean oil that has a fatty...
 | 4/3/2015 - A class of food additives used in nearly all processed foods may be partially to blame for inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohn's disease, and may also lead to obesity and diabetes, according to a study conducted by researchers from Cornell University, Emory University, Georgia State University...
 | 3/23/2015 - According to Lt. Gen. Hertling, of the U.S. Army, our national health has become a serious threat to national security, a threat that will escalate to a severe threat within the next 20-30 years. When Hertling was placed in charge of initial training in the Army, he discovered the poor health of our...
 | 2/1/2015 - In an effort that demonstrates her ongoing dedication to nutrition and fighting the children's obesity epidemic, Michelle Obama has named organic vegetable farmer Debra Eschmeyer as the new Executive Director of Let's Move. Of Eschmeyer's new position, Michelle Obama says, "For more than a decade, Deb...
 | 12/23/2014 - Three independent studies have linked leafy green vegetables to reduced health risks associated with obesity, diabetes and heart complications, reinforcing the benefits of consuming a diet rich in such foods.
In particular, the scientists involved in these University of Southampton and Cambridge...
 | 12/14/2014 - Everybody knows that being obese greatly reduces one's quality of life and makes it much more difficult to maintain a normal, healthy existence. But a new study out of Canada has scientifically quantified the obesity health toll as shaving up to eight years off of a person's life, with several decades...
 | 12/9/2014 - Almost one-third of the world's population is obese, and the global economic cost is nearly the same as that of smoking or even war, according to the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI).
The researchers at MGI recently published a discussion paper, Overcoming obesity: An initial economic analysis, which...
 | 11/29/2014 - Sitting on top of each kidney, the adrenals are responsible for producing four main hormones - catecholamines, aldosterone, cortisol and androgens - which help to deal with everything from stressful situations, digestion, gender traits to blood pressure regulation. Gaining weight usually involves overactive...
 | 11/28/2014 - Many believe that the increase in nationwide obesity has actually started to decrease or at least level off. This common belief may be rooted in data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) that looked at obesity levels in the United States via body mass index from 2003-2004...
 | 11/11/2014 - Estrogen-mimicking chemicals in plastics, industrial products and soy-based foods may be "feminizing" men and driving increases in male obesity rates, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Adelaide, South Australia, and published in the journal PLOS ONE.
The researchers...
 | 11/11/2014 - The Mediterranean diet doesn't just protect against heart disease: It may actually reverse metabolic syndrome, a cluster of symptoms linked to heart disease and diabetes.
The findings came from a study conducted by researchers from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the Hospital Universitari de...
 | 10/22/2014 - Children who are exposed to more antibiotics before the age of two are also more likely to become obese, according to a study conducted by researchers from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, the University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and published in the journal...
 | 9/25/2014 - Obesity is threatening the health and lives of nearly 70 percent of the U.S. population, and indicators of this epidemic are continuing to affect even more men, women and children and place a significant burden on an already failing health care system. Most health-minded individuals understand the importance...
 | 8/29/2014 - As if there aren't enough issues with antibiotics, medical researchers have found more. Both an epidemiological and an in vivo (animal) study have determined a plausible connection between antibiotic use for infants and toddlers and child obesity from metabolic syndrome, which usually leads to diabetes...
 | 8/9/2014 - The kind of food products being distributed so conveniently from boxes, fast food joints and microwavable packages today are so nutritionally void that they are not satisfying the dietary requirements that children need. This kind of food is not only depriving children of proper nutrition levels but...
 | 5/22/2014 - Looking around, it's no secret that Americans are putting on the pounds unlike any other time in history. Sure, we can't discount sedentary lifestyles, processed foods and outrageous sugar consumption as contributing factors. At the same time, an elephant in the room is often overlooked -- one known...
 | 5/11/2014 - For the first time, scientists may have uncovered the mechanism by which fiber helps prevent obesity and diabetes, in a study conducted by a French-Swedish research team and published in the journal Cell in January 2014. Notably, the findings point to a key role played by intestinal flora, the microorganisms...
 | 4/30/2014 - Just weeks ago, reports in a number of media outlets declared that the battle against childhood obesity in the U.S. was turning in favor of our kids.
