#8) Just 10 grams a day of soluble, fiber-rich foods help get rid of "intra-abdominal" fat!
by S.D. Wells
Dangerous "visceral fat" is lurking inside humans! We consume gluten and refined sugars, and the fat goes on and on, at the belly and the thighs, for men and women. Then food rots in our gut.

We mess up our digestive track and interfere with healthy bowels, leaning us toward colorectal cancer. And then there is the "whole grains" fiber myth. Certain wheat products contain other contaminants like GMOs and cause more inflammation.

You could get raw fiber that's GOOD for you and burns up the dangerous visceral fat. Eating more soluble fibers is the way to go, according to new research conducted by a team of scientists. It could be as simple as eating two small apples, one cup of green peas and one-half cup of pinto beans.

Also check out organic rye and barley, plums, bananas and pears! Add some chia seed to your smoothies and off you go! No colorectal cancer for you!


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