Happiness news, articles and information:
 | 2/25/2016 - According to research from the Office for National Statistics, there are more than half a million people living in the U.K. over the age of 90. That number has tripled in the last 30 years, as the average lifespan continues to increase.
People are living longer than ever before in terms of linear...
 | 5/30/2015 - Most of us know the basics of good health by heart, even if we don't always put them into practice.
Eat right, exercise, avoid stress if you can - these are all hallmarks of good health. However, did you know that devoting yourself to increasing your personal happiness is another factor in reaching...
 | 4/24/2015 - Hypnosis is at work all around us, shining bright through the liquid crystal display (LCD) screen of the television set. Companies spend extraordinary amounts of money to make you think you need their product and they use any form of mass media, from the pixels on the TV to the ink in the magazine to...
 | 2/10/2015 - It's no secret that happiness is beneficial to health, and now researchers from the University College London are attempting to delve deeper, seeking to actually calculate what makes people experience the feel-good emotion from one moment to the next. According to the researchers, pinpointing these...
 | 1/31/2015 - Would it surprise you to know that a stress-free way of life is not only possible, but easy to accomplish?
And the number one obstacle is you.
I can say this because I know that everything in this article applies to me. So, strap in. The following are the kind of realizations you only hear people...
 | 11/15/2014 - Most of us think that negative emotions are the only ones people want to avoid, but the evidence suggests something different.
Research has suggested that depression, for example, is not merely the presence of negative emotional states. There is another, often overlooked factor.
A negative mind...
 | 8/6/2014 - Without exception, everyone is striving to attain more happiness and peace of mind. In fact, everything that we do in life is in one way or another contingent upon increasing our happiness and peace of mind, even though we might not always succeed in attaining it.
Here are some proven tips to help...
 | 5/10/2014 - Life is full of daily stressors that can interfere with feeling happy. We all experience challenges, but the habits that we develop can effectively arm us to better enjoy life. The following guide can increase one's happiness and health.
Research has shown that "earthing" or touching the...
 | 4/19/2014 - The glitz and glam of Hollywood as portrayed in Western culture unforgivingly showcases a standard of living that most Americans will never achieve. These unrealistic lifestyles projected onto the public mainly through television feature material objects like gorgeous condos, fancy cars, designer clothes...
 | 7/18/2013 - Happiness comes easy for some, but for many it's a daily struggle. Some carry the weight of the world on their shoulders, while others see beauty in all things. Unhappy people deal with internal strife, fears, early-life trauma, genetic predispositions, major injuries, losses, etc. Our set points for...
 | 7/6/2013 - We all want to live happy, fulfilled lives. Sometimes, however, it seems like we've become experts at avoiding happiness.
If you are missing out on happiness, you may harbor subconscious beliefs that make it impossible to experience happiness. These beliefs create resistance to happiness, even if...
 | 4/13/2013 10:17:47 PM - We all want to live happy, fulfilled lives. Sometimes, however, it seems like we've become experts at avoiding happiness.
If you are missing out on happiness, you may have subconscious beliefs that make it impossible to experience happiness.
In fact, at some level you may simply believe happiness...
 | 4/12/2013 - Eastern philosophies have advocated it for more than a millennia. Ram Dass wrote a book about it. And now, an iPhone app has collected data on it. The subject is presence and its relation to happiness. Over the last few years, happiness has been a hot topic of research. Scientists have investigated...
 | 3/23/2013 - It should be no wonder why a class based on the science behind happiness is the most popular course offered at Harvard University. As Benjamin Franklin once stated, "The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." Truly, the search...
 | 3/5/2013 - Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a phrase that appears in the original Declaration of Independence.
According to Marci Shimoff in her book Happy for No Reason, "Back in Jefferson's day, the common usage of the word pursue was not to chase after. In 1776, to pursue something meant to...
 | 1/27/2013 - Could four simple phrases really be the key to health, happiness, peace and prosperity? Proponents of Ho'oponopono believe so. Developed by the shamans of Hawaii, this little known system creates effortless flow in life, allowing relationships to be healed along with blocks to health and money.
 | 12/14/2012 - With all the insanity in the world, it is easy to become bogged down with negativity. Destructive weather, economic meltdowns, a toxic environment, GMOs. The list could go on forever. It is natural to become disillusioned, depressed and hostile in light of such bad news. But researchers have discovered...