On February 25, The New York Times reported that childhood obesity levels had fallen by double-digit percentages in a decade, according to the government:
 | 4/29/2014 - A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine says that, by 2030, 42% of Americans will be obese. And according to the World Health Organization (WHO), globally, more than 1 billion adults are overweight, and at least 300 million of these people are obese.
With the obesity crisis...
 | 4/25/2014 - The debate over soda and public health is a hot topic. Not too long ago, there was a big to-do over New York City Mayor Bloomberg's attempt to help improve public health by banning people from purchasing large-sized sodas in restaurants. The ban has since been overruled, with a judge calling the mayor's...
 | 4/11/2014 4:43:36 PM - It should come as no big surprise to alternative health followers that many foods in their unprocessed form contain a host of protective compounds that have repeatedly been shown to promote human health. Fruits and vegetables contain flavonoids that protect vegetation from disease and pests, and many...
 | 4/3/2014 - According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "Approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2--19 years are obese. Since 1980, obesity prevalence among children and adolescents has almost tripled."
As is the case with adults, carrying around...
 | 3/29/2014 - Who can trust the American Medical Association and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control -- two institutions engaged in suppressing self-empowered natural healing? These institutions work by misinforming the public through their vast media influence and control. It's no surprise that a new claim projected...
 | 3/4/2014 - If you thought that obesity was a problem in the United States -- and make no mistake, it is -- it is becoming so widespread in Europe that health experts are afraid it is becoming far too acceptable.
The World Health Organization (WHO) reported recently that obesity is so common on the continent...
 | 2/24/2014 - Not smoking or drinking during pregnancy is one of those "everyone knows" affairs. But not everyone abides by those rules. Health Canada estimates that around 20% of expectant mothers continue smoking.
And some that do abide use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), which could be in the form of a...
 | 2/15/2014 5:49:12 PM - A surprising number of people avoid eating nuts as they retain the false stigma that the calories derived from a handful of nuts contribute to weight gain. Nuts also deliver a higher percentage of fat calories per ounce than many nutritionally deficient processed foods and are thus considered to be...
 | 2/4/2014 - While there has been a large amount of focus on decreasing child obesity in schools, recent research published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) indicates that a child's future weight (termed "weight fate") may be decided by age five. For example, the study found that over half of the children...
 | 1/21/2014 - Passing on genes to children may have little to do with fate, coincidence or destiny. Maternal care is very important for healthy fetal development, but there may be even more at play in genetic development.
New research suggests that gene expression can, in fact, be "prefabricated" or "controlled"...
 | 1/17/2014 - Hormone- and metabolism-ravaging chemicals, like brominated flame retardants, may be contributing to the obesity epidemic. A new study out of Japan, the first of its kind, links the flame retardant hexabromocyclodecane (HBCD) to accelerated weight gain. Flame retardant chemicals are often used in building...
 | 9/10/2013 - Typically, individuals concerned about health read labels and question if the food they consume will promote vitality and balance. So it's particularly disturbing when a hazardous ingredient is allowed to infiltrate the food supply under a misleading name that hides its true identity. Thanks to the...
 | 8/19/2013 - As obesity weighs down over a third of the United States adult population, drug companies are moving in to save the day. Arena pharmaceuticals, along with the FDA's nod of approval, are set to begin marketing the first FDA approved weight loss drug in 13 years. The drug, lorcaserin, will be marketed...
 | 7/28/2013 - These days, it's difficult to find examples of government doing anything that makes sense. That's all the more reason why a program embraced by New York City is newsworthy. Dubbed the "Fruit and Vegetables Prescription Program," it allows doctors to "prescribe" fresh fruit and vegetables to overweight...
 | 7/25/2013 - As early as 1977, the United States first developed dietary guidelines for Americans, with a specific goal of helping us avoid becoming obese.
