British news, articles and information:
 | 8/1/2016 - The British medical establishment is finally acknowledging the importance of vitamin D and the fact that exposure to sunlight is actually good for you.
A new report from the Government's Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition recommends vitamin D supplements, a diet that includes foods rich in...
 | 10/19/2015 11:13:05 AM - It's already being called one of the biggest cover-ups in the history of British officialdom.
As reported by the UK's Telegraph, a database containing the accounts of victims of alleged child sex abuse who submitted their testimony through a government website has crashed due to what's been described...
 | 9/6/2015 - Increasingly, the leaders of Great Britain appear to be losing their minds, further demonstrating that they seem incapable of distinguishing good, moral public policy from bad.
As noted over at Liberty Blitzkrieg, the British government has essentially launched a war on toddlers with the implementation...
 | 8/18/2015 - For Americans who think that their own government has become overly intrusive (and it has), at least for now Uncle Sam has yet to criminalize self-defense or, more specifically, the tools we use to protect our families and ourselves.
That's not the case in Great Britain where even simple self-defense...
 | 2/24/2015 - More than 34 million gallons of raw sewage is pumped off the shores of Victoria, British Columbia, into the Strait of Juan de Fuca daily, polluting the ocean and its ecosystem in ways that are poorly understood by researchers.
A report by The Tyee titled, "Victoria's Secret: Dumping Raw Sewage Like...
 | 8/25/2014 - A new report by British foreign policy think tank Chatham House says Africa should open wide its doors to genetically modified organisms (GMOs), claiming that they offer incredible advantages over conventional crops. But the report is riddled with flat-out lies, revealing its true agenda to craftily...
 | 4/21/2014 - The corporate medical/dental cabal has always insisted that it was important for the general public to use toxic fluoride because, they claim, it is a good protector of teeth. But now, the British government has run out of excuses in pushing fluoride on its population, because it has taken to forcing...
 | 3/27/2014 - Despite all that is known regarding the nightmarish health problems associated with excessive sugar intake, the British government is refusing to act on or back new recommendations for lower daily sugar levels.
The reason? Most likely, we can chalk it up to conflict of interest.
According to Britain's...
 | 11/23/2013 - Following the lead of Sweden, which recently denounced the conventional low-fat, high-carbohydrate "healthy" diet myth, a cohort of prominent British doctors and professors has come out to declare that saturated fats, which have been demonized for decades, are actually healthy. As reported by the U.K.'s...
 | 11/10/2013 - Authorities in the U.K. are considering the implementation of a new tax that they claim will help curb obesity and promote healthier living. BBC News reports that a new study recently published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) found that a 20 percent tax on sugary beverages like soda pop and processed...
 | 6/22/2013 - The Second Amendment's guarantee of a citizen's right to keep and bear arms for self-defense and other purposes is a key provision of the United States Constitution, but it is an inherent human right that a growing number of British subjects would like to utilize.
The Telegraph, a British newspaper,...
 | 1/9/2013 - There is a scene in Mel Gibson's movie, "The Patriot," in which a great battle was brewing between units of the British and Continental armies near the stately home of Gibson's character, Benjamin Martin.
The evening before the battle, Martin's eldest son Gabriel, a dispatch rider for the Continental...
 | 10/26/2012 - When 61-year-old Colin Farmer, a blind, retired architect and stroke victim from the British town of Lancashire, was forced to the ground recently while walking to meet his friends for dinner, he thought he was being murdered. But in reality, Farmer was actually suffering reckless abuse at the hands...
 | 9/7/2012 - The Canadian province of British Columbia has become the first in that nation to mandate that all healthcare workers get vaccinated yearly for influenza, or else be forced to wear face masks every time they work, according to CBC News. Despite the fact that flu vaccines have never even been proven to...
 | 8/14/2012 - A U.K. group devoted to helping parents customize appropriate vaccination schedules for their children has been targeted by British authorities for posting scientifically-backed warnings about the dangers of the combination measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, also known as MMR. BBC News reports that...
