Forget about people suffering from losing their homes to fire or flood, the Democrats couldn’t care less. Forget about homeless people who can’t even find food or medicine, because the Democrats and Liberals are too busy thinking about sex, sex, and more sex. Who can we have sex with next? What gender am I today? Did someone call me sir when I’m a ma’am today, or vice versa? How dare them. This is all that’s on the minds of Dems and Libs, especially the politicians who are filthy rich from embezzling, insider trading, and USAID over the past 4 years.
Democrat politicians in Ohio are all set to ARREST men, on the spot while ejaculating, if they are not solely intent on getting a women pregnant with that sperm. The insane Liberal thought police always have sex on their mind, and they want to be standing in the room with cops to cuff any naked men who are climaxing anywhere except aiming inside the woman so the seeds meet the eggs. Got bad aim? You’re under arrest, sir.
You cannot make this up, unless of course you are a Democrat politician. Yes, the Democrats in Ohio, two State Representatives in fact, just introduced LEGISLATION that fines men for not getting women pregnant during sex. This must also mean that using a condom is illegal, because that too means the man is NOT intent on getting the woman pregnant. Can boys be arrested for this also if they’re not trying to get their teen girlfriend pregnant? Will this new law apply to minors also?
The bill is called the “Conception Begins at Erection Act.” No man or boy in Ohio shall be allowed to use an erection for any purpose other than getting a female pregnant. Any man or boy who has an erection at any time who cannot PROVE without reasonable doubt they are intent on impregnating a female will be CHARGED WITH A FELONY under the law in Ohio. Trump better not travel to Ohio anytime soon. Is that a flashlight in your pocket or are you thinking about impregnating a girl?
Democrat lawmakers plan on charging haphazard ejectors $1,000 for the first climax, $5,000 for the second load, and $10,000 for any more rounds of sperm found after that, according to the legislation being proposed. That’s what men get for trying to regulate women’s bodies, say the Demonic Dems. It’s a revenge law.
Strange how the Democrats, who fight tooth and nail for third-term and day-of-birth abortions want more men impregnating women everywhere. Must be an abortion fundraising law where the Ohio Democrats get kickbacks for each Planned Parenthood abortion, that’s then black marketed over to a Biotech labs for making food ingredients and vaccines.
Men in Ohio, be warned. If you watch pornography or go to a strip club and get an erection, be sure you’re thinking about getting a woman pregnant, or the Democrat and Liberal thought police will be taking you downtown to book you for haphazard ejection, which will be a felony crime. Only time will tell if there will be an amendment to that law for premature ejaculation, and exactly how much "fluid" qualifies for that. Enjoy.
Tune your internet dial to for updates on extreme liberals with insane agendas trying to get everyone else to be perverts who are thinking about sex, sexual identity, and masturbating all day instead of anything that really matters at all.
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