Contained in those first recommendations, implemented 35 years ago, were these measures:
-- "Increase consumption of complex carbohydrates and 'naturally...
 | 7/12/2013 - Probiotics have been covered in the alternative health media, especially Natural News, extensively over the past few years. Yet the mainstream media hardly touches it. And when's the last time your doctor recommended taking probiotics, even after prescribing antibiotics?
One might conclude from doctors'...
 | 7/11/2013 - Two-thirds of the U.S. population is overweight, and about one-quarter to one-third of adults are obese. Fact. Poor diet and a lack of exercise are at fault, the experts say. But what if the cause of this epidemic was something even more insidious? What if that which is considered the lifeblood of our...
 | 6/5/2013 - New research out of the U.K. sheds light on yet another possible cause of widespread childhood obesity. Based on an analysis involving more than 10,000 British babies, roughly 9 percent of whom were born via C-section, researchers found that babies delivered the alternate route tend to be larger overall...
 | 6/5/2013 - Confirming what health professionals have long suspected, a new study published in the journal PLOS Medicine provides some of the strongest evidence yet that obesity is indeed a cause of vitamin D deficiency.
The large study was a collaborative effort between U.S. and European researchers, and was...
 | 5/26/2013 - Incidences of childhood obesity have skyrocketed over the last couple of decades, and factors such as processed foods and limited exercise play a big role in it. However, an interesting contemporary study by researchers at the Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition at Boston Children's Hospital...
 | 5/24/2013 - New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's harebrained scheme to restrict public access to sugary beverages sold in volumes higher than 16 ounces will more than likely result in people actually consuming more of such beverages, and thus lead to higher rates of obesity and diabetes. These are the findings...
 | 3/20/2013 - Obesity and weight loss have become major issues again. This time, the focus is more on health than appearance. The weight loss era of fad diets encouraging artificial sweeteners and margarine while discouraging healthy fats is dwindling.
The more visceral fat you have surrounding your abdominal...
 | 1/27/2013 - Long known to dramatically increase the risk of certain chronic health conditions later in life, childhood obesity also has serious, immediate health consequences, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-Los Angeles and published in the journal Academic Pediatrics.
 | 1/27/2013 - A major soft drink manufacturer is now set to run big ads explaining that weight gain, and more specifically our obesity epidemic, is due to consuming too many calories over all and not to drinking too many sugar sweetened beverages. While this sounds logical, in fact it is not supported by studies...
 | 12/21/2012 - A simple formula can calculate a newborn baby's risk of childhood obesity without the need for medical tests, according to a study published in the journal PLOS ONE.
Childhood obesity is a growing problem in the world's wealthier countries - for example, more than 15 percent of all British children...
| 11/22/2012 5:54:42 PM - Obesity is not merely a cosmetic problem, but a severe threat to health and longevity. That old saying, "The longer the belt, the shorter the life," is entirely accurate.
Associated with obesity are diabetes and heart disease among others. This can be confirmed by Googling or Yahooing, "Could Sulfur...
 | 11/8/2012 - It doesn't take much more than a casual glance around you to know that overweight and obesity rates have risen during the past half century, specifically skyrocketing over the past five to ten years. An overabundance of highly processed, fructose-infused convenience foods and meals eaten at fast food...
 | 11/5/2012 - There should be no doubt that the skyrocketing rates of overweight and obesity that have become so prevalent over the past half century are damaging the health and lives of millions around the western world. Excess weight typically raises blood pressure leading to cardiovascular disease and death, and...
 | 10/19/2012 - The fact that obesity statistics have never been higher has raised a substantial amount of awareness and concern in regards to this issue. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just over one-third of U.S. adults, about 97 million, are obese. This number is expected to rise to...
