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Everything has changed in the Middle East after the IDF’s fake attack
10/29/2024 // News Editors // Views

After Tame Attack On Iran, It’s Clear Israel Will Never Dominate Mideast Geopolitical And Military Chessboard Again

State of the Nation

The entire Middle East military and geopolitical chessboard has radically changed since the inception of Israel in 1947. For example, Iran and other enemies of Israel now possess some of the most advanced drone weapon technology and hypersonic ICBM weaponry on the planet. Not only that, but Iran now has nuclear weapons which can turn Israel into a vitrified parking lot in a matter of hours.

(Source: ISRAEL IS DONE! It’s over—finished as a nation-state. Here’s why.)

(Article republished from StateOfTheNation.co)

That stark reality alone is enough to keep the genocidal Zionist state of Israel in fear of the overwhelming military reprisal that Iran can now conduct, and with much greater destruction than ever by the month.

In point of fact, Israel has pissed off so many major military powers that even the military might of the U.S. Armed Forces can no longer be counted on.  As follows:

Much more significantly, many secret mutual defense treaties have been signed by various BRICS-aligned nations so that, when and if Israel ever attacks Iran again, the Zio-Anglo-American Axis is really fighting Russia, China, India, Turkey, Egypt among others. Given the level of highly advanced weaponry aimed at Israel in an all-out firefight, Israel would be reduced to rubble in a day and a night.

(Source: ISRAEL IS DONE! It’s over—finished as a nation-state. Here’s why.)

Iran’s Mysterious Weapon More Devastating Than Nukes – Israel In A Real Panic

Now Israel has made its bed of thorns, as it continues to with the wholesale slaughter of women and children, elderly and infirm on a daily basis in all Palestinian territories as well as throughout Lebanon and Syria.

As the most hated country on the planet, Israel can no longer weather the massive loss of export revenue, especially after they blew up the various devices killing even more innocents.  Who would ever trust any technology made in Israel again?

Likewise, imports into Israel have also been significantly curtailed after alienating so many nations around the globe.  Many companies have ceased doing all business altogether with Israel, even giving up huge profits after witnessing the horrific Gaza Genocide.  And those trade relationships will never be re-established on principle alone.

Israel: 11 months of war have battered the country’s economy

Once Israel’s economy goes into a real free-fall collapse, the settlers will vacate the sinking ship as many are already doing to seek safety outside of a full-scale war zone.  Many MSM news outlets have already reported that millions of citizens have left Israel and will never go back given the constant threat of total annihilation as the Christian Zionists incessantly pray for … ‘so that Jesus can return’.

Then there is the now quiet very work of the global BDS Movement.  The countless BDS advocates worldwide, both individual and institutional, have finally learned that they had to silently carry out their secret mission to bankrupt Israel.  In this way, the movement is very stealthily shutting down economic relations and financial lifeblood to what is essentially a Zionist terrorist state.

Read more at: StateOfTheNation.co

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