You do not know this because all of the media that feeds you information 24/7/365 is scripted to fit the narrative that is the exact opposite of what is happening to you, your rights, and the decay of Western society as we know it. Remember this, nobody ever called Donald J. Trump a racist or white supremacist BEFORE he ran for President in 2016. Nobody. Every host on The View and other talk shows loved him, hugged him, praised him, including the most famous black women on the planet.
You see, all big media, including television news, internet news and social media news is run by the most insidious politicians on earth, not Orange Man. This is the “news” that convinced Democrats and Liberals for 4 long years that Russia colluded with Trump to steal the 2016 election. That was a big hoax. This is the “news” that convinced Democrats and Liberals for years that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation and didn’t even exist. You got brainwashed, and you are still being brainwashed. Wake up and smell the communist-brewed coffee you’ve been drinking since Obama spent 8 years hypnotizing you.
#1. Open borders – what if illegal immigrant criminals were to invade YOUR home and attack you and your loved ones, rape, murder or traffic your children?
#2. Forced vaccination during a new plandemic – mRNA jabs caused horrific outcomes, including healthy people having heart attacks, strokes, miscarriages and vascular clotting that exacerbated many other conditions, including killing millions of people who had preexisting diseases and disorders.
#3. Gender-bender genitalia-mutilation surgery of children and teens without parental knowledge or permission – the “all in” stance of Liberals for everything “trans” is enabling the far Left to warp children’s minds and brainwash them into dangerous surgeries that can destroy their self-worth, reproductive ability, libido and ability to urinate properly, leading to thoughts of suicide.
#4. Never-ending proxy wars around the globe – any one of these wars could instantly lead to World War III, decimating America and leading to mass death, starvation, radiation poisoning and violent chaos that comes right into your home.
#5. Supporting Mexican and Chinese drug cartels trafficking fentanyl in USA – what if your children or teenagers go to a party and get drugged up with fentanyl by some pervert and they get abducted, trafficked, or overdose and die? It happens all the time now thanks to the open borders and defunded police programs.
#6. Communist strategies for the economy – price controls, supply chain decimation, and the end of gasoline and diesel fuels means the complete destruction of the U.S. economy, unbearable inflation, massive food shortages and never-ending power outages. Is that really what you want?
#7. Fake “climate change” (zero carbon) narrative and electric cars – Do you really want to pay double or triple for vehicles, repairs, and parts, and then wait in lines a mile long to recharge your vehicle at a charging station that creates MORE pollution that gas-powered vehicles? Are you aware of weather weaponry technology that’s causing massive forest fires and irregular super-storms? Escape the climate change cult, vote for sanity and safety.
#8. Supporting illegal immigrants voting in U.S. elections – if you end up hating the new socialist-communist-Democrat rule of the country, you won’t be able to vote it out of power when half the country includes non-citizens voting for more free stuff and fewer rights.
Tune your apocalypse dial to for updates on real news about surviving the Democrat-led government aggression, lies and propaganda that will certainly manifest into complete chaos and destruction of America should they steal the upcoming election. #KommieObamaCommunism
Sources for this article include:
5 months ago
It was too late back in 2018 when Trump chose to ignore the mid-term election theft of the people's house!!!
5 months ago
Kamala is a Communist, as all of her "policies" are.
Yes, we have a free press from our Constitution. But we have an owned press.
Who owns our "free" press? I know.
5 months ago
Instead of just calling names and sillyously (unprofessionally) attacking Trump, KKK (Kute Kommie Kamala) needs to read V.I. Lenin's 1902 "What Is To Be Done" (who the hell knows). Search for scapegoats for KKK's electoral dusaster has already begun.