 | 10/8/2012 - It is likely no surprise to most health-minded individuals that consuming excess calories from sugary beverages and being overweight or obese are not mutually exclusive and independently lead to a significantly increased risk for metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Caloric intake...
 | 10/7/2012 6:58:34 PM - First and foremost I need to rectify something. In my previous article about reversing acne I presented some information on how to make drinking water safe from chlorine and fluoride. I was half right and half wrong. What I said works for chlorine but not for fluoride and I humbly apologize. For fluoride...
 | 10/6/2012 - Individuals who struggled with obesity as children are about 50 percent more likely to develop certain forms of cancer as adults compared to those who were of a normal weight as children. These are the findings of a new study published in the journals Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention and...
 | 9/26/2012 - While many Americans have gotten the message and changed their diet and exercise habits in order to tone up and slim down in the name of better health, far too many of us are continuing to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to a growing cacophony of warnings from experts who say the nation's current path...
 | 9/25/2012 - Are the chemicals commonly found in thermal receipt paper, aluminum cans, and plastic containers causing your children to become overweight or obese? New research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) seems to suggest this may be the case, having found that children with...
 | 9/3/2012 - As obesity rates continue to soar among all age groups in the U.S. and most other countries, the incidence of chronic diseases spawned by excess abdominal fat follows on a parallel course. Medical scientists have repeatedly confirmed that risk for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer and dementia...
 | 8/10/2012 - Obesity is an epidemic in the United States. Advances in technology and cheap, empty calories have created a lazy and fat population. New generations of children are getting thrown into this culture and are turning up with a higher incidence of diseases. Estimates state up to one-fifth of the global...
 | 8/8/2012 - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports, "More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7 percent) are obese." The CDC's numbers on children and adolescents are just as alarming. "Approximately 17 percent (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2-19 years are obese.
In addition...
 | 8/6/2012 - It's well established that obesity is characterized by low-level chronic inflammation. Several theories as to how this inflammation occurs have been proposed, but dietary choices seem to be the most important factor involved. It's increasingly recognized that regular consumption of certain foods leads...
 | 8/3/2012 - It is no surprise to most people that the current obesity epidemic is placing millions of unsuspecting individuals at grave risk of early death, in part by dramatically increasing the incidence of diabetes. Excess body weight damages metabolic balance, allowing wildly fluctuating blood glucose and insulin...
 | 7/30/2012 - So far, 2012 has offered vast federal nanny state expansion at the American dinner table. From officials inspecting home-prepared school lunches to the war on raw milk, our government is determined to tell America what we can and cannot eat. Now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is...
 | 7/11/2012 - You have no doubt heard about the obesity epidemic among humans, but believe it or not, the animal kingdom is also battling the bulge, and what's more, veterinarians and researchers see lots of similarities between the species that could lead to better outcomes for both man and beast.
For some time...
 | 7/10/2012 - New vaccinations against obesity that could allow obese patients to eat as much junk food as they like and still lose weight are in development. As reported in the Journal Of Animal Science and Biotechnology, a research team led by Dr. Keith Haffer, of US firm Braasch Biotech, and Mariana Monteiro from...
 | 7/8/2012 - Overweight and obesity continue to plague a majority of men, women and children alike, placing them at considerable risk for heart disease, diabetes and fatty liver disease as a result of chronic metabolic dysfunction. Alternative health practitioners understand that the problem is the result of much...
 | 6/29/2012 - Obese and lean individuals have different gut flora composition. The gut microbiota of mice and humans are similar, with Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes dominating. At this point it's not clear exactly which species are important in weight management. Some studies show reduced numbers of Bacteroidetes...
 | 6/27/2012 - Those who peel an apple before eating it may be discarding a helpful tool for fighting obesity. A study involving mice finds that a compound in apple peel called ursolic acid may curtail obesity by increasing muscle mass and boosting calorie burning. In addition to the weight control benefit, it may...
 | 6/20/2012 2:06:50 PM - While we are entrenched in a horrible, devastating obesity epidemic, the alleged "cures", although good, are shortsighted.
