#4) One of the most profitable business models in the world unfortunately involves keeping people sick while covering up the symptoms - it's called pharmaceuticals
by S.D. Wells
To put it mildly, drug companies are not trying to heal anyone. They are in the disease business, and anyone in the US who thinks otherwise is in for a rude awakening.

Big Food/Biotech knows that there's no cure for the results of eating processed, pesticide-laden food that is void of nutrition, so drugs are designed to temporarily relieve the masses of the pain and discomfort of those long-term illnesses.

Pharmaceuticals, taken AS PRESCRIBED, cause more deaths than automobile accidents yearly.

You can choose to lead a life of sickness by eating "sick" food and "managing" the pain using pharmaceuticals, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, but that is not a wise choice.

You can choose to spare your organs of chemicals, by eating organic food and only using organic, natural remedies for prevention and treatment of ailments.

Your immune system will thank you and your longevity will be real and enjoyable!


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