During his sermon based on St. Paul's First Letter to the Thessalonians, the Bible nutrition educator said the concept of the rapture is highly controversial, and there are several different views and opinions on what it means. In his letter, the apostle pertained to the return of Christ, and why being a person who walks in alignment with the Lord's teachings is important.
One verse Adams cited reads: "But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope." (1 Thessalonians 4:13)
When someone is ignorant of what is happening in the world, that person is said to be asleep. In contrast, when someone is aware, that person is said to be awake. According to the Health Ranger, people even share stories with each other about when they awaken during a particular event.
The letter further reads: "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first." (1 Thessalonians 4:16)
According to Adams, this attests to the return of Jesus Christ – the human projection or personification of the Lord Himself – at the End of Days. When the Lord Himself "descends from heaven with a shout," this would most likely be a cosmic biblical shout – a great psychic awakening touching people's consciousness at the same time.
Those who died as believers will rise and their souls will be welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven, and so will other believers who are alive. Meeting the Lord in the air illustrates the supernatural superposition of Heaven, Adams remarked. (Related: Life after death is real! Here are 5 examples of people that met Jesus during near death experiences.)
When the souls in Christ come together to meet in the clouds in the Lord, it insinuates a recalling of the souls back to the great union of God. Thus, the rapture mentioned in St. Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians speaks about the believers rejoining God at the soul level to spend eternity with Him.
"What this means is that we are going to be recalled from this earthly realm to rejoin the Lord, our Creator, in the hyper-dimensional reality known as Heaven. And that's when we become one with the Creator, which is where we started," said the founder of Natural News and Brighteon.com.
"In that process, the individuation of what you have experienced on this Earth as being separate from other people … fades away. And in joining with the Lord, we are joining with all the souls that He allowed to have the adventure of life on Earth as a projection; a little tiny sliver of the consciousness of the mind of God."
Head over to Awakening.news for more stories about the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ.
Listen to the 24th sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams about the rapture.
This video is from the Abundance Church channel on Brighteon.com.
Sermon 7: Being FREED by Christ and WALKING IN THE SPIRIT.
Sermon 14: Some people prefer slavery over the JOURNEY to freedom with God.
Sermon 69: God already gave humanity the answers to pass the FINAL EXAM OF LIFE.
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5 months ago
God's goal in Christ is to resurrect, purge, heal, and establish the eternal kingdom of God on this earth. Rapture is mans thought brought about by John Nelson Darby (1800-1882) it wasn't even a concept that Jesus would have known. Like Paul, who wrote those words. Resurrection on this planet fit within and is the whole concept of a New Heavens and New Earth when all have been judged. That is the end game. Not the destruction of this planet for a new home in heaven. If GOD wanted more angels, you would've been born/created one! Satan blinds the minds of the unbelievers with man's thoughts and words!
5 months ago
That picture is reminiscent of the Carousel in Logans Run!!!
5 months ago
The word rapture - nor the doctrine of the secret rapture - is not found in any Bible translation. The origin of the doctrine of the rapture begins with the Scottish minister Edward Irving (1792–1834). It was John Darby (1800–1882), an English minister, who developed the “scriptural” arguments to support the doctrine of the rapture.