The mainstream emphasizes the epidemic as a societal one and not just a children's issue.
One of the greatest influences on children's behavior is the actions of the adults...
 | 5/28/2012 1:43:14 PM - OK, I give up. I admit it, the only books that people are buying are weight loss books. So in order to get the message about magnesium across to the masses, I present you with The Magnesium Weight Loss Cure.
I just read Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight and just about every chapter in...
 | 5/19/2012 - Thanks to America's rapidly expanding waistlines, it seems the approximately 92,000 patients currently waiting for a kidney donor will have to wait even longer. According to a new study conducted by researchers at the Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine and Feinstein Institute for Medical Research,...
 | 5/6/2012 - Forget the budget battles in Washington, D.C., although those are important. Want to know what one of the biggest issues is - literally - behind the bankrupting of our country?
Obesity. No, we're not kidding.
In fact, new analyses of data surrounding obesity reveal that it is costing the nation...
| 5/4/2012 - Obesity in America is more than just an epidemic, it's the normal state of affairs. Today, 34 percent of Americans are obese (BMI of 30+), triple the 1960 percentage. The ranks of the 'morbidly obese,' or those with a BMI of 40 or more, has swelled to 6 percent, six times the 1960 rate. Another 34 percent...
 | 4/5/2012 - Easy access to convenient food without the hassle of preparation may well be the reason of the rising obesity trend. The ubiquity of fast food restaurants offering instant tasty meals with sweetened carbonated drinks and other high calorie snacks have encouraged abnormal eating patterns for all hours...
 | 3/27/2012 - After first denying approval for the obesity drug Qnexa (phentermine and topiramate) back in 2010 because of its harrowing side effects, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is now under intense pressure by Big Pharma-backed lawmakers, institutionalized drug pushers, and even its own advisory...
 | 3/7/2012 - The U.S. industrial food and farming system, dominated by fast food restaurants and processed, chemical-laden food, has precipitated a public health crisis. Although nutritionists recommend that consumers avoid eating unhealthy junk foods, every day 75 million Americans "supersize" themselves and damage...
 | 2/10/2012 - The National School Lunch Program announced its decision to raise nutrition standards for school children across the United States. This is the first implemented change to the program in 15 years. Led by First Lady Michelle Obama, the claimed goal of her "Let's Move" campaign is to curb the rise in...
 | 2/7/2012 - British women are the fattest in Europe, an EU report States. In Britain, 24% of women are classified as obese, compared to just 9.3% in Italy, 12.7% in France and 15.6% in Germany. This is a fact backed up by Britain's own NHS (National Health Service) statistics released during national obesity week....
 | 12/6/2011 - If there's one nutrient that has received an amazing amount of attention and research over the past year, it's vitamin D. As NaturalNews has reported extensively, a lack of the vitamin has been linked to everything from dementia and arthritis to heart disease and breast cancer.
What's more, as scientists...
 | 10/14/2011 - For the first time in over three years, the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index poll has found that there are now more "normal weight" Americans than there are "overweight" Americans, which may signify a positive trend towards a national slimming down. However, more than 61 percent of Americans are still...
| 9/15/2011 - When processed food comes to mind, many people think they are safe because of the fact that they do not consume takeouts or eat at restaurants. The truth is that any food or food product found on grocery store shelves in bags or boxes is in fact processed, as it is not in its natural form. Many of the...
 | 8/20/2011 - Obese people are usually always hungry and no matter how much they eat their brains are registering starvation. One would think that eating too much would result in an abundance of nutritional support for cells. But being overweight and undernourished at the same time is a reality that is just beginning...
| 7/26/2011 - As it turns out, fat tissue isn't just a dormant storage depot for calories. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, more than 100,000 cancer cases in the U.S. are linked to excess body fat - most of them are preventable.
