Talk about orchestrated censorship, the O’Biden Regime was so corrupt they’re still gunning for complete censorship of any accountability and tracking of the trillions of taxpayer dollars that have gone missing since their reign of terror.
The Democrats are using corrupt judges to stop the wave of inspections from DOGE into the mass fraud, claiming it is illegal to try to track where they sent $4.7 trillion dollars or more over the past four years.
The Democrat politicians are trying to bang down the doors of the corrupt 3-letter agencies so they can wipe the emails and bank transfers from their computers before they get caught embezzling millions of dollars. The ones screaming the loudest are obviously the biggest crooks. The terror squad is terrified.
The Democrat base is coming unglued. The only thing holding them all together was fraud and censorship. Transparency is their undoing. It’s their Achilles’ heel and it’s getting utterly ruptured. It used to be that if a politician got some kickbacks from some pharma guru or lobbyist, everyone just accepted it as part of the perks of being a powerful person high up in the government.
Everyone knows that most politicians get in the “game” to work deals that afford them some insider trading tips for investing in Big Food, Big Pharma, Big Ag, and the stock market. They approve certain legislation or pharma products and then bet the farm on the stock. There’s also that revolving door where pharma CEOs and CFOs get jobs working for the CDC, FDA or EPA, then get legislation drawn up to benefit their former pharma company, then quit the agency and go right back to work for the medical industrial complex.
This, however, is a horse of a different color. We are not talking about some politicians making a few extra hundred grand from some shady investments. This is not a few crooks at the top of government embezzling a million dollars and splitting it up 5 ways either. This is by far the biggest theft ever committed in the history of the world. There could be as many as 1,000 politicians deep into this $5 trillion dollar heist that has taken place, and every taxpayer, whether a Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, or Independent should be up in arms about it, cheering on DOGE, Trump and Musk for uncovering it all.
The fake news media won’t even talk about it. All they’re covering is their own outrage at being investigated for fraud. How dare anyone uncover the criminals' acts! Don’t the criminals have a right to privacy? If a bank robber steals a million dollars from Bank of America tomorrow, and anyone videotapes him coming out of the bank, the Democrats would argue that the videographer should be arrested for illegally filming someone without their permission and showing the public the footage.
The Democrats and Fake News will never learn. None of them have fessed up to their lies, censorship and crimes yet, even as they are completely exposed. As for American patriots, the future is so bright, we have to wear shades. It's truly a joy to watch the climate change hoax collapse, the gender fluid movement die off, the borders close up, and the military industrial complex faulter. God bless America. now tune your apocalypse dial to for updates on real news about surviving the Democrat-led government aggression, lies, and propaganda that comes at us every day now.
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