Gazprom CEO says EU is committing “energy suicide” by boycotting cheap Russian gas
10/11/2024 // Ethan Huff // Views

Germany faces its second consecutive year of economic recession thanks to the European Union (EU) globalists who cut off Europe's supply of cheap energy from Russia in a temper tantrum over the situation in Ukraine.

All that inexpensive, abundant gas that used to flow through the now-destroyed Nord Stream pipelines is no longer fueling Germany's once-robust economy – and for what?

Alexey Miller, the CEO of Russia's state-run Gazprom energy giant, says the EU gas market is seeing "demand destruction" right now because the bloc's leaders have decided to commit "energy suicide" with sanctions and other political machinations.

At the recent St. Petersburg International Gas Forum in Russia, Miller explained how gas in Germany and elsewhere throughout Europe is now needlessly high in price, and with limited supply, due to the West blowing up Nord Stream and rejecting Russian energy.

"Some [experts] say that [the situation] may be described as Europe's energy suicide," Miller said. Others, he continued, are observing that the "economic locomotive" of Europe has turned into "the sick man of Europe," this being a reference to Germany, Europe's former economic powerhouse.

(Related: Nobody wants to fess up to blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines – Washington is blaming Ukraine, of course.)

The deindustrialization of Europe continues

Last year, Europe's largest economy contracted by 0.3 percent, largely due to the destruction of Nord Stream and the resulting energy crisis. In 2025, Germany's economy is expected to contract another 0.2 percent, according to Berlin's Ministry for Economic Affairs.

Like many outside observers are also seeing, Miller noted that a "deindustrialization of Europe" is taking place that will only further disrupt the continent's gas market. He warned that the current trend could lead to "a new price shock for gas and supply disruptions."

Corrupt EU policies have already created a nearly 10 percent decline in European industrial production, which is now at its lowest levels in a decade. And things will only further deteriorate, he says, especially since industries in the United States, as one example, are spending up to five times less on energy compared to Germany and the EU.

Before the Western-led destruction of Nord Stream, the EU received most of its energy from Russia in the form of natural gas. The attack on Nord Stream has left Europe struggling to find alternatives, especially since it already went "green" and got rid of most of its own energy production infrastructure in order to stop "global warming."

Statistics out of the EU show that Russia's share of EU gas supplies, meaning the amount of Russian energy used in Europe, plunged from 45 percent in 2021 to just 15 percent in 2023. That roughly 15 percent of Russian energy that still flows to Europe now comes via Ukraine as part of a contract signed by Gazprom and Naftogaz in 2019 – a contract, by the way, that is scheduled to expire at the end of 2024 because Kiev has no plans to extend it.

"All of this stupid warmongering by the Zio-West is infantile and immature at its roots," one commenter wrote about the pathetic Western leadership that is behind all this anti-Russia deindustrialization.

"He's right," wrote another about what Miller said at the gas forum. "Russia takes some former Russian territories back from Ukraine and seeing this, Europe commits Harakiri or Seppuku," these two terms referring to ancient Japanese forms of ritualistic suicide.

Others noted that Russia has since found new markets for all the gas and oil that once flowed to Europe, which means that even if the EU comes crawling back to Russia begging for the energy pipelines to be restored, it will be tough luck.

"Europe is going to suffer another great depression and this time war or colonialism will not save it."

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