The data shows that on top of the list of obesity-linked cancers...
 | 7/19/2011 - A pediatrician in Boston named David Ludwig has been sharply criticized over the past week for suggesting that obese children might be taken away from their parents by state authorities for their own safety. In his article, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, he explains that...
 | 7/18/2011 - A pediatrician in Boston named David Ludwig has been sharply criticized over the past week for suggesting that obese children might be taken away from their parents by state authorities for their own safety. In his article, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, he explains that...
| 5/5/2011 - Melatonin is a powerful natural hormone that is well known for its association with circadian rhythms that promote a healthful sleep cycle. Researchers from the University of Granada reporting in the Journal of Pineal Research have found that melatonin helps to control unnatural weight gain without...
 | 4/26/2011 - (NaturalNews.com) - If you're one of the 13 million or so Americans out of work, chances are you're looking a job - any job. Even a job at McDonalds.
McDonalds held a National Hiring Day on Tuesday; with company officials saying they hoped to hire 50,000 new employees to fill positions at the company's...
| 4/6/2011 - High consumption of foods naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps to reduce the risk of developing obesity-related illnesses like heart disease and diabetes, says a new study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Even among obese populations, omega-3s demonstrably keep at bay...
| 4/2/2011 - Childhood obesity has reached epidemic levels in recent years. According to the Institute of Medicine, obesity in preschool aged children and teens has more than doubled since the 1970`s while the obesity rate in children 6 to 11 has more than tripled. Protecting advertising revenue and financial interests...
 | 3/27/2011 - Worldwide rates of obesity have doubled since 1980, but levels of cholesterol and blood pressure are strikingly different between rich and poor countries, according to a study conducted by researchers from Imperial College London and published in The Lancet.
In 1980, 5 percent of men and 8 percent...
 | 3/15/2011 - Antioxidants play a crucial role in preventing the onset of disease, and they can make all the difference in determining whether or not children develop glucose intolerance or become obese. According to a new study out of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHP), women who consume high amounts...
| 2/8/2011 - New research published in the journal The Lancet has revealed that global obesity rates have doubled since 1980. Some Western countries have been able to slightly reduce overall blood pressure and cholesterol rates, but nearly ten percent of men and 14 percent of women across the board are now obese.
| 1/24/2011 - According to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the rate of childhood obesity has tripled in the last 30 years. Junk food is one of the culprits for the obesity epidemic. Kids are exposed to junk food in many ways, from unhealthy parental role models to marketing...
| 1/11/2011 - People who weigh more have lower circulating levels of Vitamin D according to recent research conducted at the Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Medical Center in Oslo, Norway and published in the Journal of Nutrition. Lead researcher, Zoya Lagunova, MD and her colleagues measured the serum levels of...
| 1/6/2011 - Obesity-related health problems cost the United States $168 billion every year, amounting to 17 percent of all medical bills, according to a study conducted by researchers from Cornell and Lehigh Universities and released by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
An earlier study, released in...
| 1/1/2011 - Obesity may be the most critical health challenge we face today. In the United States almost 70% of us are considered to be overweight including almost one-third who qualify as obese. Obesity comes with a big price tag. A recent estimate found that the medical care costs of obesity related conditions...
| 12/29/2010 - Overweight and obesity are known to dramatically increase the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, cancer and dementia. Excess body fat fuels the fire of systemic inflammation and the release of dangerous chemical messengers or cytokines that damage the delicate inner lining of our arteries;...
 | 12/25/2010 - With the same passion she has brought to her eye-opening discussions about natural cancer cures, Charlotte Gerson is spearheading a live video webcast this coming Tuesday, December 28, that offers advanced solutions for cancer, obesity, diabetes and heart disease. The event is hosted by Jonathan Landsman,...
| 12/20/2010 - Lost worker productivity due to obesity-related health problems costs U.S. businesses $73 billion per year, according to a study conducted by researchers from Duke University and the National University of Singapore, and published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
The study...
| 12/19/2010 - We've long known that protein is essential to a healthy diet, but this deserves a new exclamation point. A high protein diet is essential to a slimmer, happier and healthier society.