 | 2/20/2012 - British government may use nerve agents on their own people, leading neuroscientists have warned. The agents to be used by police would be banned under an international treaty on chemical weapons, however the government may use a loophole that means it can use the nerve agents against demonstrators...
 | 2/7/2012 - British women are the fattest in Europe, an EU report States. In Britain, 24% of women are classified as obese, compared to just 9.3% in Italy, 12.7% in France and 15.6% in Germany. This is a fact backed up by Britain's own NHS (National Health Service) statistics released during national obesity week....
 | 10/3/2011 - When British television channel ITV was recently caught trying to peddle fake video game footage as if it was actual footage of Irish Republican Army (IRA) fighters shooting down a British helicopter, the network claimed it was an "accident." But to the rest of the world, the stunt represents either...
 | 7/8/2011 - For the past ten years, the British government has been quietly subsidizing research aimed at developing a genetically-modified (GM) potato resistant to blight, the fungal disease responsible for causing the infamous Irish potato famine.
According to Indymedia UK, Sainsbury Laboratory, the group...
 | 6/10/2011 - "When I talk now people ask me where I got my accent from. Well, I got it from a dentist in Toledo." jokes Karen Butler.
Butler believes she has foreign accent syndrome, a condition so rare that there are only 60 known cases worldwide. Butler, a 56-year-old tax consultant who grew up in Toledo, Ore.,...
| 4/4/2011 - On March 11, Freda Birrell, Scotland, and Leslie Carol Botha, U.S., participated in the British Society for Ecological Medicine Spring Scientific Meeting in London, titled: 'A tablet a day keeps the patient at bay: The Health Hazards of Prevention - Vaccinations and Pharmacoprophylaxis.' Attendees included...
| 3/2/2011 - "I believe what prevents men from accepting the homeopathic principles is ignorance, but ignorance is criminal when human lives are at stake. No honest man faced with the facts of homeopathy can refuse to accept it. He has no choice. When I had to face it, I had to become a follower. There was no choice...
| 10/25/2010 - Contamination of British coastal waters with antidepressants is likely changing the behavior of prawns and other marine life, according to a study conducted by researchers from Portsmouth University.
In recent years, scientists have become increasingly aware that pharmaceutical products and byproducts...
| 10/9/2009 - The British National Health Services (NHS) has temporarily suspended its vaccination program after 14-year-old Natalie Morton died a few hours after receiving the Human Papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine Cervarix. The vaccine is given to prevent cervical cancer, which is associated with HPV infection. The...
 | 4/7/2008 - In spite of a government effort to reduce the unnecessary prescribing of antibiotics, general practitioners in the United Kingdom are still giving out the drugs in cases where they are neither necessary nor helpful, according to a study conducted by researchers at the UCL Center for Infectious Disease...
| 8/25/2006 - New statistics from the Health Survey for England predict that more than 12 million adults and 1 million children in England will be obese by 2010.
The Department of Health released statistics today that indicate one in three British adults and one in five children will be obese by the end of the...
| 2/28/2006 - "In about 60% of 2000 referenda held in the U.S. since 1950, fluoridation has been voted down." -- Zev Ramba, Washington Bureau Editor of AGD Impact (the publication of the Academy of General Dentistry). Quoted in the Chemical & Engineering News (8/1/88).
"Avoid a referendum. The statistics are that...
| 5/30/2004 10:47:26 AM - In a groundbreaking report from the British Medical Journal, researchers
who poured over thousands of studies detailing the efficacy of medical
and dental procedures have concluded that many popular surgical
procedures are completely worthless. Among those is one of the most
common procedures...
| See all 82 British feature articles.Concept-related articles:Stroke:Causes:WHO:Disorder:University:Woman:Mind:Fish:Scientists:Article:Reasons:Study:Modern medicine:Acupuncture:Migraines:Doctors:
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