 | 9/1/2012 - Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Nikola Tesla, Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy all have one thing in common: daily mid-afternoon naps. Linked with clarity, increased performance, memory, mood and even heart health, naps are an economical (and fun) way to boost mental and physical health. Many...
 | 4/20/2012 - Sigmund Freud's American nephew, Edward Bernays (1891-1995), was the first person to take his uncle's ideas and use them to manipulate the masses. Beginning in the early 20th century, through a new method he called public relations, Bernays ushered in the age of American consumerism by showing the government...
 | 1/28/2012 - According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), an estimated 44.3 million Americans, ages 18 and older, suffer from a mental disorder. Depression, included in this number, is reaching epidemic proportions. While the media continues to report on the potentially life-threatening side effects...
 | 11/11/2011 - Happiness is the state in which we were all meant to live. When this state of being eludes you, there are several mood boosting activities you can take part in to ensure low moods are few and far between. Many can even produce identifiable changes in brain chemistry almost instantly.
Get close to...
| 12/11/2010 - Our lives are getting more and more cluttered every year. Running back and forth between a hundred different things every day can make it difficult to remember to stay positive and upbeat. But being happy influences us and everyone around us, and it`s something we can control through our choices. Here...
| 11/19/2010 - A study at the University of Wisconsin confirms meditation can alter the structure of the brain, fostering a brighter outlook and increased empathy. Since positive thinking and emotions affect health, meditation can contribute to overall wellness.
Richard Davidson, a trained psychologist who has...
| 10/30/2010 - As food and fuel costs continue to rise while concerns about conventionally grown produce increase, micro-gardening has become a hot trend among urbanites. Using an array of creative measures, these organic miniature gardens not only provide nutrient dense, locally grown food, but also create a feeling...
 | 7/1/2010 - Yes, you really can eat your way to happiness, but perhaps not in the way you might first imagine. By "happiness," I mean lasting happiness, not the fleeting kind of sensory happiness that might be experienced from sucking the cream filling out of a twinkie. And that's the distinction that really matters...
| 5/11/2010 - This article has been removed
| 4/15/2010 - Sometimes it is the simple things in life that make all the difference in maintaining good health. A recent study published in the European Heart Journal revealed that people who are happy and have a positive outlook on life are less likely to develop heart disease than those who tend to be anxious...
 | 1/13/2010 - The New Year is upon us, and for many people, it includes a New Year's resolution for achieving improved health and happiness in 2010. Here are twenty-five health-enhancing ideas to help you accomplish that goal.
#1 - Replace sodas or soft drinks with tea or water.
#2 - Commit to eating one raw...
 | 1/19/2009 - People who are happier and more satisfied with their lives might also enjoy better health, said a study led by Mohammad Siahpush, Ph.D., professor of health promotion at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.
"Everything else being equal, if you are happy and satisfied with your life...
 | 10/30/2008 - Want to lower your risk of getting breast cancer? Recent research in Israel published in the British journal BMC Cancer has given us one more thing to take note of.
Breast Cancer Statistics
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, after non-melanoma skin cancer, cancer of the...
 | 6/6/2008 - For the last several months, I've been collaborating with renowned author, entrepreneur and content creator Craig Pepin-Donat on a unique, high-density content program that's just been announced this week. It's called The People's Guide to Health, Happiness and Longevity, and it features twelve audio...
 | 5/17/2008 - Research has proven that unhappiness has a negative impact on health. One recent health study found that stress has a delayed impact on cardiovascular health, while another found a link between depression and the formation of atherosclerosis. Statistics show that the incidence of cardiovascular disease...
 | 3/6/2008 - In a blue funk. Apathetic. High-strung. Premenstrual woman from hell. Enervated. Grouchy. Spacey. Turning on the waterworks for no real reason. Swinging from repressed fear to rage like an angst-ridden green monster. Do any of these describe you? Before you pop that Prozac into your mouth, ask yourself:...
| 9/13/2006 - There is growing evidence that positive emotions such as happiness are linked to good health and increased longevity, but too many questions remain unanswered to draw definitive conclusions, according to a review of research conducted over the past 10 years. The paper, authored by Sheldon Cohen, the...
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TV.NaturalNews.com is
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CounterThink Cartoons are
free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.
The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
in the food supply.
Webseed.com offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating.
HealingFoodReference.com offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions.
HerbReference.com is
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foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.