#5) A matrix of damaging chemicals ironically called "food additives" and "food preservatives" cause obesity, cancer and chronic pain
by S.D. Wells
Chemical concoctions can taste good; in fact, they are addicting like a drug. Some kids are so accustomed to the taste of MSG, monosodium glutamate, that they simply turn down foods without it.

From nachos to soups, and from hot dogs to deli-meats, nitrates and nitrites are slowly killing people, while warning them with migraine headaches and vomiting bouts.

Are you dizzy? Are you getting "fat" fast? What's happening to your body? Do vegetables no longer have any taste? Quick, put some irradiated, iodized salt on them and some GMO butter and hydrogenated oil. That'll do the trick.

Are your pickles and peppers jarred with sodium benzoate, the preservative that kills?

The FDA doesn't care about you, and neither do the HUGE corporations that bankroll off your addiction to "junk science" and the pain relievers that cover symptoms of malfunction.

Flag all your food for aspartame, MSG, chlorine-based sweeteners, sodium nitrite, partially-hydrogenated oils and homogenized fats!


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