The Bible nutrition educator based his sermon on the Gospel of St. Mark in the Holy Bible, in particular the gospel's 13th chapter. According to Adams, many people are familiar with it because it has been taught often in churches across America and around the world.
A passage from the chapter reads: "Jesus, answering them, began to say: 'Take heed that no one deceived you, for many will come in My Name saying, 'I am He' and will deceive many. But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows.'" (Mark 13:5-8)
Adams explained that this is about Christ warning His followers to not be deceived by false prophets or false messiahs. They were also advised to not be anxious with news of wars, or rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines and troubles.
In other words, do not believe the fearmongers.
But since Jesus prophesied the End Times, people have seen famines, earthquakes and wars – including two world wars – as signs of the end. According to Adams, it is easy for people to look at things today like it is the worst because there are things happening today that have never happened before.
The Gospel of Mark also discussed the Great Tribulation (Mark 13:9-32), which mirrors the fifth-generation warfare of the modern period. This tribulation will see Christians being persecuted and the Church being attacked. (Related: Sermon 24: Mike Adams discusses theories about the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ.)
According to the and Natural News founder, Jesus was talking about people fleeing corrupt governments and the globalist assault on the Church with His mention of the tribulation.
The Son also told His disciples that they will be hated for following His path and citing Scripture, something that would be deemed hate speech in today's world. Thus, the Messiah told His followers to keep the faith and not give in to tyranny. Ultimately, God wants people to be aware, awake, alive, prepared and ready at all times.
"So be ready. Be ready for the wrath of God. Be ready for the return of Christ. Be ready for the Tribulation. Be ready for the rapture," the Health Ranger said.
"Be ready for nearby cities to get hit with giant space rocks. Be ready for earthquakes and war. And be ready for the fake alien invasions in the night sky. Be ready for it all and be mindful otherwise you will be easily deceived."
Follow for more articles about the End Times prophecy.
Listen to the 31st sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams about the End Times.
This video is from the Abundance Church channel on
Jeffrey Prather: Culture change is part of fifth-generation warfare – Brighteon.TV.
Sermon 56: Mike Adams discusses the biblical COSMIC IMPACTS prophesied to reset Earth.
We really are living in the end times.
Health Ranger Report: World nearing Great Tribulation period, Tom Hughes tells Mike Adams.
Jeffrey Prather talks about fifth-gen warfare and how Americans can fight for freedom – Brighteon.TV.
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5 months ago
"Roman Jewish" seems to be an oxymoron to me
5 months ago • edited
I see many Christians as mostly uninformed. The book called Revelation for example is a collection of various apocalyptic writings written during the early beginnings of the Roman Jewish occupation. The Revelation writings are all mixed in together from several similar writings and is the reason the Book was not accepted into the Bible for over 600 years.
Revelation presents no particular future reliable events. It in fact expects the events in it to being the “end” of their (the Jewish) world, i.e. meaning the complete destruction of their pagan system of sacrificial worship, which represents the end of “their” world. There are no prophecies in the Bible that are intended to happen more than a “generation” (40 years) in the future.
The reason, is, that such predictions cannot “prove” the prophet as being a true prophet, from a false one. Predictions of events hundreds of years in the future have no benefit to the “hearers” of such “future” prophecy. see: Biblically speaking, the end of one age “the world” always initiates the beginning of another “new” (age). Go here to learn more:
5 months ago
The End Times are here!
And they came just like the Bible said,
because stupid Humans worship the
Children of Satan as “gods” and let their
father, Satan, rule our planet!
Now the stupid, cowardly Humans
will get what they deserve!