Increase protein, lose pounds
Referred to as the world's largest diet study, a team of Danish researchers utilized...
| 11/27/2010 - The obesity epidemic appears to be expanding beyond humankind and into the animal kingdom, according to a new report out of the University of Alabama, Birmingham (UAB). David Allison, the UAB researcher who led the study, discovered that animals in general have been getting progressively larger -- even...
| 11/5/2010 - Obesity rates have reached epic proportions -- literally -- as a new British retailer unveils its largest clothing size ever: the XXXXL size. According to a recent report in New York Daily News, "High and Mighty", a U.K. "big and tall" store for men recently plopped the XXXXL clothing on its store shelves,...
| 10/10/2010 - The societal costs of obesity are typically thought of in terms of the health care costs associated with treating obesity related disease. But a new study has found another cost that has not often been considered: lost productivity. According to researchers from Duke University, obese workers costs...
 | 10/7/2010 - Angela Stokes once weighed 294 pounds. Seeing her today, it's hard to imagine that she was once stuck in what she called a "miserable cycle of morbid obesity." That's because right now, she's thin, healthy and downright beautiful. I know because she and her partner Matt Monarch were my neighbors in...
 | 9/22/2010 - A new report published in the journal Pediatrics has many common sense folks scratching their heads in confusion. Childhood obesity has become a major problem with more than 17 percent of American children now overweight, and most people realize that poor diet and lack of exercise are to blame. But...
 | 9/20/2010 - The headlines have it all backwards. "Childhood Obesity Might Be Linked to Strain of Cold Virus" says BusinessWeek. "Childhood cold virus could lead to development of obesity" claims the Telegraph (UK). Not to be outdone, MSNBC rolls out this whopper: "Nothing to sneeze at: Common cold virus may make...
| 8/31/2010 - The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, are becoming more apparent due to voluminous new research that has linked them to the natural treatments of many diseases. These findings are staggering to say the least, as it brings hope for ameliorating numerous health ailments. It even seems to...
| 8/15/2010 - In spite of all the hoopla about billions being spent on losing weight, the fact is, most overweight Americans are not trying to lose weight. The number of people dieting is lower now than it has been in 20 years. At the same time, the rate of obesity continues to rise. This may be a hard one to swallow...
| 8/7/2010 - Two new studies have added more reason for concern that high-fructose corn syrup causes significantly more harm to the body than its mere sugar content would suggest.
High-fructose corn syrup contains 55 percent fructose and 45 percent glucose. In contrast, table sugar (also known as sucrose) contains...
| 4/1/2010 - Have you ever been told to eat your food slowly? Parents often encourage their children to eat at a moderate rate and chew their food completely. It turns out that this is good advice. Recent research, conducted by three independent groups, suggests that eating slowly actually reduces caloric intake...
| 1/29/2010 - Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30.0 or greater. BMI is a ratio determined by weight and height. With a large percentage of Americans classified as being obese, research is showing the effects extra weight and obesity have on a person's overall health. Recent studies show that obese...
| 1/9/2010 - Early Americana is remembered in part for its legacy of homesteading and family farming where families grew their own fruits and vegetables, raised their own animals for food, and traded their goods locally with neighbors. Today's American landscape has changed dramatically; a mere one to two percent...
| 1/7/2010 - The number of children in the United Kingdom taking prescription weight loss drugs increased by 15 times between 1999 and 2006, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University College London and published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
"This rise in the use of...
| 1/4/2010 - An analysis of projected health care costs has revealed that by the year 2018, obesity-related medical expenses will top $344 billion. Current estimates suggest that in just ten years 43 percent of Americans will be obese if obesity continues to rise at the current rate.
According to Reed Tuckson...
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